APUSH Reading Assignments With Questions Chapter 3: The

APUSH Reading Assignments With Questions
Chapter 3: The Growth of A Young Nation
Unit Objective: I can analyze the Jefferson Era, the Age of Jackson, Manifest Destiny, the Market
Revolution, and various reform movements during the first half of the 19 th century.
Section 1: The Jeffersonian Era (August 26th)
Key Terms: Democratic-Republicans, Jeffersonian Republicanism, Marbury v. Madison, John
Marshall, Judicial Review, Louisiana Purchase, Impressment, James Monroe, Monroe Doctrine
How did Thomas Jefferson simplify the government?
What is the principle of Judicial Review?
What was the significance of the Louisiana Purchase?
What factors led to the War of 1812?
What were the major consequences of the War of 1812?
What did the Adams-Onis Treaty accomplish?
What did the Monroe Doctrine declare?
Section 2: The Age of Jackson (August 27th)
Key Terms: Henry Clay, American System, John C. Calhoun, Missouri Compromise, Andrew
Jackson, John Quincy Adams, Jacksonian Democracy, Trail of Tears, John Tyler
How did the onset of the industrial Revolution change American society in the North?
Why did the South remain primarily agricultural?
How did Jackson help to expand democracy and change politics?
How did Jackson deal with Native Americans?
What were the causes and consequences of the Nullification Crisis?
What did Jackson seek to bring down the National Bank?
What issues did Martin Van Buren face as President?
What prompted the Panic of 1837?
What factors helped William Henry Harrison win the Presidency?
Section 3: Manifest Destiny (August 28th)
Key Terms: Manifest Destiny, Santa Fe Trail, Oregon Trail, Stephen F. Austin, Texas Revolution,
The Alamo, Sam Houston, James K. Polk, Republic of California, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidaigo
What is the concept of Manifest Destiny?
What role did the Santa Fe and Oregon Trails play in Western settlement?
Who were the Mormons and why did they migrate westward?
How did Mexicans encourage American settlement in Texas?
What were the causes of the Texas Revolution?
What was the significance of the battle at the Alamo?
What events precipitated the war with Mexico?
What was the result of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
Who were the Forty-Niners?
What was the impact of the gold rush on California?
Section 4: The Market Revolution (August 29th)
Key Terms: Market Revolution, free enterprise, entrepreneurs, Samuel F.B. Morse, Lowell
textile mills, strike, immigration, National Trades Union, Commonwealth v. Hunt
What was the market revolution?
What inventions and improvements emerged in the mid-1800s?
How did the market revolution transform the nation?
How did the new market economy affect the way people worked?
What were working conditions like in the Lowell textile mills?
What were the reasons that the Lowell workers went on strike?
Why did many immigrants face discrimination in the United States?
What gains and setbacks did unions experience?
Section 5: Reforming American Society (August 30th)
Key Terms: abolition, Unitarians, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Transcendentalism, William Lloyd
Garrison, Frederick Douglass, Nat Turner, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Seneca Falls Convention,
Sojourner Truth
What contributions did William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglass make to the
abolition movement?
What was life like for an enslaved person?
Why were slave owners opposed to abolition?
In what reform movements did women participate?
How did women improve their educational opportunities?
What factors led to the emergence of the women’s rights movement?