1 Patty & Pietro’s ORBIT! 12 ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY PROVEN WAYS TO BOOST YOUR BUSINESS AND GLIDE INTO SUCCESS © Tom Patty + John Pietro 2014 2 REVIEW Levels and Potential Growth LEVEL 3 100-500% LEVEL 2 20-100% LEVEL 1 5-20% © Tom Patty + John Pietro 2014 3 ONE THING © Tom Patty + John Pietro 2014 4 BUSINESS MODEL THE RECIPE FOR SUCCESS Use the right amount of each ingredient OR © Tom Patty + John Pietro 2014 5 BUSINESS MODEL 4 PARTS TO THE BUSINESS MODEL 1. Offering Product or service 2. Who? Best target customer 3. How? Place, price, packaging 4. Why? What’s in it for them? © Tom Patty + John Pietro 2014 6 BUSINESS MODEL EXAMPLES Business Model Companies Razor and blades Gillette, Printers Cheap Chic Target, IKEA Bricks and Clicks Best Buy, B & N Franchise McDonalds, NFL Loss Leader Gas Stations Subscription Costco, AMEX Speak to sell Patty / Pietro © Tom Patty + John Pietro 2014 7 FAILURE VS SUCCESS GATEWAY COMPUTER vs APPLE RETAIL STORES © Tom Patty + John Pietro 2014 8 BOOK EXAMPLE TOM PATTY’S MARKETING WITHOUT MONEY Business Model 1 Business Model 2 1. Offering Book Book 2. Who? Individuals Groups 3. How? Amazon Speak 4. Why? Knowledge Audience © Tom Patty + John Pietro 2014 9 NIKE EXAMPLE Business Model 1 Business Model 2 1. Offering Track shoes Waffle trainer 2. Who? Track runner Stores 3. How? Track meets Retailers 4. Why? Winning Make money © Tom Patty + John Pietro 2014 10 APPLE EXAMPLE Business Model 1 Business Model 2 1. Offering Apple II Macintosh 2. Who? Business Individuals 3. How? vs IBM New market 4. Why? ? Creative, fun © Tom Patty + John Pietro 2014 11 CHIPOTLE EXAMPLE 1. Offering Fast casual Mexican food. 2. Who? Young adults looking for something better than fast food. 3. How? Delivery allows for personal choice. 4. Why? Personal choice + fresh ingredients valued. Customer willing to pay more leads to more sales. © Tom Patty + John Pietro 2014 12 MORTON SALT EXAMPLE 1. Offering Packaged salt. 2. Who? Homemakers who like to cook. 3. How? Grocery store. Great tradition, reputation, brand. - First cylindrical packaging - Add iodine to cure epidemic, goiters - Priced 2-3 times higher Value equation high © Tom Patty + John Pietro 2014- 4. Why? 13 AMP EXAMPLE 1. Offering Ad agency - small to medium clients. 2. Who? Food service, soft bev, hospitality. 3. How? Serving clients too small for larger full service agencies. 4. Why? Make it easy to do business with fixed annual pricing plus first class creative and category expertise. © Tom Patty + John Pietro 2014 14 Where to differentiate Packaging Promotion PRICE Distrib’ Easier to use What you say Better looking How you say it Better value for price More convenient © Tom Patty + John Pietro 2014 Easier to use Product / Service Better in a specific way 15 WAYS TO DIFFERENTIATE Convenience Emotional experience Expertise Longer lasting © Tom Patty + John Pietro 2014 Pricing Service Speed 16 A VALID BUSINES MODEL HOW TO CREATE ONE 1. Who is the best customer? 2. Trial & Error Book example: a) Individual b) Sponsors c) Franchise business 3. Patience 4. Luck! © Tom Patty + John Pietro 2014 17 HOW DO I DO IT? Need outside perspective © Tom Patty + John Pietro 2014 18 HOW DO I MAKE MONEY? Top Line Sales - Minus Variable Costs = Equals Cash Flow - Minus Fixed Costs = Equals Gross Margin - Minus Taxes = Equals Net Profit © Tom Patty + John Pietro 2014 100% 40% 60% 30% 30% 15% 15% 19 PIETRO’S PITFALLS 1 Business revenue goes up, profits don’t 1 2 Sales go down when we increase price 3 We need to educate the consumer 4 As a distributor, franchisee or licensee, why can’t I make any money? © Tom Patty + John Pietro 2014 20 SUSTAIN Innovation Competitive Advantage Avoid Pitfalls – Cindy Lauper vs Madonna Graceful exit © Tom Patty + John Pietro 2014 21 SUMMARY / CONCLUSION 12 Absolutely, Positively Proven Ways to Boost Your Business Rocket ship: Launch blast off, orbit Business model = recipe for success Client success stories You are the greatest! © Tom Patty + John Pietro 2014 22 THANK YOU FOR COMING AND SEE TOM PATTY YOU AT OUR NEXT WORKSHOP © Tom Patty + John Pietro 2014 JOHN PIETRO