
FP7 #320214 ArabTrans research project
Dissemination Plan
Deliverable #
Deliverable nature
Dissemination level
Month 16: 01/07/2014
University of Aberdeen
FP #320214 ArabTrans
List of Authors
University of Aberdeen
Jakub Smigielski
FP #320214 ArabTrans
Document History
Jakub Smigielski
Jakub Smigielski
Jakub Smigielski
Jakub Smigielski
Jakub Smigielski
Work begun
Graphics added
Dates amended
Dates amended
Added information on Policy Meetings
FP #320214 ArabTrans
Table of Contents
List of Authors ................................................................................................................................................. ii
Document History .......................................................................................................................................... iii
1. Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................................1
2. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................2
3. Dissemination Strategy ...............................................................................................................................3
3.1 Objectives .....................................................................................................................................3
3.2 Target Audience ............................................................................................................................3
3.3 Feedback and evaluation ..............................................................................................................3
4. Online presence ..........................................................................................................................................4
4.1 Website .........................................................................................................................................4
4.2 Social Media ..................................................................................................................................6
4.3 Newsletter ....................................................................................................................................8
5. Policy meetings and papers ........................................................................................................................9
6. Conferences ................................................................................................................................................9
7. Public engagement events ........................................................................................................................12
8. Plenary Meetings ......................................................................................................................................12
9. SharePoint.................................................................................................................................................13
10. Communication Policy ............................................................................................................................14
11. Internal meetings ....................................................................................................................................14
12. Promotional materials ............................................................................................................................15
1. Executive Summary
The purpose of this dissemination strategy is to provide a Consortium-wide awareness of the structure
and ideas facilitating internal and external dissemination within the ArabTrans research project. It is a
master plan for all dissemination activities to be implemented within the timeframe of the project. The
ArabTrans work is split into internal and external dissemination.
Internal Dissemination:
A SharePoint website has been used to facilitate collaboration and project management. The Consortium
members have used SharePoint for sharing publications, drafts, and documents. On the other hand, the
leadership of the project have applied the tool to delegate tasks, monitor their progress, and to
harmonise work. The ArabTrans monthly newsletter (May edition can be read here) has been sent to the
Consortium members, the International Advisory Board members, and stakeholders. Regular internal
meetings of expert groups have been organised to discuss technical issues related to the project.
A communication policy was introduced immediately after commencement of the project activities,
aimed at all members of the Consortium. It provides guidelines and procedures pertaining to both
internal and external communication, such as mailing lists, topically listed preferred contacts, or
acceptable response times. The policy has been instrumental in setting high standards of work among
large number of culturally and linguistically diverse people involved in the project.
External Dissemination:
The project website ( has been set up as a central hub of information about the
project for Consortium members, the public and stakeholders. It allows access to frequently updated
sections of project news, events, publications and reports. Our take on current events section offers the
latest opinion and analysis pieces published by the ArabTrans experts. Timeline of the Arab Spring is an
interactive tool designed to educate the public about the history and scope of socioeconomic changes in
the Arab World. Visitors to the website can also access a section dedicated to recent election results in
countries cover by the project. The results have been verified by local experts of the ArabTrans
The website has been made even more interactive by linking it with the project’s social media profiles; all
posts from the ArabTrans’ Facebook and Twitter profiles are broadcasted live via Social Stream directly to
the website. These profiles are used mainly as means of building up organic audience for the project’s
publications, helping to achieve its overall strong impact.
Members of the ArabTrans Consortium have attended international scientific and political conferences,
presenting the project to both scientists and policymakers. A number of public engagement events have
been held as well, including talks, conferences, festivals, and debates. Furthermore, annual plenary
meetings are organised in locations of major importance to the project, i.e. Brussels, Cairo etc. A mix of
banners, brochures, posters, infographics, and business cards present at these events helped to increase
project’s international visibility.
In the final year of the project a series of policy recommendation papers will be produced, published, and
delivered to policymakers in all partner countries and the EU, major international organisations and
FP #320214 ArabTrans
2. Introduction
This document is the official dissemination plan for the ArabTrans research project. It was produced in
the first year of the project, in accordance with the Description of Work. It can be viewed not only as a
plan, but also as a report on dissemination work conducted in the first year of the project.
It describes both the internal and external dissemination activities undertaken within the project. The
plan offers insight into dissemination strategy, target audiences, and methods applied for dissemination
In addition, all produced promotional materials and dissemination activities performed in the first year of
the project are listed. Also included are available statistical information on use of the ArabTrans website,
and examples of the printed promotional materials.
FP #320214 ArabTrans
3. Dissemination Strategy
3.1 Objectives
Establishment of robust communication and collaboration channels between members of
the ArabTrans Consortium
Ensuring consistency in using the correct EU and ArabTrans brand elements within the
Consortium throughout duration of the project
Identifying target audiences
Creating appropriate communication channels for target audiences
Arranging continuous contact with major stakeholders
Developing tools that allow meeting the project’s dissemination goals
Building up the audience numbers as high as possible prior to publication of events
Ensuring that the project’s results are disseminated as swiftly as possible
3.2 Target Audience
The ArabTrans dissemination policy is focused on both the internal and external audiences. The former
includes members of the ArabTrans Consortium along with international Advisory Boards. The external
audience includes scientists, policymakers and the general public. Dissemination methods applied by the
ArabTrans Consortium have been selected taking into account specific character of each targeted
audience and particular dissemination goals associated with that audience.
Dissemination Method
public + scientists
social media
public + scientists
internal + policymakers +scientists
policy papers
policymakers + NGOs
scientists + policymakers
public engagement events
plenary meetings
internal + scientists + policymakers
communication policy
internal meetings
Table 1: audience and current status of dissemination methods used by the ArabTrans Consortium
3.3 Feedback and evaluation
In order to account for possible changes to audiences composition and environment in the course of the
project, as well as to track efficiency of applied dissemination methods, the ArabTrans Consortium
regularly monitors key performance indicators (KPI) and reviews feedback from the target audiences. The
Consortium members have identified 3 KPIs for the current strategy, all of which have been steadily
growing since the tracking began in August 2013:
 Website traffic – number of visits to the website (3259 visits to date)
 Facebook page likes – number of clicks on the ArabTrans profile’s ‘like’ button (684 likes so far)
 Twitter followers – number of clicks on the ArabTrans profile’s ‘follow’ button (120 followers)
FP #320214 ArabTrans
4. Online presence
In recent years it has become a common expectation that even small-scale enterprises have an easily
identifiable online presence. For ArabTrans, the central hub of that online presence is its website: . It is the main reference point for all other dissemination activities, providing
structured information about the project, including news, events, publications, as well as background
information about the Arab Spring. The second tier is represented by social media accounts on Facebook,
Twitter, and YouTube. They are the primary means of reaching and retaining the project’s relevant
audiences. The last element of the online presence is the ArabTrans monthly newsletter, used for
retention of the existing audiences, as well as keeping them up to date with the project’s activities.
4.1 Website
The primary purpose of the website is to allow free access to the project’s results. It also offers
information to anyone wanting to learn about the project or the Arab Spring.
The website can be accessed at: . It has been online since 25th August 2013. It is
hosted at the servers of the University of Aberdeen (UniAbdn) who has regularly backed it up at their
excellent storage facilities in Scotland.
Figure 1: Layout of the ArabTrans website
The screenshot of the home page of the website provides a good overview of the layout:
FP #320214 ArabTrans
In order to make the website accessible to people from the Arab World, the Arabic version of the website
has been created. It can be accessed at
The main sections can be best illustrated using a sitemap diagram:
Project Overview
Transformations in the Arab World
a) Our take on current events
b) Timeline of the "Arab Spring"
c) Recent elections results
ArabTrans Consortium
a) Partners
b) Executive Committee
c) Scientific Board
d) International Scientific Advisory Board
e) International Policy Advisory Board
Reports & Publications
Contact us
ArabTrans graphics
Detailed description:
1. Home is the main landing page for all visitors. It contains brief information about the project
and links to key sections.
2. Project Overview section presents the background, objectives and methodology of the
3. Transformations in the Arab World is an overarching page giving visitors an in-depth
perspective on the Arab Spring via the three sub-sections:
a) Our take on the current events – a series of opinion pieces by the ArabTrans experts
b) An interactive Timeline of the “Arab Spring”
c) A summary of Recent elections results
4. ArabTrans Consortium section introduces visitors to institutions and individuals behind the
ArabTrans project:
a) Partners – the 12 contractually-responsible institutions and their respective
b) Executive Committee – the project’s key decision makers
c) Scientific Board – members responsible for enforcing high scientific standards
d) International Scientific Board – external scientific advisors
e) International Policy Advisory Board – external policy advisors
5. Reports & Publications section lists all officially released ArabTrans documents, e.g. articles,
research papers, conference presentations.
6. Contact us provides contact details for the project’s partners
7. Files is a repository of random documents, accessible from the website’s footer
8. Also at the footer, ArabTrans graphics area allows access to visual content produced by the
project, e.g. ArabTrans logo for the press.
FP #320214 ArabTrans
In addition, the website also has regularly updated sections of News and Events on the right-hand side.
On the opposite side is a Social Stream -- a live feed of updates from ArabTrans social media accounts.
The Social Stream introduces a level of interaction between the website and its visitors, allowing to post
content via social media directly to the website, and the ArabTrans team as a whole.
In a period between its launch in April 2014 and April 2015, the website registered 5404 visits from 4304
unique visitors (78.8% of visits were from new visitors). Duration of an average visit was 1 minutes 34
seconds. The number of visitors to the website has more than doubled since the introduction of Arabiclanguage communication activities in social media in March 2015.
4.2 Social Media
The ArabTrans Consortium uses the powerful trio of social media: Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube in
order to maximise its impact. Each medium serves its primary function. While Twitter is excellent for
reaching new audiences, the key strength of Facebook lies in its power to retain them. YouTube is a
medium of choice for broadcasting videos and audio recordings, such as radio interviews. There is an
element of overlap between the three in that they all allow interaction with users.
Facebook account ( (2213 likes to date):
Figure 2: Layout of the ArabTrans Facebook account
FP #320214 ArabTrans
b) Twitter account ( (225 followers, mainly experts, scientists and
Figure 3: Layout of the ArabTrans Twitter account
students in the field, Universities, international organisations and NGOs)
YouTube (click here for the link):
Figure 4: Layout of the ArabTrans YouTube account
FP #320214 ArabTrans
4.3 Newsletter
The ArabTrans Consortium circulates a monthly newsletter to three groups of recipients:
1) Members of the Consortium
2) International Advisory Boards – it includes members of International Scientific Board and
International Policy Advisory Board
3) Other external audiences – policymakers, scientists, and the press
The newsletter provides updates on latest activities within the ArabTrans project, such as events,
decisions, publications, interviews, and any important news from our partner institutions.
The main objectives set out for this tool are:
To retain existing audiences
To increase awareness of the ArabTrans developments across the Consortium
To disseminate the project’s results and publications
To promote the ArabTrans identity among the project members
The newsletter has proven to be a successful means of communication with the established audiences,
with 75% read rate and 15% follow-through rate on average.
Figure 5: Layout of the ArabTrans Newsletter
Below is the screenshot of the May newsletter:
FP #320214 ArabTrans
5. Policy meetings and papers
It is anticipated that ArabTrans project will produce high volume of information which can be used to
inform the policymaking process in countries from the region, as well as national and EU authorities in
Europe. Copies of the papers will be also delivered to relevant NGOs.
A series of brief policy papers will be written and disseminated using a mix of different methods:
project website and social media
at conferences and project events
via a network of associates
direct approach – email or in-person
through dedicated policy meetings
All policy reports will use the same universal template ensuring consistently professional appearance.
These papers will be no more than 15 pages in size. They will summarise the project’s work and provide
subject-specific policy recommendations.
The mid-term policy paper will be delivered in month 23 of the project and the final policy paper in
month 36.
Policy meetings will enable a free exchange of information between the relevant policymakers and policy
experts on the one side and members of the ArabTrans project on the other. During the meetings the
project members will discuss their policy recommendations. The policymakers and policy experts will be
asked for their feedback and suggestions regarding policy recommendations based on the data provided
by the project.
Below is the current schedule of policy meetings for each of 7 countries:
date & location
1st half of June 2015 in Marrakech
6th June 2015
1st September 2015
19-20th November 2015 in Rome
2nd half of May 2015
Last week of April
moved abroad due to security situation in Libya
efforts are being made to organise it in Iraq
6. Conferences
Members of the ArabTrans Consortium have decided to take part in external conferences and seminars in
the fields related to democratization, transitions, and transformations – especially if held in the Arab
World context.
FP #320214 ArabTrans
The highest profile conference to day attended by the ArabTrans representatives was the launching event
of the European Union’s Horizon2020 programme for the EuroMed region in Cairo in February 2014. The
ArabTrans research project had been invited by the European Commission to attend the event as a
success story of an EU-funded international research project. The event has been attended by
approximately 400 policymakers, researchers, high profile scientists from academia and industry. A
purpose-designed ArabTrans poster was presented at the event, attracting much attention from
participants. The conference allowed establishing networks of new scientific contacts in the region for
the members of the Consortium. It also elevated the ArabTrans’ overall visibility among the stakeholders
as reflected in a spike of visits to the project’s website at the time of the conference.
The other notable conferences attended by the ArabTrans Consortium include the El Kef Conference in
Tunis and annual conference of the Comparative National Elections Project (CNEP) in Marrakech. The
former took place in March 2014 under the title "Transformation, transition and transgression". The
conference was organized and hosted by the English Department of the Kef Institute of Studies in
Humanities (ISEAH) ( of the Jendouba University with the support of the British
Council. The conference aim was to engage researchers and postgraduate students on points of
convergence among the humanities and social science disciplines to look into the concepts of transition,
transformation, and transgression within the context of the Arab Spring. ArabTrans Consortium was
represented at the conference by two key note presentations made by Project Director Professor
Christian Haerpfer: "Transition, Transformation, Transgression and Democratization" and International
Policy Officer Ms Kseniya Kizilova: "ArabTrans: Political and Social Transformations in the Arab World".
The event allowed deepening existing links with Tunisian scientific community. One of its results was a
live interview at the popular Radio Tunis which helped raising awareness of the project among the local
The latter conference took place in Marrakech, also in March 2014. The goal of the presence at that
event was to boost cooperation between the ArabTrans and CNEP teams in medium to long future,
building on findings of the current project. The two teams agreed upon cooperation by sharing findings
and expertise in order to inform further research in the region. The conference also served as a
networking event, helping to build links between international researchers working in similar fields.
The ArabTrans Consortium was invited to give a project presentation at the Spring School of the French
Foundation of Political Sciences in Dijon, France in March 2014. Project presentation was organized as a
1.5 hour lecture within the framework of the Spring School. The audience included students and lecturers
representing mainly Central and Eastern European countries. Presentation was made by Public Policy
Officer Ms Kseniya Kizilova and project director and principal investigator Professor Christian Haerpfer.
The ArabTrans Consortium was also represented at the World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations" in
Rhodes in October 2013. The Forum presented a great opportunity to present the quality of work
undertaken at the project among the world leading scientists. Members of the ArabTrans Consortium
made an important contribution to the Forum’s understanding of religion, democratic transition, security,
and socio-political transformation in the context of Arab World after the Arab Spring. Presentations at
the Forum:
Prof. Christian Haerpfer (UnivAbdn, United Kingdom) “Religious values in the Arab World”
Prof. Valeria Talbot (ISPI, Italy) “Role of the regional players in the MENA region after the
Arab Spring”
FP #320214 ArabTrans
Prof. Munqith Dagher (IIACSS, Iraq&Libya) “Arab Countries in transition: Iraq, Yemen, Syria
and Libya”
Prof.Juan Diez Nikolas (ASEP, Spain) "Contrasting Security Values in different World Regions"
Prof. Magued Osman (Baseera, Egypt) “The current social and political transformations in
Professor Juan Díez-Nicolás from Analisis Sociologicos Economicos y Politicos (ASEP, Spain) has given a
total of 8 lectures and presentations where he represented and described the project:
2013-03-19: Social and Economic Survey Research Institute and World Values Survey
Association, Doha, Qatar. Juan Díez-Nicolás, "Measurign the Concept of Security in a
Comparative Perspective".
2013-03-19: Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, Doha, Qatar. Juan Díez-Nicolás,
"Comparison of Value Changes in the MENA Region and Southern Europe".
2013-04-19: Cheese Society, Madrid.Juan Díez-Nicolás: "Tendencias Mundiales de Cambio
en los Valores Sociales" ("World Trends of Change in Social Values").
2013-05-07: ATENEA-ADALEDE, CESEDEN, Madrid. Participant in public debate on "El
Impacto de las Revueltas Arabes en el Magreb" ("The Impact of Arab Revolts in Maghreb").
2013-05-20: "Seminar for Armed Forces' Officers from Afganistan", CESEDEN, Madrid. Juan
Díez-Nicolás: "Opinión Pública y Defensa" ("Public Opinion and Defense").
2013-11-16: CEU, Madrid: Juan Díez-Nicolas, "Regeneración Institucional Democrática"
("Democratic Institutional Regeneration").
2013-11-21: "Seminar for Armed Forces' Officers from Asia and Pacific", CESEDEN, Madrid.
Juan Díez-Nicolás: "Values and Attitudes towards National Defence and the Armed Forces:
An International Comparative Perspective".
2013-12-19: CESEDEN, Madrid: Juan Díez Nicolás, round table on "Las Fuerzas Armadas
vistas por la Sociedad" ("Armed Forces as seen by Society").
Professor Louisa Dris-Aït-Hamadouche from Centre de Recherche en Economie Appliquee pour le
Development (CREAD, Algeria) has presented the ArabTrans project at a total of three occasions:
In Marseille in November 2014: Politique étrangère et situation politique en Algérie : quelle
complémentarité ? , Euromed-IHEDN
In Paris in November 2013: Politique étrangère et situation politique en Algérie : quelle
complémentarité ? , Euromed-IHEDN
In Algiers in March 2014 at FMES (Mediterranean Fundation for Strategic Studies)
Dr Munqith M. Dagher from Independent Institute for Administration and Civil Society Studies (IIACSS,
Libya and Iraq) has attended a workshop in Florence in April 2014 organised by the European University.
The subject of the workshop was Civil-military relations in times of transition.
Professor Natalia Waechter from University of Graz (UniGraz) is going to participate in ISA World
Congress in Japan in July 2014 and in Austria in September 2014, where she has scheduled to present the
ArabTrans research project to the gathered audiences of scientists.
FP #320214 ArabTrans
Professor Abdel Nasser Djabi from Centre de Recherche en Economie Appliquee pour le Development
(CREAD) has presented the project at the UNDP conference titled “Social cohesion in the Arab World”
that took place in Amman, Jordan on 23 June 2014. Mohammed Benguerna, also from CREAD, took part
in a symposium about development with the South Korean Maghreb Studies Association at the CREAD
headquarters on 23-24 June 2014.
7. Public engagement events
The ArabTrans project has been till date represented at two events that exclusively involved the public at
large. The first of them was May Festival held at the University of Aberdeen in May 2014. Members of the
ArabTrans Consortium made a successful attempt at connecting with the public through participation as
panellists at the debate held during the Festival, presenting a dedicated poster and answering questions
about the project as well as the Arab Spring. More than 250 brochures containing information about the
project were handed out. Online audience was allowed to engage with the project during the event via
twitter hashtag “#arabtrans_fp7”. A digital version of the poster was uploaded online and made available
to the public to interact with.
The Consortium will also be represented at another public engagement event in September. One day
before the Scottish Independence referendum the director and principal investigator professor Christian
Haerpfer will give a public talk about democratic transitions and transformations at Café Scientifique in
Aberdeen. In his talk he will also discuss different factors affecting decision-making, drawing on examples
from the latest history of the Arab World and the project’s original findings. The ArabTrans project will be
presented to the audience at the beginning of the presentation and the project’s brochures will be
handed out. The event will receive an additional boost of publicity with advertising in local media and
social media ahead of the event.
8. Plenary Meetings
A series of high profile annual meetings will be organised by the ArabTrans Consortium to summarise a
years-worth of work accomplished by the project’s team. A total of three meetings will take place within
the 36-month duration of the project. The first one of them is scheduled to be organised in January 2015
in Cairo. The following two events – one also in 2015 and the other in 2016 are expected to take place in
similarly important regional locations.
Both internal and external audiences will partake in these events. In terms of external audiences, the
Consortium will invite carefully selected representatives of the press, scheduling a formal questions and
answers session in the programme. The Consortium will also notify a large number of stakeholders:
policymakers and scientists about the event, with personalised invitations delivered to persons of special
interest directly either or via the network of our associates.
Members of the ArabTrans project tasked with organising plenary meetings understand the importance
of announcing them well in advance of the actual events in order to provide invitees with opportunity to
make appropriate travel arrangements. A suitable notification will be sent out at least a month ahead of
each plenary meeting.
FP #320214 ArabTrans
9. SharePoint
The Consortium has selected Microsoft SharePoint as its collaboration and project management tool. In
the early stages of the project, Communications Officer sent out unique access details to all partners,
along with SharePoint user instructions.
The tool is used for the following activities:
Sharing documents
The project teams use SharePoint as a repository for drafts and publications. Similarly all
contractual documents such as Consortium and Grant agreements or Description of Work can be
easily accessed by any member of the Consortium. Everyday administrative documents like
receipts, financial reports are regularly uploaded. The site also hosts an array of promotional
materials such as the brochures, brand graphics, templates.
Members of the ArabTrans Consortium use SharePoint for working simultaneously on
documents, i.e. editing and reviewing them. This has also proved useful for providing feedback.
Importantly, this function has allowed limiting the use of email for the above purposes.
Delegating and monitoring work
The tool is also used for project management by the Consortium members. National Directors
and the Principal Investigator can delegate tasks to their respective staff and monitor its
progress. By eliminating unnecessary delays and other inefficiencies, it allows a greater
harmonisation of work across different work packages, ensuring timely production of
Figure 6: Layout of the ArabTrans SharePoint account
Below is a screenshot of the ArabTrans SharePoint account:
FP #320214 ArabTrans
10. Communication Policy
In order to facilitate a robust internal and external communication, a dedicated Communication Policy
has been implemented within the Consortium immediately after the project had commenced. The policy
provides guidelines and procedures binding all members of the Consortium. It advises on expected
standards of work, identical for all culturally and linguistically diverse people involved in the project. The
policy is a result of joint effort and exchange of experience by members of the Executive Committee. It
echoes proven good practices that they had developed over the years in other large projects.
The policy aims to provide consistently high standards in the following areas:
Using the right communication channels
Responding to communication within a specific period of time
Contacting right people for a specific queries, e.g. Project Manager for finance matters
Using correct logos and other branding in all communications or promotional materials
Contributing information and action to the joint communication effort at regular intervals
Moreover, it offers a variety of helpful information with regard to the project’s communication, including:
Mailing lists for the Consortium
Communication flowcharts – step-by-step instructions detailing preferred contacts with
relation to subject of a query
Links to websites useful for members of the Consortium
Deadlines for communication-related activities
Check-lists of step-by-step procedures for different situations, e.g. what to remember when
giving a presentation about or paid for by the ArabTrans
The policy puts emphasis on the importance of balancing the amount of communication in the project. In
order to avoid dangers of micromanagement the policy encourages delegation of tasks with simultaneous
two-way communication between staff and management. In an attempt to steer clear from
communication overload, it advises that only information at the time required for the project operations
be shared between members of the Consortium.
The ArabTrans Executive Committee has decided that effectiveness of the communication policy and
process within the Consortium will be assessed on a annual basis by the Communication Officer. Findings
of the assessment will be presented to the Executive Committee ahead of annual plenary meetings,
allowing for appropriate action to be discussed, decided on and taken collectively in person.
11. Internal meetings
Among other channels, the ArabTrans Consortium manages its cooperation through internal meetings
and conference calls. The latter are usually organised on an ‘as needed’ basis throughout the year. The
number of participants largely depends on the topic of the call. Small 2-3 person conference calls take
place more often than larger groups of 5 or more, and they are easier to arrange. The in-person internal
meetings are organised only at important phases of project development in order to move through large
FP #320214 ArabTrans
amounts of work at fast pace. For example, Survey Technical Group (STG) has met a total of 3 times in
order to deliver a finalised ArabTrans Questionnaire.
Below is a list of the internal meetings to date:
Djerba, Tunisia (23-26/06/2013): Initial meeting of the the Executive Committee establishing
the general structure and the major axes of the questionnaire.
Agadir, Morocco (2-7/09/2013): First meeting of the STG, developing English version of the
Dead Sea, Jordan (18/11/2013): Second meeting of the STG, discussing the project’s
fieldwork, country specific reports, and the questionnaire.
Milan, Italy (21/02/2014): ArabTrans Working Meeting, dealing with administrative matters
as well as issues related to Work Packages 1 and 2.
Amman, Jordan (24-25/02/2014): Third Meeting of the STG, the main goal of the meeting
was finalization of the survey tools and fieldwork planning.
While there are no more scheduled internal meetings at the moment, it is expected that members of the
Executive Committee, Dissemination and Communication Group, Gender Equality Group, or Ethical Issues
Group may meet either together or separately if need be.
12. Promotional materials
A mix of essential printed promotional tools has been produced in order to help establishing brand
coherence and visibility of the ArabTrans project, and to aid communicating information about it.
Three-folded brochures:
Figure 7: Layout of the ArabTrans brochure – front
Figure 9: Layout of the back of the ArabTrans business card
Business cards
Figure 8: Layout of the ArabTrans brochure – back
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Figure 10: Layout of the ArabTrans poster – click here to view full size
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A roll-up banner
Figure 11: Layout of the ArabTrans roll-up banner
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