CITY OF PINELLAS PARK, FLORIDA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES January 25, 2011 7:00 P.M., CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP ROOM The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by William Mischler, Chairperson, of the Community Redevelopment Agency. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: William Mischler, Chairperson Sandra L. Bradbury, Vice-Chairperson Richard Butler Jerry A. Mullins W. E. "Ed" Taylor ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Regina Kardash, Asst. City Attorney - Michael Gustafson, City Manager – Tom Shevlin Assistant City Manager - Captain Michael Haworth, – and Christine Gardner, Deputy City Clerk INVOCATION was given by Bill Mischler. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was lead by Bill Mischler. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – October 26, 2010 MOTION was made by Ed Taylor and SECONDED by Vice-Chairperson, Sandra L. Bradbury, to APPROVE the minutes of October 26th, 2010. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Abstain: Rick Butler, Jerry Mullins, Sandra Bradbury, William Mischler, Ed Taylor None None None MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 1 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY January 25, 2011 - REGULAR MEETING MINUTES III. PUBLIC HEARING All speakers, including staff, were sworn in prior to any testimony. 1. CASE NO. DA 2011-01 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT The Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the designated Local Planning Agency, shall conduct a public hearing in Council chambers located at 5141 78 th Avenue North, Pinellas Park, to consider a Development Agreement between the City of Pinellas Park, United Cottage Corporation and landowners owning individual lots or parcels within the area comprising the plat of United Cottage Corporation, generally located between 57 th and 58th Streets and between the south right-of-way boundary of 76th Avenue and 75th Avenue. Land uses available to the owners shall be either single family residential or low impact commercial/office uses as to be determined by the City Manager consistent with the permitted and conditional uses of the “MXD” Mixed Use District and the size of the lot proposed as lots can be combined to achieve larger development footprints. Building heights may be permitted up to and including 45 feet, however, heights above 35 feet must be approved through the conditional use process. Base residential density shall be up to 15 units per net acre or up to 25 units per acre achievable through bonuses. A base floor area ratio for nonresidential development is 0.55 or 55 hundredths with a floor area ratio of 1.0 achievable through bonuses. As part of the agreement, variances requested to parking, setbacks, lot coverage, minimum dwelling unit size, floor area ratio, sidewalk construction and landscaping. Copies of the agreement for public inspection are located in the Office of the City Clerk, 5141 78th Avenue or at the Technical Services Building, Zoning Division offices located at 6051 78th Avenue, Pinellas Park, Florida. REQUEST: LOCATION: United Cottages (Between 57th and 58th Street and 76th and 75th Avenue) QUASI-JUDICIAL Tom Shevlin, Assistant City Manager – We have a Developer Agreement between the City and the property owners within the United Cottages subdivision. All but two of the lots have signed the agreement. One is in foreclosure and the other is a property where there are three owners and one of them is reluctant to do anything at this point in time. The agreement provides for infrastructure improvements such as the road, drainage, brick surface, utilities will be placed underground and the alley, which is a private driveway, has no drainage and we have the deed now so it will be public right of way. The properties are being redeveloped like Katrina Cottages. The agreement is if the owners redevelop they would have to reconstruct this type of structure. There are eleven types of units as options to rebuild. There are a number of variances provided in the agreement so the owners do not have to come before boards. Mr. Mullins – Is anyone ready to build one now? Mr. Shevlin – I believe there is some interest. Mr. Mullins – I think when the first ones go in the rest will follow pretty fast. 2 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY January 25, 2011 - REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Mr. Butler – Part of the agreement is there are going to be two available lots deeded to the City. Our thoughts are, if agreed on, to put those out as incentive to different contractors through the bid process or however. They would come in and say this is what we’re planning to do. Mr. Mischler – Do they purchase the lots too? Mr. Butler – What we would do is they would purchase them or we give them to them until the sell the unit and then we would get our money back. Mr. Mischler – So, in essence we wouldn’t have any money in it but eventually it would come back to us. Mr. Shevlin – Yes, correct. Mr. Taylor – What is the property value on one of those lots? Mr. Butler – It’s kind of hard to pin down but somewhere between $12,000 and $19,000. Ms. Bradbury – Yes, they’re small. Mr. Butler – I don’t know if you have been following, but in the St. Pete Times they did an article on the real change in market where people are going to a smaller home. One of the companies is not only the Katrina-style cottages but there is another company called Jacobson’s Mobile Homes that also build a product sitting in the wings waiting. There are numerous investors sitting in the wings waiting. Lowe’s already has the model, the plans ready to go. Their deal was who ever bought the first one they would actually reimburse them for the cost of the plans themselves. There is another company called Tumbleweed Tiny Homes; they do some products that are on these smaller type lots. They are famous for doing them on trailers, but they do them on smaller style lots. Discussion was held on the size of the proposed cottages and other small houses in the City. Mr. Mischler – Mainly, what the purpose is, they would be little shops. Mr. Butler – Yes, and here’s the thing too; the developer agreement as you see it, eliminates – the one thing we don’t want to happen is, I personally, and I hope you feel the same way, every time someone wants to do something I don’t want to see them here; because if they’re here that’s sixty days. I want this thing to go seamless that it makes sense for a developer or builder or owner to say, “okay, I can do this”; two foot set back, no parking requirements, shared parking arrangements with the City. Now when you get into the difficulty on mixed use, which it’s zoned all ready mixed use, is now, the sidewalls have to be fire proof, the ADA requirements have to be a certain size, too. So, this is all worked into it where the Katrina-style or Jacobson home or any other type of home can be modified to a certain extent to allow mixed use type uses. Yes, it’s all built into the developer agreement. 3 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY January 25, 2011 - REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Mr. Mischler – Yes. If someone wants to have a little jewelry store, or a little real estate, let’s face it, anything is better than what is there today. Mr. Butler – That’s the bottom line. Mr. Mischler – Trailers with built lean-to on them. Also, our little parking area where we have that tower there. Mr. Shevlin – We’ve been told that would be used for parking. Mr. Gustafson – That was always the intention for that area, to be used for parking. Mr. Mischler - You mean Bender’s Field’s? Mr. Butler – Yes, Bender’s Fields. Mr. Gustafson – One thing I would like to mention is the Corporation has been reactivated and has signed off on this agreement. Mr. Mischler - What about the one guy that’s the hold out? Is that in the middle of the block? Mr. Shevlin – No, the hold-out lots are towards the end of the block so they really aren’t an impediment to what we are doing. Ms. Bradbury – Out of the one that owns the three, did the other two sign and the third one didn’t? Mr. Shevlin – Yes, that’s my understanding. Discussion on surrounding roads and resurfacing areas. Discussion on United Cottages demolition and rebuild time frame. Discussion on cost of utility improvements and CRA Money. Mr. Mischler – I understand their main trump line goes down 76th Avenue underground. Mr. Butler – We’re not bothering with them at all. Our biggest concern is dealing with the middle part of the road and getting enough right-of-way to do everything underground and drainage, because there is no drainage over there. Trying to do this all at one time. Mr. Mischler – Anyone have any other questions? Public Hearing was opened Unidentified gentleman in audience asked about the location. 4 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY January 25, 2011 - REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Mr. Butler – provided information on the location and history of the area. Ms. Bradbury – I was commenting on allowing the City to work with a contractor so the City isn’t out any money and allow them to give us the money back once it is sold. That would give them the incentive to have it as a model home, to talk to the other people, and if they have the builders out there to do it they can go from one lot to the next. Mr. Gustafson – Once we get to that point, the agreement is approved by City Council and we get the property deeded to the City. Then we will have to come back to City Council to come up with a plan on what process we’re going to use to bid the property out and what type of terms we’re going to use on the property. Discussion on transfer of monies after demolition to rebuild and resale property. Mr. Taylor - Are we going to have any more oversight as to what goes on like we would over any other type of development? Mr. Gustafson – Only on those two lots if we end up owning them and bringing them back to Council. There could be something that you would want to put on those two lots. But only on those two lots. Everything else is by the Developer’s Agreement at this point. Mr. Shevlin – We would actually be looking to make sure that they are in the style of the cottages. Mr. Taylor – Is there any localized funding available? Mr. Butler – Yes, and no. Yes there is funding available for first time home buyers that is in the targeted redevelopment area. We fall under Pinellas County housing, so their CDBG Program allows. Mr. Gustafson – They have escalated their CDBG Program for the next year for applications. They have asked Bob Bray to bring Anthony here to see if there was any interest that maybe there would be some money available for something with the two properties we have to develop, but there are no guarantees. Discussion about interest from other local agencies. Mr. Taylor – What are some examples of light commercial? Mr. Shevlin – Light Commercial would be like a little niche type stores that sells art, jewelry or bakery. Mr. Taylor - What level of repair work could go on? Mr. Shevlin – Maybe watches and small appliance. 5 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY January 25, 2011 - REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Mr. Taylor – How would disputes get resolved? Is it through the association? Discussion on dispute resolution through the association or not, and uses. Mr. Butler – People moving in have to abide by City Laws. Mr. Gustafson – Building Code won’t allow for many things due to the separation requirements. Discussion on LEED certified buildings. Mr. Shevlin – Uses could be personal service, specialty retail, delicatessen, bakery, book store, child care Type one, coffee shop, florist, art gallery, home occupations, professional offices, specialty offices or gift shops, tobacco or news stand, game or video rental shops or other similar use that are in the judgment of the City Manager’s low income compatibility. Discussion on HOA’S and LEED certified buildings. COMMENTS: Public Hearing was closed at 7:15 P.M. MOTION was made by Ed Taylor and SECONDED by Vice-Chair Sandra Bradbury for a RECOMMENDATION to bring forward to City Council Case No. DA 2011-01 Developer Agreement. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Abstain: Ed Taylor, Sandra Bradbury, Rick Butler, Jerry Mullins, William Mischler None None None MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2. CASE NO. LDC 2011-01 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 2046, AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PINELLAS PARK, FLORIDA; BY ADDING A COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN ADDENDUM, ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT A, TO ACCOUNT AND PROVIDE DETAIL FOR ACTIVITIES AND EXPENDITURES WITHIN THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT THAT WERE BROADLY STATED GOALS IN THE ORIGINAL PLAN; PROVIDING FOR CERTIFICATION BY CITY COUNCIL THAT THIS ORDINANCE IS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY’S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES OR REQUEST: 6 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY January 25, 2011 - REGULAR MEETING MINUTES PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH TO THE EXTENT OF SUCH CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABLILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (LDC 2011-01) Mr. Shevlin – Presented overview of adding everything in exhibit A and other items in Zoning Plan. Public Hearing opened at 7:30 Comments: None MOTION was made by Vice-Chair Sandra Bradbury and SECONDED by Ed Taylor for a RECOMMENDATION to bring forward to City Council Case No. LDC 2011-01. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Abstain: Ed Taylor, Sandra Bradbury, Rick Butler, Jerry Mullins, William Mischler None None None MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY IV. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Shevlin – No new business. In the back up materials you have activities from September 2010 through January 2011. V. GENERAL BUSINESS . Mr. Mullins – Did we ever apply our Police Department for the Florida League of Cities or National League or awards? Discussion on making awards video. Mr. Gustafson – Just received information on that to see what the deadline is and I think it takes an action of City Council to submit for the National League. Will double check. Discussion on Planning Department. Discussion on annexations on our north end. Mr. Taylor – Any news on the church behind Today’s World? Mr. Shevlin – We tried to reach him this week to tell them to get them out of there. 7 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY January 25, 2011 - REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Mr. Butler – Market is done. Mr. Mullins – Market in the park? Mr. Mischler – Can’t compete with the Wagon Wheel. What about the Art Society? Ms. Bradbury – They opened. Discussion on development in Park and 66th plaza. Mr. Butler – Sam’s club is planning on doing a major renovation. Ms. Bradbury – We can ask them to so their fascia to outside to get it lined up with where the community is going. They have done it all over Florida and other areas. Going south off 275 in Sarasota and the whole front of it has the terra cotta tiles on the top with the fascia so the City can ask politely to improve the look of the outside of their building it doesn’t have to be a square box. Mr. Shevlin – I think they have actually been approved. I didn’t see any outside improvements. Ms. Bradbury – Look what the new Race Trac is doing. Mr. Butler – I got involved when they were looking for just a warehouse, but it may be too late. Further discussion on fascia improvements. Mr. Mischler - How’s the crime rate? Captain Haworth – Crime rate is still there. One interesting thing is Officer Plageman has asked to go back to the road. Officer Bersley will be replacing Plageman. Mr. Butler – That cottage wouldn’t have gotten done if it weren’t for Plagemen. He gave 130 % to this project. Mr. Mischler – We should send him a Thank You from CRA. The Mall’s doing okay? Captain Haworth – Yes, we’re pretty pleased. Particularly since Christmas time. It was absolutely a good Christmas Season. We tried to get out there as much as we could. We had all of our CRA guys but we had our regular patrol, our UC’s; our criminal investigators did several details as did vice narcotics. We understand that’s a place we absolutely have to have security. Mr. Butler – Where do we go from here? In my opinion we’ve taken one of the worst neighborhoods and we have surplus land on Park Boulevard that’s on a newly created lake. We have surplus property that could be making statements in this area. Have we targeted another area? Have we seen things we need to address? Something we are not aware of. Is there something we’re not hearing? 8 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY January 25, 2011 - REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Discussion on other improvement areas. Mr. Shevlin – We would like to go out for an RFP to develop the lake property and abutting property. The abutting property owners are interested in developing it. Mr. Butler – This new electric service station is going to be a reality. Mr. Shevlin – We have a meeting coming up with Progress Energy on that because we have reached out to them and told them we want the electric service station. Mr. Butler – We have property available. Mr. Shevlin – We were talking about Park Station. Ms. Bradbury – I’ve talked to Waste Management and they said the solar trash can is only being picked up once a week now and I’m sure that is saving us money. We should probably look at the cost value. If we get the info from PSTA we may want to incorporate that in places like our parks and during events like Town Square Plaza. I would like CRA wise to have you guys, the CRA police officers, at our meetings to let us know what is going on in the community. I think it would be nice to have them on our CRA agenda. They’re not a line item. Mr. Mischler – Rick what you’re suggesting is we would like to get some suggestions through him to us. Mr. Butler – The reality is that’s what we want, but if we’re not getting any new ideas. Mr. Gustafson – We are working hard to make everything happen so far to this point and we haven’t really started looking for a new project yet. Mr. Butler – There may be new project ideas out there that we may not be looking at. Captain Haworth – New grocery store, Sweetbay, isn’t doing as well. Discussion on Sweetbay. Captain Haworth – When we did our selection process we had four business owners, one from each district in the CRA that came to sit on our oral board. It was a very interesting dynamic. Mr. Mischler – On the business visitation team, when we do go out, that if it is in the redevelopment area, we always have one of our CRA officers show up. They have a great relationship and the business owner knows them. Discussion on Park and 49th Gas station. 9 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY January 25, 2011 - REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Mr. Butler – Sweetbay supports Feed America and Second Harvest food pantries. Discussion on food pantries not getting business. Discussion on funeral Friday. VI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was ADJOURNED at 8:15 P.M. ________________________________ William Mischler, Chairperson Community Redevelopment Agency ATTEST: ____________________________________ Christine Gardner, MMC Deputy City Clerk 10 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY January 25, 2011 - REGULAR MEETING MINUTES