Osmosis and Water Potential in Plants

Osmosis and
Water Potential
in Plants
AP Big Ideas:
#2 & #4
Terms describe the solutions!
What if there is more than one
solute that can diffuse?
What is water potential?
 Defintion:
The tendency of water to
move from one area to another due to
osmosis and pressure.
A form of potential energy.
Water potential in a plant
Is the
ly high
or low?
Role of Xylem and Phloem
Comparing Xylem and Phloem
Source vs. Sink
Let’s look at osmosis in terms of
water potential:
Salting the roads?
 How
does salting the roads affect the
ecological balance along highways?
 What about runoff of other solutes from
excessive fertilizing?
 As
a class, we are going to compare
water potential of different plant parts:
Roots, Stems, Tubers, Leaves, Fruit
 Each
group will develop a standard curve
to estimate the water potential of their
assigned plant part.
You will be able to make a 1 M sucrose
solution, and then you will use serial dilutions
to make known sucrose standards.
How to use sucrose
concentration to solve for
water potential?
What will you use for
 What
will your indepent and dependent
variables be?
 What can you use your standard curve to
solve for?