Thematic Unit -


Day One:


GLE- Use a greater variety of action and descriptive words when writing for a specific purpose and/or audience. (ELA-2-E2)

GLE- Write for various purposes, including: informal writing, including, messages, journals, notes, and poems. (ELA-2-E6)

Anticipatory Set:

I will introduce myself and tell the students that I will be observing them and teaching a little to them with help from Mrs. Evans. Next I will explain that we will be observing nature outside. To give them an idea of what we will be doing, I will either show a picture of the ocean or key off an area in their classroom and we will explain these locations together. I will give an example first to put them on the right track. As I ask the students to describe these locations orally, I will tell them to make sure they use descriptive words (like 5 senses) and explain what they see as much as possible.

Lesson of the Day:

After they feel comfortable with describing the picture in the class, they will be assigned partners. With this partner, they will receive the “I Spy Nature” worksheet. I will explain that this work sheet list the 5 senses (no tasting!) and will be the worksheet where they will write everything they see. Use descriptive words: hot sun, cold wind, green grass. Need clip board and pencil: one person is recorder other possibly in tape recorder? Or simply just observing along with child. I will monitor and help children if they are stuck on how to describe something. Must take good notes because will be writing something off of the notes.


Come back into the classroom and have students describe what they saw. Compare and contrast. Point out descriptive words, possibly mention synonyms and antonyms to describe the words. Tell students that we will revise their note taking as we move on because we will

be learning how to make things descriptive.

Day Two:


TLW define and identity adjectives.

GLE- Give oral responses including: giving explanations and reports. (ELA-4-E5)

Anticipatory Set:

Complete “describe me” worksheet. Give an example of one of the pictures but tell the students they may not use that word. Have students fill in the blanks on how ever they want to describe the items. Different students will share how they described the pictures. I will then tell students that they used adjectives: word that describes a noun (person, place, or thing).

Lesson of the Day:

I will tell students that adjectives: word that describes a noun (person, place, or thing).

Also, they can tell how something looks, taste, sounds, feels, or smells. 5 senses. We used adjectives to describe nature when observing. Each student will receive an item regarding nature. (leaf, rock, water, grass, snail, cloud ect.) Students will first draw a simple picture of the item, then describe the item using adjectives- as many as possible on the “adjectives are

awesome” page. Each student will then come up and share their idem and 2 other students will be given the opportunity to add any other adjectives.


Students will add 3 adjectives to their journal/notes from the observation.

HW: Students will pick an item in their homes. With this item they will write their descriptions on a piece of paper. The next class, they will describe the item to their classmates without them knowing, and they will try and guess.

Day Three:


TLW define and identity adjectives.

GLE- Identity and explain common synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms. (ELA-1-E1)

GLE- Give oral responses including: giving explanations and reports. (ELA- 4- E5)

Anticipatory Set:

Students will complete work sheet on identifying adjectives. (mini quiz) After, some students will share their item brought from home: others will share the next class period. Ask students if they have ever heard of a synonym. Each student will write down on an index card what they think it may be- even if just what it starts with.

Lesson of the Day:

Read If You Were a Synonym by Michael Dahl. Picture Window Books January 2007.

Summary: If you were a synonym, you would mean the same thing, or almost the same thing, as another word. You could be BIG, HUGE, or GIGANTIC. What else could you be if you were a synonym? Then define synonyms are words with the same meaning. Synonyms are used to make a sentence more interesting. Repeating one word can get boring. Give each student a word- example- big. There will be other students with the words humongous, huge, and gigantic. The students will have to walk around the classroom to find the synonyms. There will be 5 groups of 4. Another example- happy, thrilled, ecstatic, overjoyed.


The class will form a circle with their groups and share the different synonyms. On other side of index card, students will now write what a synonym is. Students will add a synonym to their notes from observing outside.

Day Four:


GLE- Identity and explain common synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms. (ELA-1-E1)

GLE- Give oral responses including: giving explanations and reports. (ELA-2-E5)

Anticipatory Set:

The rest of the students will present their adjectives for another quick review. To check for understanding, the students will complete the synonyms worksheet. (another mini quiz) Now students will learn about antonyms. They will again write on an index card what they think antonyms are.

Lesson of the Day:

Read If You Were an Antonym by Nancy Loewen. Picture Window Books January 2007.

Summary: If you were an antonym, you would mean the opposite of another word. You could be FAST or SLOW, HOT or COLD, or RIGHT or WRONG. What else could you be if you were an antonym? Then define antonyms are words that mean the opposite of one another. Antonyms are used to help describe objects and subjects. Give each student a word- example-up. There will be another student with the word down. The students will have to walk around the classroom to find the antonyms. There will be 10 groups of 2. Other examples- happy- sad- big- small.


The class will form a circle with their groups and share the different antonyms. On other side of index card, students will now write what an antonym is. Students will add an antonym to their notes from observing the first day.

Day Five:


GLE- Identity and explain common synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms. (ELA-1-E1)

Anticipatory Set:

Student will complete antonym work sheet for a small quiz grade and for review.

Students will again write on an index card what they think a homonym is.

Lesson of the Day:

Read the book How Much Can a Bare Bear Bear by Brian Clearly- Millbrook Press

September 2005. Define homonym: two words are pronounced or spelled the same way but have different meanings. Have pictures for the felt board and words to correspond with them.

Example- a picture of the fruit pear and a picture of 2 people in pairs. Then have the word pear and pair also on the felt board. There will be 10 pairs of 2 so each student gets a chance to select a picture and a word. Once every pair is on the felt board, we will review orally the words that sound alike but have different meanings.


Students will add to the back of their index card what a homonym is. They will also add a homonym to their observation.

Day Six:


GLE- Identity and explain common synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms. (ELA-1-E1)

GLE- Use a greater variety of action and descriptive words when writing for a specific purpose and/or audience. (ELA-2-E2)

GLE- Develop grade appropriate compositions, for example: friendly letters, poems, stories, informational descriptions with some detail. (ELA- 2- E4)

Anticipatory Set:

Students will complete homonym worksheet for mini quiz and check for understanding. I will present students with a paragraph that I created that includes adjectives, antonyms, synonyms, and homonyms. Students will come up to the promethean to underline these items.

This will be used as review of the vocabulary and an introduction to the next lesson.

Lesson of the Day:

Students will now create their own paragraph (5-7 sentences). Each student will choose their topic but I will approve. This day will be used to work on the paragraph. Including as many items as possible.


Ticket out of the door- Give an example of an antonym, synonym, homonym, or adjective.—on piece of loose leaf.

HW: Finish paragraph and make it perfect to turn in next class.

Day Seven:


GLE- Identify the role of the discussion leader, contributor, and active listener. (ELA-4-E7)

GLE- Identity and explain common synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms. (ELA-1-E1)

GLE- Use a greater variety of action and descriptive words when writing for a specific purpose and/or audience. (ELA-2-E2)


Students will get into 5 groups of 4. They will go on a scavenger hunt around their classroom to find items that are synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, and one idem that they will describe with

10 adjectives. Roles will draw, write, lead, ect. In the end they will create a poster displaying their findings.

Day Eight:


GLE- Capitalize grade- appropriate nouns, initials of a person’s name, and the salutation, and closing of a friendly letter. (ELA-3- E2).

Anticipatory Set:

Ask students to write their first middle and last name as well as Mrs. Evans named, and if they are a girl or a boy. After they write these words, have the students underline the first letter in each word. Identify that their name should be capitalized and the words girl or boy should not. Their name is proper noun as well as Mrs. Evans.

Lesson of the Day:

Define common- names any person, place, or thing and proper noun- name of a specific person, place, or thing. There will be magnet words on the board associated with nature/outdoors. Some words will be proper and others common. Ex- Mimosa Park Elementary and grass. Each word will begin with a lower case letter and students will come to the board and replace he proper nouns with the capital letter.


Student will complete proper/ common noun worksheet.

Day Nine:


GLE- Use a greater variety of action and descriptive words when writing for a specific purpose and/or audience. (ELA-2-E2)

GLE- Write for various purposes, including: informal writing, including, messages, journals, notes, and poems. (ELA-2-E6)

GLE- Capitalize grade- appropriate nouns, initials of a person’s name, and the salutation, and closing of a friendly letter. (ELA-3- E2).

GLE- Identity and explain common synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms. (ELA-1-E1)

GLE- Develop grade appropriate compositions, for example: friendly letters, poems, stories, informational descriptions with some detail. (ELA- 2- E4)

Anticipatory Set:

Review proper/common nouns aloud.

Lesson of the Day:

Read the poem “At the Zoo” by William Thackeray. This will give students an example of their final product. Read other short stories/poems to get students ideas of their own writings. Student will begin their final product: poem, story, any form of writing on their first findings outside for the observation.

They will include the already included synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, and adjectives. Descriptive.

Must underline each instance of using a term. Includes at least 10 adjectives. Includes an example of a synonym with 3 words ex: (huge, big, large) Includes an example of an antonym with 4 words ex: (night- day and up down) Includes an example of a homonym with 4 words ex: (pear-pair and see- sea) Includes

5 common nouns and 5 proper nouns. I will create an example story!


Check for understanding, answer any needed questions, help with completion of final product.

At the Zoo

First I saw the white bear, then I saw the black;

Then I saw the camel with a hump upon his back;

Then I saw the grey wolf, with mutton in his maw;

Then I saw the wombat waddle in the straw;

Then I saw the elephant a-waving of his trunk;

Then I saw the monkeys-mercy, how unpleasantly they-smelt!

Day Ten:


GLE- Use a greater variety of action and descriptive words when writing for a specific purpose and/or audience. (ELA-2-E2)

GLE- Write for various purposes, including: informal writing, including, messages, journals, notes, and poems. (ELA-2-E6)

GLE- Capitalize grade- appropriate nouns, initials of a person’s name, and the salutation, and closing of a friendly letter. (ELA-3- E2).

GLE- Identity and explain common synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms. (ELA-1-E1)

GLE- Develop grade appropriate compositions, for example: friendly letters, poems, stories, informational descriptions with some detail. (ELA- 2- E4)

Lesson of the Day:

Complete and finalize story.


What was your favorite lesson? Thank the students for allowing me to teach!
