Adversarial Inference in Diagnostic Testing Professor Nozer Singpurwalla City University of Hong Kong Something as important as keeping the lights on has all the data and models it needs, right? Wrong! Dr Keith Bell University of Strathclyde An electric power system is widely recognised as one of the most complex single engineering entities ever built, yet its safe and reliable performance is crucial to modern, industrialised society. Its operation depends on adequate management of spatial and temporal dimensions in the face of significant uncertainties. However, not only are engineers interested in the system’s performance, but, conscious of the high costs of electrical energy, so too are policy makers, regulators and consumers. All the above stakeholders want reassurance about the power system’s performance both technically and economically, now and in the future. This depends not only on large quantities of data but also complex models. As ever with large engineering systems, to model everything precisely is computationally challenging, but it is arguably pointless trying when so much data is lacking. This presentation addresses some of the above challenges, highlights the judgments engineers and modellers make and issues a plea for greater regulatory engagement with the issues. Modelling Systemic Risks to Inform Repowering Decision Professor Lesley Walls University of Strathclyde Our motivation is to inform an industrial decision to replace a conventional power station in a context where there are risks and uncertainties associated with, for example, new energy technologies such as renewables and smart grids. A modelling approach, grounded in the theoretical principles of decision analysis, is developed to support managers who need to define engineering system solutions, interface with multiple stakeholders, deal with interlocking uncertainties, and make decisions within a compressed timeframe. Using a real industrial case, we describe the general modelling process and outcomes of analysis. Misuse and misunderstanding quantified risk models Dr David J.K. Griffin RSSB Safety decisions are increasingly being made with the help of quantified risk models, considering options that balance the competing objectives of reducing safety risk, improving train performance and reducing cost. These decision support models are developed for repeated and regular use typically by a range of users, so it can be difficult to ensure that the users of the model are competent. Where models are complex, the complexity is commonly hidden from the users, and the front-end focuses on simply the model inputs and outputs. Even the documentation for the model often stresses the difference between the “user guide” explaining how to use the model, and the “technical guide” explaining how the model actually works. Consequently the model users, whilst understanding the mechanics of using the model and getting results out of the model, often have little understanding of how the model is calculating the results. This paper focusses on the reasons why quantified risk models are misused and misunderstood. It is primarily interested in situations where the results from the model are misinterpreted due to a lack of understanding of the workings of the model by the model users. It examines the role that model transparency in revealing the key assumptions and workings of the model to the users so that they can correctly interpret the results. Implicit Risk Attitudes: Comparing Experts and Lay People Dr Calvin Burns University of Strathclyde The psychometric paradigm has been very useful for showing that different people perceive hazards differently. Numerous studies have identified differences in risk perception between experts and lay people. This research though is limited to explicit attitude measures (questionnaires) which require people to consciously consider and state their attitude to attitude objects (i.e. by asking people to think about a hazard and state how risky it is). Implicit attitude measures are being used increasingly in social cognition research. These measures can offer new insights into risk attitude formation and change. Implicit measures assess attitudes that individuals may not be consciously aware that they hold (Greenwald & Banaji, 1995) and are less susceptible to response biases like social desirability. Implicit attitude measures very rarely correlate with explicit attitude measures (e.g. Fazio et al., 1995; Greenwald et al., 1998) and are thought to influence spontaneous behaviours or behaviours that individuals do not try to consciously control (Fazio, 1990). Burns (2012) used explicit and implicit measures to investigate attitudes about occupational risk amongst construction workers. Consistent with findings reported in the implicit attitude literature, no correlation was observed between the explicit and implicit measures of risk. This paper extends that research by investigating implicit attitudes about risk between experts and lay people and aims to investigate the extent to which expert and lay people’s risk perceptions are influenced by emotion. Comparing data and expert judgment – reliability and cost Dr Linda Newnes University of Bath Dr Newnes will present findings from a recently completed PhD by Dr Xiaoxi Huang demonstrating the differences that can occur between expert knowledge and actual data. The purpose of the research presented was to ascertain the cost of service for manufacturing machinery. Eight years of data was analysed and then compared with the expert opinion elicited from maintenance engineers. The findings demonstrated an 18% difference in the estimated cost of service when comparing actual data to the expert opinions. Uncertainty and pairwise comparison in early day estimation Andrew Langridge PRICE Systems International When estimating complex products it is common for the cost and secludes outcome expectation to be set before the project requirement is fully understood and the delivery options fully explored. The application of expert judgement often applied to generate early day forecasts as the expert can be a useful source of information and guidance; however the organisation generating the forecast is rarely mature enough to apply the expert judgement in a robust and repeatable framework. The outcome accuracy from this type of activity ranges from very good (+/- 50%) to very poor (not even close) yet expectations from non-estimators don’t take into account that much of the forecast is not evidence based and very little provenance exists to support the assertions of the experts. I now need to make a confession; when estimating projects the more interesting the task the lower I will tend to estimate the effort needed to complete the task! Two simple but effective additions to the expert judgement forecast cycle can result in better outcome robustness and these will be explored during this presentation Design of experiments and sample size determination with imprecise utility Dr Malcolm Farrow Newcastle University We consider the choice of a design for an experiment as a decision problem, typically with a multiattribute utility function. Multi-attribute utilities may be imprecisely specified, due to an unwillingness or inability on the part of the client to specify fixed trade-offs or precise marginal utility functions or because of disagreement within a group with responsibility for the decision. In particular this may be so when the decision is the choice of a design or sample size for an experiment. An approach to constructing and analysing imprecise multi-attribute utility hierarchies has been developed in earlier work with Michael Goldstein. This earlier work, which allowed imprecision in the trade-offs between attributes, has recently been extended to allow imprecision also in the shape of marginal utility functions. The method is illustrated with a simple example involving life-testing and reliability. Reliability Updating in Linear Opinion Pooling for Multiple Decision Makers Donnacha Bolger Trinity College, Dublin Having accurate sources of information is a vital prerequisite for good decision making. Here we consider a multiple participant setting, where all decision makers have a collection of neighbours with whom they share their beliefs about some common uncertain event of interest. When determining which course of action to follow, a decision maker takes into account all the information received from her neighbours. Over time, in light of the returns observed from choices made, decision makers update their own beliefs over the uncertain event, and also adjust the degree of consideration given to the opinions of each neighbour based on the level of reliability their information is ascertained to have. In this paper we develop three methodologies which enable participants to combine their own beliefs and the beliefs of neighbours into a single distribution, and then construct suitable weights for their perception of the accuracy of the viewpoints involved. An extended example demonstrates these approaches, and highlights their differences and similarities.