TURKISH MIGRATIONS & IMPERIAL EXPANSION Nomadic and Settled Peoples - traded w/settled peoples - agriculture and manufactured goods - linked societies from China to Mediterranean Basin Nomadic Society - two social classes: nobles & commoners - nobles: charismatic leaders, clans & tribes into alliances, fluid class -commoners: gain recognition and move up What did nomadic people in Central Asia do? (19) THE MONGOL EMPIRE Chinngis Khan and the making of the Mongol Empire Chinggis Khan’s Rise to Power - Unifier of the Mongols originally named Temujin - alliance w/Mongol clan leader, steppe diplomacy (loyalty but betrayal through advancement) - brought all Mongol tribes into a single confederation - 1206 became known as Chinggis Khan (universal ruler) DEFINE: Khan and Chinggis Khan Who united all Mongol tribes into one confederation? (21) THE MONGOL EMPIRE Mongol Conquest of N. China - extended Mongol rule to Northern China, dominance by 1220 Mongol Conquest of Persia - ruled by Saljuqs known as the Khwarazm shah - despised Mongols ordered them to assassinate Chinggis Khan, unsuccessful - Chinggis retaliated and took control of his army and his realm - destroyed qanat irrigation system - no establish central gov’t, assigned overlords for administration. THE MONGOL EMPIRE The Mongol Empire after Chinggis Khan Khubilai Khan - after Chinggis death there was a power struggle, divided empire into 4 regional realms amongst grandsons. - Consolidated China - ruthless attacks against enemies, improved welfare of subjects, tolerant of religions Who was Khubilai Khan? THE MONGOL EMPIRE Mongol Conquest of Southern China - Kubilai in 1279 est. Yuan Dynasty till 1368 - attempted several invasions in SE Asia but was unsuccessful The Golden Horde -1237-1241 -maintained a large army -extracted tribute from Russian cities and agricultural production, did not find the land appealing Discuss Mongol rule in China. (23) Discuss Yuan Dynasty Discuss the Golden Horde THE MONGOL EMPIRE The llkhanate of Persia -Khubilai’s brother Hulegu defeated Abbasid empire and started the Mongol’s ilkhanate in Persia. - needed to become governors as well as conquerors - difficult adjustment as administrators - could not maintain land lost most of it w/in a century. Discuss the Ilkhanate THE MONGOL EMPIRE Mongols and Eurasian Integration The Mongols and Trade - linked lands more directly - maintained a good courier network relaying news, information, & gov’t orders - encouragement of travel and communication facilitated trade, diplomatic travel, missionary efforts and people to new lands - safe trade routes allowed for more merchants to travel allowing for more commercial investment -creating a safe direct link between China and Europe for the first time Why did long distance trade in Eurasia increase? (22) AFTER THE MONGOLS Tamerlane the Whirlwind The Lame Conqueror - the end of the Mongols created a political vacuum. -Ming took over China - Turkish Timur aka Tamerlame took over Persia - Modeled himself after Chinggis Khan, steppe politics What was the real name of “lame the conqueror”?(20) AFTER THE MONGOLS Tamerlane’s Conquest - Places invaded and used for taxes include: Persia, Afghanistan, Golden Horde, India, attempts in Asia & Anatolia, tried for China but died before it could be accomplished in 1405 - Like others he was a conqueror not a ruler, no real administration, only tribal leaders were allies, relied on overlords in his conquered territories Discuss Tamerlane AFTER THE MONGOLS Who led the Turkish army and captured Constantinople in 1453?(18) Tamerlane’s heirs - no organization meant conflicts between sons and grandsons. Discuss Osman -territory divided into four main regions The Foundation of the Ottoman Empire Osman -after the Mongols collapsed nomadic people moved into territories of Anatolia. - Series of campaigns of conquest emerged one of its leaders was Osman -1299 he declares independence from the Saljuq sultans and begins to create his own state - His followers begin to be called Ottomans • -After Osman, Mehmed II captures Constantinople EFFECTS OF EARLY AFRICAN MIGRATIONS: AFRICAN POLITICAL ORGANIZATION Kin Based Societies - did not rely on elaborate bureaucracy or hierarchy - Bantus governed themselves through family & kinship groups (usu. About 100 p/village) - Most prominent family head was the chiefruling council (male heads of family)disciplined their own family and kinship - groups of villagesdistrict (no chief or gov’t for the district) Discuss Kin Based Societies I. EFFECTS OF EARLY AFRICAN MIGRATIONS: AFRICAN POLITICAL ORGANIZATION Chiefdoms - as conflicts between villages and districts arose militaries arose for protection and defense - many districts fell under the rule of powerful chiefs that overran the rule of kinship groups - consolidated small conquered lands into kingdoms Discuss Chiefdoms EFFECTS OF EARLY AFRICAN MIGRATIONS: AFRICAN POLITICAL ORGANIZATION Kingdom of Kongo - most active area of political development - population pressures and military challenges encourage kin-based societies to form small states -participated in trade networks - gov’t included: kingofficials (military, judicial, financial affairs) governors (provinces) subordinate officials (districts)chiefs (local gov’t)- royal currency Discuss Kingdom of Kongo ISLAMIC KINGDOMS AND EMPIRES Camels -quickened he pace of transportation & communication came from Arabia about 7th c. - replaced horses and donkeys The Kingdom of Ghana - W. Africa , 4/5th c., regional state How did camels help Africa? (29) Discuss Kingdom of Ghana - most important commercial site in W. Africa -Koumbi-Saleh capital of Ghana (buildings, mosques, large army) - center for trade in gold - controlled and taxed trade of gold, helped strengthen their realm - other exports: ivory, slaves - imports: horses, cloth, manufactured goods, salt ISLAMIC KINGDOMS AND EMPIRES Islam in West Africa - Kings of Ghana converted to Islam - improved relations w/Muslim merchants from N. Africa as well as nomads - conversion brought: recognition, support - conversion of traders esp. - raids weakened the kingdom and soon collapsed - political leadership fell to the Mali empire Why did it help rulers to convert to Islam in the kingdoms of Ghana & Mali?(24) ISLAMIC KINGDOMS AND EMPIRES What is the story of Sundiata about?(25) Sundiata - built Mali empire first half of 13th c. - had alliances, reputation of courage, large army (cavalry) The Mali Empire & Trade - benefited from Trans-Saharan trade - controlled and taxed trade in W. Africa - honored Islam and provided protection, lodging and comforts to Muslim merchants from the north Why did it take longer for trade and communication to exist in Sub-Saharan Africa? (27) ISLAMIC KINGDOMS AND EMPIRES Mansa Musa and Islam Islam in East Africa, - conversion to Islam in East Africa brought cooperation w/Muslim merchants along the Indian Ocean Basin - conversion brought: legitimacy, recognition, political alliances Discuss Mansa Musa AFRICAN SOCIETY & CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT: SOCIAL CLASSES Age Grades - individuals in community within a given age group - arose in Sudan - performed tasks appropriate to their age and development(labor for projects, helped elderly, helped each other in adversities and challenges) - created a bond among the group Discuss Age Grades AFRICAN SOCIETY & CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT: SOCIAL CLASSES Slavery - captives of war, debtors, suspected witches, criminals - worked as agricultural laborers and construction laborers, miners or porters - a form of wealth in Sub-Saharan Africa - built wealth using trade - Northern lands traded with Sub-Saharan Africa - slave raiding became prominent leading to wars among states and kin-based societies In the 11th century why did the slave trade become important in Africa?(28) AFRICAN SOCIETY & CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT: AFRICAN RELIGION Diviners - religious specialists - intelligent people understood the poli-socioeconomics of their community - learn cause of misfortuneconsult oracle prescribe necessary remedy - more focused on controlling the experiences of the world, emphasized morality and proper behavior - kinship groups took responsibility for those who misbehave Discuss Diviners AFRICAN SOCIETY & CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT: THE ARRIVAL OF Where was Christianity CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM located in Sub-Saharan Early Christianity in N. Africa Africa? (26) - reached Egypt and N. Africa throughout the Mediterranean Basin - Alexandria prominent area of Christianity The Christian Kingdom of Axum - location if modern Ethiopia - first converts were probably local merchants, in hopes of improving relations w/neighbors to the north - reflects the larger political experience of the region - 7th c. Axum fell to Islam but during 12th c. -16th c. it arose again - Ethiopia’s Solomonic dynasty claimed ancestry from David and Solomon, Kebra Negast (fictional work) traces this lineage Discuss Ethiopian Christianity AFRICAN SOCIETY & CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT: THE ARRIVAL OF CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM Ethiopian Christianity - Retained basic Christian theology & rituals - belief of evil spirits, carried amulets and charms for protection African Islam - reflected interest of local converts - Islam kept a place for Sub-Saharan African traditions and beliefs - Islam in African accommodated to proper relations between sexes - Islam supplemented rather than replaced traditional religions of Sub-Saharan Africa