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How Well Do You Know Your EAP?
November 2014
Orlene Allen Weyland, M.A.,CEAP
Principal, Gallops Consulting
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 Trends and Facts
 History and Evolution of EAP
 Selecting and Evaluation your EAP
 Success Factors for EAP
 Stress Reduction: Moving from Stress
to Energy
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EAP Industry Trends: Test Your Knowledge
Which of the following statements are not true?
 Over 97% of large employers (+5,000 employees) offer EAP services.
 On-site services are on the increase with the prevalence of on-site wellness clinics in large
 Integration supports increased access, streamlined cost and helps to reduce stigma
associated with calling the EAP.
 Utilization rates differ depending on how they are calculated.
 Technology is a critical tool in helping employees access information and services. Ondemand webinars, self assessments and on-line “chat” capabilities provide additional options
for employees to use the EAP.
 Seventy percent of adult illegal drug users are employed.
 EAP is an organization that monitors air quality.
 EAP services are confidential, with the exception of situations involving threats to harm
oneself or others, or where child abuse is suspected.
 Domestic Violence does not impact the workplace because the employer is not usually aware
of the situation.
 CISD (Critical Incident Stress Debriefing) is group therapy following a catastrophic or
traumatic incident in the workplace.
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History and Evolution of EAP
Alcohol is
recognized as
a workplace
support (12Step
begin to
emerge in
Services expand to
include personal,
family and work
related issues.
(Association for
Administrator and
Consultants on
Alcoholism) is
EAP becomes a
distinct worksite
legislation is
enacted in 1988.
Programs become
available to family
members and
work/life programs
begin to emerge.
Internal programs
are less prevalent.
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EAP is a standard
benefit and a
source of referral
into managed
Behavioral Health
Work/life and
wellness programs
become more
Crisis response
services become
recognized as
critical to the
Hybrid programs
begin to emerge.
EAP’s become fully
integrated with
work/life and
EAP becomes less
distinct as part of
the benefits
Crisis response is
at the forefront.
Internal programs
become legacy.
Essential Components of an EAP
EAPA Standards
1.Program design must take into account organization issues, including:
a. Type of organization
b. Types of jobs/work products
c. Organizational mission
d. Size and demographic makeup of workforce, including racial, ethnic, gender,
and cultural diversity
e. Number and dispersion of work sites, including remote and teleworking
f. Collective bargaining agreements
2. Program design must take into account the needs of the organization’s employees
and others eligible for services.
3. Program design must take into account the needs and goals of the organization’s
4. Program design must be consistent with other policies of the organization which, in
some cases, may require modification.
5. The assessment process must be continuous so that program design evolves to
meet changing needs
Source: EAPA Standards and Guidelines for Employee Assistance Programs 2010
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Selecting and Evaluating Your EAP:
Hybrid EAP
Legal and
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Selecting and Evaluating Your EAP:
Your Organization
Organization culture
Executive sponsorship and advocacy for the program
Company size
Company location including global needs
Workforce demographics and/or special needs
Telecommuter population
Non-traditional work hours
Linkage to other employee benefits
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Selecting and Evaluating Your EAP:
EAP Services to Employees and Household Members
24 hour access
Confidential assessment and referral services
Referral support, tracking and follow-up
Crisis response
Expertise for substance abuse issues
Referrals to community resources
Referrals to other benefit programs
Access to qualified EAP providers: Network capability
CEAP designation for intake and network providers
Eligibility for family/household members
Confidential recordkeeping
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Selecting and Evaluating Your EAP:
EAP Organization Services
Employee orientations
Supervisor and leadership training
Crisis consultation and response
Promotion and communication planning
Policy development and coordination with company policies
Labor coordination
Management consultation
Utilization reporting and trending
Satisfaction reports
Linkage to DOT required substance abuse evaluations (SAP)
Linkage to Fitness for Duty (FFD) resources
Options for linked or integrated services, e.g., Work/Life, Legal and Financial
Technology Capability
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Success Factors for Your EAP
High level support and advocacy for the program
Partnership with your organization
Relationships with key areas of the organization
Training and education for managers and employees
Program visibility
Responsiveness and proactive approach
“Service, service and service” are three key components to a successful EAP!
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Moving from Stress to Energy
How do you use your energy each day?
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How Do You Use Your Energy?
 Each day comes with a supply of energy
 You are the decision maker as to how you use that energy
 How much energy do you spend on things you have no control
 How much energy do you spend on things you can impact
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What is Stress?
Stress is a reaction to any change in the environment.
Positive Stress
+ Promotion
+ Marriage
+ New Baby
Negative Stress
- Relationship/Family Problems
- Illness
- Work Issues
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Tip: The goal is not to eliminate
Common Descriptions of Stress
 Sense of powerlessness
 Feeling drained, bored, overwhelmed,
irritated, frustrated or stuck
 Sense of isolation or feeling that you are
the “only one”
 Body tension
 Feeling like your life is stuck in the same
old, never-ending pattern
 “I need some down time”
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Does This Look Familiar?
What’s Stressful for You?
Joan is terrified to perform or speak
in front of a group, while her best
friend lives for the spotlight.
Joe thrives under pressure
and performs best when he
has a tight deadline. His coworker Matt shuts down when
work demands escalate.
Tip: What’s stressful for you
may be different for
someone else.
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What are Different Types of Stress?
Acute vs. Chronic Stress
Acute stress occurs on a situational basis and has a beginning and an end.
Chronic stress is a continued state of high stress where the stress state
becomes the norm.
Internal vs. External Stress
Internal stresses are those that we self-impose and have control over.
External stressors are those where we have little or no control.
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Examples of Acute and Chronic Stress
Acute Stress
Major project at work
Accident or illness
Major life change, e.g.,
wedding, moving, new baby
Home renovations
Planning a large event
Chronic Stress
 Ongoing and increased
work volume
 Ongoing conflict at home or
at work
 Unresolved relationship
 Financial issues
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Examples of Internal and External Stress
Too many commitments
Feeling that everything has
to be perfect
Unable to say no
Client or customer requests
Work volume
Illness (yours or a family
Demands from family
What are your internal/external stressors?
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Impact of Stress
Physical Responses
•Headaches and/or neck pain
•Low back pain
•Gastrointestinal changes
Behavioral Responses
•Conflicts in relationships at work or at home
•Increased use of alcohol or other drugs
•Changes in eating habits
Emotional and Cognitive Responses
•Diminished Concentration
•Mood swings
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Tip: You can control your responses
to stress!
What are Key Signs* That I’m “Timed Out”?
I feel stressed all the time/most of the time
I feel tired all the time
I feel overwhelmed
I get sick more often
I find it hard to focus
I feel as though nothing really gets done
I forget things
I become impatient or resentful
I sleep too much/too little/can’t get to sleep/stay asleep
I eat more/less and don’t always make the best food choices
I drink alcohol or use prescription or other drugs more frequently
I don’t take pleasure in the things that used to make me happy
*These are provided as examples only. Some of the signs listed may indicate a more
serious medical or other issue and should be evaluated by your health care provider
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Are you timed out?
What Am I Really Saying?
Here’s What I Say
Is This What I Mean?
 Too much to do
 Not enough help
 Too many activities (after work,
school, etc.)
 Hard to say no
 It’s easier to do it myself
 I’ll put it off until tomorrow
 I like things to be perfect
 Am I over committed?
 It’s hard to ask for help
 Is my schedule (or my family’s)
out of control?
 I don’t want to disappoint anyone
 No one else can do it my way
 Fear of failure; “paralysis”
 Unrealistic expectations
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What Gets in the Way?
Unrealistic expectations
Old ways of how we use our energy
Resistance to change
Perception of needing to be “on” 24/7
Not letting go
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Tip: We can do things
Unrealistic Expectations
aka perfectionism
 Motivated by fear of failure
 Your accomplishments never
satisfy you
 “If I don’t do it myself, it won’t
get done”
 There’s nothing I can do
 If only……..
 You can’t let it go
 Motivated by enthusiasm
 Your efforts give you a feeling
of accomplishment
 You understand that no one
can be successful all the time
 You are able to identify where
you can make changes and
where you can’t
 You can let go
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Old Ways of Using Your Energy
Old Ways
New or Refreshed Ways
If only I could…….
There is nothing I can do
I’ve always done it this way
My situation is unique
I didn’t create this situation
Nothing changes even when
you continue to spend energy
on something you can’t
 Let’s look at the options
 What do I have control over or
influence on?
 Can I do this differently?
 Can I connect with others
whose experiences are
 How can I make this situation
work better for me?
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Resistance to Change
Waiting for something to
Can’t see the benefit of
Discomfort with new
Limited beliefs
Open to Change
Imagine or visualize the
Believe you can make
something happen
Understand the discomfort
of change
Practice the change
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Being “On” 24/7
Always Reachable
 How much time do you spend
checking emails, voicemails, text
messages at work? At home?
 Do you feel that you are missing
something if you don’t have your
phone (or other electronic
device) within reach?
 What impact does this have on
your home life? Work life?
 Who sets the expectation?
 What would happen if you were
not connected “24/7”?
 Identify times and places where
you can change your level of
 Pick a time where you do not
check email, voicemail, texts, etc.
 Ask family members or work
colleagues for feedback
 Examine the expectations
 Practice being “disconnected”
where appropriate; evaluate the
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Where Do I Start?
Assess how you use your energy
Identify changes (start small) that you can make
Commit and carry through
Build success with each new change
Remind yourself that new or renewed skills take time and
practice; it’s “over time, not over night”
Tip: Practice, practice, practice!
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Ask Yourself A Few Questions
What gets in the way of _________________?
What do I have control over?
What would I have to do differently to ________________?
What am I willing to try? (start small)
What am I willing to commit to?
Tip: Remember, it’s over time, not overnight!
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Thank you for participating!
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About the Presenter
Orlene Allen Weyland, M.A., CEAP
Orlene is Principal of Gallops Consulting where she provides consulting to businesses with a focus on Employee Assistance Program (EAP) strategy, program
evaluation and organization-wide education and training. She also develops content and delivers targeted education programs that are specific to the organization’s
culture and business need. Orlene also provides consultation and support for workplace crisis situations, management consultation, training and coaching. Her
clients include financial services institutions, not-for-profit and labor organizations and health care companies.
Prior to forming Gallops Consulting in 2012, Orlene joined Aetna in 1998 and managed the internal EAP until 2004 when she joined Aetna’s EAP business. In this
role, she provided account management services for two major client companies, including one of the nation’s largest financial institutions. This involved
oversight of EAP and Work/Life services, education and training, reporting, management services and crisis consultation. In 2010, she was the recipient of an
award for her role in managing post-crisis services for a major client who had over twenty employees on the plane in the 2009 U.S. Airways incident involving the
emergency landing in the Hudson River.
Prior to joining Aetna, Orlene held the position of Vice President, Workplace Services for The Governor’s Prevention Partnership, a private/public sector venture
in Connecticut. Orlene directed a number of statewide initiatives, including initiating the design of a statewide Employee Assistance Program model geared to
small businesses. Her work also involved management of a statewide coalition, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which focused on reducing
underage access to alcohol through public policy change. During her tenure, she was a member of the Governor’s Task Force on Substance Abuse. At this time,
Orlene also worked for Family Counseling of Cheshire, where she provided individual and group counseling.
Prior to joining The Governor’s Prevention Partnership Orlene was Director of Employee Relations for the former Shawmut Bank (known today as Bank of
America). In this capacity, she was responsible for policy development, program design and employee outreach, including the Bank’s Employee Assistance,
Dependent Care, Outplacement, Employee Medical, Drug Testing, Wellness and Health Promotion. In this role, Orlene also conducted training in identifying
troubled employees, management skills, selection and interviewing and sexual harassment prevention. Her role also involved consultation to senior management
on complex Employee Relations and EAP-related issues.
Orlene has been an active member of the Connecticut Chapter of the Employee Assistance Professionals Association for over fifteen year and served as President
from 2007-2009. She is currently serving in the role of Chapter Vice President. Orlene is past President of the Board of Directors of Interval House, one of
eighteen shelters in Connecticut aiding victims of domestic and partner violence. She served on the Interval House Board and Personnel Committee from 20082012. She also served on the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of the Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence from 2000-2006.
Orlene holds an M.A. in Counseling from the University of St. Joseph's in West Hartford, CT and a B.A. in Sociology from Queens College of the City University
of New York. She is a Certified Employee Assistance Professional.
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