CCP+HONORS final rvw - Southington Public Schools

Civics Final Review CCP/HONORS
Material covered in chapters: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17 (other topics included)
Chapter 8:
Electoral Vote vs. Popular Vote
Electoral College System—Winner Take All; Reforms (proportional vote)
The role of the Cabinet
Chapter 9:
Roles of the President: Commander in Chief, Chief Diplomat, Head of
State, Chief Legislator, Chief Executive, Economic Planner, Party
Confirmation of Presidential Appointments
State of the Union Address—define; what is its purpose
Chapter 10:
Cabinet Responsibilities: Departments of Education, Health and Human
Services, Homeland Security, Treasury (including the role of the
IRS), Justice (Attorney General)
Spoils System vs. Civil Service System
Independent Agencies (Social Security Administration); Regulatory
Commissions; Government Corporations
Chapter 11:
Federal law v state law; define perjury, subpoena, warrant, indictment
Types of juries: grand and petit, what does each decide upon
Types of jurisdiction: Original, Concurrent, Appellate
Marbury v Madison and the principle of Judicial review
3 Levels of Courts—District, Appellate, Supreme; Types of jurisdiction
given to each court
Employees of the District Court System
Chapter 12:
Types of Supreme Court Opinions: Majority, Dissenting, Unanimous,
and Concurring
Why does the Supreme Court write opinions?
What role does precedent play in Supreme Court decisions (Stare decisis)
Chapter 14:
Immigration: classification of aliens (Illegal, enemy, non- resident,
Refugee, resident)
Process of becoming a citizen—naturalization
What is a natural born citizen?: jus soli; Jus sanguinis
Can a citizen lose their citizenship (expatriation)? For what reasons?
Chapter 17:
19th Amendment/Woman Suffrage
The Voting Rights Act
Methods of limiting the right to vote (suffrage): Poll tax, literacy tests
Topics for review (mostly Chapter 3 Sec 4 and Chapter 13)
How many times has the Constitution been amended?
What is the Bill of Rights and why were they included in the
What rights are granted under the 1st Amendment? Are these right
absolute? If not how are they limited (Slander, Libel, Prior Restraint)
2nd Amendment—Purpose for inclusion in the Bill of Rights
What is Jefferson’s “Wall of Separation between church and state” and
why did he believe this was needed?
Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses
4th amendment—reasonable expectation of privacy
Probable cause, search warrant
5th Amendment—rights of the accused
Property rights—can the government take private property if it is used
for the “common good’? (Eminent domain)
Double jeopardy
Writ of Habeas corpus
Important landmark Court Cases:
Marbury v Madison
Plessy v Ferguson
Roe v Wade
Brown v Board of Education
Miranda v Arizona