Chapter 9 Section 4 The Early Roman Empire

Chapter 9 Section 4
The Early Roman Empire
Pages 444 - 451
Section Goals
• You will explain how Augustus was able to create
an era of prosperity
• You will identify the Roman rulers who
succeeded (came after) Augustus
• You will describe the effects of roads, aqueducts
& a common currency had on the Roman Empire
• You will explain how the Romans created a
The Early Empire
• 1) What is the Pax
• A long era of peace for the Roman
Empire that began when Augustus
• Pax Romana means Roman peace
The Early Empire
• 2) What did Augustus
• Built a permanent army to
protect Rome
• conquered new territories in
• fed the poor, rebuilt Rome,
encouraged art and
• Reformed the tax system to
create fair taxes
The Early Empire
• 3) Who came after
• Julio Claudian emperorsTiberius, Caligula, Claudius,
• Caligula – mental illness
caused him to act strange &
be cruel to people
• Nero – also very mean –
killed his wives & mother –
did nothing when Rome
The Early Empire
• 4) Who is Vespasian? • Became emperor in 69 A.D.
• Brought peace back to
Rome after long period of
• started to build the
The Early Empire
• 5) Who are the “good • Nerva, Trajan, Antoninus
Pius, Hadrian, Marcus
• These rulers had nearly a century
of prosperity in Rome
• They did not abuse their power
The Early Empire
• Trajan gave money to help the poor to
• 6) What are some
help educate the children & expanded
accomplishments of the
the roman empire to its largest size
“good emperors”?
• Hadrian made Roman law easier to
interpret & understand
• Antoinius Pius passed laws to help
Hadrian’s Wall
marked the northern
border of the Roman
Empire in Great
The Early Empire
• 7) What is an
• A human made channel built for
carrying water long distances
• Brought water to all parts of the
• Some of the Roman aqueducts
still exist.
The Early Empire
• 8) What unified the
Roman empire?
• The Roman empire was one
of the largest in history
• Covered 3.5 million miles &
its people spoke many
different languages
• The people were united
through common Roman
law, Roman rule, and a
shared identity as Romans
The Early Empire
The Early Empire
• 9) What was
vital(important) to the
economy of Rome?
• Rome had a common currency –
everyone worked with the same
• Common money helped set
common values for goods
• Rome also had an
extensive(large) system of roads
that connected all parts of the
Stuff for your Quiz
• Hadrian
• One of 5 “good emperors”
• Caligula
• Had mental illness
• Currency
• A system of money
• Pax Romana
• A long era of peace
• aqueduct
• A channel to carry water
Stuff for your Quiz
• 1) What big construction project did Vespasian begin
during his rule?
• 2) What 2 things were vital to Rome’s trade
• 3) What 3 things helped to unify the people of the
Roman Empire?
• 4) Which emperor expanded Rome to its largest size?
• 5) What did Augustus create to help protect Rome?
Stuff For your Quiz
• 1) The Colosseum
• 2) a common currency & a good road system
• 3) common law, Roman rule & a shared identity as Romans
• 4) Trajan – expanded empire to largest size
• 5) a permanent army