42 MERCURA REFLECTIVA WFE Mercura is liquid, she has the

Mercura is liquid, she has the alchemical power of fire and is metal, connected to the earth
Who is Mercura Reflectiva?
‘Look into the mirror of your mind, the home of the secret Dakini’
Dakinis are described as ‘mirrors of the mind’. Mercura Reflectiva embodies this principle.
She comprises the qualities of the Greek God Mercury (Hermes), the planet, the element
Mercury and the qualities of reflection and mirroring. Hermes was the messenger of the gods,
given access to the heavens above and the underworld below.
In alchemy mercury is the mediator between sulphur and salt, male and female, spirit and body –
it is a great medium and catalyst of transformation.
Location/Sphere of Influence
Mirrors/reflective surfaces.
The element mercury.
Nature & Description of Dakini
64DakiniOracle.org © Penny Slinger 2010
She is made of liquid mercury. She is solid and fluid all at once. She multiplies herself at will.
She is a magician as she harnesses liquid mercury in stable pools (chakras) through the
alchemical process, transforming poison into elixir. It is hard to stabilize mercury. In the
alchemical process, mercury has qualities of both fire and water, it is the alchemical agent par
excellence, the prime mover, in the process of turning lead into gold.
The sphere of Mercura Reflectiva is all reflectivity, constantly transforming.
Her central image shows her breaking through the silver surface, as if she is the energy behind
the mirror manifesting.
She is reflective and leads you into many halls of mirrors, to infinite reflective pools, like
She holds the caduceus, the magical wand of the alchemical Hermes Tristmegistus. The two
snakes represent the entwined male and female kundalini energies, harnessed and stabilized,
connected to the double wings which crown the staff. The wings represent the spiritual
dimensions, the snakes the embodied. So the bearer of the staff is one who knows how to work
with and combine the two worlds.
Her heels have wings to carry her across dimensions, and because thoughts can fly. She takes
Mercury’s familiar pose, for she is the new warrioress messenger, designed to move through our
modern times.
She presents your own personal hall of mirrors.
Divinatory Meaning
An invitation into self-reflection from Mercura Reflectiva.
She represents a ‘quickening’ in this arena - an opportunity for bio-feedback to be rapid and
Mercury is about communication - in this case mainly of the self with the self. Once we are able
to know ourselves through cultivating the art of self-reflection, we can act as mirrors for others.
Her hall of mirrors opens up to present multi-faceted reflections.
Mercura encourages you to self-reflect. She wants you to establish more fluid lines of
communication between your ‘higher’ and ‘lower’ selves.
‘That which is below is to that which is above, and that which is above is as that which is below
to perform the miracle of the one thing’, says the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Tristmegistus.
As mercury catalyses the alchemical process, so Mercura hastens the process of self- realization.
Reflective, fluid, volatile, heavy. It is attracted to itself, as if magnetically, and reconfigures at
Mercury is about communication, quickness, alertness, alacrity. It is difficult to handle and can
be dangerous if not handled with care.
The planet Mercury often ‘goes retrograde’, meaning a time of going back over things,
reflecting. Its in its nature to do this.
Reflect deeply then act quickly and spontaneously. Do not act on anything until you have
reflected deeply upon it. Once you have, act decisively and swiftly, like quicksilver. Speed up
the process of self-reflection by putting yourself in the position of others - seeing how they see
you. Put yourself in many positions at once relative to the current situation, in the places of each
of the participants, to understand the true nature of the issues.
Once you know who you are, you will carry weight. Mercura is here to help you achieve your
own specific gravity.
64DakiniOracle.org © Penny Slinger 2010
Act as a catalyst.
Watch your back
Unpredictable elements are at work.
Attention needs to be paid to detail. Mercura Reflectiva demands your attention. Pay attention.
Do you have concerns about your body image? Mercura is here to amplify those feelings so that
you can really look at them and pass through her portal, like Alice through the looking glass, into
another reality. In this other reality, you see yourself as you really are, beyond worldly
reflections, and can play with yourself in a magical world. Step through the mirror and claim
your right to a multi-dimensional life.
Do not let yourself be held back by self judgment that is non-productive. Do not be forced into
cultural stereotypes. You are your own unique entity and your countenance reflects the state of
your inner being. Why try to make yourself into someone else? Fully become yourself by seeing
your own potential.
Reflectiva asks you to take a long hard look at yourself, then change those things you can, accept
those things you cannot. You are your own self-creation.
Awakening to your inner magician.
Work your first acts of magic on yourself, to quicken your sensibilities and your innate
intelligence. Once you have achieved a level of awareness, commencing with self awareness,
you will be in a position to perform magic, as you will be aware of the possible consequences of
your actions.
Own your actions, and align them with your intentions.
Mercura Reflectiva may have a special message for you from other dimensions.
Be alert to such messages.
Practice the art of self-reflection in a very specific way.
Mirror gazing is a good place to start.
Gaze into a mirror at your own reflection and go through a number of lenses in your self regard
1. The critical eye. See flaws & things about yourself that need work. Visualize how you
would look if those aspects dominated your psyche.
2. The affirmative eye. See attributes and qualities in yourself that you admire & respect.
Amplify those qualities until they radiate through and fill your reflection.
3. Let go of all thoughts of who you are, de-focus your eyes and gaze at your reflection and
regard what you see without judgment or attachment.
4. Visualize a pebble and cast it, your wish, into the reflective silver pool and watch the
ripples spread.
64DakiniOracle.org © Penny Slinger 2010
5. See the realities you experience as all facets of your own reflection. Try applying the
same principles of reflection to your world as you did to yourself. This will promote
gratitude in you for what you experience when you contemplate how bad it could be.
Look at the world that comes into view when you practice the affirmative eye! What does
that look like? Vision it. Then you can cast your pebble, your wish, on behalf of the
Dakini Transmission
My reflectivity
Is fluid
Ever changing
With the smallest ripple
In the field
Know that you
Can shift and morph
You are not a fixed element
But an agent of change
I am able to self-reflect
And so be a clear reflection
For others
I am the bearer of messages
I can positively affect any situation
64DakiniOracle.org © Penny Slinger 2010