PRE-AP BIOLOGY SYLLABUS 2015-2016 Instructor: Mitch McGrew Room: 2121 Phone: (918) 357-7764 Email: COURSE DESCRIPTION Biology is the study of life. This course will provide students with a survey of various topics within the field of Biology. Biology is a laboratory science, meaning all students will be expected to participate and demonstrate knowledge in a variety of laboratory situations, class discussions, and activities. Biology also has a State of Oklahoma End of Instruction (EOI) test in April/May, which students will be preparing for throughout the school year. STUDENT EXPECTATIONS Pre-AP Biology is set apart from other Biology courses by depth, not speed. Students are encouraged to read, participate, learn new concepts, and expand their knowledge of previously introduced concepts. Students are expected to make a commitment to manage their time wisely, read, study, take notes, ask questions, think on their own, be organized, problem solve, and actively contribute in class. Pre-AP students can expect an environment that challenges them. CLASSROOM POLICIES All Union Public School policies outlined in the handbook will be enforced. Students will respect their teacher, other students, and school property at all times. Disruptive or disrespectful behavior will result in detention and/or a referral. There will be an extensive amount of material covered in this course, and regular attendance is essential to not fall behind. Tardiness is disruptive and should be avoided. Students should bring all materials to class and be in their seats ready to learn by the time the bell rings. Students will be dismissed by the instructor – not the bell. Additional classroom procedures will be covered on the first days of school. LABORATORY POLICIES Students will learn lab safety rules and techniques, sign a lab safety contract, and pass a laboratory safety exam before participating in any labs. Horseplay is not permitted. Inappropriate behavior will result in removal from the lab and a grade of zero for the lab activity. EXAMS/QUIZZES Exams will include material covered in class, laboratory activities, supplemental material assigned from the textbook, and other handouts. Honesty in testing is expected—Cheating will NOT be tolerated. Final exams are comprehensive. Quizzes may be given at any time covering assigned reading, previous lectures, homework, or laboratory procedures. The teacher reserves the right to administer a different make-up test and/or quiz. LATE WORK I do not accept late work. All work not turned in by the due date will receive a grade of zero. Students will have one waiver to use per semester, which can be used on any assignment turned in the day after it was due for full credit. MAKE-UP/ABSENCES Students are responsible for what is done in class, even when not present in the classroom. If one day or multiple days are missed, the student is expected to determine what was missed and when it is due. Missed assignments should be recorded from the assignment calendar. Get any notes missed from a classmate. See me if you have questions or need to make up quizzes or tests. We will follow the Union Public School Student Handbook on timetables for assignments due after absences. RESEARCH PROJECT (one per semester) Participation in the Independent Research Project is mandatory. Students will receive various handouts with specific requirements and information regarding the project. Class time will be provided for students to conduct research, but it will not be sufficient; therefore, time outside of class will be required of students to complete the project. GRADING Grades in Pre-AP Biology are weighted with an emphasis on tests, quizzes and labs. The categories and their corresponded percentages are listed below. The table at the right shows the grading scale. Grades are cumulative. In addition, a cumulative semester final will be given which will count for 10% of the overall grade per Union Public Schools requirements. Category Tests Labs Quizzes Research Project Homework Percent 40% 20% 15% 15% 10% Percentage 90-100% 80-89% 70-79% 60-69% 0-59% Letter Grade A B C D F SUPPLIES Students will need to bring the following materials to class each day: · 2 one-subject spiral notebooks (1 per semester) ∙1 pocket folder · pencils ∙ pens are optional · Colored pencils · Highlighters · Lined loose leaf notebook paper and graph paper need to be kept in your folder *All students need to bring 3 gluesticks, 1 package of colored pencils, 1 bottle of hand soap for labs, 1 roll of paper towels for labs, and 1 box of Kleenex. Supplies will be left in the classroom for student use. All supplies are due by Monday, August 24th. Student’s Printed Name __________________________________ Student’s Signature______________________________________ Date _____________ Parent/Guardian’s Printed Name___________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Signature_______________________________ Date _____________ Parent/Guardian’s Email__________________________________ Phone #______________________ Pre-AP Biology Syllabus -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read and understand the information and expectations laid out in this syllabus.