Ionic Bonds



3 Flaps

Labels: Ionic Bonds, Covalent Bonds, Metallic


Inside each flap:

* Definition of the bond

* Picture example

* Properties of the compound formed



What is a chemical bond?

A chemical bond is an interaction between two atoms’ electrons.

Why do atoms bond?

When atoms don’t have a full outer shell of electrons they’re more likely to react with other atoms to make their outer shells full.


1) Which type of elements are ionic bonds between?

• Metals and nonmetals


2) What’s happening with electrons?

One atom steals electrons from another atom

Each atom wants to have 8 valence electrons.

Metals want to give away their valence electrons because underneath they have a full shell.

Nonmetals want to take valence electrons because they are almost at 8 in their outer shell.

Ions are formed. They have an electrical charge.

Cation--atom that looses an electron (+ charge because it now has more protons than electrons).

Anion-atom that gains an electron (- charge because it now has more electrons than protons)

An ionic bond is created by positive and negative electrostatic attractions.


3) What are the properties of the compounds formed?

• Strong bonds formed, crystal structure

• High melting & boiling points

***When dissolved in water, they will conduct electricity**

IONIC BOND: Example: Table Salt NaCl electron from Na is transferred to Cl, this causes a charge imbalance in each atom. The Na becomes

(Na+) and the

Cl becomes (Cl-), charged particles or ions.

Ionic Bonds: One Big Greedy Thief Dog!

Covalent BONDS

1) Which type of elements are covalent bonds between?

• Elements whose valence electrons are not that big in difference

• Hydrogen

• Nonmetals

Covalent Bonds

2) What’s happening with electrons?

In covalent bonds elements share pairs of electrons to achieve the octet rule.

(8 valence electrons)

Covalent BONDS

3) What are the properties of the product formed from covalent bonding?

• They form molecules. They have lower melting and boiling points. And do not conduct electricity.

• Also can make double and triple bonds

Polar Covalent Bonds: Unevenly matched, but willing to share.

Which types of elements are metallic bonds between?

• Metallic bonds are formed between metals.

What is happening with electrons?

• Electrons in the outer shell of metal atoms are free to move.

• Delocalized electrons are free to flow through the lattice of + charged ions. Free electrons can carry electric charge and heat.

Metallic Bonds

Metallic Bonds

What are some properties of metals?

• Strong, malleable, good conductors of electricity.

• Alloys-when more than one metal combine, stronger and less reactive than pure metals


Ionic & Covalent Bonds




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