UN International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) Article 12 (i) The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. There is a wealth of evidence to indicate that Electro Convulsive Therapy ('ECT') causes damage to the brain. It is prescribed in Ireland, often for the treatment of what psychiatry term ‘nonresponsive’ depression and for other ‘disorders’. However, most people receiving it are vulnerable, are not given the full facts, including short and long term permanent damage to the brain. So in effect even if a patient signs a consent form, they are not in any real sense consenting to this treatment. If a person objects to the proposed ''treatment, a second psychiatrist is called in and he or she usually rubber stamps original recommendation. Most people presenting to hospital are not aware that even if they go on a voluntary basis, they can receive coercive treatment, be held for weeks, months, years or indefinitely, if psychiatry decide they need ‘treatment’. If a person is switched to involuntary status or has it from initial assessment, then not only does the person have no rights over what' treatment' they are given, and neither do immediate family, guardians or advocates. This is clearly not appropriate in civilized Society. Some adverse effects of psychotropic drugs such as lobotomy, Tardive Dyskinisia and Akathisia can only be described as torture. In addition destruction of physical health, including diabetes, thyroid, heart problems etc. is not uncommon in people taking these psychotropic drugs long term. Current proposals for Advanced Health Care Directives (AHCD) which have been tagged on to proposed Capacity Legislation do not allow for the AHCD’s of those with ‘involuntary’ status to be legally binding. In effect, even when someone makes an AHCD when they are deemed to have ‘capacity’, they can be still given electroshock ('ECT') or any forced psychiatric drugs or ‘treatment’, regardless of their expressed wishes. MindFreedom Ireland regard this as being an assault on the bodily integrity of the individual and denying them the autonomy to decline treatment which is clearly not in the best interests of their well being, especially when forced upon them. MindFreedom Ireland believes that no one should be given electroshock ('ECT') as it causes brain damage. Electroshock causes a grande mal seizure and doctors should be preventing seizures not causing them but especially no one should be given electroshock ('ECT') against their express wishes. MindFreedom Ireland refers to' ECT' as electroshock as it causes brain damage and people are not objects to be treated. Peter Breggin, Psychiatrist, Author & Medical Legal Expert (www.breggin.com) is a world renowned expert in this field and his site has links to his extensive published work on this matter including (www.ectresources.org). The State Party has an obligation under ICESCR to provide for citizens to enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, then clearly it is currently failing to fulfill its remit in respect of ECT and other coercive psychiatric treatments, when there are clearly more humane alternatives that do not do damage to physical health. Clearly pathologising and medicating distress is not working, given the ever increasing numbers being diagnosed with ‘mental illnesses. . Organisations and Groups like MindFreedom Ireland receive no funding from any official or Government sources, yet we receive ongoing calls from people damaged by ‘the mental health system’ or the system of psychiatric ‘care’ in Ireland and we reach out to these people as best we can. What we have found is people in emotional distress respond to kindness, compassion, empathy. In reality no drug can replace our humanity and human connections. MindFreedom Ireland (affiliated to www.MindFreedom.org) thanks FLAC for their advocacy and assistance in making this submission. We thank the UN Secretariat and UN Committee for affording us this opportunity to have our voice heard, something we find very difficult to do within our own State Mechanisms. MindFreedom Ireland urges the Committee to request the State Party to allow people in distress the choice of alternative holistic therapies to the current Medical Model and step up to their responsibilities to uphold Human Rights in accordance with International Covenants including ICESCR. We request that all coercive practices including forced electroshock (‘ECT’) be abolished. MindFreedom Ireland urges the Committee to request the State Party to provide funding for alternative holistic therapies that reflects our humanity and allow individuals define what they need to move on in their lives, free from fear, force, fraud and torture. Email: marymaddock@hotmail.com REFERENCES: http://www.mindfreedom.org/ http://www.mindfreedomireland.com Book: Soul Survivor 'A Personal Encounter with Psychiatry by Mary and Jim Maddock Mary Maddock speaking on Irish Television 30th July 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfcaVdkmlLU MindFreedom Ireland Documentary (published June 7th 2014) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeHaYUd9rXA Irish Television: TV3 ECT Debate Collette Ni Dhuinneacha Vs Dr. Anne Jeffers College of Psychiatry, Ireland http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqqbcBe0rTI http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/aaron-vallely/irish-psychiatry-and-consent_b_5653172.htm www.breggin.com http://www.ectresources.org/ http://www.madinamerica.com/2013/12/psychiatric-treatment-may-force-go/ http://www.psychotherapy.net/interview/thomas-szasz http://cepuk.org/ CEP, Council for Evidence-Based Psychiatry (has video of Mary Maddock speaking – Under Recovery Stories www.cepuk.org/recovery-stories/ https://www.facebook.com/notes/mary-maddock/why-electroshock-should-be-abolished-dr-johnfriedberg/297981310273658 Irish Institute of Mental Health Nursing SUBMISSION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND CHILDREN ON THE NEED FOR A SUBSTANTATIVE REVIEW OF THE MENTAL HEALTH ACT 2001 http://www.iimhn.ie/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Mental-Health-Act-SubmissionFinal.pdf Recovery Experts by Experience (REE) Submission to UN ICCPR Periodic Review 2014, direct link on Blog Post by Eilionoir Flynn, NUIG on www.humanrights.ie http://humanrights.ie/civil-liberties/civil-and-political-rights-in-mental-health-irelands-dialoguewith-the-human-rights-committee/ http://larsmartensson.com/should-neuroleptic-drugs-be-banned/ http://www.wnusp.net/index.php/newsletters/ http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/enable/rights/contrib-wnusp.htm http://www.wildestcolts.com/psych_opp.html http://www.madinamerica.com/author/bizomadness/ Book: Anatomy of an Epidemic – Robert Whitaker (founder of Mad in America) http://psychrights.org/ www.recoveryourmentalhealth.com Dr. Terry Lynch is an Irish medical doctor, psychotherapist and author. Terry is a campaigner for change in mental health, from the psychiatric/medical model to a ‘holistic understanding’ Books: Beyond Prozac: Healing Mental Distress Selfhood: A Key to the Recovery of Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Health and the Prevention of Mental Health Problems http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfcaVdkmlLU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqqbcBe0rTI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31PhV2JeUwI http://cepuk.org/recovery-stories/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfcaVdkmlLU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqqbcBe0rTI