Professional Associations

Heather Suzanne Woods
Department of Communication
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
CB# 3285, 115 Bingham Hall
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3285
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Ph.D. expected spring 2017
Communication Studies
Baylor University
M.A. 2013
Emphasis: Rhetoric/Communication Studies
Thesis: The Rhetorical Construction of Hacktivism: Analyzing the Anonymous Care Package
Thesis advisor: Leslie Hahner, Ph.D.
Cumulative GPA: 4.0
Kansas State University
B.A. 2011
Degrees Conferred: Political Science, Women’s Studies
Academic Focus: Pre-law
Cumulative GPA: 3.815, cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa
Al-Akhawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco
Certificate of Completion 2007
Intensive Arabic Language Study Program
Journalist for English to Arabic campus newspaper
Cumulative GPA: 4.0
Academic Positions
Graduate Teaching Fellow, 2013-present
Department of Communication Studies
University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
Courses Taught as Sole Instructor:
Introduction to Organizational Communication (Upper Division)
Environmental Advocacy (Upper Division, to be taught Summer 2014)
Courses Assisted:
Introduction to Organizational Communication (Dennis Mumby)
Public Speaking (Christian Lundberg)
Invited Lectures:
“The Ballot or the Bullet: Situating and Analyzing the Rhetoric of Malcolm X.” Invited to speak in Christian Lundberg’s Public
Speaking, Fall 2013.
“Negating the Affirmative: The Disadvantage and Counterplan as Key Negative Strategies.” Invited to speak in Kurt Zemlicka’s
Argumentation and Debate, Spring 2014.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, 2011-2013
Department of Communication Studies
Baylor University – Waco
Courses Assisted:
Fundamentals of Public Communication (Bill English)
Public Speaking for Business/Professional Students (Bill English)
Editorial Intern, 2011-2013
Rhetoric and Public Affairs
Dr. Martin Medhurst, Editor
Michigan State University Press
Responsibilities include reading and vetting manuscripts for upcoming publication.
Assistant Coach 2011-2013
Glenn R. Capp Debate Forum
Baylor University – Waco
Responsibilities include evidence production, strategy development, supervising debaters and administrative organization for the
Forum while at home and at tournaments.
Lecturer and Research Assistant, Summer 2011, 2012
Baylor University Summer Debate Workshop
Baylor University – Waco
Specializing in novice/new debater pedagogy and high school debate coach instruction.
Lecturer and Research Assistant, Summer 2012, 2013
University of Kansas Jayhawk Debate Institute
University of Kansas – Lawrence
Specializing in novice/new debater and junior varsity pedagogy.
Lecturer and Research Assistant Summer 2009, 2010
Kansas State University Wildcat Debate Workshop
Kansas State University – Manhattan
Professional Positions
Fall 2010-Spring 2011: KSDB, the Wildcat 91.9, Kansas State University
On Air Personality/DJ—“The Monday Night Mixtape.” Political, social, economic and popular culture analysis aligned with hip
hop and alternative music, mash-ups and sampling. Experience with WaveCart, Adobe Audition as well as the use of social media
and media-sharing sites for promotion, education, and outreach. Nation-wide listenership.
Production Department—Assistant to the KSDB Productions Director. Focus on studio and radio promotion as well as
advertisement based in radio media.
Convention Participation (Graduate Work)
Woods, Heather S. “Constructing a Hacktivist Identity: The Anonymous Care Package.” May 2014. Competitive paper accepted
for presentation at the 16th Biennial meeting of the Rhetoric Society of America Conference, San Antonio, TX
Woods, Heather S. “Hacking the Rhetoric of Rape: The Case of Anonymous and Steubenville,” presented during “Rhetorical
Violence and the Sexualized Subject: Exploring discursive limitations placed on women’s bodies.” May 2014. Competitive panel
accepted for presentation at the 16th Biennial meeting of the Rhetoric Society of America Conference, San Antonio, TX
Woods, Heather S. “The Politics of Queer Community: Remembering Pauli Murray Through Community Art.” May 2014.
Competitive paper accepted to RSA Research Network: Sharing Work in Progress with Kirt Wilson at the 16th Biennial meeting
of the Rhetoric Society of America Conference, San Antonio, TX
Woods, Heather S. “Anonymous and Identity: Tracing the Evolution of the Guy Fawkes Mask,” presented during “Building
Connections between Memetics and Mass Communication.” November 2013. Competitive panel accepted for presentation at the
99th annual meaning of the National Communication Association, Washington, DC
Woods, Heather S. “Sarah Palin and crisis pregnancy: Employing the rhetoric of motherhood to legitimize pro-life advocacies.”
November 2012. Bodies, Personhood and the Media: Competitively Selected Papers in Feminist and Women Studies.
Competitive paper presented at the 98th annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Orlando FL
Woods, Heather S. “Death Nell for president: Competing masculine and feminine gazes in Sex and Death 101.” March 2012. Top
Graduate Paper Division. Competitive paper presented at the annual meeting of the New Voices, New Perspectives Conference on
Communication, Denton, TX [Top Paper]
Woods, Heather S. “Sarah Palin and the rhetoric of motherhood: Employing narrative to legitimize pro-life advocacies.” March
2012. Graduate Rhetoric Division. Competitive paper presented at the annual meeting of the New Voices, New Perspectives
Conference on Communication. Denton, TX
Publications and Convention Participation (Undergraduate Work)
Superplus Magazine—Michigan University’s undergraduate popular culture/cultural theory journal. “Ladylike: Lady Gaga and
Embodied Feminist Subjectivity.” Published Fall 2010.
Delegate/Participant: Oklahoma State University’s Conference on Western/Muslim Relations and the Media. KSU Honors
Program. Stillwater, Oklahoma. Fall 2008.
Graduate Fellowships, Honors and Awards
Teaching Fellowship, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (Fellowship competitively awarded, $15,200 annually.) 2013present.
Travel Grant, Baylor University Graduate Award (Monies awarded for travel to conference.) November 2012.
Travel Grant, Communication Studies Department (Monies awarded for travel to conference.) November 2012.
Student Excellence NCA Membership Grant, Baylor University Communication Studies Department. August 2012.
Top Paper, New Voices, New Perspectives. Denton TX. March 2012.
Travel Grant, Baylor University Graduate Award (Monies awarded for travel to conference.) March 2012.
Travel Grant, Communication Studies Department (Monies awarded for travel to conference.) March 2012.
Member, Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society
Undergraduate Honors and Awards
Honor Societies/Affiliations
Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society
National Society of Collegiate Scholars
Triota Women’s Studies Honorary
Departmental Scholarships
Leadership Department—Leadership Scholarship, Fall 2006
Political Science Department—The Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani Scholarship, Fall 2008
Political Science Department—The Jon David Wagner Scholarship, Fall 2010
Communications Department—Debate Undergraduate Scholarship, Fall 2006-Spring 2010
Debate Association Awards
Cross Examination Debate Association (CEDA) National Debate Scholar – Summa Cum Laude – 2010
Cross Examination Debate Association (CEDA) Scholastic All-American 1st Team –2008-09
Co-president of Kansas State University Debate Team
Graduate Coursework
Rhetorical Theory:
The Rhetoric of Public Memory (Carole Blair)
Theories of the Audience & Public (Christian Lundberg)
Media Theory:
Technology, Culture and Power (Torin Monahan)
Communication Theory:
Introduction to Communication Theory (Lawrence Grossberg)
Communication and the Discursive (V. William Balthrop and Patricia Parker)
Aesthetics and Communication (Eric King Watts)
Professional Development
Communication Studies:
Teaching in Communication Studies (Lawrence Rosenfeld)
Proseminar in Professional Development (Carole Blair)
Workshop on Flipping the Classroom (UNC Center for Faculty Excellence)
Workshop on Group Work (UNC Center for Faculty Excellence)
Playing to Your Strengths as a Teacher, Researcher, and Departmental Colleague (UNC Center for Faculty Excellence)
Professional Associations
National Communication Association
Cross Examination Debate Association
Rhetoric Society of America
Administrative Service and Leadership
Editorial Board Member, 2014-present
kdebate, a non-profit, inter-disciplinary publication about critical academic debate
Committee Member, 2013-present
Schwab Say Yes Salon Organizing Committee, UNC Dept. of Communication Studies Graduate Student Association
Voting Member, 2013-present
UNC Dept. of Communication Studies Graduate Student Association
Department of Communication Studies Representative, 2012-2013
Baylor University Graduate Student Association
Voting member, 2012-2013
Graduate Student Association Committee on Academic Affairs, Baylor University
Graduate Student Representative, 2012-2013
Baylor University Campus Diversity Committee
Voting member, 2012-2013
Campus Diversity ad hoc Committee on ‘Just Think’ Campaign, Baylor University
Organizer and Contributor, 2010-2011
Women of Color Film Series, Kansas State University
Community Service
Castellaw Communication Organizer, Graduate Student Association Food Drive, Fall 2012.
Midway High School Department of Debate, 2011-present.
Make-A-Wish Foundation in conjunction with Concord International, Fall 2010-Spring 2011.
Volunteer debate coach/critic, Kansas—Fall 2009-Spring 2011.
Arabic I Undergraduate Tutor/Instructor, Fall 2008-Spring 2009
Telefund—Alumni reinvolvement and fundraising for K-State