Introduction to DLTS (Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy) II. Advanced Techniques O. Breitenstein MPI MSP Halle Outline: 1. Basic principles • Application field of DLTS • Principles of DLTS • Basic measurement techniques 2. Advanced techniques • Advanced DLTS measurement techniques 3. (next time) Our DLTS system • - Philosophy • - Hardware • - User surface Recapitulation: DLTS routine (repeating!) : Vr reverse reduced or forward reverse bias t 0 band diagram e e e - - - e - e - RFcapacitance t DC 0 t Generation of the DLTS signal opt. T low T high T DCmeas t1 t2 t t1 t2 t t1 t2 t t2 ln t1 "rate window": e n;p peak s 1 t 2 t1 DLTS signal = C(t1)-C(t2) Tpeak T DCpeak If T is slowly varying, at a certain temperature a DLTS peak occures DLTS measurements at different rate windows allow one to measure Et 198 * n ln(en) DLTS e01 E t meV e03 1000 D T 2kT e02 e03 e02 e01 T1 T2 T3 T T3 T2 T1 1000/T This "Arrhenius plot" allows an identification of a deep level defect 2. Advanced DLTS measurement techniques 2.1. Possible samples: Schottky diodes or pn-junctions Schottky diode e- pn-junction reverse bias h+ e- e- e- V=0 e- e- majority carrier flow forward bias e- e- h+ e- e- h+ h+ h+ xe xh minority carrier injection Schottky diodes: • Standard, easy to prepare, high quality demand ! • Only majority carrier traps visible, even under forward bias pn-junctions: • reverse bias reduction up to 0V: "majority carrier pulse" • forward bias (injection): "minority carrier pulse" (MC) • MC pulse may reveal both minority and majority carrier traps • However, if opposite carrier capture dominates, traps may remain uncharged (invisible in DLTS) => basic limitation ! • Asymmetric doping concentration: signal from lower doped side Other sample types: • Grain boundary (anti-serial Schottky diodes) => bonded wafers • MIS devices • FETs ("conductivity DLTS") • point contacts at nanowires ? ... 2.2. Optically excited DLTS (minority carrier DLTS, MCDLTS) • trap filling by optically excited minority carriers (hn > Eg) • reverse bias remains constant e- h+ eh+ h+ eh+ h+ thermal equilibrium traps emptied (from holes) filling pulse hole capture measurement hole emission • allows investigation of minority carrier traps in Schottky diodes 2.3. Optical DLTS (ODLTS) • trap filling by bias pulses • continuous irradiation of IR light (< Eg) • optical emission additional to thermal emission • strong dependence on intensity and l illuminated dark Tpeak Tpeakillumin. dark T T • ODLTS allows to measure optical capture cross sections sopt(l) • connection between deep levels electrically detected (DLTS) and optically detected (absorption) 2.4. Concentration depth profiling (pulse height scan) Vr Tpeak T e- Vr t e- Tpeak T t Vr e- Tpeak T t Vr e- Tpeak T t • linear dependence on Vp: homogeneous concentration ! 2.5. Measurement of field dependence of en;p (pulse height scan) Vr 1 Tpeak T Vr t Tpeak2 T t Vr Tpeak3 T t Vr Tpeak4 T t • quantitative evaluation: difference spectra (DDLTS) • field depencence indicates charged occupied state 2.6. Measurement of capture cross sections (pulse width scan) Vr Tpeak T t Vr Tpeak t imp DC( t imp ) DC 1 exp t c T tc t Tpeak Vr T Vr t Tpeak t 1 1 cn n sn vn n • "real" capture cross section • measurement at different rate windows: T-dependence T of CCS • injection: measurement of minority carrier CCS 2.7. Point defects and extended defects • all previous considerations referred to isolated point defects • "extended defects": dislocations, grain boundaries, precipitates ... • continuum of states, "broadened states" • emission probability depends on average occupation state • barrier-controlled capture, depending on occupation state point extended DLTS defect defect e e low occupation - high occupation e- - e- DLTS T tc log(timp) • extended defects show logarithmic capture behaviour Summary • DLTS on Schottky diodes only reveals majority carrier taps • DLTS on pn junctions also reveals minority carrier traps • Optically excited DLRS (MCDLTS) also reveals minority carrier traps in Schottky diodes • ODLTS reveals optical trap parameters sopt(l) • There are special DLTS procedures for measuring: - concentration depth profiles - electric field dependence of en;p - capture cross sections for electrons and holes • Extended defects are usually characterized by a logarithmic capture behaviour and often show non-exponential emission (broadened peaks) Next time: Introduction of our own DLTS system