ENG4C exam review 2014

Exam Review
Part A: Play – The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde (20 marks)
For this section of the exam you will be assessed on basic comprehension from the play. As well as,
given a quotation from the text and be required to identify the speaker of the quotation.
How to study for this portion of the exam?
Go through all your quizzes and tests from the play and re-assess yourself on the basic comprehension.
Use the online text to identify 10 major quotations from the play. Write out the quotation and identify
the speaker of the quotation. Try to find different characters as speakers of the quotations.
Part B: Novel – Night by Elie Wiesel (10 marks)
For this section of the exam you will be given 10 quotations to analyze and explain the significance of
the quotation to the work as a whole.
How to study for this portion of the exam?
Go through all the significant quotations provided to you during the unit, as well as, those identified on
quizzes and tests and practice writing 10 analysis statements for each quotation.
Part C: Grammar – Commonly Confused Words (20 marks)
For this portion of the exam you will be required to identify the correct form of the word to be used to
fill in the blank of the given sentence.
How to study for this portion of the exam?
Memorize all the terms provided to you by the teacher from set 1 and 2 from your grammar unit.
Complete all the practice exercises in the grammar book, and upon taking them up, determine which
words you still find challenging and study those ones.
Part D: Short Fiction - Summary (10 marks)
For this portion of the exam you will be required to write a summary paragraph for a given short story
studied in class, in proper paragraph form.
Here is a list of the short stories studied:
Death by Landscape By: Atwood
The Lottery By: Jackson
The Masque of the Red Death By: Poe
The Most Dangerous Game By: Connell
How to study for this portion of the exam?
Use the online versions of the texts if needed and compile a point form list of major incidents. What
usually helps is if you complete a storyline plot structure for each of the short stories, this way you know
you have all the major points of information.
Next, practice writing an opinion paragraph for each story studied.
Part E: Sight Passage 20 marks)
For this portion of the exam you will be required to write a one paragraph essay response to the short
story provided to you on the exam. Choose to discuss either characterization or a major theme from the
story. Use the lined answer sheet provided. Be sure to include an introduction, thesis statement, 3
focus points, and 3 proofs, as well as a concluding sentence.
How to study for this portion of the exam?
Using the Between the Lines 12 textbook, select a short story to read and practice writing a formal essay
response to those indicated topics on the given story.
Part F: Sight Poem (20 marks)
For this portion of the exam you will be given a short poem to analyze and conduct a close reading
analysis on. Using the lined answer sheet, write a formal paragraph analyzing this poem in one of the
following areas: language, symbolism, theme, or Holocaust Literature. You must include: a thesis topic
sentence, three direct quotations from the poem to support your ideas and a clear concluding sentence.
How to study for this portion of the exam?
Within the novel study unit, students conducted close reading exercises on 2 poems. Using the poem
provided by the teacher practice writing a close reading of the given poem.
by Michael R. Burch
for the children of the Holocaust
Something inescapable is lost—
lost like a pale vapor curling up into shafts of moonlight,
vanishing in a gust of wind toward an expanse of stars
immeasurable and void.
Something uncapturable is gone—
gone with the spent leaves and illuminations of autumn,
scattered into a haze with the faint rustle of parched grass
and remembrance.
Something unforgettable is past—
blown from a glimmer into nothingness, or less,
and finality has swept into a corner where it lies
in dust and cobwebs and silence.