Bone & Skeletal Tissue

Ch. 6: Bone & Skeletal Tissue
Skeletal Cartilages
Classification of Bones
Functions of Bones
Bone Structure
Bone Homeostasis: Remodeling & Repair
Homeostatic Imbalances of Bone
Developmental Aspects
Ch. 6: Bone & Skeletal Tissue
Skeletal system includes bone & cartilage
Skeletal Cartilages
Structure, types, locations
All types of sk cart have chondros, extracell mtx, fibers
Hyaline c
most common, flexible, resilient, contain fine collagen fibers
Articular, costal, respiratory (vb), nasal (ext nose)
Elastic c
like hyaline; more elastic fibers; tolerate repeated bending; epigolttis, ext ear
Cross between hyal cart (chondros) & dense reg conn tiss (thick coll fibers);
high tensile strength
Resist high pressure & stretch
Menisci in knees, intervert discs
Appositional; Interstitial
Figure 6.1
Ch. 6: Bone & Skeletal Tissue
Classification of Bones
Axial vs appendicular
By shape: long, short, flat, irregular
Functions of Bones
Storage of minerals, growth factors, fat
• Tension
• Compression
• Bending
Figure 6.2
Ch. 6: Bone & Skeletal Tissue
Bone Structure
Gross Anatomy
Bone Markings – See Table 6.1
Compact (lamellar): dense outer layer, naked eye smooth
Spongy (cancellous): trabeculae, red or yellow marrow
Typical long bone structure
Diaphysis: compact bone collar over marrow-filled medullary cavity
Epiphyses: bone ends, compact over spongy, articular (hyaline) cartilage;
epiphyseal line (remnant of epiphyseal plate)
Membranes: periosteum, endosteum, osteoblasts/clasts
Short, irregular, flat bone structure
Compact over spongy; no marrow cavity
Hematopoetic tissue (red marrow):
Trabecular parts of long bones (esp. heads of femur, humerus in adult) &
flat bones
Microscopic Anatomy
Chemical Composition
Table 6.1
Table 6.1
Figure 6.3
Figure 6.3a
Figure 6.3b
Figure 6.3c
Figure 6.5
Ch. 6: Bone & Skeletal Tissue
Bone Structure
Gross Anatomy
Microscopic Anatomy
Cell types: osteogenic, osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts
Compact bone
Microscopic passageways; osteons (Haversian systems)
Multiple lamellae per osteon; alternating collagen fiber orient’n
Central canal; osteocytes btn lamellae
Spongy bone
Trabeculae align with stress; no osteons
Chemical Composition
(skeleton = 14-17% of total adult body weight i.e. ~ 10 kg)
Cells & osteoid (ground substance & collagen fibers)
Inorganic (2/3 of skeleton weight – Trotter & Peterson, J Bone Jt Surg Am 1962)
Hydroxyapatite crystals (mainly calcium phosphate) (40% of
hydroxyapatite is Ca; total body Ca ~ 2.5 – 3 kg for normal 70 kg person)
Figure 6.6
Bone architecture
(a) macroscopic bone,
(b) osteons with circular arrangements of differently
oriented collagen fibers.
(c) collagen fiber = bundles of collagen fibrils.
(d) collagen fibril = staggered arrangement of collagen
molecules with embedded mineral crystals (blue).
(e) collagen molecule triple helix.
Collagen: tensile and bending strength.
Hydroxyapatite (calcium phosphate):
compressive strength
Reinforced concrete
“Rebar” (steel reinforcing bars): tensile
and bending strength.
Concrete:compressive strength.
College or Department name here
Figure 6.6
Figure 6.6a
Figure 6.6b
Figure 6.6c
Ch. 6: Bone & Skeletal Tissue
Ossification (= osteogenesis)
Forming the bony skeleton
Intramembranous ossif
Endochondral ossif
Postnatal bone growth
Length of long bones: epiphyseal plate
Hormonal regulation
GH. Sex hormones: growth spurt, epi plate closure
Figure 6.8.
Figure 6.8
Figure 6.9
Figure 6.10
Figure 6.11
Figure 6.15
Ch. 6: Bone & Skeletal Tissue
Bone Homeostasis: Remodeling & Repair
At periosteum & endosteum
Remodeling unit w/ osteoblasts, osteoclasts
Osteocytes (stimulated by osteoblasts) secrete matrix
Control of remodeling
By hormones to regulate plasma [Ca]
PTH ↑when [Ca] ↓, stimulates osteoclasts
In response to mechanical stress
Bone strongest where stress acts
Long bone hollow ctr; shaft thickest at middle
Curved bones thickest where most likely to break
Spongy bone trabeculae line up along stress lines
Projections (tuberosity, crest,…) where muscles attach
Ch. 6: Bone & Skeletal Tissue
Bone Homeostasis: Remodeling & Repair
Remodeling animation with description of osteoporosis (54 s):
Figure 6.12
Figure 6.13
Ch. 6: Bone & Skeletal Tissue
Bone Homeostasis: Remodeling & Repair
Classification of fractures
Bone end positions: displaced or nondisplaced
Complete or incomplete
Orientation: linear (long axis) or transverse
Skin penetration: open (compund) or closed (simple)
By nature, location of break – see Table 6.2
Repair process – see Fig 6.15
Table 6.2
Table 6.2
A current debate: Do some osteoporosis drugs increase the
rate of “rare” fractures?
Radiograph Showing a
Subtrochanteric Stress Fracture.
Kwek et al., NEJM 359:316, 2008.
Not the most common site for stress fracture.
Common stress fracture sites: tibia (runners),
metatarsals (dancers, skaters), fibula…) From
article about possible increase in fracture risk in
patients on bisphosphonates (osteoporosis drugs).
See also JAMA 305: 783-789, 2011.
Some data suggests that the risk of rare fractures
is a lot higher after 6-8 years on bisphosphonates
than after 2 yrs; some suggest a bisphosphonate
holiday after 5 yrs (NYT 2011-03-06).
Figure 6.15
Ch. 6: Bone & Skeletal Tissue
Homeostatic Imbalances of Bone
Failure to mineralize; weak bones
Rickets in children
Due to Ca deficiency, maybe secondary to vit D deficiency
Resorption > formation; ↓ bone density, mass
Elderly susceptible; vertebral, femoral neck fx
Estrogen, testosterone slow osteoclasts, stimulate blasts
Post-menopausal fall in estrogen
Remodeling animation with description of osteoporosis (41 s):
Paget’s disease
Disorganized (Pagetic) bone; spongy/compact too high
Elderly susceptible; affected bone weak
Figure 6.16
Hip Fractures
300,000 hip fractures annually in US
• Majority related to osteoporosis and falls in older people
• Enormous public health implications and economic burden
• A top cause of immobilization in elderly
• Patients who have sustained a hip fracture
• 2-year mortality rate of 36%
• Immobility → increased bone resorption, predisposition to 2nd hip fracture
• Many don’t regain prefracture level of mobility; lose independence, QOL
• Risk of subsequent skeletal fracture up 2.5x
• Risk of new hip fracture up 5x – 10x
Editorial: Calis KA, Pucino F, NEJM 2007: Sep 17, epub ahead of print
Drug therapy for osteoporosis
Ca, Vitamin D supplementation
Many have names ending in –dronate
Fosamax/alendronate, Actonel/risedronate, etc.
Reduce activity of osteoclasts
Reduce bone remodeling
Side effects: osteonecrosis of jaw, uncommon fractures,
PTH analogs
34 aa fragment of PTH (84 aa)
Mechanism of action mysterious
College or Department name here
Further reading:
NYTimes Sep 23 2009
Can vitamin D improve athletic performance?
Vitamin D essential for absorption of Ca from gut; it also helps other cells
including muscle cells use Ca. Many of us with a “normal” diet and occasional
outdoor time are vitamin D deficient and we may benefit from more D.
Vitamin D Status and Its Relation to Muscle Mass and
Muscle Fat in Young Women. 59% of sample (16-22 yo ♀ in Calif)
had insufficient 25OH-D (<30 ng/ml), including 24% who were deficient in
25OH-D (<20 ng/ml) (surprisingly large %). Vitamin D insufficiency was
associated with increased fat infiltration in muscle.
Gilsanz, …, Kremer. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2010; DOI: 10.1210/jc.2009-2309
Further reading:
NY Times Sep 1 2009
Does ibuprofen help or hurt during exercise?
Many athletes regularly take ibuprofen. Article describes increasing evidence
that "vitamin I" has negative side effects including blunted growth response of
bone to applied stress, decreased post-workout collagen production, etc. One
scientist wrote recently in Brit J Sports Med that regular ibuprofen use around
the time of exercise diminishes the expected increase in skeletal strength that
otherwise comes from exercise.