Solar PV Economic Impact Analysis for CPS UNIVERSITY OF THE INCARNATE WORD H-E-B SCHOOL OF BUSINESS CAPSTONE 2009 INSTRUCTOR: DR. DAVID G. VEQUIST IV BY HARISH CHAUDHARI CHIEN MING HO HALDUN UNAL Table of Contents Scope Statement for CPS Solar PV Project: ............................................... 3 PV Market Overview ................................................................................ 4 PV Growth Factors ................................................................................... 7 Renewable Portfolio Standards………………………………………………………………8 Texas' Solar Energy Potential………………………………………………………………….8 Analysis of PV incentive program and PV Growth Trend…………………………9 New Jersey Renewable Energy Manufacturing Incentives…………………….14 California Solar Initiative Research, Development and Demonstration Plan……………………………………………………………………………………………………..15 New Jersey Rebates and Installations…………………………………………………..15 California Incentives and PV Installations……………………………………………..16 Employment Effect of the PV..………………………………………………………………19 California Incentive Structure……………………………………………………………….23 Recommendation.................................................................................. .24 Strategy 1.............................................................................................. .24 Strategy 2.............................................................................................. .27 Strategy 3.............................................................................................. .33 Suggestion ............................................................................................ .34 Reference ............................................................................................. .36 2 Scope Statement for CPS Solar PV Project: Business Objectives CPS will be building a solar energy capacity. According to one scheme planned to achieve this goal solar power equipment suppliers will partner with the commercial building owners. The rooftop of commercial buildings will be utilized for the purpose of generating electric power through photovoltaic(PV) panels. A substantial amount of business is expected to be created. An assesment of the business that will be created is needed. Assesment should concentrate on the impact of the business to job creation in San Antonio. Magnitude of the project Assesment will be made for 100MW of solar generated distributed energy. Contributing factors Solar power capacity goal: 100MW by 2020. Price per watt for solar generated energy: CPS is paying $0.27 per kW Minimum renewable energy requirement for the State of Texas: Net grid status: No net grid. CPS will purchase the power generated. The solar energy generation in a distributed energy model. PVs will be installed by contractors. There will be a need for installers and 3 suppliers and other personnel in the installation of the panels and there will be a need for personnel in the operation and management of the installed solar panels. Project shall include comparisons of similar schemes in other cities. Project will deliver a complete assessment of the business and employment the solar power generation will create in the Greater San Antonio Area. PV Market Overview In 2008, total US PV installations reached 286.9MW which reflects an annual increase of 79% from the previous year. At the end of 2008 the cumulative installed capacity PV capacity was 789MW. US PV Installations MW 350 MW 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 US PV Installations MW 2007 2008 160.3 286.9 A.O.S: All other states. Source: IREC, 2009 Updates and Trends As per data from a report by Interstate Renewable Energy Council, at the end of 4 2008 California had the largest cumulative PV capacity. California, New Jersey and Colorado had installed capacities of 526MW, 70MW and 36MW respectively which make them the top 3 states. 2008 Cumulative Instaled PV Capacity by State - MW 600 500 MW 400 300 200 100 0 CA NJ CO NV AZ NY HI CT OR MA A.O.S 2008 Cumulative Instaled PV Capacity 526 by State - MW 70 36 34 25 22 14 9 8 8 39 A.O.S: All other states. Source: IREC, 2009 Updates and Trends At the end of 2008 California had the largest PV capacity installed per capita with 14.6MW; Nevada was second with 14.2MW and Hawaii was third with 10.6MW. Top Ten PV W per Capita 2008 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 PV WDC per Capita Cumulative 2008 CA NV HI NJ CO AZ CT DE OR VT 14.6 14.2 10.6 8.1 7.7 4.3 2.5 2.2 2.1 1.8 PV WDC per Capita 2008 4.9 6.7 6.2 2.6 4.6 1.1 1.5 0.7 1.3 0.6 In the chart below we can observe the percentage share of installed PV capacity by 5 state at the end of 2008. PV Installed Capacity % by States 2008 CT, 2% OR, NC, A.O.S , 6% 2% 1% AZ, 2% CA NY, 2% HI, 3% NJ NV, 5% CO NV CO, 8% CA, 61% HI NJ, 8% NY AZ CT A.O.S: All other states. Source: IREC, 2009 Updates and Trends OR Many states showed significant increases in PV installations. California PV installations increased by 92%: MW PV Installations MW 2007 and 2008 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 NV HI NY AZ CT OR NC A.O. S 2008 176 22.5 21.7 14.9 8.6 7 6.2 5.3 4.8 4 15.9 2007 91.8 20.4 11.5 15.9 2.9 3.8 2.8 2.5 1.1 0.4 7.2 CA NJ CO A.O.S: All other states. Source: IREC, 2009 Updates and Trends Other areas that we have to review are the research activities and the number of 6 businesses. The chart below depicts the current situation for select states in number of businesses, in federal research awards and number of scientific publications for comparison. Percentages of research activities show the shares in the US total. Research and Business for Select States 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% California Colorado Massachusettes Texas Number of PV businesses 310 85 34 65 Percentage of Federal Research Awards Total 15% 11% 8% 4% Percent of Number of Scientific Publications 20% 19% 8% 3% 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Source: The Energy Report, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, 2008 PV Growth Factors Interstate Renewable Energy Council lists the factors which helped the strong growth in PV installations: One of them is the change in investment tax credit which is shown as the most important federal solar component policy. The change included an increase for increase for commercial installations and covering residential installations. Another driver has been the incentives offered by the states which helped installations more than double in several states. Renewable Portfolio Standards which mandated a specific solar power generation solar percentage in it made a significant impact on 7 installations. In California, where the largest energy installations have been taking place the incentive program California Solar Initiative (CSI) continued to make progress and contributed to the overall increase PV installations in the US. In addition, we believe increasing awareness among public regarding the benefits of the renewable energy for a cleaner environment and sustainable economy with less dependence on fossil fuels, have an important role in the growth of PV installations. Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) RPS is a term used to define the minimum renewable energy percentage the utilities should have in their total power production capacities. There was a considerable activity in state level RPS requirements in 2008 and 2009. California increased its RPS to 33% by 2020. Missouri increased its renewable goal from 11% to 15% and specified the solar power generation to be at minimum at 2%. Several states created provisions for solar energy while enacting or modifying their RPS policies. RPS is one of the drivers which have guaranteed the growth in solar PV generation. Texas’ Solar Energy Potential It is not surprising that Department of Energy designated San Antonio as one of the Solar America Cities in 2008. According to State Energy Conservation Office, Texas ranks first amongst all states in solar power generation potential. 8 Analysis of PV incentive program and PV Growth Trend Every state has different solar energy developments and incentive programs. Some states develop it early, and some states do it lately. The following charts show the number of different size PV systems, average costs, and incentives under different incentive programs from 16 states from 1998 to 2008. The data was made available in the Tracking the Sun II study of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. These 16 states include the top solar states such as California, New Jersey, Colorado, and Arizona. The charts include data from the available years specific to the program and differ from each other since they have different starting and ending years. $ / MW CA Self Generation Incentive Program Systems 10-100 kW 12 120 10 100 8 80 6 60 4 40 2 20 0 No.of Systems 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 9 44 109 107 73 53 30 Avg. Cost 9.6 8.2 8.5 8 7.8 7.5 7.1 Avg. Incentive 4.4 3.9 4 3.8 3.3 2.6 2.4 9 0 CA Self Generation Incentive Program Systems > 100kW $ / MW 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 120 100 80 60 40 20 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 No.of Systems 9 44 109 107 73 53 30 Avg. Cost 4 3.4 3.8 3.7 3.4 2.7 2.4 Avg. Incentive 8 7 7.9 7.5 7.5 7.3 7.2 0 $ / MW Los Angeles / LADWP Solar Incentive Program Systems <10kW 12 300 10 250 8 200 6 150 4 100 2 50 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 No.of Systems 189 37 69 125 275 34 Avg. Cost 9.6 9.2 8 8.6 8.8 8.4 6 3.8 3.2 3.6 3.7 3.7 Avg. Incentive 10 0 MA Commonwealth Solar Program Systems 10100kW $ / MW 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 No.of Systems 5 9 17 14 11 34 Avg. Cost 13 10.9 10.3 10.6 9.1 8.7 15.2 8.5 11.2 8.3 7.9 4.1 Avg. Incentive 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 $ / MW NJ CEP Customer Onsite Renewable Energy Systems = <10kW 10 1000 8 800 6 600 4 400 2 200 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 No.of Systems 32 246 407 812 480 669 Avg. Cost 9.3 9.1 8.7 8.6 8.7 8.7 Avg. Incentive 6.2 6.2 6 5.6 5 4.3 0 In order to figure out how many residential and commercial PV systems can be created by per incentive dollar, our group assumes that if the size of PV system lowers 11 or equals 10 KW which is residential PV system and the size of PV system higher than 10 KW which is commercial PV system in this report. The following graphs show that the increases of number of residential and commercial PV system from 2004 to 2008: No. Residential PV System Increase of No. Residential PV System 2004-2008 14,000 10,785 12,000 10,000 7,650 8,000 6,000 11,459 4,976 4,521 2004 2005 4,000 2,000 2006 2007 2008 No. Commerical PV System Increase of No. commercial PV System 2004-2008 2,000 1,638 1,318 1,500 1,027 1,000 551 672 500 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 From 2004 to 2008, the average of residential PV system incentive on per PV Watt was $3.4, and the averages of total PV system and capacity were 7878 units and 35.17 12 MW. Hence, average per incentive dollar can create 2317 PV systems and 10.34 MW in these years. In terms of commercial PV system, its average of incentive on per PV Watt is $3.8, and its averages of total PV system and capacity are 2290 PV systems and 10.22 MW from 2004 to 2008. Every year, increases of number residential and commercial PV systems have different growth rates. There are some factors indirectly or directly impact them. They are PV system’s install cost, incentive program for per PV Watt, unemployment, and GDP. The following graphs show that residential and commercial PV systems’ install cost, unemployment, and GDP from 2004 to 2008: Average Per Residential PV Watt Install Cost and Incentive 2004-2008 U.S. Dollar 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Install cost 8.8 9.0 9.0 9.0 8.7 Incentive 4.2 3.7 3.4 3.0 2.9 Residential and Commercial incentive programs for PV system’s support are regularly going down every year. Sometime they keep the same supports. However, although residential and commercial PV install costs are gradually decreasing every 13 year, they might increase sometime. Hence, when people have to pay more money for PV installation, this would directly decrease their demands for installation PV system. For example, the average of PV install cost was increase in 2005. In this year, the growth rate of residential PV system was negative and the growth rate of commercial PV system was around 22% which is low than 37% of average growth rate. New Jersey Renewable Energy Manufacturing Incentives As of September 23, 2009 New Jersey Board of Public Utilities’ decided to pay incentive dollars for PV equipment including solar panels, inverters, and racking systems which are purchased from a certified New Jersey Manufacturer. In order to qualify for the incentive at least 50% of the equipment purchased must be manufactured in New Jersey. Renewable Energy Manufacturing Incentives Incentive Maximum Maximum ($/ Watt) System Size Incentive Residential: 0 - 10 kW $0.25 10 kW $2,500 Non-Residential: 0 - 50 kW $0.14 50 kW $7,500 Non-Residential: 51 - 100 kW $0.12 100 kW $12,000 Non-Residential: 101 - 500 kW $0.08 500 kW $40,000 Residential: 0 - 10 kW $0.15 10 kW $1,500 Non-Residential: 0 - 50 kW $0.09 50 kW $4,500 Non-Residential: 51 - 100 kW $0.07 100 kW $7,000 Non-Residential: 101 - 500 kW $0.05 500 kW $25,000 Solar Panels Inverters and Racking Systems 14 California Solar Initiative Research, Development and Demonstration Plan This plan has allocated $50 million of the CSI funding for research, development and demonstration programs. Its goals include increasing technology efficiency and technology adoption increase. New Jersey Rebates and PV Installations Rebates which are provided in the State of New Jersey resulted in more than 108MWs in PV capacity in 9 years from 2001 to 2009. Total rebate provided to the projects were about $292 million. The number of projects was 4,522 which consist of 3,645 systems with 10kW or smaller capacities and 877 projects larger than 10 kW capacities. Total Rebate Millions 38MW 80 30 60 974 867 729 40 20 0 35 3 37 95 693 835 Total 100 New Jersey Solar Installations by Year All ProjectsTotal MW 40 25 20 15 10 289 5 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 The projects in New Jersey by market segmentation can be observed in the table below: 15 New Jersey Solar Installations by Market Segment As of 10/31/09 Installed Capacity % of Installed Market Segment # Projects (KW dc) Total Rebate $ Capacity Commercial 545 56,165.8 $100,647,166 51.96% Residential 3,664 26,769.5 $116,938,981 24.77% School Public K-12 66 10,391.5 $31,557,164 9.61% Municipality 25 5,074.7 $8,679,595 4.69% Government Facility 30 3,857.4 $13,338,328 3.57% University Public 14 2,300.9 $7,350,274 2.13% SUNLIT 48 1,078.0 $3,400,192 1.00% Non Profit 70 952.0 $3,526,943 0.88% Farm 46 839.7 $3,268,403 0.78% School Other 11 413.6 $1,652,558 0.38% University Private 3 245.0 $2,194,660 0.23% Total 4,522 108,088.3 $292,554,263 100.0% Total* = Program to date totals for Paid projects plus projects pending payment; preliminary results subject to true-up based upon inspection results. Source: y/solar-installation-projects California Incentives and PV Installations Today when we consider the cost associated with the PV system ownership, we can see that the incentives provided by the governments either at local or at state levels have been helping the development of PV market; hence, the PV generated power. In order to calculate if there is a good return of the investment made possible with these incentives provided we took the data of three consecutive years from the California Solar Initiative Statistics web site. We eliminated the cancelled applications in the raw 16 data. After finding the total incentive amount and the total cost of the projects for each year, we divided the total cost by total incentive amount. The result implies the effect of the solar incentives provided by the State of California. The first calculation was made for both large and small size PV systems. Average of the ratio for the systems for three years is 383% which translates to “for every solar PV incentive dollar provided, $3.83 of business may be created.” California Incentives vs. Total Cost of Projects Number of Applications Incentive Total Cost Total Cost/Total Incentive Amount 2007 6,057 283,687,357 882,481,715 311% 2008 10,842 302,718,695 1,205,003,460 398% 2009 12,294 215,284,117 944,535,153 439% Total 29,193 801,690,169 3,032,020,328 Average: 383% Source: 1,000 Total Cost 1,200 Total Cost $ Millions California Solar Initiative: Incentives v.s CostCost of Projects 2007 California Incentives v.sTotal Total 1,400 2009 Total Cost / Total 2007 311% Incentive 0 Incentive 200 Total Cost 400 Incentive 800 The average of the same ratio for systems smaller than 10kW is 486%. 600 2008 398% 2009 439% Source: Raw Application Data as at 10/31/2009 after cancelled, withdran and removed applications 17 California Solar Initiative: Incentives vs. Total Cost of Projects 2007 - 2009 Systems < 10 kW Number of Applications Incentive Total Cost Total Cost/Total Incentive Amount 2007 5,746 63,276,114 258,154,134 408% 2008 10,344 93,789,744 455,660,290 486% 2009 11,968 92,727,704 522,258,816 563% Total 28,058 249,793,562 1,236,073,240 Average: 486% Source: California Incentives v.s Total Cost 600 500 0 2007 Total Cost / Total 2008 Total Cost 100 Incentive 200 Total Cost Incentive 300 Incentive 400 Total Cost $ Millions California Solar Initiative: Incentives v.s Total Cost of Projects 2007 - 2009 2009 486% 563% Source: Raw Application Data as at 10/31/2009 after cancelled, removed and The average ratio for PV systems larger than 10 kW is 329%. California Solar Initiative : Incentives vs. Total Cost of Projects 2007 - 2009 Systems > 10 kW Number of Applications Incentive Total Cost Total Cost/Total Incentive Amount 2007 311 220,411,242 624,327,581 283% 2008 498 208,928,952 749,343,170 359% 2009 326 122,556,413 422,276,337 345% Total 1,135 551,896,607 1,795,947,088 Average: 329% Source: 18 California Incentives v.s Total Cost 2007 Total Cost / Total 283% 2008 359% Total Cost Incentive Total Cost Incentive Total Cost 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Incentive $ Millions California Solar Initiative: Incentives v.s Total Cost of Projects 2007 - 2009 2009 345% Source: Data as at 10/31/2009 after cancelled, removed and withdrawn applications were excluded. The result of this analysis is showing us that the incentives are driving the investment growth and continuity in PV. PV incentives are catalysts for the solar PV projects at the current level of the cost associated with them. Employment Effect of the PV Effect of the Solar and Wind Generated Energy in Energy Sector Employment Studies have shown that renewable energy increase the employment more that the traditional power generation sources, such as gas, coal and fossil fuels. In report by the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory of the University of California, Berkeley shows that as the percentages of the renewable energy sources are increased, the employment created by the energy sector is increased dramatically. In the study, a 19 20% Renewable Portfolio Standard which will be achieved by 2020 was assumed. The study also made the assumption that 3,858,452 GWh electricity generation in the US do not change until 2020 due to efficiency gains. Electricity Generation Source % with Employment Estimates 20% RPS by 2020* Biomass Wind Solar Coal Scenario % % % % Construction, O&M Manufacturing, AND Fuel Installation Processing Natural Total Gas % Employment Scenario 85 14 1 0 0 52,533 111,136 163,669 60 37 3 0 0 85,008 91,436 176,444 40 55 5 0 0 111,879 76,139 188,018 0 0 0 50 50 22,711 63,657 86,369 0 0 0 0 100 22,023 61,694 83,987 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 Scenario 5 *20% RPS by 2020 assuming that the electricity demand in the US as at the time report was prepared remains the same. Source: Table ES-2, Report of the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory, April 13, 2004. Daniel M. Kammen, Kamal Kapadia, and Matthias Fripp (2004) Putting Renewables to Work: How Many Jobs Can the Clean Energy Industry Generate? RAEL Report, University of California, Berkeley. 20 Renewable Share in RPS and employment 100% 30% 20% 10% Wind, 55% Biomass, 40% Solar, 5% 40% Wind, 37% 50% Biomass, 60% 60% Solar, 3% 70% Solar, 1% Wind, 14% 80% Biomass, 85% 90% 0% 1 2 3 Total employment peaks as percentage of wind and solar increases in the RPS, 188,018 200,000 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 Biomas s 100,000 Scenario 4 and 5 assumes electicity generation from coal and natural gas only to meet RPS. In these cases employment occurs at about half percent of the first 3 scenarios. 4 80,000 Solar 60,000 40,000 20,000 Wind 0 5 Job Creation in PV Industry According to a study by the American Solar Energy Society (ASES) the US can create 4.5 million jobs by 2030 if appropriate policies are implemented. The same study predicts by 2020 PV industry can generate 105 thousand jobs. One of the studies for job creation in PV industry was prepared for Canada. In Ontario it is estimated that 35 jobs can be created per MW by 2025. There are different estimates from different studies across the US and around the world which, we believe, may be resulting from the methodologies used for the studies, from the difference in job definitions and project implementations and / or from the optimism level of the researchers. For example, the California Energy Commission (CEC) estimate for manufacturing jobs is 3.18 and for installation jobs is 0.73 which 21 quoted in a study, while Greenpeace estimates the PV manufacturing jobs as 20 and the installation jobs as 31 before 2010(5). Centers of Excellence in California have surveyed the solar-related firms in Southern California and have found that those firms are employing between 5,900 and 6,900 workers. In addition, 73% of the firms reported that they plan hiring more employees and that they expect 44.7% increase in employment over the next 12 months when the study was prepared in 2008(6). ASES has reported the revenues and the jobs created in the PV industry in Colorado and in the US as shown in the tables below: PV Industry Revenues and Jobs In the US PV Industry Revenues and Jobs In CO Revenue PV Jobs Total Jobs 2006 $1.0 Billion 6,800 15,700 2007 $1.3 Billion 8,700 19,800 2006 Revenue PV Jobs Total Jobs $55 Million 275 650 Source: The American Solar Energy Society, Boulder Colorado Source: The American Solar Energy Society, Boulder Colorado Although, the job creation numbers which are estimated varies across organizations, we strongly believe that PV electricity generation in a distributed energy model will create more jobs in the San Antonio Area. 22 California Solar Initiative (CSI) Incentive Structure: CSI was designed to provide incentives to eligible residential and non-residential solar PV projects from 2007 through 2016. It has a budget of $2.165 billion. 33% of the budget is allocated to residential projects and 67% of it is allocated to non-residential projects. EPBB Payments (per watt) Residen Commer Gov't/No tial cial nprofit PBI Payments (per kWh) Residenti al Gov't/ Commer Nonpr cial ofit MW Step Statewide MW in Step 1 50* n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2 70 $2.50 $2.50 $3.25 $0.39 $0.39 $0.50 3 100 $2.20 $2.20 $2.95 $0.34 $0.34 $0.46 4 130 $1.90 $1.90 $2.65 $0.26 $0.26 $0.37 5 160 $1.55 $1.55 $2.30 $0.22 $0.22 $0.32 6 190 $1.10 $1.10 $1.85 $0.15 $0.15 $0.26 7 215 $0.65 $0.65 $1.40 $0.09 $0.09 $0.19 8 250 $0.35 $0.35 $1.10 $0.05 $0.05 $0.15 9 285 $0.25 $0.25 $0.90 $0.03 $0.03 $0.12 10 250 $0.20 $0.20 $0.70 $0.03 $0.03 $0.10 Source: CSI Program Handbook July 2009, *First 50 MW under SGIP. The program has triggers. Once system capacity in the applications reach the MW in a particular step program administrators start to offer the incentives at the next level. For example, when enough applications are made for the 70 MW in step 2, program 23 moves toward step 3 and the incentives decrease. From January 01, 2007 until December 02, 2009 30,562 applications resulted in an installed capacity of 277.1 MWs and a pending capacity of 137.2 MWs. Total of the incentives for this capacity was $908 million. Recommendation After our group’s analysis and research, we create three strategies and recommendations that might help CPS to increase its PV capacity and PV development: • New Solar Homes Program • Solar Homes for San Antonio Program • CPS Solar PV Farm • San Antonio Solar Research and Development Center • San Antonio PV Manufacturing Incentive Program Strategy 1 New Solar Home Program California government has launched a one million solar roofs program to stimulate people to install PV system and increase total PV system capacity. It also has 24 cooperated with local builders to build new houses with PV systems. When people buy these new houses, they can directly enjoy the advantages of solar energy. Through this program California not only can increase its PV system capacity, but also can let more people to know solar energy’s benefits. San Antonio is the 7th largest city in the United States. Accord U.S. Census Bureau, San Antonio has more than 1.35 million populations, and its annual population growth rate is around 2% from 2002 to 2008. This means its average population can increase almost 27,000 every month. Since these population choose to work and live in San Antonio, these are many new buildings be built every year. According to U.S. Census Bureau’s record, the annual average number of new building is around 10,000 from 2004-2008. Therefore, if CPS can cooperate with local builder to positively promote PV system to customers and install PV system on new buildings. CPS’s total PV capacity would enhance a lot. Moreover, according to the report of Energy Pulse, 75% of Americans feels it is important that their utilities include renewable resources. Moreover, 50% of U.S. consumers would be willing to pay more money for renewable energy. Hence, many people have a high willing for renewable energy. If CPS can adopt this plan to positively introduce and install solar PV systems for customers, this would let more people to install and accept solar systems. 25 Testing Strategic Actions Pro. More people use and install PV systems Customers promote Solar PV system to new customers Might indirectly decrease install cost Cons. Local builders do not want to cooperate with CPS Customers have bad experiences for solar PV system Decrease potential customers Increase personnel expense Implementation Goal: Total PV capacity achieve 100MW by 2020 Assumes: CPS implements the plan next year and ends this by 2020 (10years) Every year new house: 6,000 Average Home Size PV system: 4.5 KW After cooperate with Local Builders: Best Case (70% of new houses installed PV systems): 6,000 X (0.7) X 4.5 X 10 = 189,000 KW= 189 MW Expected Case (40% of new houses installed PV systems): 6,000 X (0.4) X 4.5 X 10 = 108,000 KW = 108MW Worst Case (10% of new houses installed): 6,000 X (0.1) X 4.5X 10 = 27,000 KW= 27MW 26 The following chart shows how the best case can help CPS increase the volume of total solar PV capacity by 89 MW (from 100 MW to 189MW), the expected case not only can help CPS to achieve its goal, but also increase the volume of total solar PV capacity by 8 MW (from 100 MW to 108), and the worst case will decrease CPS’s total solar PV capacity. PV Vapacity (MW) Total PV Capacity by 2010 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 189 100 108 100 100 27 Best Case Expected Case Worst Case Strategy 2 Solar Homes for San Antonio We believe the trigger mechanism in the CSI incentives structure has generated good results. Therefore, we recommend a similar structure for CPS to implement in San Antonio. Since, in the initial steps higher incentives will result in faster customer acquiring, a higher incentive level than the current $0.27 should be considered. We recommend implementing a Solar Homes for San Antonio initiative which should aim to create a 160MW solar capacity in San Antonio. The incentive structure should be 27 similar to the one depicted below: Solar Homes for San Antonio Incentives and $ Million $250 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 $200 $150 $100 $50 $0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 San Antonio MW in Step Business Potential Incentive / kWh 10 PBI Payments (per kWh) MW Step San Antonio MW in Step Residential 1 5 $0.39 2 7 $0.34 3 10 $0.26 4 12 $0.22 5 14 $0.15 6 18 $0.09 7 20 $0.05 8 22 $0.03 9 25 $0.03 10 27 $0.03 In order to estimate the economic impact of the PV capacity created, we used the CSI application data. We have to note that the application data includes completed 28 incentive payments and incomplete incentive payments. However, it provides us with the potential economic impact of the PV deployment, since application has the incentive amount and the cost of the projects. From the California Solar Initiative web site provides application data with the installed and the pending capacity. Between January 01, 2007 and December 02, 2009, the total of the pending and the installed capacity in California was 414.3 MW. From the application data, the total cost of the projects from January 01, 2007 to November 11, 2009 $3,032,020,327.662. This cost of the projects reflects the business created; therefore in California approximately in 3 years, $3,032,020,327.662 of business was created. We will assume that the incentives for residential and non-residential have the same effect in creating business. If we divide the total business created by the capacity, we will have an estimate of the business potential per MW that PV projects may create. This amount per megawatt equals to $7,318,417. 29 PBI Payments / kWh) MW Step San Antonio MW in Step Residential Business Potential 1 5 $0.39 $36,592,086.99 2 7 $0.34 $51,228,921.78 3 10 $0.26 $73,184,173.97 4 12 $0.22 $87,821,008.77 5 14 $0.15 $102,457,843.56 6 18 $0.09 $131,731,513.15 7 20 $0.05 $146,368,347.94 8 22 $0.03 $161,005,182.74 9 25 $0.03 $182,960,434.93 10 27 $0.03 $197,597,269.72 Business Potential Total: $1,170,946,784 The total impact of a 160 MW solar PV deployment may be equal to $1,170,946,784 during these ten steps. Let’s assume that each of the ten steps takes 1 year to complete. The ASES report indicates that in 2006, the employment was 6,800 jobs in the PV industry. According to this data for every million dollar 6.80 jobs were created in the industry. In the same study, the total number of employment that was created in addition to the jobs created was calculated. The multiplier for the out-of-industry employment can be calculated by the following formula: (Total employment - Industry employment)/(Industry employment). We calculated 1.31 as the multiplier by using this formula. The employment estimates for each year are in shown in the table below: 30 Solar Homes for San Antonio Employment Estimate-1 San Antonio MW Deployed Year Each Year PV Industry Employment Other Employment Business Potential 1 5 249 326 $36,592,086 2 7 348 456 $51,228,921 3 10 498 652 $73,184,173 4 12 597 782 $87,821,008 5 14 697 913 $102,457,843 6 18 896 1,173 $131,731,513 7 20 995 1,304 $146,368,347 8 22 1,095 1,434 $161,005,182 9 25 1,244 1,630 $182,960,434 10 27 1,344 1,760 $197,597,269 2,000 $250 $197.60 1,800 $182.96 $161.01 $146.37 1,600 1,400 $131.73 1,200 $200 800 600 $36.59 PV Industry Employment $150 $102.46 1,000 400 $ Millon Job Creation Estimate -1 For Solar Other Employment $87.82 $73.18 $51.23 $100 $50 Business Potential 200 0 $0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2019 Given the variety of the estimates for the jobs created for the PV industry, we believe it would be wise to provide a different estimate. For this purpose we estimated the employment with an average of the estimates of 5 organizations which was given in a similar study from UC Berkeley; the average of the estimates was 20 manufacturing 31 and 13 installation jobs per MW or 33 jobs per MW. When the distinction is made for the types of the jobs, regardless of the ratio accuracy of the estimate, it may be better conceived why PV manufacturing would cause more jobs in an area. In the table below there is the number of jobs that may be created per MW in the PV industry and its effect in other employment using the multiplier we calculated above. Solar Homes for San Antonio Employment Estimate - 2 San Antonio MW Deployed Year Each Year PV Industry Employment Other Employment Business Potential 1 5 165 216 $36,592,086 2 7 231 303 $51,228,921 3 10 330 432 $73,184,173 4 12 396 519 $87,821,008. 5 14 462 605 $102,457,843 6 18 594 778 $131,731,513 7 20 660 865 $146,368,347 8 22 726 951 $161,005,182 9 25 825 1,081 $182,960,434 10 27 891 1,167 $197,597,269 1,400 1,200 27 25 22 1,000 25 20 20 18 800 15 14 600 12 10 10 400 200 30 Job Creation Estimate -2 For Solar Homes 7 5 5 0 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 32 2015 2016 2017 2019 PV Industr y Emplo yment Strategy 3 Ownership of a PV Farm There are vast potential for solar energy. According to a PV industry analysis, with some incentives, the solar photovoltaic market could attract more than a thirty-four billion investment by 2015. Texas could attract almost five billion of the investment. There are best resources available in West Texas, a strategy of such size would be more than enough to meet the country’s energy demand. In fact, the solar energy industry has the ability to create between 28,000 and 42,000 new jobs in the U.S. by 2015. The value of ownership of such farms for electricity it produces is significantly higher during the peak demand for electricity – for instance summer hot days when air conditioners are at full blast. Photovoltaic has a small advantage over solar thermal in which these types of solar farms do not need water. Such investment for large solar farms could be strategically located in any area whether dry or no access to natural resources. Pros Create Jobs Meet Peak Demand Tax Incentives Cons High cost Maintenance of Solar Farm Capabilities 33 Suggestions San Antonio Solar Manufacturing Incentives In our opinion, CPS can help bring the solar PV industry manufacturing and assembly jobs to San Antonio. Therefore, we suggest additional incentives paid to solar PV equipment fully or partially manufactured in San Antonio. Furthermore, CPS may seek either PV start-ups or already established foreign and domestic solar film manufacturing companies which need venture capital or incentives for a viable investment in investment. Estimate of San Antonio PV Manufacturing Incentive for a Residential PV System In this estimate, we assumed the average residential system size as 7.3kW it was in NJ solar installations data. We also assumed the local origination percentage as 50%, which means 50% of the PV system was manufactured in San Antonio. If $0.25 additional incentive would be paid then based on the assumptions incentive payment would be $1,825 and the local revenue from this incentive would be $913 per system Estimate of San Antonio PV Manufacturing Incentive for a Residential PV System - System Size 0-10 kW Incentive $ Average System Size kW Incentive Payment Local revenue per system 0.25 7.3 1,825 913 Estimate of San Antonio PV Manufacturing Incentive for a Commercial PV System For an estimate of a commercial size we assumed that average commercial PV system 34 size would be 103.5kW as derived from NJ solar incentive data. We determined the incentive payment as $0.07. Again, assuming a 50% local origination we calculated the incentive payment as $7,245 per average commercial system where $3,622.5 of this payment would stay with local San Antonio manufacturers. Estimate of San Antonio PV Manufacturing Incentive for a Commercial PV System - System Size 101-500 kW incentive $ Average System Size kW Incentive Payment Local revenue per system 0.07 103 7245 3,622.5 San Antonio Solar Research and Development Center Recommendation: A collaborative research and development center which will bring the brain power of San Antonio together. The research center should focus on while demonstrating the efficiency of the current technologies; it should also perform research on how efficiency of the existing technologies can be increased. Another area it should concentrate on is the discovery of the new technologies through experiments and research. Therefore; the San Antonio Solar Power Research and Development Center can employ students and academicians from engineering and business schools. 35 Sources: 0Trends_2009.pdf gy-manufacturing-incentive ion-summary-by-technology/solar-installation-projects tml Daniel M. Kammen, Kamal Kapadia, and Matthias Fripp (2004) Putting Renewables to Work: How Many Jobs Can the Clean Energy Industry Generate? RAEL Report, University of California, Berkeley. American Solar Energy Society, Estimating the Jobs Impacts of Tackling Climate Change, October 2009, tml p=1&state=TX &RE=1&EE=1 36