Chap 21 Test Review

Class Pd_______
US History
Chap 21 Test Review: Early Cold War 2014-15
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Powerpoint online:
Who to know:
Dwight Eisenhower
Mao Zedong
Joseph McCarthy
Nikita Khrushchev
Winston Churchill
Alger Hiss
George Kennan
J. Edgar Hoover
Harry S. Truman
Douglas MacArthur
Franklin D. Roosevelt
George Marshall
Chiang Kai-shek
Joseph Stalin
Ethel & Julius Rosenberg
Eleanor Roosevelt
1. __________________________ WWII Hero; 34th US President first elected in 1952. Program to contain communism
through a policy of “massive retaliation” – decrease military spending by reducing conventional forces and increasing
the US nuclear arsenal. On the domestic front, he supported programs that favored business growth
2. __________________________ 32nd US President who believed that the key to world peace was economic growth
through increased world trade and free enterprise
3. _________________________ Secretary of State (1947-49) and Secretary of Defense (1950-51) under Pres.
Truman. He is credited with containing communism by providing US financial aid to the war-torn countries of Western
Europe and thereby eliminated the conditions that might have been conducive to the spread of communism (when the
economy looks good, communism looks bad!!) Wins Nobel Peace prize for this.
4. _________________________ State Dept official accused of being a Soviet agent; convicted of perjury
5. _________________________ 33rd US President who pledged US support for countries fighting communism
internally or abroad.
6. __________________________ Leader of the Soviet Union during WWII and the Early Cold War – broke his
promises to allow free elections the satellite nations.
7. __________________________ Prime Minister of Great Britain who identified the division between communist
Eastern Europe and the Western European Democracies as “The Iron Curtain” and warned that the Soviets were
tightening their grip on Eastern Europe
8. __________________________ Leader of the Chinese Communists
9. __________________________ American diplomat who wrote the “Long Telegram” which led to the formation of the
US “Containment Policy”
10. __________________________ She represented the US at the UN as chairman of the commission on Human Rights
where she guided the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
11. __________________________ Leader of Japan’s recovery program and commander of US forces in Korea. He
was fired by Pres. Truman for demanding an expansion of the Korean War to include bombing of Chinese ports and
cities (even nukes!)
12. __________________________ US Senator who charged that communists had infiltrated the US State Dept. He
became the leader of the “witch hunt” for communist spies in the US gov’t in the early 1950s
13. __________________________ Soviet dictator after Stalin
14. __________________________ charged with passing atomic secrets to the USSR – executed in 1953. Their guilt
was confirmed by the Venona Papers
15. __________________________ head of the FBI who authorized wiretapping and infiltration of groups suspected of
16. __________________________ Leader of the Chinese Nationalists who failed to save China from communism. Led
his supporters to the island of Taiwan to start a rival Chinese government there.
II. Significant events/policies/organizations etc
Cold War
Warsaw Pact
North Atlantic Treaty Org. (NATO)
National Aeronautics and Space Admin. (NASA)
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Marshall Plan
Berlin Airlift
Berlin Blockade
Project Venona
Truman Doctrine
Containment Policy
McCarren Act
Loyalty Review Program
National Defense Education Act (NDEA)
Potsdam Conference
Korean War
Yalta Conference
satellite nations
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
World Bank
International Monetary Fund (IMF) Declaration of Human Rights
17. __________________________ Mutual Defense Alliance that includes the US and many Western European nations.
This was formed to defend against communist aggression
18. __________________________ This began when North Korea invaded South Korea in an effort to unite the Korean
peninsula under communism. The war ended in a cease-fire in 1953. Communism was contained, but Korea
remains a divided nation
19. __________________________ this program was authorized by Pres Truman to screen federal employees in an
effort to find communists who might have infiltrated the US gov’t
20. __________________________ Mutual Defense Alliance between the communist countries of Eastern Europe
21. __________________________ This international organization (1948) expanded world trade by reducing tariffs and
other trade barriers between nations. (Replaced with the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995).
22. __________________________ US policy to stop the spread of communism worldwide
23. __________________________ Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary. These countries served as a
buffer zone between Germany and the USSR. They were technically independent, but had to be communist and loyal
to the USSR.
24. __________________________ this was the first artificial satellite to orbit the earth, and it was launched by the
USSR. The reaction in the US was alarm! It made it seem like we falling behind the Soviets in science and
technology. It marks the start of the space race and led to increased attention to math and science in US schools.
25. __________________________ the political system in the US where power lies with the people and exercised by
them through free elections
26. __________________________ The economic and political system in the USSR based on one-party gov’t and state
ownership of property (no private property). Industry and agriculture are owned by the state and people are
encouraged to work for the common good. (also known as command economy)
27. __________________________ The economic system in the USA based on private ownership of the means of
production and on individual economic freedom. Most of the means of production, such as factories and businesses,
are owned by private individuals. (also known as free enterprise and a market economy)
28. __________________________ US space agency created out of fear that the US was falling behind the USSR in
29. __________________________ This international organization (1945) stabilizes exchange rates between countries
and lends money to countries in financial crisis
30. __________________________ A 1948 UN document that defines rights that belong to all people. It condemns
slavery and torture, and upholds freedom of speech and religion
31. __________________________ At this conference, a major issue was reparations. USSR favored keeping
Germany weak with heavy reparations while the US favored allowing the German economy to recover with minimal
32. __________________________ This international organization (1944) that still exists today was established to
reduce poverty and finance world economic development by offering loans and technical advice to developing nations
33. __________________________ Era of competition and confrontation between the US and USSR; A clash of
ideologies: Capitalism vs. Communism
34. __________________________ Intelligence/Spy agency that used covert operations and operated in developing
countries in the Cold War era to overthrow anti-American leaders and replace them with pro-US leaders
35. __________________________ This allowed for the arrest of communists in the US in the case of a national
emergency. It also disallowed foreign travel for registered communists and required members of the Communist
Party in the US to register with the Atty Gen.
36. __________________________ The US responded to the Soviet blockade of West Berlin with this mission that used
cargo planes to supply West Berliners with food, medicine and coal
37. __________________________ the program to crack the Soviet spy code
38. __________________________ An economic approach to the Containment Policy that gave European nations US
financial aid to rebuild their economies
39. __________________________ At this conference, the US and Britain agreed to allow the USSR to establish a
communist gov’t in Poland b/c Stalin promised that he would allow non-communists in the gov’t and that he would
allow free elections as soon as possible – a promise he broke. It was also agreed that Germany would be divided into
4 zones
40. __________________________ A military approach to the Containment Policy that pledged US support for countries
opposing communism internally or from abroad
41. __________________________ this was passed in response to the Soviet launch of Sputnik with the intention of
beefing up math, science and foreign language courses for US students
42. __________________________ When the US, France and Britain merged their zones in Germany to form the
country of West Germany (with its own gov’t), the Soviets were alarmed and responded with this.
III. Questions
43. As WWII ended, what 2 factors influenced the Soviet leaders’ thinking?
44. Why did the Egyptians seize control of the Suez Canal?
45. Why in this era did the US formally adopt the motto “In God We Trust” and add “Under God” to the Pledge of
IV. Vocabulary
Early Cold War Crossword
4. a war fought with limited commitment of resources to achieve a limited objective, such
as containing communism __________________
6. economic system based on private (individual or corporate) ownership of the means of
producing goods and services __________________________
7. a policy of threatening a massive response, including the use of nuclear weapons,
against a Communist state trying to seize a peaceful state by force__________________
8. to express a formal disapproval of an action ________________
9. a nation whose economy is primarily agricultural ____________________ ________________
10. This is a mistake: nothing to fill in here sorry 
11. an economic and political system that advocates for collective (gov’t) ownership and
control of property and the means of production ___________________
12. a shelter built with the intent to house and protect people from nuclear fallout
___________ ___________
15. secret, not openly shown or engaged in _______________________
16. payment for war damages ________________
1. radioactive particles dispersed by a nuclear explosion ______________________
2. lying when one has sworn under oath to tell the truth _____________________
3. the policy or process of preventing the expansion of a hostile power _________________
5. an informal relationship that some people believe exists between the military and the
defense industry to promote greater military spending and influence gov’t policy
______________________ ___________________ ____________________
13. a systematic attempt to overthrow a gov’t by using persons working secretly from
14. the willingness to go to the brink of war to fore an opponent to back