Chapter 4 Objective Finding, Fact Finding, and Problem Finding/Definition Objective finding SWOT analysis Fact finding Who, what, where, when, why, how? Dimensional analysis Problem finding Redefinition approaches Analytical methods Prof. Tony Proctor 1 Make use of current and past experience Scan the environment for problems Ascertain people's major concerns Scan documents, reports and attend meetings Obtain different perspectives on the problem through redefinition Prof. Tony Proctor Identify objectives Undertake SWOT analysis Establish facts relating to the problem Ask Who? What? Where? When? and Why? questions Define / redefine the problem Compare performance with desirtable levels and what others are achieving Use a variety of redefinitional techniques: e.g. laddering, boundary examination, gola orientation, 5 W's and H's, Progressive abstarctions, Why method, etc. Consider using analytical techniques such as: decomposable matrices, dimensional analysis, cause and effect diagrams, etc. 2 Identify strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats OBJECTIVE FINDING Construct matrix and enters SWOT Take combinations of Strengths, Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats to identify objectives and enter on the matrix Prof. Tony Proctor 3 FACT FINDING State the problem as ‘In What Ways Might..(IWWM) Record relevant Who? Why? What? When? How? Use Answers to create redefinitions Select the best redefinitions Prof. Tony Proctor 4 DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS State the problem Write down different descriptions of the problem as questions Select areas most relevant to the problem for further analysis Prof. Tony Proctor Answer listed questions Consider implications of answers given for solving the problem 5 PROBLEM FINDING Redefinition approaches Prof. Tony Proctor Laddering Goal orientation Boundary examination Progressive abstractions ‘Why’ method Analytical methods Decomposable matrices Cause and effect diagrams 6 LADDERING State problem in terms of How to.... Prof. Tony Proctor Use question Why? to move up the ladder and How? to move down the ladder. Consider various redefinitions for their usefulness. 7 GOAL ORIENTATION General outline of the problem What are the needs, obstacles and constrains Redefine original problem Prof. Tony Proctor 8 BOUNDARY EXAMINATION Wri te o ut p roble m High ligh t key words /phra ses Id enti fy imp ortan t conno tati ons Sug gest new de fini tion s Prof. Tony Proctor 9 PROGRESSIVE ABSTRACTIONS Identi fy the es sential problem Prof. Tony Proctor Use to devel op new problem defini tion Repeat process until redefini tion is inappr opriate to needs of the si tuation 10 WHY METHOD Spe cify the pro blem Prof. Tony Proctor As k why o ne sh ould do whatever th e pro blem sta tes Rede fine ans we r gi ve n as new pro blem Repe at the pro ces s un til the red efin itio ns a re no lon ger ap propri ate 11 DECOMPOSABLE MATRICES Use a pro blem th at h as su bsyste ms Li st m ajor su bsyste ms a nd compo nents Sel ect the hig hest weig hted in teractio ns for fu rther anal ys is o r id eati on Prof. Tony Proctor Cons truct ma trix of sub system s an d th eir compo nents Usin g a sca le weig ht the in teractio n be tween the su bsyste m compo nents 12 CAUSE AND EFFECT DIAGRAM Sta ff m orale is lo w Wo rk i s bo ring Wo rk i s rep etitive Prof. Tony Proctor rep eat sale s are fa llin g Ab senteeis m is hi gh Orders are late in de livery Prod uctivity is low 13