Thematic Elements in Sophocles' tragic play Antigone

Themes in Sophocles’
play Antigone
There are five major themes present in
Sophocles’ tragic play Antigone
1. Man’s Law versus God’s Law
Which law is more important to obey?
2. Anarchy versus Citizenry
The emphasis
is on the
The emphasis
is on the
What should have more value, yourself or others?
3. Gender: The Position of Women
in Society
Are women truly equal in today’s society? What
stereotypes still exist, if any?
4. The Threat of Tyranny/The Right
to Rule
Tyranny is defined as one person having
absolute power that uses that power
unjustly or unfairly.
Is King Creon a tyrant? Or is he just
protecting the collective interest of the
Theban citizens?
Do you think we should worry about the
threat of tyranny in today’s society?
5. The dangers of excessive hubris
Would Antigone benefit from humility? What
about Creon? What about some of the
people you know? What about yourself?
 As
we continue to read Sophocles’
play, keep these universal themes in
 In
Scene Two, especially, these difficult
questions are raised numerous times.