Broad generalizations are often made in popular psychology about one side or the other having characteristic labels such as "logical" or "creative".
These labels need to be treated carefully; although a lateral dominance is measurable , these characteristics are in fact existent in both sides , [1] and experimental evidence provides little support for correlating the structural differences between the sides with functional differences.
True! The sciatic nerve can be over a meter long!
False! (well, sort of… it’s about as firm as tofu!)
Functions of the Nervous System:
A system of cells, tissue, and organs that regulate the body’s responses to external and internal stimuli.
Communication between organ systems.
Provides info about environmental conditions to all internal organs.
Translates environmental stimuli to messages understood by the cells
External stimuli: environmental factors that influence metabolic changes in a cell or physiological changes in tissues and organs.
Internal stimuli: cell secretions used to communicate info about a cell’s jobs and needs.
Neural tube – developmental struct
Stem cells
Neurons & neuroglia
excitable cells
receive, interpret, and transmit external and internal stimuli.
maintain the excitability & health of neurons.
Don’t take part in communication.
Derived from the neural tube
Bidirectional communication with neuroglia and neurons.
Play a role in the development of the nervous system.
Categorized by their cell anatomy and mode of communication
Common features:
Long process
Extends from cell body from the axon hillock
Transfers impulses to the terminus.
Usually one per neuron.
Some have branches (collaterals) that reach out to other neurons.
Job: initiate the electrical signal that will be transmitted from the axon to glands, muscles, other neurons.
Releases neurotransmitters—transmit info from one neuron to another.
Cells must possess neurotransmitter receptors if they are to respond to the stimulus
Cell body (soma): contains nucleus & organelles, ER and Golgi bodies that produce specialized enzymes and secretions needed for nerve cell communication.
Terminus: Releases neurotransmitters
Dendrite: antennae.
Receive stimuli from several sources
Axon Hillock: where the axon originates
Axon: long process that comes off the body; transfers impulses to the terminus.
Job: transmit electrical signal to glands, muscles, other neurons.
Neurons don’t directly touch the cells with which they communicate
Form a synapse: the junction where an impulse is transmitted from one neuron to another.
2. Pre-synaptic neuron: produces the neurotransmitter
4. Neurotransmitter: most pre-synaptic neurons produce 1 kind.
1. Synaptic Cleft: the space between the terminus of one neuron and the dendrites of another.
5. Receptor: Post-synaptic neurons an have a variety of neurotransmitter receptors.
3. Post-synaptic neuron: receives the neurotransmitter
Make up bulk of cells in the nervous system
Closely associated with neurons
High lipid content
White in appearance
Vulnerable to improper diet
Many types…
Ependymal cells
Not pictured:
Radial glia
Satellite cells
Schwann cells
A.k.a. macroglia
Largest class
Star-shaped, w/ many branches, or feet
Often associate w/ blood vessels
Control types of materials that pass from blood to neurons
Protects neurons from harmful agents
Creates blood-brain barrier
Mostly found in brain, spinal cord
Primary secretory cells
Line cavities of brain, spinal column
Produce cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Bathes, nourishes, protects brain, spinal cord
Cilia help circulate CSF
Highly variable
Found throughout nervous system
Many carry out phagocytosis, removing infectious agents, repair damage
Others produce secretions that maintain neuron health, assist in healing
Malfunctions often produce disorders
Large, w/ numerous branching processes
Wrap around axons of neurons
Form an insulating cover (myelin sheath)
Found only in brain, spinal cord
Speeds up nerve transmission
Found in developing nervous system
Provide framework for growing interconnections
In adults, assist maintenance of brain and eyes
Communicate “needs” of these cells
Small, numerous
Cover surface of neurons outside brain, spinal cord
Help maintain chemical environment
May help w/ nerve cell repair
Form myelin sheath around axons of neurons outside of brain, spinal cord (in PNS)
Gaps between cells called nodes of Ranvier
Help speed transmission
Functions of the Nervous System:
Materials diffuse from high low concentration
Membranes act as a barrier to diffusion… they can be “selective” about what can pass
In general, things that are large/charged need special “permission” to pass through the membrane
They need a channel/gate that gives them a pathway
Ions, like Sodium (Na+), Potassium (K+), and
Chloride (Cl-) are normally not allowed through
In general, the following are true about ions:
They will repel each other (likes repel)
They will be attracted to an opposite charge
Neurons are excitable!
They transmit a signal that was received by the dendrites/cell body down through the axon
Cytoplasm must be ready!
Neurons transmit information to other cells via an action potential
Na+ gated channel
K+ gated channel
K+ pore
Must maintain an excitable condition called
resting potential.
Chemically unstable condition
Sodium ion concentration higher outside cell than inside
Creates a diffusion potential; sodium “wants” to enter
Potassium ions higher inside cell than outside
A.k.a. a “salty banana”
Sodium/potassium pump maintains this potential
Na+ Na+
K+ Na+
Debatable… some have 6 phases
Recovery phase
Cytoplasm’s charge starts at ~ -70 mV
Dendrites receive stimulus from a. another cell or b. the environment
Sodium channels open, allowing rapid influx
If enough channels open, cytoplasm’s charge reaches -55 mV = threshold
Required for an action potential to propagate, or travel, across the cell membrane
At threshold, more Na + channels open
Charge of cytoplasm increases to +30 mV
Each depolarized segment of axon depolarizes the adjacent segment… like falling dominoes
Potassium gated ion channels are also stimulated to open during a depolarization!
They are slower to respond
They don’t fully open enough to allow K+ ions to flow out until the sodium gates have both opened AND closed!
Sodium channels closed, and potassium channels finally open
K+ ions diffuse outward, causing the cell’s interior to become more negative (lost + ions)
Neuron is becoming repolarized.
Repolarization is rapid!
Cell moves past resting potential (-70 mv) and overshoots, reaching -90 mV.
K+ gated ion channels are slow to close as well…
This is hyperpolarization…
K+ gates on K+ channel proteins are slow to close, allowing this hyperpolarization
Why does this occur?
Prevents neuron from becoming stimulated during repolarization period
Prevents action potential from travelling both forward AND backward… becomes a unidirectional signal.
Sodium/Potassium pumps return cell to resting potential (Na+ outside, K+ inside)
Some cells send a second impulse before recovery is complete = tetany
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Action potentials relatively slow (5 25 m/second)
To increase velocity, neurons’ axons are myelinated.
Reduces amount of membrane that must be depolarized
Stimulus “jumps” from node to node
10 120 meters/second!
Working with your partner, write a “story” that describes an action potential.
Diffusion Potential
K+ gated ion channels
K+ ion
Na+ gated ion channels
Na+ ion
Na+/K+ pump
Refractory period
When the terminus depolarizes, calcium ions diffuse into terminus
Stimulates movement of vesicles towards terminal knobs
Vesicles fuse w/ cell membrane, releasing contents
These vesicles contain neurotransmitters
Neurotransmitters diffuse across synaptic
cleft, binding to matching receptors on post- synaptic neuron
1. Synthesis and storage of neurotransmitters
2. Neurotransmitter release
3. Neurotransmitter binding to post-synaptic receptors
4. Inactivation of neurotransmitters
Synthesis occurs in nerve cell body, transferred to terminus
Inactivation occurs by degradation or
reuptake (for recycling)… many drugs affect these processes
Chemical signals that transfer action potential from affector (sensory neuron receptor) to an effector (motor neuron, muscle, gland)
Can be excitatory or inhibitory
Excitatory: helps depolarize post-synaptic neuron (move interior closer to threshold)
Inhibitory: hyperpolarize post-synaptic neuron (move interior farther from threshold)
Amino acids:
Usually in brain, spinal column
Aspartate, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
(inhibitory), glutamate (excitatory), glycine
Catecholamines: Excitatory; made from tyrosine
Ex. Epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine (both excitatory/inhibitory)
Associated w/ stress
Cholinergics: Excites muscle cells; made from dietary fats, other metabolic compounds
Acetylcholine most common
Monoamines: Related to catecholamines
Serotonin (made from tryptophan)
Inhibits catecholamine NT’s
Histamine: associated w/ pain sensations, stress
Function of the Nervous System
Key term: Innervate = supply a body part w/ nervous stimulation
Ex: Gland, muscle, neuron
Types of neural pathways (focus on the term!)
Axo-dendritic synapse: terminus dendrite connection
Axo-somatic synapse: terminus nerve cell body connection
Axo-axonic synapse: terminus axon connection
Reverberating pathway (brain)
Neurons can stimulate themselves repeatedly until another stimulus stops it
Linked to important pathways in brain
Emotions, learning, memory
Breakdown in these pathways leads to disorders
Ex. Epilepsy (uncontrolled excitatory activity)
Type of communication that takes place between two neurons also significant:
Excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) = action potential generated
In some pathways, may require multiple, simultaneous
EPSP’s to create an action potential
Inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) = action potential prevented
Hyperpolarizes the membrane
Many neurons have both EPSP and IPSP connections – allows decision-making in brain!
Functions of the Nervous System:
Sensory neuron (w/ receptor) interneuron
(in spinal cord) motor neuron
Afferent neuron interneuron Efferent neuron
Instantaneous, involuntary response to a stimulus
No intervention/conscious control required
Neurons arranged in a reflex arc
Stimulus excites an affector
Carry out physiological job = transduction
Convert a stimulus (touch/pain) into a message that can be relayed to cells
Part of sensory nerve’s dendrites
Transfers response to interneuron, which relays information to motor neuron
Motor neuron stimulates effector, which carries out task of the reflex
Interneurons communicate w/ brain
= certain reflexes can be “trained”, like urination and bowel movements
Function of the Nervous System:
Infectious: causes by microorganisms
Degenerative: progressive deterioration of a cell/tissue
Congenital: embryological/maturation errors
Toxicological: poisons that affect cell metabolism/communication
Traumatic: injuries resulting
Most common: bacterial
Release toxins into blood
Can inflame, kill neurons, neuroglia
Affect neuron communication
Ex. Botulism – toxin blocks action of acetylcholine
Produces flaccid paralysis (no muscle contraction)
Ex. Tetanus – toxin enhances acetylcholine
Prevents muscle relaxation
Endotoxins: produced as bacteria replicate, die
Cause immediate death to neuroglia and neurons
Commonly cause diseases
Encephalitis – inflammation of brain
Meningitis – inflammation of membranes surrounding brain, spinal cord
Fungal toxins similar to those from bacteria
Enter and infect nervous system cells
Viruses: herpes, rabies
Prions: Mad cow/BSE/Creutzfeldt-Jakob
Kill cells outright/produce inflammation
Carried by mosquitoes, biting insects
Amylotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) a.k.a.
Lou Gehrig’s disease
Faulty mitochondria
Gradual loss of muscle function
Loss of neuroglia around axons, bodies of neurons
Causes: metabolic, loss of blood flow
Results in slower neural impulses, eventual degeneration
Ex: Multiple sclerosis
Krabbe’s disease
Lack enzyme (galactosylceramide betagalactosidase) that prevents accumulation of toxic wastes in nerve cells
Buildup of harmful fats
Abnormal neuron functioning, diminished neuroglia maturation
Hirschsprung’s disease
Affects large intestine neurons
Nerve cells stop growing during development, causing loss of function of LI
Variety of sources:
Arsenic, cyanide (pesticides) – block cellular respiration, disabling neurons
Tetrodotoxins: inhibits flow of sodium into nerve cells
Neurons cannot be replaced once they die*
Injured neurons can be repaired
Intact neuroglia must be nearby
Can replicate if only a small number are killed
Rebuild damaged components of neurons
Redirect axons to original positions
Encouraged by growth factors
Stem cells show promise
Mitosis is rare!
Cells are so specialized, to divide would mean de-differentiating!
Remember neurons originate from stem cells, not other neurons
= Neurons and neuroglia stay with you throughout life
= They accumulate damage over your lifespan
The higher the cell’s metabolism, the greater the buildup of metabolic “oxidizing” byproducts
These come from mitochondria
Can alter DNA
metabolic errors that can be fatal
Alcohol, drug abuse, smoking, air pollution accelerate cell aging
As one ages, consistent blood flow to tissues is lost
Neurons are highly susceptible to this
High metabolic needs
Obtain nutrients, ions for action potentials
Materials needed for NT’s
Become less responsive to stimuli
Glands, muscles, neurons
Loss of tonic control
= regular nerve communication with glands, muscles
Without tonic control…
Lose mobility
Loss of balance, posture
Lose muscle mass
Due to increased age
Refractory period longer
= fewer action potentials
Slows down impulses to muscles, delays sensory communication to brain, body
Wastes collect: plaques, tangles
Amyloid proteins = plaque
Tangles = changes in cell’s cytoplasm, changing shape
Lipofuscin = fatty, brown pigment that builds up; indicator of nerve cell pathology