Calculating Grades

Who Do You Want to Pack
Your Parachute?
Three students are
taking a course to
learn how to pack
a parachute.
Packing a Parachute cont…
• Imagine that the class
average is represented by
the dotted line on the
tracking charts.
• Student 1 initially scored
very high, but his scores
have dropped as the end
of the course approaches.
Packing a Parachute cont…
• Student 2’s evaluation
scores are erratic;
sometimes he does very
well and sometimes he
• The teacher has a hard time
predicting his performance
from day to day.
Packing a Parachute cont…
• When marks were
determined in the
traditional sense,
Students 1 & 2 passed
the course and
Student 3 failed.
BUT which student do you HOPE
packed your parachute?
BUT Who do you want packing your
• Only Student 3
consistent and reliable
success packing
parachutes by the end
of the course.
What does/should a grade mean?
What does a grade communicate
 To students?
 To instructional facilitators?
 To parents?
Standards Based Grading
- A philosophy of the role of grades in a class
• The idea that a grade should be a
reflection of what a student understands
and can demonstrate. It’s a measurement
of learning, not compliance.
• These measurements are based on
mastery of the standards.
Purpose of 4.0 Gradebook
Reduce variance between and within schools
due to multiple grading practices. Over time we
will transition to Standards Based Grading.
Transition Goals:
 Begin Use of 4.0 Gradebook for 2015-2016.
 Study Standards Based Grading.
 Begin implementing Standards Based Grading
during 2016-2017 school year.
The Critical Question
What type of task is being evaluated?
recall or
Traditional percentage calculation
– use the County Crosswalk to
determine the quality points.
task or 4.0
scale score
Scale the total points earned to an
equivalent value out of 4.0.
Percent Score
Calculate the percent score.
Locate that percent on the lefthand column of the County
Enter the Quality Points Value
that is in the next column.
You should notice that bottom 60 percent receive
zero quality points with this type of grading system.
Percent Score
Note: Partial grade
table is displayed.
The lowest possible “A” is still ninety percent. This is
a traditional grade conversion scale.
Rubric Scoring
Calculate the total points earned.
Divide points earned by the
number of questions graded using
a zero (0) through four (4) scale.
This value is your exact quality
points average for the assignment.
If you look at percentages, you will notice that student grades
will be different for assessments graded using scale scores.
This method can be used for rigorous, complex tasks.
Rubric Score
An example of a general rubric for complex questions.
4 points
The correct answer was given. All work is neatly shown. Any
explanation given (if requested) is well written using proper writing
3 points
The correct answer was given. The explanation might be present but it
is not correct or it might not be well written using proper conventions.
Work may or may not be present.
2 points
The incorrect answer was given. Neat, relevant, understandable work is
shown. The explanation is present if required.
1 point
The incorrect answer was given. No work is present, it is not relevant or
it is not legible.
0 points
The problem was not attempted.
Rubric Score
Use your County Crosswalk as a reference for 4.0 quality
point ranges. An additional expanded chart has been
created for you to use as reference.
Note: Partial grade
table is displayed.
Want more info on
Rubric Grading?
• Sign up at your table for future PD
opportunities on using rubrics for
Using 4.0 grading in
Initial Organization
• Ensure proper category weights, be aware of compliance
• Immediate Transition:
2 out of 4 points
• Gradual Transition: Compliance & Mastery
“C” Work
Indicates the status of the
assignment; further detail
provided in comments.
This feature was critical to
parent communication and
Percentages are
ignored (grey-scale).
How will I explain
this to parents?
Weekly emailed Progress Reports supported
parent communication and decreased the number
of requested parent-teacher conferences.