BIO 160 Exam 2 Study Guide: Chapters 5-9, 10-11

BIO 160
Exam 2 Study Guide Fall 2014
Chapters 5-9, 10-11
1. Thirty (one point each) multiple choice questions based on Practice Quizzes (accessed from Blackboard) and
end-of-chapter resources (not Case Study). Fill in the Blank, Matching, and Applying Theory to Practice may be
reworded into multiple choice questions.
2. Thirty (one point each) matching section based upon the chapter Key Words.
3. Eight (five points each) short answer questions (in exact wording) chosen from the list below. Proper complete
sentences are required.
Study Tips
1. Start early and handle information frequently.
2. Start making your 3” x 5” card now (one side with notes)
3. Skim or read chapters.
4. Read Case Studies.
5. Read your notes or outline aloud.
6. Draw bubble diagrams or concept maps.
7. Use chapter flashcards and crossword puzzles.
8. Make a contact in class as a study partner and call right away if you get confused.
9. If you want, send me your answers to the short answer questions well before the exam.
Exam Taking Tips
1. Please write legibly.
2. Start by answering something you know for sure.
3. Avoid changing answers to multiple choice questions. When uncertain, place a checkmark in the margin and go
back later
4. There is lots of time. Check over your paper before turning it in.
5. Labeled drawings often answer part of a question.
6. Relax if you can. We are all works in progress, and one exam does not determine your final grade—persistence
and improvement will.
Chapter 5 (p. 65-71)
1. Name five of the seven functions of the skin.
2. Be able to label the top part of Figure 5-2.
3. Name five structures in the dermis and how they promote homeostasis.
4. Name three types of skin cancer and one characteristic of each.
5. Explain the rule of nines.
Chapter 6 (p. 87-102)
1. List the main functions of the skeletal system.
2. Write a paragraph explaining the process of bone formation starting initially with the embryonic skeleton.
3. Label the parts of a long bone in Figure 6-1A.
4. Label the bones of the skeleton in Figure 6-3.
5. Label the bones of the skeleton in Figure 6-5A.
6. Label the bones of the skeleton in Figure 6-12.
7. Name the four bone types and give an example of each.
8. Name and define the main types of joints and joint movement.
Chapter 7
1. Name three main functions of muscle. Explain when your body feels very warm after exercising what is
2. List the characteristics of muscle.
3. Describe and give an example of how pairs of muscle work together.
4. Explain origin and insertion of muscle
5. Identify structures identified by the letters in a figure such as Figure 7-7.
6. Label the muscles in Figure 7-11A.
7. Label the muscles in Figure 7-13A.
Chapter 8 (The Nervous System, Divisions of the Nervous System)
List the main divisions of the nervous system and the roles of each.
Label Figure 8-1 A and 8-1B.
Explain the process of nerve impulse transmission from the one neuron to another across the synapse.
In general what is the sodium potassium pump, and what is its importance in nerve impulse transmission?
Label Figure 8-5.
Label Figure 8-8.
List and explain the three general functions of the nervous system.
Chapter 9 (Peripheral Nervous System, Nerves, Autonomic Nervous System, Reflex Arc)
Describe sensory, motor, and mixed nerves.
Label Figure 9-7 and explain what is happening in a reflex arc.
Explain the general functions and general anatomy of cranial and spinal nerves.
Compare the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems in terms of location of nerves and responses. Choose
one organ and explain how each system could affect it.
Chapter 11 (p. 211-222 stop at Gonads)
1. Starting with the tissue type, explain how endocrine and exocrine glands form.
2. Name and briefly describe the three classes of hormones and the “other hormones produced in the body.”
3. Explain how hormones function by negative feedback and how thyroxine and TSH operate together in negative
4. Name the ten hormones secreted by of the pituitary gland.
5. Explain the pituitary-hypothalamus relationship.
6. Be able to fill in blanks in Figure 11-7 (Effects of parathormone and calcitonin on the level of calcium in the
7. Why is the thymus gland both an endocrine gland and a lymphatic organ?
8. Name the three adrenal gland corticoids and a function of each.
9. Name 5 effects of epinephrine.