Introduction to Computational Natural Language Learning Linguistics 79400 (Under: Topics in Natural Language Processing) Computer Science 83000 (Under: Topics in Artificial Intelligence) The Graduate School of the City University of New York Fall 2001 William Gregory Sakas Hunter College, Department of Computer Science Graduate Center, PhD Programs in Computer Science and Linguistics The City University of New York Meeting 3 : Notes: My Web page got a little messed up. Sorry about that! Should be OK now. There is a link to this course, but we will probably move to the new blackboard system. I got some email asking about the details of how ANN’s work. Yes. Working out the math for a simple perceptron is fair game for a midterm question. A good link to check out: And I will be happy to arrange to meet with people to go over the math (as I will today at the beginning of class). Artificial Neural Networks: A Brief Review a) fully recurrent b) feedforward c) multi-component A Perceptron Bias node (a fixed activation) Input activations Threshold unit If the sum of these inputs are great enough, the unit fires. That is to say, a positive activation occurs here. How can we implement the AND function? How can we implement the AND function? First we must decide on representation: possible inputs: 1,0 possible outputs: 1,0 We want an artificial neuron to implement this function. Boolean AND: unit inputs 11 01 10 00 unit output 1 0 0 0 -1 net = Σ activations arriving at threshold node 1 net 1 1 unit inputs 11 01 10 00 unit output 1 0 0 -1 Oooops -1 0 net = Σ activations arriving at threshold node net f(net) 0 0 STEP activation function f(x) = 1 if x >= 0 f(x) = 0 if x < 0 The picture is a little more complicated by adding weights. A weight is simply a multiplier. a0 1 a7 w09 -.92 1 Boolean AND w79 -.92 a1 .76 .76 w91 f(net9 0 1.25 0 ) 1 a8 .0 w89 a9 .87 0 a8 (w89) = 0(.87) = 0.0 ai = activation node i, where a0 is the bias node (fixed at 1) wij = the weight between node ai and aj netk = the result of summing all multiplications: ai (wik) that enter node ak net = -0.16 which is less than 0, so a9 = 0 net9= 0(.87) + 1(.76) + 1(-.92) = -0.16 Now work out on your own the resulting activations for inputs 1,1. a0 1 a7 w09 -.92 1 Boolean AND w79 a1 .76 w91 f(net9 ) 1 a8 w89 a9 .87 1 net = ???? , so a9 = ???? For those that have had some exposure to this stuff, what is the bias node really doing? net9= The picture is a yet little more complicated by changing the activation function to 1 / (1+e (-net) ) a7 1 = a7 (w79) = 1(.75) = .75 w79 .75 a1 .75 1.25 a8 w89 .3 1.6667 f(net9 .777 ) w91 .8 .6216 .5 a9 = 1 / (1+e (-net)) =. 777 = a8 (w89) = .3(1.6667) = .5 net9= Σj aj (wj9) = .3(1.6667) + 1(.75) = 1.25 A hypothesis space for two inputs. <0,0> <0,1> <1,1> 1 x x <1,0> 0 x x 0 1 Can think of the Perceptron as drawing a line in the space that separates the points in hypothesis space. All instances of AND 1 x x 0 x x 0 1 function are linearly separable "true" and "false" regions of the space. But how divide the space for XOR? unit inputs Boolean XOR: 11 01 10 00 unit output 0 1 1 0 x x x x 0 1 The fact that a perceptron couldn't represent the XOR function stopped ANN research for years (Minsky and Papert's work in 1969 was particularly damaging). Early 1980's work (Hopfield, 1982) on associative memory and in the mid 1980's a simple, important innovation was introduced. Rumelhart, Hinton and Williams (1986) Multilayer networks with backpropagation. Boolean XOR: Hidden Layer unit inputs 11 01 10 00 Try and figure out the weights. unit output 0 1 1 0 From: Now we have to talk about learning. Training simply means the process by which the weights of the ANN are calculated by exposure to training data. Supervised learning: Training data 00 01 10 11 Supervisor's answers 0 1 1 0 One datum at a time This is a bit simplified. In the general case, it is possible to feed the learner batch data. But the models we will look at in this course data is fed one datum at a time. ANN's prediction based on the current weights (which haven't converged yet) 0 1 0 From the training file 0 From the supervisor's file. Ooops! Gotta go back and increase the weights so that the output unit fires. Let’s look at how we might train an OR unit. First: set the weights to values picked out of a hat. and the bias activationt to 1. Then: feed in 1,1. What does the network predict? a0 1 a7 1 w79 .5 a8 1 w09 -.3 Boolean OR a1 f(net9 ) w89 .1 a9 The prediction is fine (f(.3) = 1) so do nothing. Now: feed in 0,1. What does the network predict? a0 1 a7 0 w09 w79 .5 a8 1 -.3 a1 f(net9 ) w91 1 w89 .1 a9 Now got to adjust the weights. ANN’s predicition = 0 = f(-.3), But supervisor’s answer = 1 (remember we’re doing boolean OR) But how much to adjust? The modeler picks a value: = learning rate (Let’s pick .1 for this example) The weights are adjusted to minimize the error rate of the ANN. Perceptron Learning Procedure: wij = old wij + (Supervisor’s answer - ANN’s prediction) So for example, the ANN predicts 0 and the supervisor says 1 wij = old wij + .1 ( 1 - 0) I.e. all weights are increased by .1 For multilayer ANN’s, the error rate is backpropagated through the hidden layer. ey approx = w3 (Supervisor’s answer-ANN’s prediction) w3 w4 w1 w2 ex approx = w4 (Supervisor’s answer - ANN’s prediction) ez = w1 e y + w 2 ex Backpropagated error In summary: 1) Multilayer ANN’s are Universal Function Approximators they can approximate any function a modern computer can represent. 2) They learn without explicitly being told any “rules” - they simply cut up the hypothesis space by inducing boundaries. Importantly, they are "non-symbolic" computational devices. That is, they simply multiply activations by weights. So,what does all of this have to do with linguistics and language? Some assumptions of “classical” language processing (roughly from Elman (1995)) 1) symbols and rules that operate over symbols (S, VP, IP, etc) 2) static structures of competence (e.g. parse trees) 3) structure is built up More or less the classical viewpoint is language as algebra ANN’s make none of these assumptions, so if an ANN can learn language, then perhaps the language as algebra is wrong. We’re going to discuss the pros and cons of Elman’s viewpoint in some depth next week, but for now, let’s go over his variation of the basic, feedforward ANN that we’ve been addressing. Localist representation in a standard feedforward ANN boy dog run book see eat rock Output nodes . . . . . Hidden nodes . . . . . boy dog run book see eat rock Input nodes Localist = each node represents a single item. If more than one output node fires, then a group of items can be considered activated. Basic idea is activate a single input node (representing a word) and see which group of output nodes (words) are activated. Elman’s Single Recurrent Network boy boy dog dog run run book see book see eat eat rock rock 1-to-1 exact copy of activations "regular" tainable weight connections 1) activate from input to output as usual (one input word at a time), but copy the hidden activations to the context layer. 2) repeat 1 over and over - but activate from the input AND copy layers to the ouput layer. From Elman (1990) Templates were set up and lexical items were chosen at random from "reasonable" categories. Categories of lexical items NOUN-HUM man, woman NOUN-ANIM cat, mouse NOUN-INANIM book, rock NOUN-AGRESS dragon, monster NOUN-FRAG glass, plate NOUN-FOOD cookie, sandwich VERB-INTRAN think, sleep VERB-TRAN see, chase VERB-AGPA move, break VERB-PERCEPT smell, see VERB-DESTROY break, smash VERB-EA eat Templates for sentence generator NOUN-HUM VERB-EAT NOUN-FOOD NOUN-HUM VERB-PERCEPT NOUN-INANIM NOUN-HUM VERB-DESTROY NOUN-FRAG NOUN-HUM VERB-INTRAN NOUN-HUM VERB-TRAN NOUN-HUM NOUN-HUM VERB-AGPAT NOUN-INANIM NOUN-HUM VERB-AGPAT NOUN-ANIM VERB-EAT NOUN-FOOD NOUN-ANIM VERB-TRAN NOUN-ANIM NOUN-ANIM VERB-AGPAT NOUN-INANIM NOUN-ANIM VERB-AGPAT NOUN-INANIM VERB-AGPAT NOUN-AGRESS VERB-DESTORY NOUN-FRAG NOUN-AGRESS VERB-EAT NOUN-HUM NOUN-AGRESS VERB-EAT NOUN-ANIM NOUN-AGRESS VERB-EAT NOUN-FOOD Training data Resulting training and supervisor files. Files were 27,354 words long, made up of 10,000 two and three word "sentences." woman smash plate cat move man break car boy move girl eat bread dog Supervisor's answers smash plate cat move man break car boy move girl eat bread dog move