Literature Circle Assignment for The Christmas Carol

Mrs. Austin- I will grade the notes that you
turn in from your literature circle group
Group members- Each of you will
confidentially grade one another after you
literature circle session
There is also a more detailed rubric on Mrs.
Austin’s blog
Linguistic intelligence - the reading, the vocabulary enricher, the character captain
Logical-mathematical intelligence - the connector (logical part) where they connect the
story to real life applications
Spatial intelligence – the pictures, wordle, the artistic adventurer
Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence- the artistic adventurer (create with hands, be able to do
Musical intelligence – the artistic adventurer (can create a song)
Interpersonal intelligence – the group work part of the assignment, the discussion director
Intrapersonal intelligence – the by yourself reading and filling out the worksheet part of
the assignment
Naturalist intelligence – the artistic adventurer (can use nature to describe the scenes)