no outside sources may be used

Choose one of the following quotes and one question. Write a multi-paragraph essay
(introduction, conclusion and two or more body paragraphs) in which you use ideas suggested
by the quote to answer your question about Antigone.
In the end it is the ancient codes—oh my regrets!—that one must keep
Prudence is the best of all our wealth—as folly is the worst of all our woes.
The braggart’s pompous tongue is hated most by Zeus.
No woman while I live shall govern me.
Some god has cast his spell, has hit me hard from heaven.
Man cannot flatter fate.
High and mighty words and ways are flogged to humbleness . . .
1. What part do the gods play in bringing about Creon’s epiphany?
2. How much responsibility falls on the citizens for the deaths of Antigone and Haemon?
3. What part does the Curse of Oedipus play in the tragedy?
4. How do expectations of a woman’s role affect the outcome of Antigone?
5. What effect do the odes have on the audience’s understanding of the play?
6. How could Antigone function as a warning to kings?
7. What does the play suggest about the relationship between ruler and citizens?
You must go beyond plot and draw conclusions that answer the question and can be supported
by the text. In other words, draw conclusions (your original answers to the question) and use
the play to support your conclusion. You are not limited to the quote which you choose, but
should use other quotations to add to your support.
Your thesis is the answer to the question—It should be analytical, beyond plot.
Analysis: the process of breaking a topic into smaller parts in order to gain a better understanding of it;
to develop conclusions by identifying motives or causes, making inferences, and/or finding evidence
Verbs associated with analysis: arrange, connect, infer (ie: make logical, educated guesses), compare,
order, correlate, contrast, examine, find and explain patterns.
One way to analyze a topic is to ask “why?” Use your imagination, make guesses to answer “why”—
then examine those guesses or inferences to see if they can be supported by the text.
Example: Imagine you are writing a multi-paragraph essay for the topic “How does Creon cause the
tragedy of Antigone?”
PLOT: Creon causes the tragedy because he makes a bad law and he never backs down.
Go a bit further: Creon makes the bad law because of his hubris (STILL RECALL) and has to be taken
down a notch because of that (STILL RECALL)
1. Brainstorm ideas
o Creon has to be taken down a notch because his hubris causes tragedy.
2. Then go deeper by taking it apart and asking “why?” Keep asking “why”— Take any part of
the previous response and ask “why?” to go deeper yet.
o why does Creon’s hubris cause tragedy?
 his decisions are irrevocable
o why are they irrevocable?
 because they involve death; because he’s afraid to back down;.
o why is he afraid to back down?
 because he’s insecure; because he’s a man
o why is he insecure?
 because he’s not the “real” king; he’s only the brother-in-law of the real king
(he’s Jocasta’s brother); he was only regent; wasn’t brought up to rule; maybe
he’s still jealous of Oedipus; doesn’t trust anyone
o why does this made him insecure?
 he’s afraid someone may take his throne, as he took it from the sons of
Oedipus; he knows his city is unstable; he’s dependent on others (Tiresias) for
his power; maybe he doesn’t feel confident because he wasn’t brought up to
rule; maybe he feels guilt over his success;
o why might he feel guilt?
 Greek attitude toward humility and simplicity; he’s achieved success through
deaths of others; maybe knows he’s wrong
…and so on. Each “why” uncovers another layer, and so you go deeper and deeper. Look over your
ideas. They should all show some analysis and original thinking. Start looking for patterns or anything
that seems interesting to you. For example, you might wonder if Antigone, too, may be fundamentally
insecure as a result of her family background and if this feeds into Creon’s lack of confidence.
Brainstorm. Compare, contrast, find order in your ideas and arrange them. Make sure you find support
from the text to back up your ideas. If you do this, you should be well on your way to writing an original,
analytical essay! Remember, your essay is just a means of communicating your thinking.
points possible
INTRODUCTION-creative title, -hook, smooth transition
--clear thesis—analytical, answers question
-- t.sentences
-statement, proof (idea before proof)
--information accurate
--question addressed thoroughly
--appropriate, specific examples, no plot summary
-- knowledge of literary work apparent
--ideas fully developed
--sentence / paragraph structure clear
--transitions used within paragraphs
--writing style lucid, articulate
--original ideas show critical thinking
-- beyond recall
-- ideas supported with solid info/examples
-- quote is relevant, supports TS
--smoothly incorporated
-not repetitive, sums up, wraps up ideas
-1 point each error in spelling, grammar, formal
TOTAL POINTS ____________
points received