Kilkenny Healthy Food Supply and Nutrition Policy

At Kilkenny Preschool, we promote safe,
Our Preschool’s food and nutrition
Is consistent with the Dietary
healthy eating habits in line with the Right
Guidelines for Children and
Bite Healthy Food and Drink Supply
Adolescents in Australia, and the
Strategy for South Australian Schools and
Australian Guide to Healthy Eating.
Preschools and the DECD wellbeing
Includes activities that provide
children with knowledge, attitudes
and skills to make positive healthy
We believe that early childhood is an
food choices and learn about the
important time for establishing lifelong,
variety of foods available for good
healthy eating habits and can benefit the
children in three ways:
Includes opportunities for children
to develop practical food skills like
Short term: maximises growth,
development, activity levels and good health.
preparing, growing and cooking
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden
healthy food in line with the school’s
Long term: minimises the risk of
diet related diseases later in life.
Good nutrition contributes to good
Integrates nutrition across the
Early Years Learning Framework
health and wellbeing and this is vital for
[EYLF] using a holistic approach.
positive engagement in learning activities.
Educators at this preschool model and
encourage healthy eating behaviours.
The Learning Environment
Food and drink are consumed in a safe,
Children at our Preschool:
bottle and have fresh, clean tap
supportive environment for all children.
water available at all times and are
Parents and caregivers are encouraged to
encouraged to drink water regularly
supply healthy foods that fit within the
Right Bite strategy for their children at
throughout the day.
Eat routinely at scheduled break
times, eat in a positive, social
This food policy has been established
environment with educators who
after consultation with educators and
parents within the preschool community.
Provide water in a named water
model healthy eating behaviours.
Use the preschool garden to learn
about and experience of growing,
harvesting and preparing nutritious
Our Preschool:
Provides rewards that are not food or
Red – Occasionally
drink related.
RED foods and drinks are banned
from sale in schools and preschools.
Understands and promotes the importance
They lack adequate nutritional value
of breakfast and regular meals for
Are high in saturated fat and/or
sugar and/or salt and contribute to
Teaches the importance of healthy meals
excess energy (Kilojoules or
and snacks as part of the curriculum
Is a breastfeeding friendly site
Schools and Preschools can provide
Right Bite Guidelines
Some RED category products - a
maximum of twice a term for a
whole of school or preschool
Our Preschool
The Right Bite Easy Guide to Healthy Food
Encourages healthy food and drink
and Drink in Schools and Preschools assists
choices for children in line with the
to select food according to their nutritional
Right Bite strategy.
value – There are three categories:
representative of the foods of the
Green – Choose plenty (Acceptable at our
preschool community.
promoted and are culturally
reflect the 5 food groups.
sensitive and inclusive.
Are excellent sources of important
preschool activities and events in
Are low in saturated fats and/or
line with the Right Bite strategy.
promotional materials about healthy
energy (kilojoules or calories).
Do not let these foods and drinks
large serving sizes. They have some
nutritional value.
Contain moderate amounts of
saturated fat and/or added sugar
and/or salt (often during
Displays nutritional information and
Help to avoid an intake of excess
dominate the choices and avoid
Ensures a healthy food supply for
Amber – Select carefully
Ensures healthy food choices are
Encourage and promote foods that
sugar and or salt.
Encourages food choices which are
Can, in large servings, contribute to
excess energy (kilojoules or
Not Acceptable at our Preschool
Nuts and all nut products- Peanut
paste/ butter, Nutella
Chocolates and other chocolate
Roll ups and sweet biscuits
Processed packaged foods
Cakes, muffins
Chips, Donuts, cans of soft drink
Food-related Health
Snack Time
Support Planning
Parents and carers are encouraged to supply
a range of healthy snacks, fruit and
Our Preschool:
vegetables at snack time to:
Provide children with important minerals
Liaises with families to ensure a suitable
food supply for children with health
and vitamins and encourage a taste for
support plans that are related to food
healthy foods.
Parents and carers are encouraged to
Is ‘Nut Aware’ and asks parents not to
provide healthy food and drink choices in
supply foods that may contain nuts. This
line with the Right Bite strategy
is to support the children who have
anaphylactic reactions to nuts.
Acceptable Snack Foods:
the notice board.
Fresh fruit –Apples, bananas, oranges,
mandarin, pear, mango, strawberries etc
Working with families,
Dried fruit – Sultanas, dried apricots,
health services & industry
figs, etc
Fresh vegetables –Salads, tomato,
cucumber, carrot and celery sticks etc
Dry/ rice crackers
Savoury Sandwiches- Vegemite, Cheese,
meat and vegetable fillings
Yogurt- Preferably in a nude food
A list of current allergies is displayed on
Our Preschool:
Invites parents and caregivers to be
involved in the review of our whole
site food and nutrition policy.
Provides information to families and
caregivers about the Right Bite
Strategy through a variety of ways
Food safety
policy development/review
Our Preschool:
information on enrolment
pamphlet/poster displays
 Promotes and teaches food safety to
children as part of the curriculum.
 Encourages educators to access training as
appropriate to the Right Bite Strategy.
 Provides adequate hand washing facilities
for everyone.
 Promotes and encourages correct hand
washing procedures with children and
The preschool has children with serious
food allergies and a separate policy for the
duration of their involvement with the
preschool has been developed and
communicated to parents and educators.
The educators at Kilkenny Preschool thank
you in advance for your support of this