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Adventurer Basic Staff Training
Section 6
Purpose - To understand the
curriculum and its holistic application
to the Adventurer child.
Objective – To suggest methods of
teaching the Adventurer curriculum
in a creative and meaningful manner.
The Adventurer program us designed to support parents and caregivers in leading and
encouraging children to a loving relationship with Jesus.
The curriculum is the foundation of the Adventurer program. It takes the goals of the
Adventurer program – that children will give their lives to Christ and acquire the habits
needed to live a life for Christ – into fun and practical activities the Adventurers will
The curriculum is based on an active learning approach rather than just learning facts.
This way the Adventurers will learn to apply these concepts to their lives.
Basic – This requirement ensures that the Adventurer has the background
necessary to receive the maximum benefit of the Adventurer program.
My God – To develop the growing relationship between the Adventurer
and Christ
My Self – To encourage the Adventurers to care and appreciate the
individual God created them to be.
My Family – This area helps the Adventurer realize that they are important
part of the family God gave them, and that they have a part in making it a
happy productive family.
My World – This unit helps the Adventurer be able to encounter God’s
world with confidence and compassion.
1. Catch the interest of the Adventurers.
Present an interesting object or story about what they are
going to learn that meeting
2. Present the information.
Use a variety of methods – pictures, films, discussions,
and demonstrations
3. Practice what you just learned
Use active experiences to re-enforce the information
4. Apply it to their life
5. Evaluate what they did.
Did they complete the requirement and reached it’s objective?
Remember not to look for perfection but improvement.
Planning your calendar
Completion of the curriculum during the
Adventurer year requires that the staff and
parents work together.
In areas where the Adventurers attend a SDA
Church School many of the requirements are
included in the school curriculum.
The NAD Manual has broken down the
requirements for each class into a 9 month
calendar, including what requirements will be
accomplished during club meetings and which
the parent and Adventurer should do at home.
Parent sign-off sheets can be found for each
month for each class on pages 363-442.
For those who have an SDA Church School
working with the Adventurer Club the
requirements that are completed by
studies during the school year are outlined
on pages 297-316
Planning for success –
Learn about any special needs or interests among your Adventurers
Who is going to teach the requirement?
The parent, the class instructor, school teacher, a guest
When and where is the requirement going to be taught?
Club meeting, home, school, field trip
What is the information you really want the Adventurer to learn?
Remember you are looking for improvement not perfection
How will you/others teach this requirement?
Special challenges are going to happen, these might
be something that is a permanent part of your Club
such as an Adventurer with special needs, or a place
to regularly hold your meetings.
Special challenges can also be temporary such as a
guest speaker not showing up, an instructor being
sick or running out of glue.
Always be prepared. Have a few “just in case”
projects on the shelf or games that teach part of the
Adventurer program.
More resources ---Internet
Search engines – Google, ask, etc..
Craft catalogs & websites
Oriental Trading Company www.orientaltrading.com
US Toys
Discount School Supplies
Family Fun www.familyfun.com
Coloring Books
Become BEST FRIENDS with your Dollar Store
MANY online FREE coloring page sites
Pastor and church members
Community Helpers