INVITATION TO TENDER: CARBON IMPACT ASSESSMENT SUPPORT Area-wide Carbon Assessment Materials for the Public Sector Guidance Issued by: Keep Scotland Beautiful First Floor Strathallan House Castle Business Park Stirling FK9 4TZ Keep Scotland Beautiful is a registered Scottish charity. Number SC030332. Registered Company Number: SC206984. VAT Registration Number: 856 2678 85. ISSUED: 6 February 2014 Page 1 of 3 SSN CARBON IMPACT ASSESSMENT SUPPORT – GUIDANCE MATERIALS Keep Scotland Beautiful (KSB) is the independent charity which campaigns, acts and educates on a range of local, national and global environmental issues which affect people’s quality of life. It enables action on sustainable development, by helping organisations and communities reduce their carbon emissions and environmental impact so that Scotland plays its part in meeting the challenges of climate change; it is part of its work to help make Scotland clean and green, today and tomorrow. The Sustainable Scotland Network (SSN) provides guidance and support to Scotland’s public sector on climate change action and reporting. SSN co-ordinates Scotland’s Climate Change Declaration (SCCD), which includes annual reporting from all Scottish local authorities. SCCD is a voluntary commitment by Scottish local authorities to report on emissions from their own estate and council areas and to detail their plans to adapt to a changing climate. SSN is managed and developed by Keep Scotland Beautiful, an independent Scottish charity. PROJECT OUTLINE KSB is currently seeking consultancy support to develop Area Wide Emissions Guidance Materials on the main carbon accounting methodologies and datasets. These Guidance Materials will be made available to public sector officers working on climate change in Scotland via the SSN website, SSN Climate Change portal and at future SSN events (potentially as printed paper copies). It is expected that these Guidance Materials will be generated to complement current and past SSN work on carbon impact assessment. This includes alignment with a series of area-wide emissions carbon assessment workshops being run in March 2014. The Guidance Materials are likely to include information on (but not restricted to): The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol The development and use of National Inventories e.g. DECC datasets (including recent DEFRA update of conversion factors and the dataset on emissions within the scope of influence of local authorities). The Net Scottish Emissions Account (NSEA) Developing local carbon emission data to Supplement National Inventories Carbon assessment good practice principles and links to good practice examples KSB expects the appointed consultancy to work closely with KSB staff to agree the design, content and material nature of the guidance materials. It is expected that Page 2 of 3 these will include printable documents, PDF documents and related online content and weblinks. OUTPUTS The outputs from this project will be guidance materials aimed at public sector sustainability and climate change professionals on area-wide greenhouse gas emissions, related accounting methodologies and datasets as described above. TIMETABLE The indicative timetable for the contract is as follows: Key Actions Timetable Issue of invitation to tender Closing date for questions Tender return deadline Award contract Service commences Materials 1st draft Materials 2nd draft Final draft for design and printing *Keep Scotland Beautiful may vary these dates 06/02/2014 13/02/2014 20/02/2014 24/02/2014 26/02/2014 12/03/2014 26/03/2014 31/03/2014 QUOTES Quotes to develop these Guidance Materials should be sent to by 20th February 2014. Detail should be provided on: the expected content to be contained within the Guidance Materials the experience of the staff creating the materials examples of Area Wide carbon assessment Guidance Materials previously developed suggestions on how best to build on these materials for the public sector The contract will be awarded on criteria of innovation, expertise and value. Keep Scotland Beautiful reserves the right not to award a contract or not award the contract to the lowest priced tender. If you have any questions, or would like to have an informal discussion about this piece of work, please contact Jennifer Anderson, Sustainable Development Officer (Climate Change) at Keep Scotland Beautiful by email at or telephone on 01786 468780 by 13th February 2014. Page 3 of 3