Comparing planets Anw Mercury Distance to the sun 58 million km Time to orbit the sun (Year) 88 days Time to rotate itself (Day) 59 days Composition Iron, Nickel, Silicate material No atmosphere but layer of particles Climate -170 – 430 °C Only wind from solar winds No rain Venus Distance to the sun 108 million km Time to orbit the sun (Year) 225 days Time to rotate itself (Day) 243 days Composition Iron core, rocky crust Atmosphere of carbon dioxide with thick clouds of sulphur dioxide Climate 460 °C Winds of 100 m/s Sulphuric acid rain Earth Distance to the sun 150 million km Time to orbit the sun (Year) 365 days Time to rotate itself (Day) 24 hours Composition Iron, Oxygen, Silicon, Magnesium Water Atmosphere of nitrogen, oxygen, and a few other gases Climate -89 – 58 °C Winds of different speeds Rain Mars Distance to the sun 228 million km Time to orbit the sun (Year) 687 days Time to rotate itself (Day) 24.6 hours Composition Iron, Sulphur, Silicate, Basalt crust Thin atmosphere of carbon dioxide Climate -140 – 20 °C Dust winds No rain Jupiter Distance to the sun 778 million km Time to orbit the sun (Year) 12 years Time to rotate itself (Day) 9 hours Composition Hydrogen, Helium, Water, Methane, Ammonium, Core of rock and liquid hydrogen Gas Planet Climate 20 °C edge atmosphere, 35 000 °C core Winds of 100 m/s Lightening Saturn Distance to the sun 1 430 million km Time to orbit the sun (Year) 30 years Time to rotate itself (Day) 10.5 hours Composition Gas Planet Hydrogen, Helium, Liquid hydrogen core, Rings of dust, rock and ice Climate -150 °C edge atmosphere, 11 700 °C core Winds of 500 m/s Uranus Distance to the sun 2 880 million km Time to orbit the sun (Year) 84 years Time to rotate itself (Day) 17 hours Composition Water, Ammonia, Methane ices, Rocky core Atmosphere of hydrogen and helium Gas Planet Climate -224 °C Winds of 250 m/s Neptune Distance to the sun 4 500 million km Time to orbit the sun (Year) 165 years Time to rotate itself (Day) 16 hours Composition Gas Planet Hydrogen, Helium, Methane, Ammonia Climate -218 °C Winds of 666 m/s Conclusion • Planets close to the Sun are solid and warmer than planets further away from the Sun, which exist of gas. • Years are longer for planets that are further away.