HISTORY TIME, CONTINUITY AND CHANGE HISTORICAL THINKING SKILLS • Information is most often arranged in a timeline THE BEGINNINGS OF SOCIETY • PreHistory is the period before records about people and events began to be kept • This early era has been described as huntergatherer culture • The movements and migrations of huntergatherers were strongly influenced by longterm climate changes THE BEGINNINGS OF SOCIETY • When glaciers of last ice age melted around 10,000 BCE, weather grew warmer – This was the development of agriculture in the era known as the New Stone Age, or Neolithic period • Made conditions more favorable for farming • Grains and vegetables, such as wheat, peas, lentils and barley were planted, tended and harvested – Exchanged nomadic existence for more settled life THE BEGINNINGS OF SOCIETY • People learned how to increase soil’s fertility by using manure from animals • Domestication of animals • Early settlements tended to develop near rivers, in places where floodwaters could be used to irrigate fields No. 53 • After Athens lost the Peloponnesian War to Sparta, the rights of its citizens were sharply limited. A group called the Thirty Tyrants ruled Athens. What of these types of governments describes the rule by a select few? • A. aristocracy • B. monarchy • C. oligarchy • D. Plutarchy AGENDA 12.5.13 • BELLRINGER: LEAP QUESTION (5) • INTRO: NILE RIVER VALLEY (15) • I DO: MODEL SHOWDOWN CAPTAIN(5) • WE DO: SHOWDOWN CAPTAIN (10) • YOU DO: QUESTIONS (15) • CLOSE: EXIT TICKET (5) GLE • 6TH GRADE GLE: 27: . Locate and describe the major river systems and discuss the physical settings that supported permanent settlement and early civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, • China, and the Indus valley CCSS • 8.1 OBJECTIVE • BY THE END OF THIS LESSON I WILL BE ABLE TO EXPLAIN HOW PHYSICAL FEATURES SUPPORTED PERMANENT SETTLEMENTS IN THE NILE RIVER VALLEY WITH 80% ACCURACY ON MY EXIT TICKET THE RISE OF EARLY CIVILIZATIONS WHAT IS A CIVILIZATION? • A complex, highly organized social community that centers around a city • First civilizations of Africa and Asia grew up around river valleys: the Nile in Egypt, the Tigris and Euphrates in Mesopotamia, the Indus in Pakistan and Huang He in China • Improvements in technology, the development of government and law, job specialization, the creation of social classes, an increase in trade and development of writing THE NILE VALLEY • Offered ideal location for development of civilization – Rich, fertile soil – Natural barriers of the desert serving as protection • Established by King Menes when he united the Upper(southern) and Lower (northern) regions of Egypt – Established a dynasty and hereditary line of rulers NILE VALLEY • Developed an advanced culture, much influenced by their religion • About 2686 BCE, Egyptian rulers, PHARAOHS, designed and built pyramids Largest still stand today at Giza THE NILE VALLEY • Developed a system of writing called hieroglyphs – Based on pictographs, pictures and symbols used to represent persons, animals, plants, tools, and furnishings • Used for religions inscriptions and legal documents I DO • I WILL NOW MODEL OUR MODIFIED SHOWDOWN CAPTAIN WE DO/YOU DO • WE WILL NOW ANSWER QUESTIONS USING OUR MODIFIED SHOWDOWN CAPTAIN • YOU DO: USING THE HANDOUT YOU WILL BE GIVEN, CREATE AT LEAST 5 QUESTIONS THAT COULD BE USED IN SHOWDOWN CAPTAIN. AT LEAST ONE QUESTION MUST BE A HOW QUESTION AND ONE QUESTION MUST BE A WHY QUESTION EXIT TICKET • HOW DID THE PHYSICAL FEATURES OF THE NILE RIVER VALLEY SUPPORT PERMANENT SETTLEMENT? NO. 54 • • • • • What was the lasting impact of Ancient Rome? A. it was the first country to use the alphabet B. it was the first market economy C. Democracy began because of the Romans D. Latin helped create other languages AGENDA 12.6.13 • BELLRINGER (5) • INTRO/IDO: MESOPOTAMIA (15) • WE DO/YOU DO: VIDEO ON MESOPOTAMIA (25) • CLOSE: EXIT TICKET GLE • 6TH GRADE GLE 27: Locate and describe the major river systems and discuss the physical settings that supported permanent settlement and early civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, • China, and the Indus valley CCSS • 8.1 OBJECTIVE • BY THE END OF THIS LESSON I WILL BE ABLE TO EXPLAIN HOW PHYSICAL FEATURES SUPPORTED PERMANENT SETTLEMENTS IN MESOPOTAMIA WITH 80% ACCURACY ON MY EXIT TICKET MESOPOTAMIAN CIVILZATIONS • Because of rich soil watered by the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers called the Fertile Crescent • Located between western end of the Persian Gulf and modern-day Syria • Mesopotamian city-states developed a form of writing called cuneform • River transport, like in Egypt, allowed opportunities for trade MESOPOTAMIAN CIVILIZATIONS • Most powerful Mesopotamian city-states located in region called Sumer – Principal city of Ur – Each city-state lay at center of farming region and dominated by ziggurat, pyramid shaped tower • Ruled by kings • Conquerors from west called Amorites established Babylonian Empire on Euphrates River – HAMMURABI: law code of Hammurabi (Hammurabi’s Code) served to unify the Babylonian Empire – Became precedent for later governments because emphasized rule of law was fundamental principle Hammurabi’s Code WE DO/YOU DO • WE WILL NOW WATCH A VIDEO ON ANCIENT MESOPOTAMIA. • YOU DO: DURING THE VIDEO COME UP WITH A LEAST OF AT LEAST 10 QUESTIONS, 2 OF WHICH MUST BE A HOW QUESTION AND 2 OF WHICH MUST BE A WHY QUESTION EXIT TICKET • HOW DID THE PHYSICAL FEATURES OF MESOPOTAMIA SUPPORT PERMANENT SETTLEMENT? No. 55 • Civil law, which is based upon ancient Roman law, is used in many European and Latin American countries. What makes civil law different from other types of law? • A. civil law is based on written rules • B. civil law applies to the common man • C. civil law can be overruled by a judge • D. civil law tells people how to behave AGENDA 12.9.13 BELLRINGER: INTRO: I DO: WE DO: YOU DO: CLOSE: LEAP QUESTION (5) INDUS VALLEY, HUANG HE (15) MODEL SHOWDOWN (5) SHOWDOWN (10) QUESTIONS FROM PREP BK (15) EXIT TICKET (5) GLE • 6TH GRADE GLE 27: Locate and describe the major river systems and discuss the physical settings that supported permanent settlement and early civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, • China, and the Indus valley CCSS • 8.1 OBJECTIVE • BY THE END OF THIS CLASS I WILL BE ABLE TO LOCATE and describe the major river systems and discuss the physical settings that supported permanent settlement and early civilizations in THE Indus valley AND HUANG HE VALLEY WITH 80% ACCURACY ON MY EXIT TICKET THE INDUS VALLEY • Present-day Pakistan • Cities that developed along the Indus River focused on both farming and trade • Evidence of a literate trading society that had domesticated cattle, dogs, cats, pigs, camels and even elephants THE HUANG HE VALLEY • The Yellow River Valley in central and Eastern China • Made notable advance in metal work with development of bronze, an alloy of copper and tin – Better tools and weapons • Known as Bronze Age I DO • I WILL NOW MODEL OUR VERSION OF SHOWDOWN CAPTAIN WE DO • WE WILL NOW ANSWER QUESTIONS BASED ON TODAY’S LESSON AND OUR LESSONS FROM LAST WEEK USING OUR VERSION OF SHOWDOWN CAPTAIN YOU DO/EXIT TICKET • YOU WILL NOW USE OUR WHITE LEAP PREP BOOK TO READ PAGES 239-241 AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ON PAGE 239, 241 . YOU MUST WRITE THE QUESTIONS • EXIT TICKET: HOW DID THE PHYSICAL SETTING OF THE INDUS VALLEY AND HUANG HE VALLEY SUPPORT PERMANENT SETTLEMENT AND EARLY CIVILIZATIONS. No. 56 • What caused civilizations to change from nomadic societies to communities that settled in one area? • A. Leaders had more control when people did not move around • B. all of the land was claimed, so no one could move around • C. new farming techniques were developed to grow food • D. most people became tired of moving all the time GLE • 6th Grade GLE: 37: 37. Explain the sharing of ideas, goods, and services through trade between the Greek and Roman civilizations, and the influence of those civilizations on other cultures (H-1C-M7) CCSS • 8.1 OBJECTIVE • BY THE END OF THIS CLASS PERIOD I WILL BE ABLE TO EXPLAIN THE INFLUENCE OF GREEK AND ROMAN CIVILIZATIONS ON OTHER CULTURES WITH 80% ACCURACY ON MY EXIT TICKET CLASSICAL TRADITIONS AND GIANT EMPIRES ANCIENT GREECE AND ROME • Around 700 BCE, city-states of Greece developed pioneering ideas in science, philosophy, government, speech, literature and the arts • Centers were often on an “acropolis” or high, rocky outcropping • City-state of Athens influenced western societies through tragic dramas of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides; the histories of Herodotus and Thucydides; the philosophy of Socrates and Plato and Athenian democracy Sophocles Socrates Plato Herodotus ANCIENT GREECE AND ROME • Romans adapted Greek achievements and made their own contributions in law, engineering, government and military science • The dome and arch in architecture from Romans • Roman engineers designed roads and aqueducts which improved transportation and irrigation systems • Roman law, codified in the Twelve Tablets and Justinian became models for law codes today ANCIENT GREECE AND ROME • Latin language spread throughout Roman Empire • Rome fell in 476 CE and Latin became basis for Romance languages, such as French and Spanish Julius Caeser Justinian I DO • I WILL NOW MODEL OUR MODIFIED KAGAN STRUCTURE OF SHOWDOWN CAPTAIN WE DO • WE WILL NOW PARTICIPATE IN SHOWDOWN CAPTAIN. • THE PERSON SITTING CLOSEST TO ME WILL BEGIN YOU DO/EXIT TICKET • IN THE WHITE LEAP PREP BOOKS READ PAGES245-249 AND ANSWER QUESTIONS ON PAGES 248 AND 250 • EXIT TICKET: HOW DID THE GREEKS AND ROMANS INFLUENCE OTHER CULTURES No. 57 • Euclid of Alexandria was a Hellenistic mathematician. His most popular writing is called Elements and deals with which of these subjects? • A. algebra • B. astronomy • C. calculus • D. geometry AGENDA 1.9.14 • BELLRINGER: LEAP QUESTION • INTRO: EASTERN CIVILIZATIONS AND EMPIRES • I DO: MODEL SHOWDOWN • WE DO: SHOWDOWN • YOU DO: LEAP PRACTICE QUESTIONS • CLOSE: EXIT TICKET GLE • 6TH GRADE GLE: 35. Identify forms of writing developed in early civilizations and discuss how written records changed political, legal, religious, and cultural life (H-1C-M6) OBJECTIVE • BY THE END OF THIS CLASS I WILL BE ABLE TO IDENTIFY FORMS OF WRITING DEVELOPED IN EARLY CIVILIZATIONS AND HOW WRITTEN RECORDS CHANGED POITICAL, LEGAL, RELIGIOUS AND CULTURAL LIFE WITH 80% ACCURACY ON MY EXIT TICKET EASTERN CIVILIZATIONS AND EMPIRES • Ancient Greeks and Romans came into contact with Eastern influences, thus increasing the spread of cultures • Example: Greek alphabet based on Phoenician writing system. The Phoenician alphabet became ancestor of all western alphabets EASTERN CIVILIZATIONS AND EMPIRES • Phoenician’s were based in the eastern Mediterranean • Resourceful and ambitious traders • Carthage in North Africa was a colony that was Rome’s most formidable foe EASTERN CIVILIZATIONS AND EMPIRES • Persian Empire (Iran) grew until Greek citystates defeated it • Constructed impressive road system, common system of weights and measures and minted coins for efficient trade I DO/WE DO • I WILL NOW MODEL OUR VERSION OF SHOWDOWN CAPTAIN • WE WILL NOW ANSWER A FEW QUESTIONS USING OUR VERSION OF SHOWDOWN CAPTAIN. OUR FIRST CAPTAIN WILL BE THE PERSON WHO LIVES THE SHORTEST DISTANCE TO SCHOOL YOU DO/EXIT TICKET • YOU WILL NOW ANSWER QUESTIONS EASTERN CIVILIZATIONS AND EMPIRES • Qin Shi Huangdi founded the Qin Dynasty in China – Greatest achievement was the Great Wall of China – Intended to repel invaders • During the Han Dynasty the overland trade route known as the Silk Road linked China with western Asia and the Mediterranean Sea – Exchange of Chinese silk for woolen textiles, gold and silver increased prosperity of Chinese Empire THE BIRTH OF MAJOR WORLD RELIGIONS • Judaism developed in the Near East, having its origins in Mesopotamia – Monotheistic character(belief in single diety) – Emphasis on laws and justice(Ten Commandments) – Reverence for sacred texts (The Torah) • Judea (modern Israel) became part of Roman Empire by 1st century CE THE BIRTH OF MAJOR WORLD RELIGIONS • 1st Century CE witnessed birth of Christianity, a monotheistic religion with roots in Judaism – Christianity rapidly spread throughout Roman world • About 3 centuries after Christianity, Islam began on Arabian peninsula – Teachings of Muhammad(570-632CE) – Qur’an (scripture of Islam) – 5 rules of living: acknowledgment of only one God; daily prayer; almsgiving; fasting during holy month of Ramadan; pilgrimage to Holy City of Mecca THE BIRTH OF MAJOR WORLD RELIGIONS • Hinduism began after the Aryan invasions of India from the West – 3 dieties are most important Hindu Gods: Vishnu (Order); Shiva (Destruction); Brahma (Creation) • Buddhism grew in India from teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, the Enlightened One – Includes Hindu beliefs, but rejects the Hindu caste system Hindu Temple No. 59 • People of ancient Greece made decisions directly in the government. They were allowed to discuss and vote on every issue. This is different than U.S. democracy because • A. only men who own land are allowed to vote in U.S. • B. people in the U.S. are only allowed to vote on certain issues • C. rich people are the only ones who can vote in the U.S. • D. people in the U.S. elect others to represent them AGENDA 1.13.14 • • • • • BELLRINGER: LEAP QUESTION (5) INTRO: WORLD RELIGIONS (15) WE DO: VIDEO ON WORLD RELIGIONS(20) YOU DO: VIDEO QUIZ (5) CLOSE: EXIT TICKET (5) GLE • 6TH GRADE GLE: GLE 39. Identify the major new religions and relate them to the empires that emerged in the Mediterranean Basin, China, and India (i.e., Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam) (H-1C-M8) • 40. Compare and contrast the major religions in terms of leaders, key beliefs, and location (H-1C-M8) OBJECTIVE • By the end of this lesson I will be able to compare and contrast the major world religions of Christianity and Judaism with 80% accuracy on my exit ticket THE BIRTH OF MAJOR WORLD RELIGIONS • Buddhism teaches four “noble truths”: – Human existence is full of suffering – Suffering is rooted in desire – Overcoming desire frees oneself from suffering – The way to overcome desire is to follow the eightfold path: • Right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right way of earning a living, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration THE BIRTH OF MAJOR WORLD RELIGIONS • Confucianism in China stressed order, authority, hard work and ritual • Challenged by Taoism which emphasized natural order and meditation – Spread to Japan and Korea WE DO • WE WILL NOW WATCH TWO VIDEO CLIPS ON THE RELIGIONS OF JUDAISM AND CHRISTIANITY • NOTE IMPORTANT IDEAS AND CONCEPTS DISCUSSED IN THE VIDEO AS THERE IS A QUIZ THAT FOLLOWS YOU DO/EXIT TICKET • YOU WILL NOW TAKE A QUIZ ON EACH VIDEO. PLEASE MARK YOUR ANSWERS ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER TO HAND IN • EXIT TICKET: Compare and Contrast the religions of Judaism and Christianity using a Bubble Map No. 60 • Which form of government consists of an undivided rule by one hereditary head of state? • A. republic • B. democracy • C. monarchy • D. dictatorship AGENDA 1.14.14 • BELLRINGER: LEAP QUESTION (5) • INTRO/I DO: PPT MAJOR WORLD RELIGIONS AND EMPIRES(15) • WE DO: VIDEO ON ISLAM (20) • YOU DO: VIDEO QUIZ (7) • CLOSE: EXIT TICKET (5) GLE • 6TH GRADE GLE: GLE 39. Identify the major new religions and relate them to the empires that emerged in the Mediterranean Basin, China, and India (i.e., Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam) (H-1C-M8) • 40. Compare and contrast the major religions in terms of leaders, key beliefs, and location (H-1C-M8) OBJECTIVE • By the end of this lesson I will be able to compare and contrast the major world religions of Christianity and Judaism and Islam using a double bubble map with 80% accuracy on my exit ticket EXCHANGE AND ENCOUNTER KINGDOMS AND EMPIRES • Roman Empire in the West came to an end in 476 CE • Many powerful kingdoms in different regions rose and fall • Byzantine Empire was a continuation of Roman Empire in the East • In West Africa between 500-1500 CE, three powerful kingdoms dominated: Ghana, Mali, Songhai • In China, between 600-1300 CE, the Tang and Song Dynasties • IN Central and Southern Africa, the Maya, Aztec and Inca Aztec Mayan Inca: Machu Pichu WE DO • WE WILL NOW WATCH TWO VIDEO CLIPS ON THE RELIGION OF ISLAM • NOTE IMPORTANT IDEAS AND CONCEPTS DISCUSSED IN THE VIDEO AS THERE IS A QUIZ THAT FOLLOWS YOU DO/EXIT TICKET • YOU WILL NOW TAKE A QUIZ ON THE VIDEO. PLEASE MARK YOUR ANSWERS ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER TO HAND IN • UNFORTUNATELY VIDEO NOT WORKING, SO READ PAGES 254-258 IN THE WHITE LEAP PREP BOOK AND ANSWER QUESTIONS ON PAGE 259 AND 260; YOU MUST WRITE THE QUESTIONS • EXIT TICKET: Compare and Contrast the religions of Judaism and Christianity and Islam using a Double Bubble Map No. 61 • Which branch of government is involved when the Department of Justice charges a company with being a monopoly? • A. executive • B. judicial • C. corporate • D. legislative AGENDA 1.15.15 • • • • BELLRINGER: INTRO: WE DO: YOU DO: GIVEN (15) • CLOSE: LEAP QUESTION (5) PPT MEDIEVAL EUROPE (15) VIDEO LIFE IN M.E. (20) CREATE TIMELINE ON FACTS EXIT TICKET (5) GLE • . Describe major events, key figures, and • social structure of the Early Middle Ages (e.g., the fall of Rome, Charlemagne, feudalis m) (H-1C-M10 OBJECTIVE • By the end of this lesson I will be able to • identify at least 2 major events of the Early Middle Ages with 80% accuracy on my exit tic ket. MEDIEVAL EUROPE • Emperor Charlemagne(747-814) united the Franks into Christian kingdom • From 1096-1291 European Christians participated in Crusades, holy wars, to conquer the Holy Land from the Muslims • Several factors motivated the Crusades: – Disputes between the medieval popes and secular kings resulted in popes pushing for supreme power – Economics – City of Jerusalem considered Sacred by Jews, Christians and Muslims MEDIEVAL EUROPE • Feudalism revolved around land and loyalty – All the land in a kingdom belonged to the king, who would grant land to his nobles or warriors in return for loyalty. • They became vassals • Nobles would enter into mutual obligations with their knights who pledged support in return for protection • Lowest rung were peasants MEDIEVAL EUROPE • Towns and cities expanded as trade in Western Europe grew • Guild system set quality standards, regulated competition, provided career training and offered social outlets and entertainment • Hierarchy within guild system – Apprentice; journeyman; master MEDIEVAL EUROPE • Sometimes kings abused their power • In England, nobles ruled by King John banded together and forced the King to sign a document affirming basic rights and acknowledging restrictions on royal power • Magna Carta (“the Great Charter”) – Limited king’s taxation power and insured right to trial by jury by an accused person’s peers WE DO • WE WILL NOW WATCH A VIDEO ON LIFE IN MEDIEVAL EUROPE YOU DO • YOU WILL USE THE FOLLOWING LIST OF EVENTS TO CREATE A TIMELINE TO BE TURNED IN • MAKE THE TIMELINE COLORFUL • EXIT TICKET: IDENTIFY 2 MAJOR EVENTS FROM MEDIEVAL EUROPE No. 62 • In which 1857 federal court case did the U.S. Supreme Court rule that slavery was permitted in the U.S. territories and that slaves were not U.S. citizens? • A. Dred Scott v. Sandford • B. Printz v. U.S. • C. Ableman v. Booth • D. Marbury v. Madison AGENDA 1.16.14 • BELLRINGER: • INTRO: • I DO: LEAP PREP QUESTION (5) HEMISPHERIC INTERACTIONS (15) MODEL SHOWDOWN CAPTAIN(5) • WE DO: SHOWDOWN CAPTAIN (10) • YOU DO: CREATE TIMELINE OR NEW SHOWDOWN CAPTAIN QUESTIONS(15) • CLOSE: EXIT TICKET (5) GLE • 6TH GRADE GLE: 45. Identify effects of exploration and • trade on the economic and cultural • development of Europe, Africa, and Asia prior to 1500 CCSS • 8.7 OBJECTIVE • By the end of this lesson I will be able to expl ain how exploration and trade affected • Europe, Asia and Africa with 80% accuracy on my exit ticket HEMISPHERIC INTERACTIONS TRADE LINKS AND CIVILIZATIONS • Trade, like Religion, also helped to spread culture and affect the development of civilizations • The Silk road is an example of the link between trade and cultural diffusion – Marco Polo traded with China via the Silk Road and stayed in China for 17 years MAJOR WORLD EXPLORERS • The 1400 and 1500’s are called the Age of Discovery • Portugal and Spain first European countries to take the lead in this age • Portugal’s Prince Henry the Navigator developed and improved cartogrophy(map making) and navigational instruments – Shipbuilders developed a small, fast sailing vessel that increased maneuverability and made longer voyages possible Caravel Astrolabe I DO/WE DO • WATCH LISTEN AND PAY ATTENTION AS MODEL OUR MODIFIED SHOWDOWN CAPTAIN • WE WILL NOW ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE IN OUR MODIFIED SHOWDOWN CAPTAIN. OUR FIRST CAPTAIN WILL BE THE INDIVIDUAL WHOSE LAST NUMBER IN THEIR ADDRESS IS THE LOWEST NUMBER YOU DO/EXIT TICKET • YOU HAVE A CHOICE: YOU CAN COMPLETE A TIMELINE ACTIVITY ON THE MIDDLE AGES OF EUROPE AND/OR CREATE NEW SHOWDOWN CAPTAIN QUESTIONS. IF YOU WANT TO DO THE TIMELINE ACTIVITY PLEASE COME AND GET A TIMELINE SHEET • EXIT TICKET: HOW DID EXPLORATION AND TRADE AFFECT EUROPE, AFRICA AND ASIA No. 63 • Which of the following is a check the executive branch can impose on the legislative branch? • A. the attorney general can call Congress into a special session • B. the president can remove a Congressman from office • C. the vice-president can cast tie-breaking votes in the Senate • D. the secretary of state can veto acts passed by Congress AGENDA 1.17.13 • BELLRINGER: LEAP QUESTION (5) • INTRO/IDO: MAJOR WORLD EXPLORERS(15) • WE DO: VIDEO (20) • YOU DO: CREATE SHOWDOWN QUESTIONS(10) • CLOSE: SHOWDOWN QUESTIONS OR EXIT TICKET GLE • 6TH GRADE GLE: 45. Identify effects of exploration and trade on the economic and cultural development of Europe, Africa and Asia prior to 1500 CCSS • 8.1 • 8.7 OBJECTIVE By the end of this lesson I will be able to explain how the major explorers affected Asia, Europe and Africa WITH 80% ACCURACY ON MY EXIT TICKET OR SHOWDOWN QUESTIONS MAJOR WORLD EXPLORERS • Vasco da Gama (1460-1524) made 3 voyages to India and was able to bring 3 interpreters with him because of cultural diffusion • Christopher Columbus (1451-1506), an Italian explorer, was sponsored by Spain – Expeditions opened the way for European colonization of the New World • Francisco Pizarro (1475-1541), a Spanish explorer, marked a transition from exploration to conquest – Overthrew Incan Empire in Peru da Gama Columbus Pizarro Pizzaro’s Route da Gama’s Route MAJOR WORLD EXPLORERS • Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521) discovered the Strait of Magellan at tip of South America and the first mariner to cross Pacific Ocean from east to west • Hernan Cortes (1485-1547) took part in successful conquest of Cuba in 1511 – Conquered Aztec Empire in 1521 Magellan Cortes WE DO • WE WILL NOW WATCH A VIDEO ON THE EXPLORATION OF THE 1500’S. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION AS YOU SHOULD USE THE VIDEO TO CREATE SHOWDOWN CAPTAIN QUESTIONS, ALONG WITH YOUR NOTES YOU DO/EXIT TICKET • USING YOUR NOTES AND THE VIDEO WE JUST SAW, CREATE AT LEAST 5 SHOWDOWN CAPTAIN QUESTIONS. YOU MAY USE THIS AS YOUR EXIT TICKET No. 64 • Which of the following best describes an absolute monarchy? • A. the king or queen rules by consent of the people • B. the king or queen has complete authority to rule a country • C. Citizens’ rights are guaranteed by a constitution of some sort • D. a representative parliament is elected by the people AGENDA 1.21.14 • BELLRINGER: LEAP QUESTION (5) • INTRO: EARLY CIVILIZATIONS OF THE AMERICAS (15) • I DO: MODEL SHOWDOWN(5) • WE DO: SHOWDOWN (10) • YOU DO: CREATE SHOWDOWN QUESTIONS(15) • CLOSE: EXIT TICKET (5) GLE • 6TH GRADE GLE: Explain the major social, economic, political, and cultural features of European, African, and Asian societies that stimulated exploration and colonization OBJECTIVE • By the end of this lesson, I will be able to explain the major social, economic, political and cultural features of European, African and Asian societies that stimulated exploration and colonization with 80% accuracy during Showdown Captain and my exit ticket EARLY CIVILIZATIONS OF THE AMERICAS • In Central and South America, 3 advanced civilizations flourished between 300 and 1500 CE – The Maya, the Aztec and the Inca • THE MAYA: lived in what is now Guatemala, Belize and the Yucatan Peninsula of southeastern Mexico – Pyramid shaped temples, sophisticated calendar, astronomical expertise and music and visual arts EARLY CIVILIZATIONS OF THE AMERICAS • Capital of Aztec civilization was at Tenochtitlan in Central Mexico – Ruled by a king chosen as supreme military leader – Religion was important feature of society – Humans sacrificed to various gods – Excelled at astronomy and developed accurate calendar EARLY CIVILIZATIONS OF THE AMERICAS • Located farther south in the Andes mountains were the Incas • Combined successful conquests with a number of sophisticated peacetime arts – Highly skilled architects, road builders, farmers and accountants I DO/WE DO • I WILL NOW MODEL OUR VERSION OF SHOWDOWN CAPTAIN. PAY ATTENTION PLEASE • WE DO: WE WILL NOW ALL ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE IN SHOWDOWN CAPTAIN. THE PERSON WHO WILL BEGIN IS THE PERSON WITH RED OR PINK(IF NO ONE HAS ON RED) AS THE PRIMARY COLOR OF THEIR SHOES YOU DO • YOU WILL NOW CREATE AT LEAST 5 NEW SHOWDOWN CAPTAIN QUESTIONS, ALONG WITH THEIR ANSWERS • EXIT TICKET: What features of Europe, Asia and Africa stimulated exploration and colonization of Ancient American civilizations?