Waddington, L. (2015) 'Fine-tuning non

Disability reading list
The following is a selection of key books and journal articles on disability. The
Equality and Human Rights Commission’s Library & Information Service regrets it is
unable to supply copies of the items listed. Please contact your academic/public
library should you wish to read any of these items.
We would be very pleased to receive suggestions of additional key books and
journal articles that we could to add to this Reading List. Please e-mail
library@equalityhumanrights.com if you have any to make.
Barnes, C. (1994) Disabled People in Britain and Discrimination: A Case for Antidiscrimination Legislation. London: C.Hurst & Co Ltd.
Barnes, C. and Mercer, G. (2004) Implementing the Social Model of Disability:
Theory and Research, Leeds: The Disability Press.
Barnes, C., Mercer, G. and Shakespeare, T. (2010) Exploring Disability: A
Sociological Introduction. 2nd edition, Cambridge: Polity Press.
Barnes, C., Oliver, M. and Barton, L. (2002) Disability Studies Today. London: Polity.
Bell, D. and Heitmueller, A. (2009) 'The Disability Discrimination Act in the UK:
helping or hindering employment among the disabled?' Journal of Health Economics,
28, 2: 465-80.
Berthoud, R. (2011) Trends in the Employment of Disabled People. Colchester:
Institute for Social and Economic Research.
Borsay, A. (2005) Disability and Social Policy in Britain since 1750. Basingstoke:
Cabinet Office Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit. (2005) Improving the Life Chances of
Disabled People Final Report London: Cabinet Office.
Campbell, J. and Oliver, M. (1996) Disability Politics: Understanding Our Past,
Changing our Future. London: Routledge.
Clements, L. and Read, J. (2008) Disabled People and the Right to Life: The
Protection and Violation of Disabled People's Most Basic Human Rights. London:
Coleman, N., Sykes, W. and Groom, C (2014) Barriers to Employment and Unfair
Treatment at Work, a Quantitative Analysis of Disabled People's Experiences. EHRC
Research Report no. 88. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Coleman, N., Sykes, W. and Walker, A. (2014) Crime and Disabled People:
Baseline Statistical Analysis of Measures from the Formal Legal Inquiry into
Disability-related Harassment. EHRC Research Report no. 90. Manchester: Equality
and Human Rights Commission.
Crowther, N. (2007) 'Nothing without us or nothing about us?', Disability and Society
22, 7: 791-94.
Danieli, A. and Wheeler, P. (2006) 'Employment policy and disabled people: old wine
in new glasses?' Disability & Society, 21, 5: 485-98.
Disability Rights Commission (2006) Changing Britain for Good: Putting Disability at
the Heart of Public Policy. Stratford-upon-Avon: Disability Rights Commission.
Doyle, B. (2008) Disability Discrimination: Law and Practice. 6th edition. Bristol:
Jordan Publishing.
Equality and Human Rights Commission (2009) Promoting the Safety and Security
of Disabled People. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Equality and Human Rights Commission (2010a) The United Nations Convention on
the Rights of People with Disabilities: What Does it Mean for You? Manchester:
Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Equality and Human Rights Commission (2010b) Making Rights a Reality:
Implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Equality and Human Rights Commission (2011) Hidden in Plain Sight: Inquiry into
Disability-Related Harassment Manchester: Equality and Human Rights
Commission. http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/legal-and-policy/our-legalwork/inquiries-and-assessments/inquiry-disability-related-harassment/downloadinquiry-report
Ferrie, J., Lerpiniere, J., Paterson, K., Pearson, C., Stalker, K. and Watson, N.
(2008) An In-Depth Examination of the Implementation of the Disability Equality
Duty: A Research Report of the Disability Equality Duty. London: Office for Disability
Issues. http://socialwelfare.bl.uk/subject-areas/services-client-groups/adultsdisabilities/officefordisabilityissues/indepth08.aspx
Fletcher, A. and O'Brien, N. (2008) 'Disability Rights Commission: from civil rights to
social rights', Journal of Law and Society 35, 4: 520-50.
Fraser Butlin, S. (2011) The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities: does the Equality Act 2010 measure up to UK internal commitments?
Industrial Law Journal, 40, 4: 428-38.
Gill, M, Schlund-Vials, C.J (2014) Disability, Human Rights and the Limits of
Humanitarianism. Farnham: Ashgate.
Gooding, P (2015) 'Navigating the ‘flashing amber lights’ of the right to legal
capacity in the United Nations Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities:
responding to major concerns', Human Rights Law Review, 15, 1: 45-71.
Haines, S. and Ruebain, D. (eds) (2011). Education, Disability and Social Policy.
Bristol: Policy Press.
Harnacke, C. (2013) 'Disability and capability: exploring the usefulness of Martha
Nussbaum's capabilities approach for the UN Disability Rights Convention', Journal
of Law, Medicine and Ethics, 41, 4: 768-80.
Harwood, R. (2014) ‘"The dying of the light"’: the impact of the spending cuts, and
cuts to employment law protections, on disability adjustments in British local
authorities', Disability & Society, 29, 10:1511-23.
Hemingway, L. (2011) Disabled People and Housing: Choices, Opportunities and
Barriers. Bristol: Policy Press.
Hoque, K., Bacon, N. and Parr, D. (2014) 'Employer disability practice in Britain:
assessing the impact of the Positive about Disabled People "two ticks" symbol',
Work, Employment and Society, 28, 3: 430-51.
Hunter, C., Hodge, N., Nixon, J., Parr, S. and Willis, B (2007) Disabled People's
Experiences of Anti-Social Behaviour and Harassment in Social Housing: A Critical
Review. London: Disability Rights Commission.
Incomes Data Services (2010) Disability Discrimination (Employment Law
Handbook). London: Incomes Data Services Ltd.
Jones, M. and Wass, V. (2013) 'Understanding changing disability-related
employment gaps in Britain 1998–2011', Work, Employment and Society, 27, 6: 9821003.
Kayess, R. and French, P. (2008) 'Out of darkness into light: introducing the
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities', Human Rights Law Review 8,
1: 1-34.
Lawson, A. (2008) Disability and Equality Law in Britain: The Role of Reasonable
Adjustments. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Lawson, A. (2011) 'Disability and employment in the Equality Act 2010: opportunities
lost, seized and generated', Industrial Law Journal, 40, 4: 359-83.
Lawson, A. and Gooding, C. (2005) Disability Rights in Europe: From Theory to
Practice. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Lockwood, G., Henderson, C. and Thornicroft, G. (2014) 'Mental health disability
discrimination: law, policy and practice', International Journal of Discrimination and
the Law, 14, 3:168-82.
Miller, P., Gillinson, S. and Huber, J. (2006) Disabilist Britain: Barriers to
Independent Living for Disabled People in 2006. London: Scope.
Monaghan, K. (2005). Blackstone's Guide to the Disability Discrimination legislation,
London: Oxford University Press.
Morris, J. (2011) Rethinking Disability Policy. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Office for Disability Issues (2009) Roadmap 2025: Achieving Disability. London: ODI.
Office for Disability Issues (2011) UK Initial Report on the UN Convention on the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities. London: ODI.
Office for National Statistics (2011) Life Opportunities Survey: Analysis of Barriers to
Partcipation Across a Range of Life Areas, 2009/10. Newport: ONS.
Oliver, M. (2009) Understanding Disability: from Theory to Practice, 2nd edition.
London: Palgrave MacMillan.
Patrick, R. (2011) 'The wrong prescription: disabled people and welfare
conditionality'. Policy & Politics, 39, 2: 275-91.
Priestley, M. (2003) Disability: A Life Course Approach. Cambridge: Polity
Quarmby, K. (2013) Scapegoat: Why Are We Failing Disabled People. London:
Portobello Books.
Riddell, S. Edward, S., Weedon, E. and Ahlgren, L (2010) Disability, Skills and
Employment: A Review of Recent Statistics and Literature on Policy and
Initiatives, EHRC Research Report no. 59. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights
Commission. http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/publications/ourresearch/research-reports
Rabiee, P. and Glendinning, C. (2010) 'Choice: what, when and why? Exploring the
importance of choice to disabled people', Disability & Society, 25, 7: 827-39.
Roulstone, A. and Barnes, C. (eds.) (2005) Working Futures? Disabled People and
Social Inclusion. Bristol: Policy Press.
Roulstone, A. and Prideaux, S. (2011) Understanding Disability Policy. Bristol: Policy
Roulstone, A., Thomas, P. and Balderston, S (2011) 'Between hate and vulnerability:
unpacking the British criminal justice system's construction of disablist hate crime',
Disability & Society 26, 3: 351-64.
Sayce, L. (2011) Getting In, Staying In and Getting On: Disability Employment
Support Fit for the Future. London: The Stationery Office.
Shah, S. and Priestley, M ( 2011) Disability and Social Change: Private Lives and
Public Policies. Bristol: Policy Press.
Shakespeare, T. (2006) Disability Rights and Wrongs. London: Routledge.
Sin, C.H., Hedges, A. and Cook, C. (2009) Disabled People's Experiences of
Targeted Violence and Hostility. EHRC Research Report no. 21. Manchester:
Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Staniland, L. (2011) Public Perceptions of Disabled People: Evidence from the
British Social Attitudes Survey 2009. London: Office for Disability Issues.
Swain, J., French, S. and Barnes, C. (eds) (2014). Disabling Barriers, Enabling
Environments. 3rd Edition. London: Sage.
Sykes, W., Groom, C. and Desai, P. (2011) Disability-Related Harassment: the Role
of Public Bodies: a Qualitative Research Study, EHRC Research Report no. 78.
Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Waddington, L. (2015) 'Fine-tuning non-discrimination law: exceptions and
justifications allowing for differential treatment on the ground of disability',
International Journal of Discrimination and the Law 15, 1/2:11-37.
Williams, B., Copestake, P., Eversley, J. and Stafford, B. (2008) Experiences and
Expectations of Disabled People. London: Office for Disability Issues.
Williams-Findlay, R. (2011) 'Lifting the lid on disabled people against cuts', Disability
& Society 26, 6: 773-78.
Woodhams, C. and Corby, S. (2007) 'Then and now: disability legislation and
employers’ practices in the UK', British Journal of Industrial Relations, 45, 3: 556-80.
World Health Organization/World Bank (2011) World Report on Disability. Geneva:
World Health Organization.
David Sparrow
Library & Information Services
Equality & Human Rights Commission
July 2015