Reverend Chrissy Wilson (01423) 770667 christella.wilson@yahoo


Reverend Chrissy Wilson

(01423) 770667

Dear All,

This month is one that evokes quintessentially British institutions such as Wimbledon, the cricket season and the Queen’s official birthday. It puts us in mind of long summer days, strawberry cream teas, the smell of newly mown grass, ladies in flowery dresses and gentlemen in Panama hats – so it isn’t surprising that it is a popular time for weddings!

We have three weddings in quite quick succession across the Benefice at this time and officiating at weddings is one of the immense privileges of ordained ministry. I love to help a couple with their preparations, to hear their stories of how they met, how love blossomed, and how and where the proposal was made. Most couples tend to be young in years and they are, without exception, clearly in love. We talk about how that love is likely to develop over the years, and we discuss both the positive and the negative sides to the statements in the vows they will make before God and before their congregation: ‘I take you to be my husband/wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part….’ These words remind us that life may not always be like summer days, and we acknowledge that difficult times may come, but that we will do our utmost to remain in this covenant relationship. Our human love is a reflection of the love God shows and offers to us in his Son, Jesus Christ, who in turn is as a bridegroom to his bride, the Church. God promises us that he will be with us in our good times as well as the not so good times, that he will remain faithful to the promises he made us in his Son, and that he will forgive us all our human failings when we come to him in repentance.

The task Jesus set us is to reflect God’s promises to us by offering peace, blessings, love and forgiveness to others no matter what circumstances or situations we find ourselves in, just as in the wedding vows these couples are now making, and in so doing, wait to see what a transformative effect this has, just as a wedding transforms us from the everyday into the essence of sublime encounter with God and one another.


