1st Amendment – religious and Political Freedom 2nd Amendment

1st Amendment – religious and Political Freedom
2nd Amendment – Right to Bear Arms
3rd Amendment – Quartering Troops
4th Amendment - Search and Seizure
5th Amendment – Rights of the Accused
6th Amendment – Right to a Speedy, Public Trial
7th Amendment – Trial by Jury in Civil Cases
8th Amendment – Limits of Fines and Punishments
9th Amendment – Rights of People
10th Amendment – Powers of States and People
11th Amendment – Lawsuits against States
12th Amendment – Election of Executives
13th Amendment - Slavery Abolished
14th Amendment - Civil Rights
15th Amendment - Right to Vote
16th Amendment – Income Tax
17th Amendment – Direct Election of Senators
18th Amendment – Prohibition
19th Amendment – Women’s Suffrage
20th Amendment – “lame Duck” Session
21st Amendment – Repeals the 18th Amendment
22nd Amendment – Limit on Presidential Terms
23rd Amendment – Voting in District of Columbia
24th Amendment - Abolition of Poll Taxes
25th Amendment – Presidential, Disability and Succession
26th Amendment – 18 year olds gain vote
27th Amendment – Congressional Pay