1 TSDSI-M2M-TR-UCD_Utilities-V0.1.0-20150306 2 3 Technical Report 4 5 6 7 8 Machine-to-Machine Communication (M2M) 9 Study on Indian Use Cases 10 Utilities Vertical 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 19 20 21 22 23 24 Intentionally left blank to fill information on: a. b. c. d. e. Secretariat address Editor with address Chair with address Vice-Chair with address Copyright information 25 2 26 27 28 29 30 31 Intentionally left blank to fill information on: a. b. c. d. Standard number Standard mnemonic Version [for status information] Draft date, if not published [for status information] Publication date of the standard [for status information] 3 32 Intentionally left Blank for Abstract 4 Contents 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Introduction Purpose Intended Audience Scope Definitions, Abbreviations, Acronyms Use Cases for Utilities 6.1 Advanced Metering Infrastructure 6.2 Automated Meter Reading 6.3 AMI Network Management Systems 6.4 Distributed Transformer Monitoring 6.5 RMU and FPI connectivity 6.6 SCADA 6.7 Pre-payment Metering 6.8 City Gas Distribution 6.9 City Water Distribution 6.10 Electric Vehicles Charging 6.11 Microgrids 6.12 Distributed Generation 6.13 Wide Area Monitoring (WAMS) Annexure – Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Bibliography Document Revision History 58 5 59 1 INTRODUCTION 60 61 62 63 64 65 Communication infrastructure is the foundation of Process Automation, Instrumentation and Control industry, an industry that has been in existence for more than 50 years. Sensor/transducer based Remote Monitoring systems, and PLC/SCADA systems with remote control capabilities have always used dedicated communication wires or wireless (Radio/Satellite etc.) systems for providing connectivity between the end devices in the field and the control centre. In fact, several communication protocols were created in the Industrial Automation space. 66 67 68 69 70 71 On a different plane, the scorching pace of innovations in IT technologies has led to “commoditization” of devices. These devices are intelligent, have small and flexible form factor and, more importantly, can “talk”, by integrating standard communication chips/modules of any communication technology, almost in a plug and play fashion. Therefore, the world is now witnessing emergence of devices that can communicate with each other – thus elevating automation and control engineering industry to a new level altogether – the M2M/IoT. 72 73 74 75 76 77 Industries, especially in manufacturing and process industries have been leveraging the power of “connectivity enhanced automation systems” to create solutions for improving operational efficiencies and productivity of their assets and processes. They have created industry specific standards and protocols in automation space. While many of these standards are defined at the higher levels of the OSI model, the features have been standardized pre-assuming a certain communication layer to service the application. 78 79 80 81 Till date, in most applications implemented in India in any vertical segment, the communication infrastructure selected is a captive system that is used dedicatedly for the specific solution. In a few cases, in larger organizations, certain dedicated channels of the corporate communication backbone infrastructure (if it exists) are earmarked for such solutions. 82 83 84 85 86 87 The primary reason for this is driven by the need for a safe and secure operational regime, instead of operational efficiency improvement. Automation solutions do not have a good business case in several industry segments in India (especially in Smart Grids space) due to the high TCO (CAPEX +OPEX) of the required communication systems, if these are dedicated for the solution. Even a common communication backbone at the overall organization level for all business, automation and IT needs does not make the solutions financially attractive. 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 As the IT sector grows in maturity in terms of robust engineering practices, creation and usage of IT tools as “products”, user organizations are willing to migrate to digital shared platforms (example - cloud) in a Platform as a service (PaaS) mode. PaaS platforms help reduce the cost of service to individual clients and at the same time brings bare minimum standard features across all vertical segments. The time is ripe for offering a common communication platform (the “information” highway) for applications from various vertical segments (the “data” vehicles), in order to bring down the TCO of the communication piece to affordable levels. 6 95 96 97 This brings the need for independent M2M platforms that can offer content transport capabilities in a seamless, reliable and affordable manner with universal standards for content handling and quality of service. 98 99 100 101 102 103 An independent M2M platform, that is based on a single or heterogeneous communication technology on the one hand, with a set of standard common services (OSS, BSS and much more), and standardized device interfaces, can be leveraged by multiple service providers, multiple user organizations and for multiple applications. Availability of standard interfaces on the communication and device facing sides of such a platform, will foster innovations in the communication and device segments, with assured quality of service. 104 105 106 107 108 109 One of the major responsibilities of TSDSI’s M2M group is to define an M2M framework to meet the above objectives. As part of this exercise, the group has undertaken study of various vertical segments to extract business requirements from an M2M/IoT platform perspective. This has helped the team bring out common requirements of all verticals, which in turn will become candidates for M2M platform functionalities. This document is a compilation of application use cases in various verticals studied by the team. 110 111 112 113 114 7 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 2 PURPOSE 127 128 129 In order to define a M2M service platform that can serve the needs of different verticals, it is important to understand the functional requirements of these verticals in sufficient depth for the appreciation of architecturally significant requirements. 130 131 132 133 134 TSDSI’s M2M group has undertaken study of various vertical segments to extract business requirements from an M2M/IoT perspective. This is intended to help cross pollinate useful features across different verticals for the overall benefit of the user community. Purpose of this exercise is to extract common requirements of all verticals which in turn will become candidates for M2M platform functionalities. 135 136 137 138 139 It also brings out the India specific implementation experience and learnings. This will help aspiring M2M platform providers to gain an understanding of the drivers for successful field implementation in the Indian ecosystem. It is believed that, India geographical market itself is a representative sample for emerging economies. Therefore, a framework that is defined to address this segment, will help to serve the needs of emerging economies market too. IoT/M2M market is growing at the rate of approximately 8% CAGR (by no. of devices) and is expected to touch 20 billion No. of connected devices by 2020. As on date, “niche” services/solutions are being offered by players in key verticals in India as an end-to-end offering encompassing the devices, communication system and the controlling IT application. A few of these are – Automated Meter Reading in Power and Water Utilities, Electronic Toll Collection Systems in Transportation, OBD based vehicle eCall solutions in Vehicles, Telemedicine in Health, Remote Automated Cell Tower Monitoring, Street light Management systems in Smart City, Home security and Surveillance systems, Building Management Systems, Automated manufacturing in Industrial Automation etc. These qualify as M2M offerings in the specialized vertical segment. 140 8 141 3 INTENDED AUDIENCE 142 143 M2M Platform Solution providers (Solution and Technology Architects), Regulatory bodies and Policy makers. 144 Entrepreneurs who aspire to create products/Apps. for deployment on M2M platforms. 145 Underlying network service providers from various communication technology segments. 146 9 147 4 SCOPE 148 149 The document gives a brief overview of M2M use case applications in Utilities vertical for India geographical market. 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 It is intended to serve as a reference point for Architects, policy makers and Regulatory bodies to understand India specific requirements and/or drivers in each area. 160 161 162 Use cases selected for elaboration were based on the criteria of their perceived architectural significance on the M2M platform and/or market potential. Architectural significance covers differentiated data requirements and India geography specific deployment requirements. 163 164 165 166 167 168 The list of use cases provided in this document is not meant to be exhaustive, rather, it is a representative of the verticals, compiled bases on contributions provided by TSDSI members and subject matter experts in this domain area. Some use cases contain evolving/future requirements also. Some use cases can “belong” to more than one vertical. These have been described in the vertical that is currently championing its implementation in India. A few “representative” use cases are elaborated in detail describing actors and scenarios with call flows. Architecturally considerations that are significant from an M2M perspective, ranging from information exchange interface requirements, data traffic, performance requirements, deployment considerations from Indian context are covered. Regulatory and statutory compliance requirements, currently prevalent standards are also provided. The elaborated use cases describe Indian Ecosystem specific aspects. Any foreseen constraints and challenges in such implementations are also described. 169 10 170 5 DEFINITIONS, ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS M2M Machine to Machine AMI Advanced Metering Infrastructure AMR Automated Meter Reading SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition RAPDRP Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Program IPDS Integrated Power Development Scheme IWT India Water Tool GAIL Gas Authority of India Limited. JV Joint Venture 171 11 172 173 6 USE CASES FOR UTILITIES 174 175 176 Note: For the purpose of this document, utility vertical covers electricity, water & gas distribution to end consumers. Infrastructure services like waste water, sewage disposal, street lighting are not included in the scope of this document. 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 As per WEF global competitiveness index for 2014-15 [1], India ranks 118th out of 144 countries globally on the quality of electricity and telephone infrastructure. Our per capita energy consumption of approximately 900 units in 2010 was nearly one third [2] of the world average. As per an India Water Tool (IWT) study, a major part of our country is already water stressed [3]. UN Industrial Development Organization Report titled “Sustainable Energy for All”, says that India as a country has the largest population that lacks access to clean fuel for cooking [4]. These are important markers of a country’s economic and social prosperity. 184 185 186 187 Information and Communication Technology (ICT), especially IoT/M2M will play a key role in improving access to and efficient utilization of electricity, water and gas. Before describing the M2M based applications in this vertical, a brief overview of the sector trends from M2M context is given below. 188 Power Sector from M2M perspective 189 190 191 192 193 The Installed Capacity of Power Generation in India as of Oct 2014 is 255 GW [5]. India is the third largest producer of electricity in the world. However, our per capita electricity consumption is low as compared to many countries, due to poor access (nearly 20% population does not have access to electricity) on the one hand and inadequate supply to the already electrified areas. The potential demand by 2032 is estimated to be 900 GW [6]. 194 195 196 Given below is the sector wise electricity consumption in our country. 12 197 198 199 200 201 Source: Annual report of Ministry of Power [7] 202 203 204 205 206 207 As evident from the above pie chart, Industrial, domestic and agricultural segments contribute to approx. 50% of total electricity consumption. Electricity tariff rates for industrial sector are highest, and cross subsidize the tariff rates for domestic sector. This is in contrast to the US and parts of Europe, where domestic sector tariffs are higher than industrial. Thus there is a reason for industrial sector consumers to adopt energy efficiency measures, while there is no such motivation for residential category in India. 208 209 210 211 212 213 Power supply to the agricultural sector is generally highly subsidized (if not free) and unmetered at the connection points. The Indian Power sector suffers from very high “aggregated technical and commercial losses” of the order of almost 30% average. One of the major reasons for this is inefficient billing and collection processes of our distribution utilities (called DISCOMs). This, apart from the low tariffs, is a key contributor to mounting losses of electrical Distribution utilities in our country. 13 214 215 216 At the same time, the need for conserving energy (to reduce the energy bills but more importantly to manage in the regime of constrained supply) has been felt by consumers in the tariff paying categories of industrial, commercial and residential segments. 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 In recent times, Utilities have deployed Remote Automated Metering systems for all Industrial category and “high value consumer connections”, in order to facilitate automated meter reading for billing. Meters have been installed at all Distribution transformers to facilitate remote monitoring for early detection of overloads/incipient fault conditions at the transformer end in order to save them. As part of the Ministry of Power’s Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Program (RAPDRP), practice of spot meter reading and spot billing of domestic and commercial consumers is being institutionalized. There is a growing move for metering agricultural connections also in many utilities (to help assess actual consumption for such connections). DISCOMs are starting to introduce Demand Response mechanisms for load management. 227 228 229 230 231 Under the RAPDRP-IT initiative, SCADA systems have been provisioned for towns with a population exceeding 4 lakhs and input energy of more than 350MU across the country (72 such towns). This has remote monitoring and control of the town Substations, distribution feeder sectionalizers and Ring Main units from Town level SCADA control centres. These programs are being continued under the Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS) of the Govt. 232 233 234 235 236 All these initiatives rely heavily on a robust communication infrastructure for providing connectivity between the head-end AMR/AMI systems to the meters directly or through interim data concentrators/gateways. SCADA control centres and the RTUs are connected over MPLS/MLLN or dedicated FO links. A few typical applications that are based on such communication systems are described in later sub-sections. 237 Water Sector from M2M Perspective 238 239 As per a report by the 2030 Water Resources Group [8], prepared in 2009, the world is likely to face a 40% deficit in water availability at a global level. 14 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 India, home to nearly 16% of the world’s population has 4% of the total fresh water share. While many parts of the country have perennial and seasonal rivers that are used for water needs, a major part of the country is arid and relies on ground water. In recent years, diversion of land for construction purposes and aggressive water mining has led to depleting ground water reserves on the one hand, and disappearance of local water bodies that could have got recharged during our abundant monsoon seasons. The increasing incidents of heavy rainshowers instead of constant rain, not only causes flooding but also results in inadequate recharging of the water bodies. Rampant concretization has resulted in loss of opportunities for natural ground water recharging. Our river waters are also dwindling due to the recently changing rain patterns (we have spells of heavy rainfall for a few days that causes flooding and gets washed away). Gradual disappearance of natural water bodies (ponds, seasonal streams and rivers), has aggravated the problem of storing rain water. 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 Due to this, most cities and towns in our country are already water stressed. Approx.30-50% of water gets leaked from the water distribution network. In most cities, water is supplied for 1 to 3 hours average per day by the municipal body/water utility. Many Consumers store water supplied by the utility in underground sumps/tanks and then pump it to their overhead storage tanks using their own pumps. This brings to fore the water-energy nexus: energy is required to treat water at source, its transportation to the consumption point and its pumping to the storage tanks at the point of consumption. 260 261 Water distribution networks in most areas are old and have minimal maintenance. Quality of water available at supply points is often found contaminated due to improper sewage channel. 15 262 263 Shown below is the ground water quality as per BIS norms from India Water Tool [3] (http://www.indiawatertool.in). 264 265 266 267 The World Bank estimates that approx. 21% communicable diseases are caused due to unsafe drinking water [9]. Most consumers use water purifiers in their homes as an additional measure for further purifying water. This has introduced an additional appliance that consumes electricity. 268 269 270 271 Many State Governments have taken up implementation of 24 X 7 water supply projects in municipalities that have adequate sources of water. A few pilots for 24 X 7 water supply have already been implemented. The scope of these pilots covers supply of water at a specified pressure, 100% metering (with AMR for key bulk consumers) and setting up of IVR/Web based 16 272 273 274 water customer care centres (to facilitate processing of maintenance requests and revenue management). Overhauling/replacing of the existing water distribution network with new system and SCADA based monitoring are also included in the scope. 275 276 277 278 279 Several Municipal corporations/water supply boards in the country are setting up water SCADA systems in the water distribution networks to monitor flow, pressure and leakage of water and in a few cases remote operation of control valves in the network. They are also installing Remote Automated Meter Reading (AMR) systems for bulk water supply connections to help monitor the flow, pressure and consumption trends of water. 280 Recently, Water ATMs are being setup to sell drinking water (pre-paid water supply). 281 282 283 284 285 It is evident that smart water meters, SCADA systems and smart customer care services (through Interactive Voice Response IVR/Web/mobile based) will play a major role in modernizing our water infrastructure. With Water AMR/SCADA systems in place, utility and the consumer can improve usage/billing efficiencies, leak detection, perform distribution analysis (flow and pressure) and improve water source usage. 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 An M2M platform can enable cost effective solutions for hosting AMR, SCADA and customer connect services for the water sector. The platform additionally helps in remote monitoring of the water assets, which in turn helps in improved proactive maintenance. It also facilitates automated notifications to Operations &Maintenance staff and consumers. The M2M platform can provide location marked data, which opens possibilities for a host of location based insights. The AMR and SCADA applications for water sector are similar to the power sector requirements and are described in the subsequent sub-section. 293 City Gas Distribution from M2M Perspective 294 295 296 297 298 299 City Gas distribution was pioneered by GAIL in the early 1990s with CNG for transport and PNG as a household fuel (as a cheaper and environment friendly alternative to petrol, diesel, kerosene and LPG). GAIL created a separate subsidiary GAIL GAS limited in mid 2000s to address this market and also entered into a few JVs for city gas distribution. After the establishment of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board, private sector has also entered into this segment. 300 301 302 India’s demand for gas is expected to more than double in 2030, rising from 49 million tons of oil equivalent (MTOE) in 2012 to 168 MTOE by 2030 [10]. A picture of India’s projected gas infrastructure by the end of the XIIth 5 year plan is reproduced below from the same report. 17 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 Source: PNGRB Vision document Nov 2013 [11]. 314 315 316 317 Some critical drivers for the growth of this segment where M2M can help are – improve billing and collection efficiencies, provide interactive customer connect to address maintenance/leakage related problems and notification of standards/regulations for the remote monitoring of the last mile distribution network. 318 319 320 321 322 City gas distribution network should come with appropriate instrumentation/SCADA systems for monitoring gas pressure and detect leakages in the network. It can be seen that meters and SCADA systems are an important component in the utility services of power, water and gas. The following sections describe a few applications where ICT and automation solutions based on meters and SCADA/instrumentation systems can help improve the operations of such utilities. 323 324 The following subsections describe a few use cases from a utilities perspective, where there is potential for a common M2M platform to improve the smart management of these resources. City Gas Distribution (CGD) sector in India has seen rapid growth in recent years and consumes approx. 13.6 MMSCMD of natural gas. There are 15.22 lakh domestic connections, 10,631 commercial customers and 2974 industrial customers at present in India [11]. In the City Transport Sector, there are presently around 588 CNG filling stations servicing around 1.2 million vehicles. In the year 2012-13, CGD network of over 34000 km covered 90 cities across more than 50 Geographical areas. PNGRB has recently completed the 4th round of bidding for CGD projects. 18 325 326 327 6.1 Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Advanced Metering infrastructure is a bidirectional communication system between meters installed at customer premises and a “head-end” system installed at utility end. 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 Electricity, Water and Gas utility service providers install meters at consumption point to measure the quantity and quality of the “utility” supplied to the consumer. An Advanced Metering Infrastructure help the service providers to acquire readings from these meters remotely and automatically at regular predefined intervals and on demand. Apart from shortening the revenue meter reading cycle, this infrastructure also helps utility in monitoring the reliability and quality of supply to each of its consumers. Thus, AMI helps to avoid meter related field trips by utility representative. 335 336 337 338 Utility can remotely control supply to the consumer premise by sending connect /disconnect commands to the meter. Load Control for Demand Response programs can also be effected through AMI. It can also configure the meters to set their parameters (like contractual threshold for prepayment metering) and update their firmware. 339 340 341 Note: For the purpose of this discussion, when the AMI infrastructure is used for data acquisition only, it is called AMR (Automated Meter Reading). AMR can also be used for monitoring energy flow and quality at various nodes in its network. 342 343 This application is described in detail from an M2M perspective at Annexure – Advanced Metering Infrastructure. 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 It may be noted that the business case for full AMI of residential consumer meters is not very strong in India, given that the tariff rates in residential sector are highly subsidized. Walk-by Automated Meter Readings (AMR) may turn out to be cost efficient as compared to an AMI/AMR solution that aspires to use a dedicated communication infrastructure at the last mile and in the WAN segments. Moreover, experience of cellular communication infrastructure reliability for AMR communication in RAPDRP-IT has not been satisfactory. 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 6.2 Walk-By or Drive-By Automated Spot Meter Reading (AMR) Note: Remote Automated meter reading application is described as a subset of the AMI use case detailed description. Globally, power Utilities have been doing revenue meter reading of users through the mechanism of Automated Meter Reading using walk-by or drive-by methodology: a meter reader walks through a locality carrying a Meter Reading Instrument (MRI). This MRI is able to "connect" with meters in the neighbor-hood over wireless and acquire meter readings. The readings are uploaded to a Head end System (HES) as and when backhaul 19 360 361 connectivity is available (over an internet connection). HES can give remote route navigation support to the meter reader. 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 In some cases, the meter reading Instrument can be configured to calculate revenue bill of the user (by pre-loading the user’s tariff rate and revenue history in the instrument). Here, the Meter reader can deliver the bill to the user on the spot, after reading the meter. This is known as Spot Billing. The bills generated by the MRI are uploaded into the utility revenue system later or online for synchronization in the Revenue Management System. Such techniques are very popular in areas that are difficult to reach, as it helps avoid dual visit to the customer premise for delivering bills. 369 370 Spot Meter readings of consumer meters has been implemented in more than 50 state distribution utilities in India as part of the RAPDRP-IT initiative. 371 372 373 This form of AMR is prevalent in scenarios where a complete technology based Remote AMR/AMI system is neither cost justified nor the frequency of meter reading is high enough. 374 375 This technique is increasingly being used widely in water and gas revenue metering projects. 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 Note: MRI to meter connectivity in the Field Area Network (FAN) is generally implemented using RF technologies. The MRI to Head-end System connectivity (WAN segment) is not necessarily required to be online in most implementations. If online connectivity is available, utilities will be encouraged to perform on spot payment collection from the users also (as the payment made by consumer can get reflected in the utility revenue system immediately, giving confidence to the consumer for such modes of payment). 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 6.3 AMI Network Management Systems (NMS) Advanced Metering Infrastructure requires reliable network connectivity from each meter to the head-end application through the interim gateway/Data Concentrator/Aggregator i.e in the WAN and FAN/NAN segments. A Network Management system helps manage the AMI network by configuring, monitoring, and supporting detection and restoration of connectivity of devices. Many of the functionalities of such systems are candidates for an M2M platform common services layer and hence described below: Configuration: The AMI communication network should be self-configuring so that remote meter can get connected to the enterprise application via any alternate communication route. (While RF mesh networks support reconfiguration, this may not be feasible on radial PLC networks). A Backup communication module may be required in the meter to support an alternate communication channel for critical connections. This may not be possible on Power Line Carrier (PLC) networks. A point to be considered is if this 20 396 397 can be offered as an M2M platform common service on same philosophy as mobile network portability (MNP) of telecom networks. 398 399 400 401 402 403 Monitoring: This includes Network link coverage and reliability management (monitoring, detection and rectification of link failures) w.r.t. link and bandwidth. The communication system should be "available" at all times/on-demand. There should be automated alerts when link between end to end devices goes down. Analytics at gateway are required to provide insights for reasoning link failure (power failure or network congestion or poor bandwidth or poor signal or device level issues). 404 405 406 Device Connectivity monitoring: This is a more generic service that monitors connectivity of any two Remote machines and raises alerts on detecting a loss or deterioration in quality of connectivity. 407 408 409 Recovery: Networks where system components get recovered automatically after a failure, are called self-healing networks. Example - “System” gets re-established automatically after a power cycling event. 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 6.4 Distribution Transformer (DT) Monitoring Distribution transformers are the “power gateway” to downstream Low Tension (LT) residential, commercial and agricultural consumers in the predominantly radial distribution systems in India. The incidence of DT failure in India ranges from 1 to 25% across DISCOMS as against the international norm of 1-2%. Some of the key reasons for this high failure rate is overloading, oil leakage, inadequate maintenance. The Govt. had mandated 100% metering through AMR ready meters for all DTs. The intent behind this is to enable remote monitoring of DTs through an AMR system, to identify incipient faults in the DT. A few utilities have implemented remote operation of the DT LT supply to disconnect when the DT is overloaded in order to save it. Under the RAPDRP-IT program, all DTs in the 1400 RAPDRP IT scheme towns have been provided with Remote DT monitoring through meters. This scheme is now getting extended to the rest of the country under the IPDS scheme. Here, DT meters are provided with an AMR modem that helps the utility to obtain DT consumption parameter details at a daily frequency. It also gets automated notification alerts in case of supply outage at the DT end. 6.5 Ring Main Unit (RMU) and Fault Passage Indicator (FPI) connectivity Fault Passage Indicators (FPI) and Ring Main Unit (RMU) devices are being installed on key sub-transmission Network nodes (66kV to 11kV) to improve reliability of the system. Utility can monitor the health of the network at these nodes through remote monitoring of these devices over a SCADA system. These devices can autonomously isolate faults in their section, thus enabling recovery of the remaining system. Alerts sent by these to the control centre, help the maintenance staff to identify the location of the faulty sections immediately 21 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 and thus reduce the time to detect and locate faulty sections. In RAPDRP part ‘B’ scheme almost all utilities are going to install these devices in their networks in large nos. (on an average 200 to 300 per Distribution utility). The proposed communication infrastructure for these currently is GPRS WAN connectivity. The need for real-time notification of faults to the control centre is the only critical requirement here. 6.6 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA) system gathers and displays information from a wide geographical area and permits control of selected elements. Complex systems like road or rail traffic; power, water or gas grids cannot be managed locally. These systems need an overarching monitoring system that has the capability of detecting critical conditions and notifying them to the Operator for their immediate attention and remedial action. The operators in turn may need to control the network remotely in order to respond to such critical situations example – prevent traffic jams or collisions, clearing overloaded power lines in a network, identify gas leakages etc. 446 447 448 SCADA systems are the fundamental infrastructure layer in Power systems on which applications like Energy Management Systems (EMS), Distribution Management Systems (DMS), Distribution Automation (DAS), Substation Automation (SSA) are built. 449 450 SCADA systems comprise of sensors, actuators, Remote Terminal Units (RTU) /Data concentrators (DCU), Front End Processors (FEP) and the SCADA head-end systems. 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 Key SCADA system functionalities comprise of continuous data acquisition from RTUs, event notification on its detection at RTU end and remote control of actuators through the RTUs. Sensors and actuators are connected to the RTUs over instrumentation wires. RTU to FEP communication links are required to be with deterministic low latency and can be redundant/fault tolerant depending upon the criticality of the application. SCADA systems may have a FEP system at a Primary Data Centre and may have another FEP system at a Disaster Recovery Centre. 458 459 460 461 462 In RAPDRP IT scheme of the Govt., SCADA systems are being installed for remote monitoring of all Substations in distribution networks of key towns. Here, RMUs and FPIs are planned to be connected to the Control centre over GPRS communication links (as data is not critical); however Substations are connected to the control centres over MPLS/MLLN links. 463 464 465 In Power Transmission networks, dedicated OFC links are being used for system operations at the Load Dispatch Centres. However, PLCC links are also still used as the primary channel of communication in many LDCs. 466 22 467 468 469 470 471 6.7 Prepayment Metering 472 473 474 475 476 Many power utilities are encouraging prepaid mode of electricity purchase for their consumers, as this helps to reduce efforts for collecting payment at their end. Consumers are adopting prepaid mode in order to help them “budget” for its usage. Landlords prefer prepaid mode of payments, to save them the bother of recovering payments from their tenant consumers. 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 Smart Grids of the future will have smart meters that support both prepayment mode as well as credit mode of electricity consumption, from which consumer can select any mode at will. In the conventional credit mode of payment, utility supplies electricity to the consumer on “credit” basis and raises a bill for consumption made in the past, as measured by electricity meter installed at the consumption premise. This scenario applies to water and piped gas supply also. In prepayment mode, consumer buys electricity by paying upfront. The prepayment amount is loaded into the electricity meter as a recharge and gets updated in the balance credit amount in the meter. The meter is pre-configured to allow supply of electricity worth the total “balance” amount in its memory, calculated based on the applicable tariff for the consumer. As soon as the balance in meter falls below a 23 487 488 489 490 threshold level, meter issues a warning and disconnects through an inbuilt switch on breach of a second disconnect threshold value. The process of remotely updating the meter balance is achieved through an AMI layer. There is a provision for local recharge of the meter by entering a token # into the meter through a keypad provided on the meter. 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 Alternately, meter does not have to manage balance amount details. A remote Prepayment server manages the payment and consumption of consumers. It reads the consumption of meter remotely over an AMI network continuously and decrements the balance amount accordingly. As soon as balance amount fall below threshold, it sends a meter disconnect command remotely to the meter over the AMI infrastructure. Meter simply executes the disconnect command at the consumer premise. As soon as consumer makes payment, i.e balance goes above a threshold value in the prepayment server system, it sends a meter reconnect command remotely over the AMI infrastructure. 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 Prepayment meter disconnects supply to the consumer end when balance amount falls below the threshold level; utility and consumer are notified of the disconnection; meter reconnects when account is recharged. Consumer can recharge their account online and this information will flow to meter from head-end over M2M platform. Consumer account can be switched between prepaid and credit remotely over the M2M platform. This system is currently applicable for electricity but can be applied for water, gas etc. utilities (smart guest houses). 506 507 508 509 510 A Prepaid Metering Standard for Electricity Meters is notified by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), India: IS 15884 (2010): Alternating Current Direct Connected Static Prepayment Meters for Active Energy (Class 1 and 2) [ETD 13: Equipment for Electrical Energy Measurement and Load Control]. 511 512 513 514 6.8 City Gas Distribution (CGD) Cities, especially metros are increasingly going in for supply of natural gas through piped gas distribution systems. A gas distribution agency supplies natural gas to consumers through a pipeline network. 515 516 517 518 519 Improving operational efficiencies and bringing down costs are identified as key areas of improvement for local distribution companies in the emerging economies. Technological advancements in meter-to-cash, distribution, customer service, leakage detection, workforce management and asset management not only help in revenue protection and operational efficiency but also help in meeting regulatory compliance. 520 521 522 523 The gas pipeline network is expected to come with a telemetry system to monitor and control the supply pressure at various nodes in the distribution network and to ensure that there is no leakage in the gas flow. These Telemetry systems traditionally use instrumentation cabling for communication connectivity between the pipeline monitoring 24 524 525 nodes and the local PLC control centre. It remains to be seen whether GPRS communication infrastructure is good for use in City Gas Distribution telemetry systems. 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 As per current practice, gas meters are installed at consumption premises for the purpose of measuring consumption. Reading of the gas meters is currently done manually by a meter reader who visits the consumer premise as per the billing cycle which is quarterly or later. In some cities, smart automated meter reading by walk-by technique is being deployed. Many CGD suppliers encourage their consumers to self-declare consumption by uploading the meter reading value or a photograph of the meter to the CGD supplier website or on phone. 533 534 535 536 537 538 AMI meters, also known as smart meters, are designed to transmit pricing and energy information from the utility company to the consumer enabling a two way communication. The various solutions in the smart gas market are Meter Data Management (MDM), meter data analytics, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), asset management for gas pipeline, Geographic Information System (GIS), leakage detection, and mobile workforce management. 539 Shown below is the Y-O-Y growth trend in the global market of Smart Gas meters. 540 541 542 Source : Markets and Markets Analysis 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 This market is limited to installation, system integration, and product management. The above technology not only helps the consumer in the billing process but it will also optimize manpower for revenue management and maintenance activities. The control and data acquisition system also allows the Utility Company to develop statistical reports on the consumption pattern of the gas in a particular area at different time slot and in different season. This will help gas distribution vendors to prepare themselves better for any eventuality. 550 551 It must be noted that a sophisticated full AMR system is not required for city gas distribution as the meter is primarily used for revenue metering purpose for which a single 25 552 553 reading at the billing cycle is sufficient. Therefore, investing into a full RAMR/AMI solution with dedicated communication infrastructure may not be cost effective. 554 Gas Sensors and Gas Metering: Applications and Markets 555 556 557 558 ï‚· 559 560 561 562 ï‚· 563 564 565 ï‚· 566 567 568 BCC Research estimates the global market for gas flow meters, sensors, monitors, and secondary flow instrumentation totalled $4.5 billion in 2013 and $4.8 billion in 2014. Growing at a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.9%, the market should exceed $6.4 billion by 2019. Gas flow sensors/monitors market accounted for nearly $2.2 billion in 2013. The market segment is predicted to increase to $2.3 billion by 2014, and with a CAGR of 6.7% from 2014 to 2019, it is expected that the market will reach $3.2 billion by 2019 [12]. BCC Research estimates that the gas flow meters segment of the market will reach nearly $2.4 billion by 2019 up from $1.9 billion in 2014, a CAGR of 5.1% from 2014 to 2019 [12]. Some of the Gas metering standards followed in Europe are ï‚· ï‚· Open Meter Standards (OMS) DSMR (Dutch Smart Metering Requirements) 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 6.9 City Water Distribution According to research [13] the smart water meter market is poised for steady growth in the coming 5 years. Drivers for this growth are increasing demand for water itself, ageing system infrastructure, and a need among utilities to operate their systems much more efficiently. Most Systems, built 50 to 100 years ago badly need upgrading. As new pipes are constructed, utility operators will simultaneously evaluate the merits of upgrading to the latest meter technology as well. Additional forces that will propel smart water meter shipments will include the need to conserve scarce water supplies, especially in desert regions like the Middle East or South western United States, the need to reduce high levels of non-revenue water, and the need to satisfy regulatory requirements. Growth will also come from emerging markets in Asia Pacific and elsewhere as water metering rises along with rising standards of living and the need to manage this valuable resource efficiently. How smart water meters function: Smart meter works similar to Electricity meter where water meters measures and manages water usage and losses. Smart meter integrated with smart devices would focus on appropriate water usage by the customer as the customer is directly paying the bill for the water consumed by them. The water distributor, municipalities, government body needs to devise the mechanism where the proper billing system is installed. The water meter should also measure water pressure at the heads along with the flow of 26 588 589 590 591 water, so as to enable its transportation to overhead tanks in high rise apartments. As per CPHEEO manual, a head of 17 metres for metros, 13 metres for cosmopolitan and 7 metres for tier II and II cities has been mandated. Metering is also expected to help conduct water audits, a crucial tool for identifying and plugging water leakages 592 593 594 595 596 597 Water distribution in cities is undergoing renovation and modernization with water SCADA systems inbuilt into the newer systems. Here, SCADA system helps monitor the water flow and pressure at various nodes in the water distribution network as well as help in identifying leakages quickly. A few municipal bodies are in the process of implementing SCADA systems on their existing water and waste water networks, to monitor the flow and pressure characteristics for improving operational efficiencies and planning. 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 Several water supply boards/municipalities are piloting the concept of actual consumption based water supply billing as against a fixed charge practice prevalent currently. The idea behind this move is to accurately measure the consumption of water by consumers in order to monitor and plan for consumption trends, and also to monitor quality of supply (water pressure) at the consumption points. Metering is also expected to help conduct water audits, a crucial tool for identifying and plugging water leakages. Most bulk consumers of water are being provided with AMR ready/compliant water meters that can be read either through a GSM/GPRS based RAMR mode or through a walk-by AMR mode. AMR metering is being piloted for residential categories of consumers in a few municipalities. These are capable of being read through walk-by AMR. GPRS based RAMR systems for residential consumers with dedicated communication infrastructure does not make commercial sense. 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 In Europe some utility companies are responsible for water, gas and electricity meters. In integrated system Energy meter acts like a concentrator for gas and water meter since it is always powered. Whereas the gas meter and water meter could be battery based which are required to run for several years. Hence the power consumption should be low. In India, in places where the metering topology is similar to that in Europe (electricity, water and gas meters are collocated at the consumption premise), electricity meter can be considered as a gateway like in Europe. Wireless Metering Bus is a one such standard followed in Europe region for supporting this topology. 618 619 WMBus operates in India at 865 MHz to 867 MHz to provide data to nearest electricity meter which can provide data to the head end system. 620 621 622 Pressurised water supply systems in societies draw water from a water reservoir at the mains. These use Industrial Automation systems for their management. 623 27 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 6.10 Electric Vehicles Charging As per the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan 2020, there is a potential for sale of 6-7 million xEV (Hybrid and Pure Electric) Vehicles in 2020 in India. Electric Two-wheelers have already gained popularity in the country. These vehicles contribute in saving precious fossil fuel and reduced pollution. However, they are a new class of consumer for the already burdened electric grids. There are 4 types of EV charging: 1. V0G or Dumb Charging: Vehicle is plugged into the power socket and it gets charged like a regular load. 2. V1G or Smart Charging: Vehicle charging characteristics can be controlled from the grid side through an enabling AMI infrastructure via the Home Automation route. Here, the charging current can be controlled to suit the prevailing grid side network characteristics and therefore overburdening of the grid can be avoided. 3. V2G (Vehicle to Grid): Here energy stored in the EV batteries can be pumped back into the Grid for grid support. The EV here acts as a mobile Electric storage device i.e. Virtual Power Plant. 4. V2B (Vehicle to Building): Here, vehicle does not communicate with the Grid but only with the Building Automation System. Energy from vehicle is consumed within the Building and is not fed back into the grid. A suitable public electric charging infrastructure with standard charging interfaces and billing and payment mechanism is required as a companion to encourage adoption of electric vehicles. This infrastructure will require a system for monitoring of charging behavior at the charging points, and a system to support pay-on the-go billing (Prepayment or credit charging) for the electric charging. Currently, EVs charge status is monitored remotely by the EV service provider through a GPRS enabled M2M platform and alert notifications are provided on the vehicle dashboard when charge levels are approaching near empty. The EV service providers can also remotely enable release of a “reserve” charge in the vehicle when it is near empty levels at the request of the driver. There is a potential for M2M based solutions for searching for and indicating location of the nearest charging point on the vehicle dashboard, when the vehicle charge is nearing empty levels. 6.11 Microgrids Microgrid is a local electricity grid with integrated energy system that intelligently manages loads and distributed energy generation resources and storage within the grid. 28 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 Microgrid can be independent i.e. isolated from main power grid (called Off-grid) or integrated with the main grid (Called grid connected). Microgrid comprises of local distributed generation (example solar/wind/biomass/microhydel/Diesel), local storage (battery) and a few local consumption premises. Meters are used to measure the generation and consumption. There can be prepayment or credit mode of metering. Meters can have load connect/disconnect switches to manage or restrict load consumption. Sensors and actuators are installed at the local generation equipments and storage to manage them from a central control centre. Reaching the grid to remote and sparsely populated areas is often not viable commercially and hence these areas remain in the dark. Isolated Microgrids with local generation is becoming very popular in such areas across the world. Several communities like to go in for grid connected microgrid systems with local storage and local captive generation in order to securitize supply of power. In situations of grid failure, the microgrid “islands” itself from the main grid and is able to maintain lifeline supply to the microgrid area. Revival of LV DC systems, DC microgrid campuses are also gaining ground.Solar PV based microgrids are being setup in India under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission JNNSM). Microgrids rely heavily on smart sensor based communicating systems for AMI based metering, dispatching of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) and Storage, and a Control Centre for managing the operations, stability and safety of the grid. Distributed Energy Resources (DER) provide on-site generation for electricity consumers. Microgrid not only allow DERs to operate as dispatchable assets to provide power to the microgrid when appropriate, but also to aggregate several DERs and energy storage devices to optimize their use on behalf of the electricity users. When one DER goes down, the microgrid can reduce energy usage in other locations and utilize other DERs to adjust for the electricity generation capacity loss. Smart Microgrids integrate various systems such as renewable energy generation, energy storage, Building Management System(BMS), the utility’s Distribution Management Systems (SCADA/DMS) etc and facilitate active participation in the Demand Response and Ancillary Services markets, create enabling platform for roll out of Electric Vehicles (EV) and transition to Net Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB). Microgrid Control Centre optimizes integration, dispatching and control of DER, Storage and loads. It manages frequency and voltage to maintain reliability of power supply. It recognizes and responds in real time to faults in the system. Several service providers 29 702 703 704 have Smart Microgrid Control Centre solutions hosted in the cloud for managing multiple microgrids. A reliable and robust communication network is a pre-requisite for smart microgrids. 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 6.12 Distributed Generation 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 6.13 Wide Area Monitoring using Phasor Measurement Units (WAMS) Small capacity Generation of electricity that can be consumed within the power distribution network locally is known as Distributed Generation. This includes Captive Power Generation from Diesel Generation power backup units, or from solar, wind, biomass, micro-hydel plants that serve the load behind the meter. Small scale solar, wind, or other renewable power generation that can be integrated into the local grid at the distribution network level at community level also come under this category. Example – captive power plants in malls, shopping complexes, hospitals, campuses, industrial complexes, housing societies and townships etc. Recently, as a result of JNNSM initiative and net metering policy announcements, retail level consumers are turning into prosumers by installing rooftop solar systems in their homes/buildings. A renewable distributed generation system includes a SCADA system with sensors for monitoring the renewable source intensity (example - insolation or wind speed), voltage, current, power quality (harmonics) etc. This data is required at a central control centre for analysis to help improve the forecasting algorithms and renewable generator performance. An RAMR system with a meter at the power generation point for measuring the actual generation and a meter at the grid injection point to measure the net export/import of energy is also part of the overall distributed generation package. Power Transmission networks are required to be managed under strict grid regulations. When the limit of power system equipments are to be determined dynamically or the system is to be rescued from a near potential collapse, data on the critical parameters of the grid is required in realtime to the operator. SCADA data is generally available in 5 10 seconds granularity which does not reflect the transient state which is of 2-5 cycle in nature of the network. Recently, phasor measurement units (PMUs) are being deployed in for monitoring the network at a granularity of 20-1000 msec. These systems are known as Wide area monitoring systems (WAMS). The real time situational awareness and decision support systems enhance power system stability and reliability and provide space to operator to use infrastructure to its maximum capacity. Typically, the stability boundaries are determined by voltage, frequency and angular separation between different interconnections. Secure operating region is the initial state of any power system operation and when the system tends to violate from its optimal operation limits, the system needs to be brought back with minimal co-ordinated actions. Wide Area 30 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 Monitoring Solutions help monitor grid stability and provide a wide area situational awareness in real time by deploying Phasor Measurement Units, Phasor Data Concentrators and WAMS analysis and visualization system on standards based protocols and communication channels. A Phasor Management Unit (PMU) is a microprocessor based device that reports the magnitude and phase angle of an analog and /or derived phasor with respect to the global time reference (time stamping), as per the synchrophasor standards (IEEE 1344, IEEEC37.118). Synchrophasors are vector measured values (magnitude and phase of the current and voltage are measured and transmitted). Applying a time stamp to the transmitted vector measured values allows a comparison of the measured values from different locations in the network. Typically, a PMU measures voltage and current phasors at various nodes of the transmission network to provide accurately time stamped measurements, allowing for synchronised comparison of two quantities in real time to support power system stability analyses and control. Key components of WAMS are PMUs installed at each feeder in a substation(S/s) and a phasor data concentrator (PDC) that acquires data from all “downstream” S/s PMUs over a dedicated communication link. A PDC typically acquires data with a latency of 2040msec. All PMUs are GPS time synchronized. Data from the PDCs travels to a control centre over a dedicated communication infrastructure. It should be noted that WAMS are delay intolerant systems. Currently, such systems are being piloted in various parts of the world. India has undertaken an ambitious plan of deploying more than1500 PMUs across the country’s national transmission network. Wide Areas Control Systems (WACs) are not yet envisaged in the country. In conclusion, it can be seen that utilities sector has traditionally relied on dedicated communication infrastructure like PLCC/OFC/MPLS etc. as a communication medium of choice for SCADA critical applications. Recently, public communication technologies like GPRS based systems are coming into being in such applications. AMR/AMI based solutions have evolved along with cellular technologies. Establishing and sustaining GPRS link automatically from remote sites to a central "head-end" is one of the key challenges being faced in the implementation of AMR/AMI projects in this vertical. Also, there isn't any standard tool/mechanism for monitoring link availability/health for such a large population of communicating modem based links. Going forward, when AMI based Smart Grid projects are implemented, backhaul 31 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 communication network will be the foundation layer. Here, need for 100% availability of the GPRS/communication link is even more essential as important use cases like Demand Response, Load Management, Outage Monitoring etc. require constant communication between the Head -end and tail-end remote equipments. High cost of communication infrastructure has prohibited utilities from implementing these solutions for the last mile consumers. M2M platforms that can host multiple applications from various verticals, offer a unique opportunity to this vertical or connecting the last mile consumers and bringing them online, thus opening up a host of new applications to their mutual benefit. Need for transportation of data as per its priority on same channel has also emerged from this vertical. Knowledge on presence, connectivity and reachability to Remote devices at all times and mapped to their locations is also a key need. These features should be supported at a M2M service layer. 794 32 795 Annexure – Advanced Metering Infrastructure 796 797 798 799 1 800 801 802 UC_Utilities_Advanced Metering Infrastructure 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 An Advanced Metering Infrastructure is a system by which following functionalities can be achieved: ï‚· Scheduled meter Reading: Remote automated acquisition of Utility Meter Data at Head – end. The data can be acquired at a configurable predefined frequency. ï‚· On demand meter reading: Meter reading data can also be acquired “on-demand”. ï‚· Event notification: Events detected at meter end can be notified to the head-end. ï‚· Remote meter operation: Head-end application can remotely control supply at the meter end by commanding the meter to connect or disconnect supply. This can be done for a single meter or a set of meters. It can be done instantaneously or can be set for execution at a later instant. ï‚· Remote meter configuration: Meter parameters can be set remotely by the head-end. These parameters can be for setting meter maximum demand threshold or for updating the meter’s balance in case of prepayment metering. ï‚· Meter location health monitoring: meter location health data, based on the metering unit self-diagnostics can be monitored remotely. This includes monitoring status of power supply to the meter location. ï‚· Meter firmware can be updated remotely through the Head-end application. ï‚· Meter time synchronization can be done over the AMI system. 2 Title Objective To summarise, various meter related activities can be performed remotely, thus saving cost, time and manpower for making field trips. Advanced Metering Infrastructure also facilitates execution of Demand Response programs: Meters can be controlled remotely by setting their behaviour for a demand response event or controlling them directly in real-time during the DR event. AMI can be used for other utility meters on the consumer premise like water and gas meters also. Meter Data Acquisition without remote meter operation (Remote Automated Meter Reading) is also covered in this use case description. 33 831 832 3 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 Source Smart Grid Use Case Repository Smart Metering Use cases – OneM2M Requirements Document Hem Thukral, ISGF Dheeraj Agarwal, WIPRO Narayanan Rajagopal, TCS Narang Kishor, Narnix Anirban Ganguly, TTSL B S Chauhan, CDOT Raunaque Quaiser, ST MicroElectronics Nandan Kumar Jha, IITB Bindoo Srivastava, IITB 845 4 846 4.1 Current Practice 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 Background Consumer meter reading data is acquired manually by meter readers who visit the meter premise monthly/bimonthly either by visual reading or through spot meter reading handheld devices. Generally, total energy consumption for the entire “billing” period is taken for the purpose of billing. This reading is uploaded to the Billing system of the utility at the end of the day or later. Meter readers follow a meter reading route sequence to cover the meters in an area. This often results in missed readings (due to meter premises locked or other reasons), “coffee shop” readings, wrong readings (visual reading error), missed consumers (meter not listed in the reading list). Errors creep in during the uploading process (incorrect manual upload, validation failures etc.). The entire process is time consuming. Apart from the errors in the billing readings as described above, there is no data on consumption pattern of individual consumers at a granularity less than billing period, and quality of supply to consumer point cannot be monitored. Any tampers or faults in meter also go unnoticed. Utilities have already established Remote Automated Meter Reading systems for meter data acquisition (RAMR) of their “high revenue” consumers (HT, Bulk LT etc.). Meters have been installed at Distribution Transformers for monitoring the aggregated energy consumption of downstream consumers. RAMR for these meters is getting implemented. The primary focus here has been to ensure that meter reading data should be available atleast at a monthly periodicity so as to ensure billing. Data acquisition at a daily or less periodicity is not an operational requirement as on date(for consumer meters). This use case extends RAMR to the last mile – the LT consumer. It also aims at providing meter reading data to the utility at a daily/hourly periodicity for monitoring consumption 34 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 trend and use the information to predict load for the upcoming time blocks; observe and monitor voltage, frequency and power factor profile at the various nodes in the grid and take suitable actions (like remote connect/disconnect of supply) to ensure these lie within acceptable limits. 4.2 Need for Use Case Electricity Meters are no longer simple billing meters of the past. They now belong to the genre of information loggers that can monitor and capture energy, load, voltage, current, power factor and tamper events et al at the metered premise. This rich information, if sourced at the right time, can be leveraged to provide improved quality of service to the consumer and also detect faults/mal-operations on occurrence. Electricity supply is increasingly going out of the realm of “obligation to serve”and is becoming a commercial service, where very soon, customer will have a choice of multiple suppliers.In such a scenario monitoring of energy consumption and supply quality at individual consumer premises will be very important for utilities and consumer themselves. This data will help them “monitor” quality and reliability of supply, improve asset operations, manage consumer connections and billing and plan energy despatch much more efficiently. It also helps obviate the need for utility staff to visit the consumer premises to take meter readings, providing all data remotely. 4.3 Indian Ecosystem Specifics In India, manual meter reading activity for billing is cheaper than remote system based reading. (Globally, manual meter reading for revenue is more costly than system based RAMR). However, a remote meter reading system allows utility to acquire data frequently from the meter, which can be used for monitoring the energy flow quality and reliability etc. The Indian utilities, regulators, policy makers are aware about the potential of AMI as the foundation for not only smart grids, but also to improve their operations in a BAU scenarios to serve their consumers (retail electricity distribution)... On the electrical domain front: RAMR has been implemented in more than 50 Utilities in 1400 towns of the country covering on an average 50000 meters per utility the RAPDRPIT scheme alone. Here meters installed on HT consumers and at distribution transformers are connected directly to a Meter Data Acquisition Systems (MDAS) – Head end system through GPRS modems. This program is being extended to cover other parts of the country under the Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS).As part of the IPDS scheme, all distribution transformers, HT consumers and ring-fencing boundary meters will be covered by RAMR. India’s Smart Grid Vision is to “Transform the Indian Power Sector into a secure, adaptive, sustainable and digitally enabled ecosystem that provides reliable and quality energy for al with active participation of all stakeholders. Visibility into the each and every power system node – at across the value chain, is a key pre-requisite for realising this vision. Smart Grid Technology pilots are being implemented in a few utilities to gain experience as a pre-cursor to a full rollout. The primary focus of these pilots is the AMI layer- specifically the smart meter and communication infrastructure for the last mile and backhaul connectivity. In the water domain, utilities/service providers are increasingly exploring RAMR solutions to monitor and plug water leakage. 35 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 City Gas distribution service providers are also exploring walkby AMR solutions for performing revenue reading activities. It should be noted that communication infrastructure for the power sector AMI can be leveraged for water and gas RAMR also. Water and Gas AMR is covered under the AMR use case. It should be noted that there is no business case as of now for heat meters in India. 5 Description Business Scenario #1: Remote Meter Registration: A new meter installed at a consumer premise or on the electric grid node (example feeder or distribution transformer) is commissioned into the AMI system. 36 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 A typical process flow is as below: Actors: Meter, AMI System Administrator. Pre-requisite: Meter is installed in the field with a previously activated communication module. AMI Head-end and Gateway (if applicable) are available. Pre-condition: Meter details are available in the AMI head-end Master. (This is similar to the IMSI-MSISDN configuration into TSP’s system as part of SIM card activation). Trigger: new meter is installed in the field and powered up. Scenario #1: deployment architecture - Meter –Gateway- AMI Head-end. Meter contacts the Gateway first time and provides its details (name/serial no., unique identifier and address). Gateway verifies with the AMI head-end that this meter is authentic and valid for its AMI system. This will help block devices masquerading as meters from the AMI system. AMI head-end links meter name, identifier and its address in its configuration table and “activates” the meter. AMI head-end links the meter to its parent gateway if the gateway is expected to work as an aggregator/Data concentrator. Note- here another precondition is that connectivity between gateway and head-end is also there. A response is provided to meter that it has been activated and its initial readings are obtained. Scenario #2: Same flow as case #1, except that Gateway has prior information about the meters expected to be in its range. Hence, gateway can validate new meter on its own and informs the head-end about this to complete registration at the head-end. Here, connectivity between gateway and head-end need not be there at the time of registering meter at the gateway. Scenario #3: deployment Architecture: meter to AMI Head-end direct connection. Meter contacts the AMI head-end directly. Here, the meter authentication happens directly from AMI HES. Here. Connectivity between meter and head-end is required as a precondition. Alternate flow#1: Precondition of meter details being known a-priori at head-end is not essential. Here, when a new “strange” meter comes into the system. Head-end notifies the user or an external system and awaits approval before registering the meter. Note: several meters may come up concurrently in the system for registration. Post conditions: Valid meter is registered in the system and meter gets activated. Newly registered meter location is mapped to its electrical, geographical and AMI network hierarchies. Meter is linked to the related consumer (if applicable). Initial meter readings and date of activation of meter at the current location are recorded in the system. Unknown meter discovered in the system is reported to the AMI configurator. It the new meter does not receive a response from the head-end/gateway, it waits for a preconfigured duration and attempts to register into the system again. The no. of such attempts can be predefined in the meter. Meter logs all attempts of registration as part of its diagnostic logs. 37 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 Information exchange: meter details, location (geographical, electrical and AMI network), time of registration, registration and activation messages. Triggered from meter end at anytime; bidirectional flow of small data in real-time; high security requirements. Requires high priority handling. Note: this scenario is applicable for Remote Automated Reading applications also. Business Scenario#2: Remote Meter configuration: Device parameters can be configured remotely through a Head-end application. Typical call flow is as follows: Actors: Meter, AMI Configurator, DR Service Provider Pre-requisite: Communication link between Meter and AMI head-end is available. Precondition: Meter has been previously registered into the system. Triggers: Trigger#1 - After meter registration by the AMI configurator or by a software module. Trigger #2- Meter configuration can be changed by AMI Configurator. Trigger #3 – Demand Response (DR) Service Provider can configure meters of DR enrolled consumers for DR event behaviour. Trigger # 4 – Credit amount update in Meter for pre-paid metering. Trigger #5: AMI configurator wants to configure behaviour of gateway remotely through the head-end. AMI system is configured for meter reading schedule (meter parameters to be acquired and 38 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 acquisition periodicity. There can be separate “schedules” for reading different parameters (example – monthly billing parameters reading, daily load profile, hourly instantaneous etc.). Data Acquisition schedule can be configured to start at a defined instant, and end at another instant (example instantaneous values of voltage, current and energy data to be acquired from meter at half-hourly periodicity from date XX till date YY (for vigilance purposes). Scheduled meter reading can be configured in “pull” or “push” mode according to the type of communication modules at the meter, gateway, Data concentrator/aggregator and head-end levels. Event handling behaviour is configured in the AMI system. Critical events are configured to be notified to the head-end immediately on detection. (Note – Detection of event can be later than its actual occurrence), with or without a guaranteed SLA for delivery notification. Example – current Smart Grid pilots in India have specified that critical events must be notified to the head-end within 1 minute of their “occurrence”. Normal priority events can be notified to the head-end at a scheduled frequency or when the total no. of events exceeds a threshold no. Events can be detected by the meter (example- tamper events recognised by the meter. There are approx. 50+ tamper events for electricity meters in the Indian ecosystem) or gateway (example –request for registration from a new meter is an event) or aggregator (example – scheduled meter reading failed). Meter parameters can be configured remotely through AMI. Some example of parameters that can be configured remotely are sanctioned demand, disconnection threshold for load control, credit balance in case of prepayment mode of operation etc. AMI system can configure meter behaviour for predefined triggers. Example – meter can be configured to disconnect supply when load exceeds sanctioned demand. Meter can disconnect supply when load breaches a threshold, reconnect after 1 minute and if load is still above the threshold limit, disconnect supply, generate an event for this action and notify the “upstream” master (gateway or aggregator or direct head-end about this disconnection event). Meter can be configured for load control (example - if load exceeds a threshold demand, say sanctioned demand, the supply should be cutoff and this action should be logged as an event). Meter can be configured for Demand Response events. Credit balance update for prepayment meters can be remotely configured. Health and diagnostic monitoring of meters and meter location is configured. All configurations are initiated via the head-end system. Configurations may be done in the form of configuration request messages. Feedback on outcome of configuration is expected to be provided to the head-end which in turn provides report and error logs to the AMI configurator. 39 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 Scenario #1: Aggregator/Data Concentrator in the middle: AMI head-end provides meter configuration to the Gateway that in turn manages configuration of its downstream meters. Scenario #2: Gateway in the middle: AMI head-end configures the meters with the gateway acting as a bridge. Data acquisition periodicity can be configured in the gateway or in the meters. Scenario #3: Direct meter: AMI Head-end configures meter directly. Alternate scenario: In certain scenarios, AMI configurator may also remotely connect with the data concentrator/gateway and directly configure it or its downstream meters. Note: several meters may be required to be configured concurrently within a specified time duration. Post conditions: Certain configurations are done in the meter while a few maybe done in the gateway/aggregator. Meter or gateway/aggregator report successful configuration to the head-end. Failed configuration attempt is notified to the AMI system administrator. Information exchange: meter parameter configuration details, time of configuration, configuration messages. Triggered from Head-end at anytime; bidirectional flow of small data in real-time; high security requirements. Some configuration scenarios may require priority handling. Note: this scenario is applicable for Remote Automated Reading applications also. Business Scenario #3: Scheduled Meter reading: Actors: Meter, AMI System Administrator, Meter Data Management System. Prerequisite: Communication link between device and upstream entity is available.It will have to establish a communication session with the meter for this purpose. Alternately, it can have an “always on” session with the downstream meter/s. Precondition: Meter or gateway has been configured previously for the data acquisition. Trigger: none. Case #1a: At the predefined instances, aggregator acquires data from its meter/s. Data acquisition can be initiated by the meter end (push data) or by the aggregator (pull data). Data from multiple downstream meters is collated at the aggregator end and then sent upstream to the AMI head-end. Aggregator can apply local intelligence for managing acquisition failures or enriching the acquired data with location based information. Sending data upstream to the AMI Head-end and acquiring data from downstream meters can be run independently (with data acquired from meters being buffered at the aggregator end). Case #1b: Same as for case of Aggregator, except that gateway does not “analyse or collate” the data acquired, but simply pushes this data upstream as individual files. Gateway can or Data from meter is acquired at the AMI head-end application at configured time instances. 40 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 Data acquisition can be initiated by the upstream entity (pull data) or from the downstream device (push data) in both these segments. A 2 step data acquisition process (meter to gateway and head-end to gateway) is popularly done to optimise the concurrent data acquisition volume at the head-end by reducing the no. of tail-end nodes. It also helps in optimizing the underlying network infrastructure. A communication device (modem or gateway) will poll a previously registered electricity Meter for acquiring data previously stored or current in the meter. It can acquire data from a single meter or from several meters in its “downstream network”. After acquiring data from the meter/s, it will establish a communication session with its upstream “head-end application” to upload the meter reading data. Alternately, the upstream communication session can be “always on”. The meter data will be uploaded to the head-end as a file or data stream. Data can be uploaded individual meter-wise or for a set of Meters. It is assumed that the head-end and Gateway have prior agreement on the list of meters for which data has to be uploaded. Alternately, Gateway can act as a simple router that connects meter to the head-end and meter data is then polled by the head-end. Gateway can also poll a downstream meter for data and then push this data file to the head-end. In the exception condition of gateway not being able to poll a downstream meter (exhausting retries), it should record inability to communicate with the meter and notify this to the headend. In case gateway is able to establish communication with meter but not able to obtain data, this should be recorded and notified to the head-end. Gateway should monitor its last successful poll of a meter and be able to acquire data from the meter from that instant. In case gateway is not able to establish connection with head-end (exhausting retries), it should record this in its memory and push the previously unsent data at the next scheduled upload instant. Note: several meters may be scheduled to provide their readings concurrently. Similarly, multiple gateways may be scheduled to upload data to the head-end concurrently.. Post condition: Data is made available to the head-end at the scheduled instances. Summary Result of scheduled data acquisition activity is updated at the head-end at each scheduled instant (success or fail). If required, log of scheduled reading activities at downstream entities (gateway or meter) can also be uploaded to the head-end periodically or on request. Detailed Logs are then flushed from the downstream entities. Meter reading data can be flushed from the gateway/Data concentrator after successful transmittal to the head-end. This data maybe retained in the gateway if required to perform any local aggregation and analytics functions. Data from Head-end is provided to a Meter Data Management system that processes the same further. Reports, error alerts and logs are provided to the AMI System Administrator. Information exchange: meter reading data, time stamp, reading process messages. Triggered from meter end at predefined time instances; primarily upload of data from meter 41 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 end that is delay tolerant. Data size can be small as well as streaming (example - load profile) according to the data parameters. Normal security requirements. Does not require priority handling. Note: this scenario is applicable for Remote Automated Reading applications also. Business Scenario #4: On-demand Meter reading: Utility may want to acquire data from a single or a set of meters in between scheduled meter reading instants. This scenario is same as scheduled meter reading except that the meter reading is triggered by the upstream entity either due to AMI user request or because missing data is required from the downstream device. Example- Meter billing data acquisition is typically scheduled monthly or bimonthly. User may want to take a billing reading of the meter as a last reading before disconnecting the supply to the user or before performing a meter replacement activity. Users for this feature at utility end are typically vigilance team (for monitoring tampering), O&M team (for monitoring supply quality and reliability), billing team (to obtain meter billing reading). On-demand meter reading requests typically have a specific timeout duration within which the data is expected to arrive. Information exchange: meter reading data, time stamp, reading process messages. Triggered from Head-end at any time; primarily upload of data from meter end that has to be provided within a specified latency duration. Data size can be small as well as streaming (example - load profile) according to the data parameters. Normal security requirements. Requires priority handling. Note: this scenario is applicable for Remote Automated Reading applications also. Business Scenario #5: Event notification: Actors: Meter, AMI administrator, Meter Data Management System,Consumer, Utility user Pre-requisite: Meter to upstream Gateway link is available. Gateway to upstream AMI Head-end link is available. Precondition: Meter is configured to detect events and report their occurrence. Trigger: occurrence of an event is detected by the meter. Description: Meter can notify the upstream entity of occurrence of the event immediately on its occurrence or can report a list of all events since last update. The event notification can be initiated by the meter or gateway/head-end can poll the meter for acquiring this information. A meter can be configured to detect several types of events. Events can be classified as critical requiring immediate notification to the upstream entity or can be normal events that can be uploaded at a fixed interval. As part of event notification, a snapshot of meter parameters can also be provided. In Indian Power ecosystem, there is a large variety of “Tamper” events that are typically configured in meters. 42 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 One of the critically important events in electricity meters is regarding power supply status at the meter location. Meter should report power outage to the Head-end immediately (last gasp message). Similarly, meter should report restoration of power supply immediately to the head-end. This helps remote monitoring of power supply status to the consumers, to help improve reliability of power supply. Some events are monitored by the gateway/Aggregator/Data Concentrator entity (like meter link) using local analytics. Example - Aggregator/Data concentrator can collate power outage or power restoration event messages from all its downstream meters and notify a single event to the head-end. This not only helps reduce the data volume flow to the upstream entity, it also helps improve speed of decision making. Events can also be generated at the AMI head-end level. Events generated in the AMI system can be further propagated through AMI HES to a Meter Data Management System for processing, collation and analytics as well as for further routing to other systems like CRM (for outage reporting), Asset/Maintenance management systems. Events can be notified to the relevant users from AMI Head-end level or from the MDM system. User can be utility staff (example O&M field staff or vigilance team etc.) or consumer (to notify power outage). Post conditions: Events are made available at the head-end. Interim entities can flush events data and event notification activity logs after propagating to the head-end. Some events can be retained in the aggregator if required for local aggregation/analytics. Information exchange: meter events data, time stamp, reading process messages. Triggered from meter at any time; primarily upload of data from meter end that has to be provided within a specified latency duration. Data size is small. Normal security requirements. Requires priority handling. Note: this scenario is applicable for Remote Automated Reading applications also. Business Scenario #6: Communicate with Consumer over AMI through InHome-Display device: Actors: meter, consumer, Utility staff Utility meters, especially electricity meters, are typically installed outside the consumer premises (in the building common area or on poles outside the home). Therefore, consumers find it difficult to regularly monitor their consumption by visually reading the meters. InHome-Displays are portable devices that are connected to the meter over a wired/wireless communication medium and can be used by consumer for monitoring their consumption from the comfort of their homes. In future, In-Home-Displays maybe rendered on the Home TV or mobile phone (home automation segment). Consumer can monitor and in some cases, even remotely control their home appliances through this device for better managing their consumption. Utility can send important messages to consumer on this device through the AMI network (similar to message notifications from Dish TV service providers). 43 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 This scenario is described in the Home Automation segment. Information exchange: messages from meter or head-end. Triggered from Head-end or meter at any time; primarily southbound data from head-end or meter that has to be provided within a specified latency duration. Data size is small. Normal security requirements. Requires priority handling. Business Scenario #7: Remote Meter Operation: Actors: meter, consumer, utility staff, AMI system administrator Pre-requisite: Meter to upstream Gateway link is available. Gateway to upstream AMI Head-end link is available. Precondition: Meter is configured to accept remote operation commands. Trigger #1: User triggered- Utility authorised person (in response to consumer request for temporary disconnection OR for disconnecting supply to consumers found tampering etc.) Trigger #2: User triggered – consumer wants to operate their meter remotely using AMI infrastructure (say from utility website, if utility so allows) Trigger#3: Utility Revenue system (remote disconnection due to non-payment of dues or reconnection after pending dues have been cleared) Trigger#4: Prepayment system initiated on breaching minimum credit balance limits Trigger#5: for Remote load control (initiated from AMI Head-end) Description: Meter receives request for connect or disconnect supply from Head-end (through gateway or direct in case there is no gateway in the AMI infrastructure). Meter validates the request by authenticating the requestor credentials. Meter then checks the current status of supply and if it finds it to be in the requested state already, it reports back to Head-end that no action is required. Otherwise, meter performs the desired operation and reports outcome of the action (success). Meter can send an acknowledgement for receipt of command request to the initiator. Head-end propagates the outcome of the command request to the originator of the request (user or external system). Remote Switching operation of consumer meter has to be notified to the consumer on their registered mode of communication (email/SMS) and/or published on utility portal as a notification for the consumer. These can also be notified to the consumer on their in-home-display. This entire flow is expected to be performed in a predefined duration from the instance of the command request. Meter can be configured to reject command requests that are old (i.e. received after a long time gap). If requestor does not receive any feedback from meter on outcome of the command request, it can send an on-demand status update request to meter in order to ascertain the actual status. It is assumed that a command once despatched from the requestor to the meter, cannot be cancelled. Certain meter operations can be initiated locally at the meter itself, based on predefined triggers in the meter. These are notified to the head-end as events. Generally, meter operations are priority actions that need to be executed within predefined 44 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 duration. Post conditions: meter operation is executed and result of the same is provided to the initiator. Detailed execution logs can be provided to the head-end for post mortem/performance diagnostics purposes. Information exchange: messages between head-end and meter. Triggered from Head-end at any time; bidirectional data exchange between head-end and meter in realtime. Data size is small. High security requirements. Requires high priority handling. Business Scenario #8: Demand Response: Utilities enroll consumers into a Demand Response program, whereby they can control consumer demand remotely through their meters during predefined Demand Response periods. This can be done by cutting off supply to the premise through meter operation in case it exceeds a pre-agreed demand response threshold (load curtailment upto say 80% of sanctioned demand). Demand Response can also be implemented by controlling consumer appliances remotely through a Home –Area- Network system over the AMI (controlling the load offered by the appliance). Appliance control can be in the form of switching on/off the appliance. Example - utility may be able to remotely switch off non-essential loads like air conditioners and washing machines in order to reduce load of the consumer (rather than switching off supply to the premise through the meter). Utility can control appliance settings to reduce its load (example – thermostat control of air-conditioners; drier control of washing machines etc.). Demand Response schemes help utilities restrict overall system demand during peak periods, which helps them avoid the need to purchase expensive supply. In our country, it can also help in avoiding the need for load shedding. Consumers who enrol in such events can get a tariff incentive from utilities for the same. A new category of Demand Response aggregators/service providers is emerging in the country to address this segment. These service providers “enrol” retail consumers and execute demand response events on behalf of the utilities. Utility schedules a demand response event for a specific date and time in future. It advertises the same to its consumers on various communication media (consumers’ registered mobile phone, email address, utility website – consumer portal etc.). Note – one of the communication channels can be the In-Home-Display unit of consumers. The demand response event information covers the expected load relief and tariff concession on offer. Interested consumers enrol in the scheme by registering for the same on the utility website or by accepting registration request through their mobile phone/email. A consumer can opt out of the scheme at any time before the actual start of the event. Given below is detailed description of call flow for consumers registered for the DR event... 45 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 Actors: meter, consumer, DR Service provider. Pre-requisite: Meter of enrolled consumers have load control switching capability. Meter supports DR events. Meter is time synchronised with the overall system. Preconditions: Consumer enrols for a DR event. Trigger: Consumer enrolment is notified to the DR administrator user in the utility or at service provider end and/or to the DR application. Description: DR application or administrator remotely configures the enrolled consumer’s meter for the DR event through the AMI infrastructure (following the configure meter call use case flow). This covers – configuring the meter for restricting the load to a fixed load value or to a % of the sanctioned demand of the consumer for the DR period duration. Meter switch is configured to reconnect after a wait period of say 5 minutes to check if load has been brought down to under DR threshold. The no. of reconnect attempts by meter before locking out the supply for the remaining DR event duration is also configured. When the DR event starts, meter monitors the load consumption and disconnects supply if it exceeds the predefined DR threshold. Example – Consumer has enrolled for a DR event for tomorrow from 4pm to 5pm, where load has to be restricted to less than 80% of sanctioned demand. DR system or DR user remotely configures the meter over AMI for DR as follows: DR threshold is set to 80% of sanctioned demand. Meter reconnect wait period duration is set to 5 minutes and reconnect frequency is set to 3 attempts before lockout. This is set for the time period tomorrow from 4pm to 5 pm. This means that tomorrow at 4pm, meter will start monitoring the total load and will disconnect immediately when load exceeds 80% of sanctioned load. It will send a notification of this to the In-Home-Display unit and to the upstream AMI head-end and wait for 5 minutes. Consumer is expected to switch off some of their appliances to bring down the load within this wait period of 5 minutes. (Note – disconnection of supply will be noticed by the consumer and if they are aware that they are in the DR event, they can take action without waiting for notification from meter). Meter will reconnect after 5 minutes wait period and if load is less than the DR load, it will remain connected otherwise it will “trip” again with a notification. It will attempt such reconnections 3 times before tripping out completely for the remaining duration of the DR event. Once DR event has elapsed, meter will reconnect on its own. All actions by meter will be logged in its memory for as well as notified to the utility over AMI and to consumer on the IHD. DR event log can be uploaded to the Head-end after the DR event is passed. Note- notifications of DR actions during the event can be propagated to the AMI head-end immediately on occurrence or can be sent later. Consumer opts out of DR event. This information is forwarded to the DR administrator/DR system. System immediately cancels the DR configuration in the meter over the AMI infrastructure. 46 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 Post condition: Meters of enrolled consumers are configured for DR event. Log of Meter actions during DR event are uploaded to the DR system through the AMI. Information exchange: messages between head-end and meter. Triggered from Head-end at any time; bidirectional data exchange between head-end and meter in realtime. Data size is small but continuous during DR event duration. High security requirements. Requires high priority handling. Business Scenario #9: Remote Over The Air Programming: Actors: meter, AMI configurator As applications based on AMI evolve, meter and gateway firmware may need to be upgraded suitably. Meter firmware may have to be updated in part or in full. The way Apps. Versions are upgraded remotely when the device is online, similarly the firmware versions of meters and gateways can be upgraded. However, it is expected that the firmware versions of all devices deployed in a project get upgraded within a fixed time duration (as system may not be able to support devices with different versions). Pre-requisite: Communication link is available. Meter firmware version is maintained in the AMI head-end database. Precondition: It is expected that power supply and communication connection between the meter and the firmware source location is maintained throughout the firmware upgrade session. Note: can M2M platform support partial download of firmware on the device? Trigger: AMI configurator may trigger a firmware upgrade for a single meter, set of meters or all meters in an area. Description: AMI Head–end can delegate the responsibility of meter firmware upgrade to the gateways. In this case, new firmware version is downloaded onto the gateway and it can manage the firmware upgrade of its downstream meters. Alternately, Head-end establishes connection with meter through the gateway as bridge for the download. (note- firmware upgrade can be initiated when the meter establishes connection with the head-end and head-end detects that meter firmware version is lower than that in the target version. Firmware version of meter (destination device) is compared with the “target” firmware version. If the meter version is lower, head-end initiated transfer of the higher version to the meter. Once the transfer is completed, meter switches onto the higher version. This may require a power cycling action – that needs to be pre-programmed in the meter (As part of firmware upgrade logic). After switching onto the new version, meter reports back its new version to the head-end. Head-end updated the Meter version in the AMI database. If firmware download is interrupted due to power failure or break in communication link, 47 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 head-end and meter will terminate the download session. Head-end will have to initiate the download activity afresh when conditions restored. Meter always reports its firmware version to the head-end as part of handshake activity after power cycling. There can be several concurrent sessions for firmware upgrades on a set of meters. Same process applies to firmware upgrade of gateways. Normal operations of meters/gateway is suspended during a firmware upgrade session. It is possible that target firmware version may differ across different meters (example APIs for different make or models of meters maybe different – hence firmware version may have to be managed accordingly). Firmware upgrade status and progress log is managed at the Head-end. It is assumed that there is a master firmware management module that orchestrates firmware upgrade activity of all target meters in that event. Firmware upgrade of gateways can be done directly without need to go through the AMI infrastructure if remote login of the gateway can be taken. Post Condition: Firmware version in the meter is upgraded and meter is able to resume operations with the new version successfully. In case a meter firmware is not upgraded because its link was down or power supply was down or process failed, this will be updated in the AMI head-end accordingly and error notification sent to concerned user. Information exchange: data from head-end, messages between head-end and meter. Triggered from Head-end at any time; primarily large data stream from head-end to meter. Large data stream. High security requirements. Requires normal handling. All other AMI processes between meter and Head-end are put on hold during this activity. Note: this scenario is applicable for Remote Automated Reading applications also. Business Scenario #10: Remote Meter Power Supply status: Monitoring status of power supply at the meter end, helps monitor supply reliability to the end-consumer. Actors: meter, utility staff, consumer Pre-requisite: Meter is capable of reporting a power outage event in the absence of power supply to it. Here an outage of power supply to the meter is considered as a power outage event by the meter. Meter time clock is synchronised with the system. 48 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 Trigger: Meter loses mains Power supply Meter power supply is restored. Head-end or gateway initiates a check meter condition request in case meter has not communicated with head end/gateway for a predefined duration. Description: Meter power supply change is notified to the head-end immediately on occurrence. When the power supply connection goes off (due to a power failure or fault) meter reports loss of power supply to the head-end as a last gasp message. For this, it must have sufficient battery power. (note – this is not supported in meters operating on PLC communication mode). Loss of power supply is also recorded as an event in the meter event log along with time stamp. When power supply is restored, or there is a power cycling event due to any reason, meter reports back to head-end this event along with snapshot of its instantaneous data. For PLC based systems, Gateway can keep monitoring connectivity of meters. If a meter fails to respond to gateway after predefined no. of retries, gateway notifies head-end about loss of communication with meter. This can be due to a link failure or because of power failure at the meter end. Alternately, head-end can “ping” meter to test its power supply status. If meter responds to head-end query, it is powered else it maybe out of mains power. Post condition: Meter status is available at the head-end. Information exchange: data from meter. Triggered from meter at any time; small data size. High security requirements. Requires high priority handling. Note: this scenario is applicable for Remote Automated Reading applications also. Business Scenario #11: Remote Meter health monitoring: Actors: meter, AMI system administrator Prerequisite: meter and gateway have self-health monitoring and self-diagnostic features. Trigger: meter health data can be uploaded to the head-end at scheduled intervals. It can also be provided to head-end on demand. Description: Meter conducts self-health checks periodically and records the same in its log. It can be configured to notify alert health situations to upstream gateway or head-end on occurrence. The health log is transferred to the head-end periodically or on demand. Meter can be designed to perform some self-diagnostic routines for predefined trigger situations. The self-diagnostic features include monitoring communication link status and strength etc. 49 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 Gateway can also perform diagnostic tests on its downstream meters and log results. The health parameters to be monitored include power supply status, communication link status. Post condition: health data is made available to the AMI head end from where alerts can be despatched to concerned users for alarm situations. Information exchange: same as scheduled meter reading and on-demand meter reading. Note: this scenario is applicable for Remote Automated Reading applications also. Business Scenario #12: Remote Meter Time synchronization: Meter time clock is synchronised with the system reference clock (preferably GPS based). Meter time is checked by the system and if found out of step, it is updated. Information exchange: messages between head-end and meter. Triggered from Head-end or meter at any time; small messages in realtime. High security requirements. Requires priority handling. All other AMI processes between meter and Headend are put on hold during this activity. Note: this scenario is applicable for Remote Automated Reading applications also. 6 Actors 1555 Actor Name Actor Type (person, organization, device, system) Role Description Meter Device The meter is the device that measures and stores the electricity parameters of interest AMI Configurator Person/system AMI administrator Person/system Consumer Utility Staff Person Person Configures type of data to be acquired, periodicity of its acquisition and list of meters from which to acquire. Monitors the AMI process for error free operations. Consumer of electricity Utility staff are users of the AMI 50 Demand Response Person/System Service Provider Meter Data System Management System system with predefined roles and access privileges This person or system configures meters of DR enrolled consumers for DR events. DR event notifications and logs are provided to this person/system during and post the event. MDM is the repository of meter readings. It validates data arriving from AMI for completeness and accuracy. If data for some intervals has not arrived from a meter, MDM flags this to the AMI Administrator or requests the AMI to re-acquire this data on-demand. 51 1556 7 Contextual Illustration 1563 8 Potential New Requirements 1564 1565 In future, other utility meters on the premise like water and gas meters may also be connected to the electricity AMI. Electricity meter will act as the router in this scenario. 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 52 1566 1567 9 Information Exchange 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 India has adopted IS 15959 - DLMS COSEM Protocol for smart meters used in distribution network for Distribution transformers, HT consumers and 11kV feeder meters. It is expected that the same protocol will be extended to meters in the LT residential segment for utility AMI facing communication. The meters will have a separate port for communication with the Home automation systems (for which data protocols are in the process of being notified) and service provider systems (protocols yet to be notified). 1574 No standard data protocols have been notified as on date for water and gas meters. 1575 1576 10 Architectural considerations (Non functional Requirements) 1577 10.1 Interface Requirements (as applicable) 1578 1579 Source:Overview of sample grid-embedded IPV6 based stacks [14] 1580 53 1581 1582 Meter to Gateway protocols (last mile connectivity) are many a times proprietary. 1583 10.2 APIs to be exposed to the Application from platform 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 APIs for monitoring and managing the NAN and WAN segments of AMI –wrt connectivity and desired data throughputs – a Network Management System. APIs for tracking location of meters and gateway. APIs for configuring data transfer priority. 10.3 Performance Criteria 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 Each project in the power sector is expected to have meters of the order of a few lakhs in nos. 10.4 Interoperability 1596 1597 1598 It is desired that Gateways should be interchangeable in future. 1599 1600 1601 1602 10.5 User Interface Remote user interface for configuring and troubleshooting the gateways. M2M platform should support remote IP link for the same. 54 1603 1604 10.6 Communication Infrastructure 1605 1606 Currently prevalent communication technologies in the various AMI segments are depicted in the contextual diagram. 1607 In the HAN Connectivity requirements are described in scenarios. 1608 Data concentrator should be able to work offline wrt head-end. 1609 10.7 Deployment Considerations 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 Meters are installed in consumer premises that can be prone to electrical noise interference. Data concentrators installation may not have good power supply hence battery powering maybe required. 1615 1616 10.8 Geographical consideration (for geographical spread and concentration of the constituent devices) 1617 1618 1619 1620 Meters can be widely dispersed or installed in clusters. Data Concentrator units are widely dispersed. 55 1621 1622 1623 10.9 Security Data concentrators need to be protected from vandalism. Security requirements are described in the scenario description. 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 10.10 Startup Shutdown process Meter end will register itself with the head-end on each power cycling event (Normal power on event that can be hardwired or soft power cycling. Gateway power cycling or restart will trigger meters to register afresh with it. It is expected that Head-end is operational before the gateway. Gateway is expected to be operational before meter. 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 10.11 Data Management Discussed in scenarios. 10.12 Data Backup and Archiving Gateway data backup can be taken remotely. 1638 1639 1640 1641 11 Potential market growth Under the IPDS scheme of the Govt., AMI/RAMR for all Distribution transformers in the country is likely to be rolled out. 1642 1643 12 Contracts and Regulations 1644 Contracts and Regulations Impact on Use case 56 EMI/EMC and SAR for Radio devices Backhaul network usage – dedicated bandwidth procurement or transaction based 1645 1646 1647 13 Constraints 1648 14 Challenges 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 AMI systems do not always require continuous online connectivity between the devices. However, connection needs to be established on demand at any time in order to propagate critical events data immediately on its occurrence. The total data volumes per device is not too large –making it unattractive for end to end cellular communication due to low ARPU realization. Power, water and gas utilities are critical infrastructure and have therefore generally relied on dedicated non-shared communication networks. Any M2M communication infrastructure must have high security and safety measures in place, in order to host any utility application. 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 15 Available Indian Standards IS13779 Indian Standard AC Static WattHour Meters Class 1 & 2 -Specification IS 15959: Data exchange for electricity Meter reading, Tariff and load control - companion standard. IS 15884 (2010): Alternating Current Direct ConnectedStatic Prepayment Meters for Active Energy (Class 1 and 2)[ETD 13: Equipment for Electrical Energy Measurement andLoad Control]. BIS is currently finalizing standards for smart meters for LT applications. 1669 57 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 Bibliography 1. World Economic Forum Report for India, available at: http:// www3.weforum.org/docs/GCR2014-15/IND.pdf 2. Growth of Electricity Sector of India from 1947-2013, available at: http://www.cea.nic.in/reports/planning/dmlf/growth.pdf 3. India Water Tools, available at: http://www.indiawatertool.in 4. The Indian Express, available at: http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-others/66per-cent-of-india-still-relies-on-dung-based-fuel-to-cook-un/ 5. D. Dubey ,”Issues and challenges in electricity sector in India”, The Business & Management Review, Volume 5 Number 4, January 2015. 6. A. Pal, ”POWER SECTOR IN INDIA: GROWTH, POLICIES AND CHALLENGES”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 3, Special Issue 3: ICERTSD 2013, Feb 2013, pages 527-536. 7. ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13,available at: http://cea.nic.in/reports/yearly/annual_rep/2012-13/ar_12_13.pdf 8. 2030 Water Resources Group, ”Charting Our Water Future”. 9. http://water.org/country/india/ 10. CII-2011 report, available at: http://www.atkearney.com/documents/10192/4693720/India+Luxury+Review+2011+CII++A.T.+Kearney.pdf/e2f622d6-a0b0-4104-91ec-b24013d1e780 11. Industry Group For Petroleum & Natural Gas Regulatory Board,”Vision 2030”. 12. BCC Research, August 2014, Gas Sensors and Gas Metering: Applications and Markets, http://www.reportlinker.com/p0297997-summary/Gas-Sensors-and-Gas-MeteringApplications-and-Markets.html 13.http://www.navigantresearch.com/ 14.www.learningace.com/doc/1944311/.../ee392n_lecture9cisco 58 1710 1711 Document Revision History Version Date Released by Change Description Rel 1.0 20150306 6th March, 2015 Principal Author: Bindoo Srivastava, IIT Bombay; Release 1. Contributors: Narayanan Rajagopal, TCS; Hem Thukral, ISGF; Raunaque Quaiser, ST Microelectronics; Anirban Ganguly, TTSL; Dheeraj Agarwal, WIPRO; Narang S Kishor, Narnix Technologies; B S Chauhan, TSDSI; Nandan Jha, IIT Bombay; Jayeeta Saha, TSDSI 1712 1713 59