Unit Plan & Curriculum-6

Human Growth & Development
Unit: Human Growth and development
Unit: Human Growth and development
#1 Core concepts M.1.1.0
#3 Self-Management M.3.1
Unit: Human Growth and
Unit: Human Growth and development
#3 Self-Management M.3.3
#1 Core Concepts M.1.5
#3 Self-Management M.3.5
#8 Advocacy M.8.2
#7 Goal-Setting M.7.1
#6 Decision making Skills M.6.1, 6.3
Essential Question: Why does puberty occur?
Essential Question: How does good
decision making play a role in how we cope
with puberty change?
Essential Question: What is involved
when puberty occurs?
Essential Question: What to expect, and be in
charge of during this puberty time?
Objective: The student will demonstrate current
knowledge of Puberty.
Objective: The student will continue to
gain information regarding their bodies
process internally, at this time of hormonal
and chemical changes that will lead to
physical changes.
Objective: The student will increase
understanding of what’s normal going
through puberty
Objective: The student will be able to relate their
own experiences to puberty and explain its process.
Become familiar with vocabulary and concepts of
immune function, viruses, and the HIV/AIDS
education awareness. To be evident by the pre-test
worksheet and discussion.
Student friendly – What are your health
enhancing stances?
Objective: the student will
understand the cycle of puberty and
the changes that can be controlled
(choices) and the changes that
cannot. (chemically)
Objective: To recognize and accept differences in
body types and maturation levels, and develop a
realistic body image.
Student friendly – Accept themselves the way they
are as goal to self-acceptance become more clear.
Student friendly – Show off your prior knowledge
regarding puberty and HIV/AIDS by pre-test
What is your plan to remain disease
Know the facts of HIV/AIDS to keep you safe and
disease free.
Know the facts of HIV/AIDS to keep you
safe and disease free.
Accepting oneself through hormonal
changes called adolescence/puberty.
Goal setting for a healthy transition.
Show evidence of a clear health enhancing stance.
Show evidence of a clear healthy stance.
Self – acceptance, awareness,
Self – acceptance, patience, abstinence
Student friendly – What can I do
about the changes happening to
me?(Accept changes and accept
Abstinence (tools)
Pre-test ( 7-10 min.)
WC – vocab ( min.)
Individually – preview article (5 min.)
Individually – read (10min.)
Share Discourse rules (peer paired) 2-3 minutes
Group – read/share (5min.)
Whole class sharing of vocab and preview of article (15
Opening – Journal – reflection last
class (5 min.)
Opening – Journal - reflection (previous class
questions used) (5 min.)
WC – Video – Puberty and Me with
worksheet to identify changes (20
WC – board review of male/female changes (5
WC- central ideas (3 min.)
Closure – Journal (5 min.)
WC – video (20 min.)
Journal – DOK of choice
Partner share - changes identified
with. (5 min.)
WC – male/female common changes
(5 min.)
Journal – listing changes (5 min.)
Partnered sharing, group sharing, culminating with
whole class sharing (10 min.)
Post-test 1-10 Mult. Choice (10 min.)
Journal – 3-2-1 (5 min.)
Closure – Journal – 2 Most important things
learned in unit. (self-acceptance, abstinence) (5
Opening – Share article on screen and today’s focus on
Opening- Whole class sharing of vocab and
preview of article asking them for input (on
fingers) on each section 1-4
Journal – reflection last class most
important method to remain disease
free (abstinence)
Journal - Personalized reflection/relationship with
puberty to be writing in their journals.
1. AIDS is still incurable
WC – Video – Puberty and Me with
worksheet to identify changes in both
males and females.
Pre-test 1-10 Mult. Choice
(previous class questions used)
Individually – preview article, Muscle Power
2. Vaccine in process now
Share Discourse rules (peer paired) 2-3 minutes
3. Risks – gloves, fluids
Whole class sharing of vocab and preview of article
asking them for input (on fingers) on each section 1-4
1. AIDS is still incurable
4. HIV could turn to AIDS
Readworks Article Muscle power 10%
summary format
2. Vaccine in process now
Individually – read
3. Risks – gloves, fluids
4. HIV could turn to AIDS
Select – vocab worksheet, given to students to
individually, paired, group define. (use definition grid)
Group – share – central idea- Muscle
Power - Each section to be read,
summarized, by a different group.
Directions to preview the article, identify the vocab
circled, use the context to define the word, discuss with
a peer, and share with the whole class.
WC- central idea -Group sharing of each
section, and collaboratively whole group
learning of the entire article
Whole class definitions will be recorded as primary
Video Teach AIDS cartoon (20 min.)
Closure – Journal the most important thing you learned
that will contribute toward your healthy body lifestyle
Closure – Journal 2 key prevention
List 1-3 Physical changes you have/will
experience during adolescence and how
you will accept them remaining confident
and secure.
List 1-3 Emotional changes you have/will
experience during adolescence and how
you will deal with them in a healthy way.
Partner share – (same sex) list any
changes you could identify with.
WC – list male/female common
changes on smart board.
Journal – 3-2-1
Partnered share – Discourse guide:
3 things you learned, 2 things you are
questioning, 1 thing you will apply to
your life immediately.
Group - share
Choice to fill out anonymous
questions. (To be answered next
WC – share
Post-test 1-10 Mult. Choice to be handed in
What is HIV/AIDS? DOK 1 (pre-test)
What is your prediction regarding this article? DOK 2
Asked with display of article on smart board after pretest.
Use context cues to identify the meaning of circled
words. DOK 2 (vocab defines/preview article)
What is the central idea for the section you
and your peers read, discuss, using quotes,
evidence. DOK 3 (individual to paired, to
whole group conclusions)
Explain what these evident hormonal
chemical changes may look like in a
male and a female. (worksheet)
Explain what these controlled “choice” impulses,
urges, or outbursts during puberty can look like.
DOK 3 (worksheet)
How does the author create
tension/suspense? DOK 3
What evidence can you supply that
supports a healthy self-acceptance is
best? (whole group) DOK 4
(whole group)DOK 4
What conclusions can you draw with this
research? DOK 3 (Closure)
How will you use this information? DOK 4
What evidence can you share
that shows us you are taking
positive steps towards HIV
Assessment: Pre-test Questions 1-10
Assessment: Exit Slip
Including vocab: HIV/AIDS
Show your 10% summary worksheet of
how HIV/AIDS is being looked at, and the
importance of how to remain disease free.
Resources: Health Promotion Waves,
www.Brainpop.com, Health Teacher Gr.4-5,
www.ReadWorks.org article Muscle Power
Resources: Health Promotion Waves,
www.Brainpop.com Health Teacher Gr.45, Health Relations Media,
www.ReadWorks.org article Muscle Power
Discourse guidance: Ask your
partner how do they rate their selfacceptance? (1-10)
Discourse guidance: Ask your partner how do they
handle their emotions? (1-10)
Whole group share what their partner answered on
their fingers.
Whole group share what their
partner answered on their fingers.
Assessment: List 2 things you have
experienced from the video, and how
you know it is related to puberty.
Assessment: Post-test Questions 1-10
Resources: Health Promotion
Waves, www.Brainpop.com Health
Teacher Gr.4-5,
www.ReadWorks.org article Muscle
Resources: Health Promotion Waves,
www.Brainpop.com Health Teacher Gr.4-5
www.ReadWorks.org article Muscle Power
Human Relations Media, Puberty
and me, www.hrmvideo