2015-2016 Government and Economics Instructor: Alice Purcell alice.purcell@fbcapasadena.org Course Expectations A high level of performance is expected in this class. High performance doesn’t necessarily mean straight As; however, students should come to class prepared for every class with all assignments completed to the best of their abilities. Coming to class prepared means reading all assigned material before the class coming with textbooks, notebooks, and writing instruments bringing any assignments that are due coming to class alert and ready to focus and lastly and most importantly, coming with an eager and willing attitude to learn. Students in this class should plan to take initiative. engage in class discussion. seek out the teacher with questions about assignments. be diligent and attentive to details. write assignments in your planner. do their best on the test THE FIRST TIME! turn in assignments on time. be organized. (class folder) Students will be evaluated based on Unit Tests, Essays, Projects – 60% Assignments and Quizzes – 30% Participation – 10% Late assignments will be penalized 20% after they are collected. Assignments more than one day late will be penalized 50%. Assignments submitted after the end of the quarter in which the assignment was given will receive a grade of 0. 2015-2016 Government and Economics Definitions of Evaluation Categories A Unit Test consists of content from multiple chapters. Typically Unit Tests occur every 3-5 weeks. A Quiz covers factual information from one chapter or section of a chapter or document, including vocabulary. These occur as we finish a chapter. Quizzes may be unannounced. Assignments may include anything such as bringing items to class, current events, section quiz assignments, chapter reviews, class presentations, and student activities. Essays and projects include major assignments involving research, writing, and presentation. Possible projects: 1st Quarter – Local Official Prayer Project, City Council Visit Project 2nd Quarter – Presidential Candidate Tracking, Essay Contest 3rd Quarter – Federal Reserve Essay, Financial Literacy Project, SMG 4th Quarter – Stock Market Game Project, Investwrite, PFL Challenge Participation involves the value of student contributions to class discussions. Students getting the highest scores in this category will exhibit an eager desire to learn and offer thoughtful and considered input in the classroom, making the classroom experience more worthwhile to all. Government and Economics 2015-2016 Class Procedures Be in your seat when the bell rings to avoid being marked tardy to class. Place your homework assignments on your desk. They are due at the beginning of the class period. Work received after homework is collected will be considered late. Homework should have the proper heading including name, date due, assignment title, page number if applicable. If the assignment is being submitted after the due date, put the date submitted. If the assignment is late due to an absence, please write “Absent” under date submitted and the date you were absent. See the sample on the board and the website. Students who are absent will find missed handouts in the yellow envelopes at the back of the class, labeled for your course. Students are responsible for getting missed work and for all make up work. If you’re not sure what you missed, ask! In order to minimize interruptions and distractions, students will attend to bodily functions before and after class. In case of emergency, notify the teacher. If students forget something from their lockers, they will do without that item and will receive the natural consequences of unpreparedness and irresponsibility. Students will check their area before they leave to make sure to leave nothing behind, such as paper chippings, trash, water bottles, books, etc. Conduct cuts will be awarded for poor stewardship. Do not rise from your seats until I have dismissed you. (The bell cannot dismiss you. Only Mrs. Purcell can dismiss the class.) Cell phones: Cell phone use in the classroom is a distraction and will not be tolerated. Cell phones will be collected and consequences specified in the handbook policy will be followed. However, sometimes we use cell phones as a tool for learning, and we need to have them available. I expect you to be wise and responsible with regard to cell phone use. 2015-2016 Government and Economics Class Rules No gum, EVER. If I see you with gum, you will throw it in the trash, receive a conduct cut, and will stay after class to clean the underside of the tables. No food or drinks upstairs (except clear water in a bottle with a closed lid). Dual Credit students: No Starbucks, Sonic, etc. Do not move furniture without permission. Put it back if you move it. Dress Code Please adhere strictly to the dress code and police yourself. I do not enjoy sending you to shave or change clothes, but I will and I won’t be happy about it if you make me. Plagiarism Honest and integrity are of utmost importance in all aspects of life, and academics is no exception. Students must complete instruction in plagiarism and submit a statement of completion and agreement signed by student and parent. The FBCA website has a link to instructional content about plagiarism as well. Please refer to the student handbook for information regarding school policy on plagiarism. Participation Rubric 10 points Student engages in class discussion, offers thoughtful input on a regular basis, and contributes to a positive learning environment. 9 points Student occasionally offers input into class discussion to the benefit of the class as a whole and the individual. 8 points Student seldom offers input into class discussion and but exhibits some interest in the subject. 0-7 Student may contribute little, distract the class from course points content, refuse to engage, exhibit little interest in the subject, or sleep. Student may consistently disobey rules, creating a distraction.