Italics and Quotation Marks: FORMATIVE Learning Target 4 1 LEARNING TARGET 4: Rule 11: Use quotation marks to enclose titles of short works such as articles, short stories, essays, poems, songs, and individual episodes of television shows; and of chapters and other parts of books. DIRECTIONS: Correctly insert quotation marks into the following sentences. 1. One of the titles on our required reading list is Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. 2. It can be found in our literature book, in the chapter titled Essays and Speeches. 3. A Start in Life by Ruth Suckow is a realistic story. 4. A popular Old English riddle song is Scarborough Fair. 5. Have you read Split Cherry Tree by Jesse Staurt? (short story) 6. Which Eve Merriam poem is your favorite, Cheers or How to Eat a Poem? 7. The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County was the first of Mark Twain’s stories to bring him recognition as a humorist. 8. Have you read Fran Lebowitz’s essay Tips for Teens? 9. Lowlands, Shenandoah, and Yo, Heave Ho! are three popular sea chanteys. 10. Emily Dickinson’s poem I’m Nobody! Who Are You? sums up her attitude toward fame. 1 RCSHS – ENG IIA - KMH taken from Warriner’s English Composition and Grammar, Third Course, Exercise 3, pg. 648-649.