Ch 11 Drugs as Medicines

Medicines don’t cure the diseases, the body does
Medicines benefit people this way:
•Prevent: vaccine
•Cure: penicillin
•Make less severe: arthritis medication
•Relieve symptom: aspirin
•Bring desired effect: hair growth
Aspirin: blocks actions of chemicals in the body
Reduce fever, blood clots, inflammation
2 tablets double the bleeding time, lasts 4-7 days
Reye’s Syndrome- damage liver & brain from to
much aspirin in children
Side effect- effect of a drug other than the
desired effect.
Example: cold medicine- drowsiness
Factors that change medicine’s effects:
Nature of the drug-substance
Form it’s taken- liquid, tablet, capsule
Route- mouth, injection, transdermal, “IV”
When taken- with a meal
Strongest factor- “if it is taken with other drugs”
Tolerance- body gets used to it
Addiction- craving for more
Drug synergy- combined action of 2 or more
drugs, produce stronger effect!
Antagonist- one drug prevents the action of
FDA: Food and Drug Administration
Safe- It won’t hurt you
Effective- ingredient will do what the maker
claims it will do
Antibiotics- stop living cells from dividing
Bacteria only (they divide faster)
Anesthetic- drugs that kill pain, may or may not
cause loss of conciousness
Lethal dose- one that causes death
Sold freely
Relatively Safe
Used without guidance
Easy Instructions
Can be overused: to many, too often
Label: Active & Inactive ingredients, uses, side
effects, directions
Active vs Inactive ingredients
Generic: small letters, chemical name,
saves money
same active ingredients
Brand name: name given by drug company,
capital letters
Relapse- illness returns after being almost
Prescription Medicines
Obtained only if ordered by a physician
Dangerous, easily misused
Doses adjusted to body weight, age, gender…
Require guidance and adjustment
Don’t use someone else’s prescription
True miracles of our time!