Name______________________ Anatomy and Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology - Study Guide – Fall 2013 Semester Exam
***To prepare for the Semester Exam, go through the following 3 steps:***
1. First, RE-READ Chapters 1-7.
2. Then, REVIEW the CLASSWORK, the HOMEWORK, and the NOTES you took in class.
3. Finally, DEFINE the concepts from the following chapters:
Chapter 1 – The Human Body: An Orientation
Levels of structural organization
Organ system overview
Directional terms
Body planes
Chapter 2 – Basic Chemistry
Common elements of the body
Atomic number vs. atomic mass
Isotopes, ions
Covalent bonds (polar and nonpolar)
Organic vs. inorganic compounds
Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids
Chapter 3 – Cells and Tissues
Plasma membrane
Cytoplasmic organelles such as ribosomes
Passive transport vs. active transport
Phases of mitosis
Transcription, translation
Bases of DNA, bases of RNA
Epithelial tissue, connective tissue
Muscle tissue, nervous tissue
Chapter 4 – Skin and Body Membranes
Skin layers
Layers of the epidermis
Functions of the skin
Melanin vs. keratin
Rule of nines
Chapter 5 – The Skeletal System
Classification of bones by shape
Foramen, fossa, and fontanels
Appendicular skeleton
Axial skeleton
Hyoid bone
Atlas, axis
Carpals vs. tarsals
Common types of bone fractures
Chapter 6 – The Muscular System
Skeletal muscle
Cardiac muscle
Smooth muscle
Voluntary vs. involuntary muscle
Actin, myosin
Neuromuscular junction
Isometric vs. isotonic contractions
Aerobic vs. anaerobic respiration
Types of body movements
Flexion vs. extension
Abduction vs. adduction
Chapter 7 – The Nervous System
Central nervous system
Peripheral nervous system
Function of myelin on an axon
Resting state of a neuron
Sodium and potassium movements with regard to an action potential
Somatic nervous system vs. autonomic nervous system
Sympathetic nervous system vs. parasympathetic nervous system
Lobes of the brain and basic functions of each lobe
Function of Broca’s area of the brain
Function of the cerebellum
Layers of meninges
Cranial nerves