The New Insurance Contracts Accounting Standard: History in the making IABA Conference, August 7, 2010 Tara Hansen and Gareth Kennedy Agenda ► ► ► ► Page 1 Introduction and project background The proposed models Income emergence Conclusion Introduction and project background Why is this important to me? ►FASB ► joined the insurance project in October 2008 Project will now impact US GAAP even if SEC doesn’t require IFRS ►SEC work plan ► Plan to make a decision in 2011 on requiring adoption of IFRS by US companies ►NAIC ► ► Page 3 Solvency Modernization Initiative Monitoring developments from the IASB and Solvency II Insurance Accounting Standards Working Group asked to propose solution by end of 2011 Insurance contracts project timeline Implementation Development of the new standard End of comment periods (IASB and FASB) IASB and FASB meetings to develop accounting standards IASB — discussion paper issued IFRS 4 Insurance Contracts May January 2006 Potential Transition August November 2007 IASB Exposure Draft FASB — Joined the project FASB — invitation to comment 2005 October 2008 Jan. 2009 thru July 2010 2009 Final standard Nov. Implementation date June 2011 January 2012 2013 2014 First year of new standard 2014 Restate opening balance sheet Fiscal 2011 July Aug. 2010 Fiscal 2012 Fiscal 2013 2012 and 2013 statements filed under US GAAP Run US GAAP and new insurance standard parallel Page 4 End of comment period FASB Exposure Draft or Discussion Paper Fiscal 2014 Form 10-K are produced for year ended December 31, 2014 with comparatives for fiscal years 2013 and 2012. Quarterly information required as of March 31, 2014 with balance sheet comparative to Dec. 31, 2013 and income statement to March 31, 2013. Project considerations Conceptual accounting framework ► An exposure draft on the Conceptual Accounting Framework Project indicated that relevance and faithful representation are the fundamental qualitative characteristics of financial information ► Relevant - information that has predictive value or confirmatory value ► Faithful representation - complete, free from material error, and neutral ► Also the draft indicated comparability, verifiability, timeliness, and understandability are enhancing qualitative characteristics ►Materiality Page 5 and cost are pervasive constraints Project considerations Revenue recognition Key Concept Implication Performance obligation ► Satisfaction of performance obligation ► Revenue recognition ► The promise in a contract to transfer economic resources to a customer Goods – when enforceable rights or access to goods transfer to customer ► Services – when a service or access to a service is provided Revenue is recognized when contract asset increases or contract liability decreases. Revenue can be recognized at two occasions: ► when the contract is obtained (if a contract asset is recognised) ► when a performance obligation is satisfied Page 6 Project considerations Financial instruments project ► Recently published IFRS 9 will require investments to be recorded at fair value with changes in value flowing through profit and loss ► Exceptions are provided for: ►Debt instruments with only basic loan features and the asset is held to collect the cash flows under the company’s business model, amortized cost can be used ►Equity instruments not held for trading through an irrevocable election, with dividends through profit or loss and changes in fair value through OCI ►FASB Page 7 has published separate exposure draft The proposed models FASB/IASB proposed insurance contracts measurement model FASB IASB Current estimate of future cash flows Current estimate of future cash flows Discount Discount Risk adjustment Composite margin Residual margin ► The unbiased, probability-weighted average of future cash flows expected to arise as the insurer fulfils the obligation ► The unbiased, probability-weighted average of future cash flows expected to arise as the insurer fulfils the obligation ► The time value of money ► The time value of money ► An amount that eliminates any gain at inception of the contract minus an amount equal to the incremental acquisition cost(composite margin) ► A risk adjustment for the insurer’s view of the uncertainty (amount and timing) associated with the future cash flows ► An amount that eliminates any gain at inception of the contract minus an amount equal to the incremental acquisition cost Page 9 UPR simplification ►IASB has tentatively decided that unearned premium will be used during the pre-claims period for short duration contracts as a simplification to the four building block approach. This would eliminate the need for a residual margin to eliminate day 1 profits ► FASB is currently debating this approach and recently discussed it in an education session Page 10 Discount rates ►The Boards tentatively decided that the discount rate should reflect the characteristics of the liabilities, rather than the characteristics of assets held to back the contracts, unless the contracts share those characteristics ►The Boards have indicated that the discount rate could consist of: ►The risk-free rate ►A liquidity premium ►An adjustment for non-performance risk/own credit standing (not to be included in the measurement) Page 11 Acquisition costs ►The IASB tentatively decided to exclude from the initial measurement of the residual margin an amount equal to the incremental acquisition costs ► The FASB recently changed their tentative decision to include acquisition cost related to a contract in the cash flows used to measure the contract value at inception. Page 12 Recognition ►The IASB has agreed in principle and the FASB has tentatively decided that the insurer should recognize the rights and obligations arising from an insurance contract on the earlier of: ►The insurer being on risk to provide coverage to the policyholder for insured events; and ►The signing of the insurance contract. Page 13 Presentation of the performance statement Summarized Margin Year 1 Year 2 Expanded Margin Risk adjustment * Revenue Residual Margin * Policyholder benefits *(FASB – one composite margin) Expenses Insurance Margin Insurance Margin Experience adjustment Experience Adjustment Changes in estimates Changes in estimates Investment income Investment income Interest on insurance liability Interest on insurance liability Net interest and investment Page 14 Release of benefit and expense accrued in previous period Net interest and investment Year 1 Year 2 Level of aggregation ►Boards tentatively decided: ►“That an entity should measure any risk adjustment at a portfolio level of aggregation; to retain the definition of portfolio of contracts in the existing IFRS 4 as Contracts that are subject to broadly similar risks and managed together as a single portfolio; and ►That residual or composite margins should be determined at a cohort level of aggregation, by grouping insurance contracts by portfolio and, within the same portfolio, by date of inception of the contract and by length (or life) of the contract.” Page 15 Comparison of proposed models to Solvency II Attribute Proposed FASB Proposed IASB Solvency II Scope All companies reporting under US GAAP All IFRS listed companies EU insurance companies Measurement Current assessment of the obligations Current assessment of the obligations Market consistent with entity parameters Risk Margin/ Adjustment Method Not applicable Not yet prescribed CoC (Directive) and rate prescribed (QIS5) with 1-year VaR capital standard Own Credit Standing Possibly included Excluded Excluded Disclosures To be defined but more than current US GAAP Similar to current IFRS Solvency & Financial Condition report Discount rate Risk-free plus an adjustment for illiquidity and possible for OCS Risk-free plus an adjustment for illiquidity Risk-free plus 50% of the illiquidity adjustment (QIS5) Page 16 Income emergence Income emergence – assumptions ► ► ► ► ► ► ► $1,000 of premium is written at time zero for one year of coverage with expected losses of $800 Incremental acquisition costs are $200, losses include ALAE and ULAE, and there are no other expenses A risk free yield curve is used to discount the liabilities Return on invested cash is 3.0% per annum There is no tax or reinsurance Actual reserve development does not differ from expected Payments are made just prior to the end of each time period Page 18 Income emergence – assumptions ► ► ► ► ► The risk adjustment for the proposed IASB model is estimated using a “Cost of capital” approach with return on capital set such that it equals the amount of discount The amortization of the composite margin uses a formula as tentatively decided by the FASB Investment income is on available cash only Losses are paid out over 10 years The UPR simplification is ignored Page 19 Comparison of income emergence Current US GAAP income Current US GAAP Time = 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Written Premiums 1,000 - - - - - - Unearned Premiums 1,000 - - - - - - Earned Premiums - 500 500 - - - - Claims Expense - (400) (400) - - - - Discount - - - - - - - Risk Adjustment - - - - - - - Acquisition costs - (100) (100) - - - - Underwriting Income - - - - - - - Investment Return - 12 12 11 10 9 8 Income - 12 12 11 10 9 8 Page 20 Comparison of income emergence Proposed IFRS income Proposed IFRS Time = 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Written Premiums Unearned Premiums Earned Premiums 1,000 1,000 - - - - - - Claims Expense Discount Risk Adjustment Residual Margin (800) 70 (70) - - - - - - - Acquisition costs (200) - - - - - - Underwriting Income - - - - - - - Unwind of Discount on Claims Reserves Unwind of Risk Adjustment Unwind of Residual Margin - (11) 8 - (10) 8 - (9) 8 - (8) 7 - (7) 6 - (6) 6 - Income After Unwind - (3) (2) (1) (0) (0) 0 Investment Return - 12 12 11 10 9 8 Income - 9 10 10 10 9 8 Page 21 Comparison of income emergence Proposed US GAAP income Proposed US GAAP Time = 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Written Premiums Unearned Premiums Earned Premiums 1,000 1,000 - - - - - - Claims Expense Discount Composite Margin (800) 70 (70) - - - - - - Acquisition costs (200) - - - - - - Underwriting Income - - - - - - - Unwind of Discount on Claims Reserves Unwind of Composite Margin - (11) 20 (10) 20 (9) 3 (8) 3 (7) 3 (6) 3 Income After Unwind - 9 11 (6) (4) (3) (3) Investment Return - 12 12 11 10 9 8 Income - 21 22 5 6 6 5 Page 22 Insurance contracts considerations – P&C Comparison of baseline profit emergence Income emergence - baseline example 25 Income ($) 20 15 10 5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 Time (yrs) Current US GAAP Page 23 Proposed US GAAP Proposed IFRS 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 Insurance contracts considerations – P&C Discount rate change scenario at t=2 Income emergence at t=2 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Current US GAAP Baseline Proposed US GAAP Proposed IFRS After IR change A 50 basis point increase in the interest rate at t=2, causes a significant increase in the expected income at t=2 for the proposed US GAAP and IFRS models. Page 24 Insurance contracts considerations – life Example – Product Features Product Features Assumptions Universal Life Block ► Credited interest and Bonus ► Product Charges Heavily funded universal life with no secondary guarantees ► One year of new business ► 45-year old nonsmoker male with total face amount equal to 250m Guaranteed minimum credited rate: 3% ► Target spread: 1.85% ► Interest bonus: 75bps beginning in year 10 Policy loads (% of premium): 19%, 7% Surrender charges (% face amount): 50%, 30%, 28%, 18.6%, 12.9%, 9.2%, 6.6%, 5.0%, 3.9%, 3.0%, 2.2%, 1.6%, 1.2%, 0.7%, 0.3%, 0% ► ► Commissions (% of premium): 60%, 6%, 6%, 6%, 3% ► Acquisition expense: 112 per policy ► Maintenance expense: 33 per year ► Inflation: 1.5% ► Premium tax: 2.5% ► All commissions in excess of ultimate rate are deferrable for GAAP; 90% of non-commission acquisition expense is deferrable for GAAP Commissions and Expenses ► Termination Rates ► Page 25 Lapse: 4.9%, 4.2%, 3.5% ► Mortality: 60% of nonsmoker SoA 75-80 table ► Premium persistency: 125%, 100%, 100%, 100%, 100%, 100%, 100%, 38% Insurance contracts considerations – life Example – FASB/IASB Insurance Contracts Approach •IASB Risk adjustment – explicit assumption with 5% expected mortality and 10% reduction in lapse plus a residual margin •FASB composite margin •Projected book yield less provision for default (assumed equal to credit default swap rate on underlying assets) less pricing spread, subject to guaranteed interest rates Page 26 • Risk adjustment considers time value of money • Residual margin is run off in proportion to risk adjustment Margins Remeasurement Approach Credited Rate Discount Rate • Risk-free forward rate Sample Results – UL New Business Projection Pre-tax Net Income * Investment * Investment Income Income based based on on Invested Invested assets assets = U.S. = U.S. statutory statutory reserves reserves + 350% + 350% RBC RBC Page 27 Insurance contracts considerations – life Comparison of profit emergence by investment strategy Income by Investment Strategy Surplus by Investment Strategy 100.0 100.0 80.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 20.0 Duration Mismatch 0.0 -20.0 Duration Match -40.0 KRD Match -60.0 CF Match -80.0 Duration Mismatch 0.0 Duration Match KRD Match -50.0 CF Match -100.0 -100.0 -120.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -150.0 1 Page 28 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Conclusion Key effects that will interest management ► Transparency ► ► ► Investors will get a much greater insight into insurance companies Companies who efficiently use capital and make adequate risk adjusted returns will find it easier to raise capital Income volatility ► ► Page 30 Income from insurance liabilities will be subject to interest rate fluctuation Asset-liability management will become more critical for P&C companies who’s management wish to minimize the effect of interest rate changes on income Increased actuarial involvement ► Discounting and risk adjustment calculations ► Capital modeling ► Asset-liability modeling ► Attribution analysis Page 31