13. List two warning signs of a slow

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Our Body’s Lymphatic System
“Your body can regenerate. From brain cells to toe cells, your body can regenerate. If you want to
regenerate tissue, you have got to move lymph.” – Dr. Robert Morse, N.D., D.Sc.
The lymphatic system, one of the most vital systems in the body, is essential for good health. It is
closely related to our circulatory system as well as being a major part of our immune system.
What is the lymph system? It is an extensive drainage network that helps keep bodily fluid levels in
balance and defends the body against infections. It is our body’s filtering system. It helps to remove
toxins, wastes, excess fluids, and infection from all tissues in your body through proper flow and
The lymph system is made up of a network of lymphatic vessels that carry lymph — a clear, watery
fluid that contains protein molecules, salts, and other substances — throughout the body and toward
the heart. Your lymph system affects every cell and organ in your body. Pretty impressive, isn’t it?
Besides lymph, this complex system contains lymphatic capillaries, lymph vessels and lymph nodes.
It also includes the spleen, tonsils, bone marrow and the thymus.
Did you know that the spleen, the largest lymphatic organ, contains white blood cells that fight
infection or disease? Some bacteria or viruses that enter the body are collected by the lymph and
passed on to the lymph nodes where they are filtered out and destroyed. This is one of the jobs of
the lymphatic system: to detect, filter and remove bacteria and other foreign invaders from our body.
In this month’s Internet Challenge™, we will get to learn more details about our lymphatic system
and see why it is sometimes called the “transportation highway” of our body. Are you ready to begin
our online activity? (Note to readers: Some of the Web sites have advertisements; please do not
click on them.)
Our first Web site is “Spleen and Lymphatic Health – Kids Health.org” that can be found at
Read the information on all three pages and then answer these questions. Click the arrow at the
bottom of the page to advance to the next page.
1. What role does the spleen play in the lymphatic system?
2.The lymphatic system is a network of very large vessels that drain lymph fluid from only one
section of the body.
(a) True
(b) False
3. Where can lymphatic tissue be found in the body?
4. Compare and contrast the thoracic duct to the right lymphatic duct.
5. Describe the appearance of a lymph node.
6. How does lymph fluid get pushed through the capillaries?
7. Describe the job of the lymph capillaries.
8. Why would a doctor check for swollen glands?
9. What does the medical term “splenomegaly” mean?
10. Why would someone need a tonsillectomy?
Good work! Now go to “Encyclopedia Kids.Net.Au” that is located at
Read the text on this Web page and then complete the following question.
11. Describe the movement of lymph.
Go to “Biology for Kids – Lymphatic System” at
Read this section and answer the following question.
12. What is intercellular fluid (note to readers: this is also known as interstitial fluid) and what role
does the lymph system have with this fluid?
Go to “Cypress Natural Medicine – How to Keep Your Lymphatic System Healthy” that is located at
Look at this Web page, read the material and study the diagram of the lymphatic system. Answer
these two questions.
13. List two warning signs of a slow-moving lymphatic system.
14. This Web site suggests natural approaches to keep your lymph system working correctly.
Describe its advice regarding exercise.
Lastly, go to “Dr. Standley.com – the Lymphatic System” that is located at
Read the material and then complete this question.
15. Describe the appearance of lymph in the intestines.
Review the Web sites below to get information about rebounding, a type of low-impact exercise
usually performed on a rebounder (also known as a mini-trampoline). These sites discuss the
special benefits of rebounding and its ability to improve the flow in the lymphatic system.
“Living and Raw Foods – Rebounding and the Lymph System”
“Squidoo.com – Why the Lymphatic System?”
Question to address: Is Rebounding a safe and effective type of exercise to help keep our lymphatic
system healthy? Be sure to defend your choice with specific examples.
What ways can you help make the public aware that exercise is also good for their lymphatic