Extending the Bill of Rights Amendments 11


Extending the Bill of Rights

Amendments 11 - 27

Amendment 11

• States cannot be sued in federal court by one of its citizens, a citizen of another state, or by a foreign country

Amendment 12

• Election of the

President and Vice-


• Use of electoral college to use separate ballots in voting for president and vice-president

Amendment 13

• Known as Civil War


• Outlaws the practice of slavery in the United States

Amendment 14

• Also known as Civil

War Amendment

• Originally meant to protect the rights of freed slaves

• Now protects all citizens’ life, liberty or property without due process

• All have equal protection under the law

Amendment 15

• Also known as

Civil War


• No person shall be denied the right to vote because of race

• Poll taxes, literacy tests, etc. worked against

• Women not included

Amendment 16

• Congress can collect income tax

Amendment 17

• 2 Senators from each state are directly elected by the people

• Gave people a greater voice

Amendment 18

• Illegal to sell, manufacture, or transport alcoholic beverages

• “Prohibition”

Amendment 19

• Women’s Suffrage

• The right to vote cannot be denied because of gender

Amendment 20

• “Lame-Duck”


• President takes office

January 20 th

• Congress begins new term January 3 rd

• Outgoing officials have little influence and do not accomplish much

• If president-elect dies before taking office, vice-president elect becomes president

Amendment 21

• Repeals the 18 th

Amendment ending Prohibition

• Only amendment to do this

Amendment 22

• President cannot serve more than 2 full terms

• Passed as a response to FDR’s

4 terms in office

(1933 – 1945)

Amendment 23

• Allows the citizens of the Washington

D.C. to vote for president and vice president

• 3 presidential electors

Amendment 24

• Prohibits the use of poll taxes in federal elections

• Poll taxes used to keep low-income minorities from voting

Amendment 25

• If the president dies or cannot lead, vicepresident takes office

• If the vice-president dies or resigns, the president cannot appoint a replacement

• Subject to

Congressional consent

Amendment 26

• No one over the age of eighteen can be denied the right to vote by virtue of age

Amendment 27

• Any pay raise

Congress gives it’s members does not take effect until a new election has taken place.

• Proposed in 1789, passed in 1992
