University Libraries Serving the Instructional and Research Needs of the University of California, Riverside Rhonda Neugebauer Presenting Library Goals FY 2003-2006 1. STABILIZING THE BUDGET TO MEET THE NEEDS OF UCR 2. FURTHER DEVELOPING THE LIBRARIES’ ROLE AS A PORTAL TO THE WORLD’S OUTPUT OF SCHOLARLY INFORMATION TO SERVE THE GOALS OF EXCELLENCE AT UCR, WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS ON ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH PROGRAMS TARGETED FOR PREEMINENCE 3. FURTHER ENHANCING THE LIBRARIES’ ROLE AS AN INFORMATION COMMONS AND LEARNING FACILITY IN SUPPORT OF RESEARCH AND STUDENT SUCCESS. 4. DEVELOPING AND MAINTAINING AN APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY BASE IN SUPPORT OF INFORMATION LITERACY 5. PRIORITIZING AND FILLING KEY POSITIONS NEEDED TO SUPPORT ESSENTIAL LIBRARY PROGRAMS AND SERVICES 6. MAINTAINING STATUS AS AN ARL LIBRARY AND STRENGTHENING UCR’S OPPORTUNITIES TO GAIN AAU MEMBERSHIP 7. CONTINUING TO BUILD THE CASE FOR PHILANTHROPIC OPPORTUNITIES TO SUPPORT THE LIBRARIES THROUGH THE CURRENT AND ALL FUTURE UCR CAPITAL CAMPAIGNS 8. COLLABORATING WITH THE LIBRARIES OF UC AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES NATIONALLY IN DEVELOPING STRATEGIES FOR NEW INFORMATION MODELS SENSITIVE TO THE COST OF ACCESS TO SCHOLARLY INFORMATION Rhonda Neugebauer Presenting University Mission and Priorities College Vision and Goals Departmental Academic Research Programs Faculty Liaison Program New Collection Development Model Rhonda Neugebauer Presenting Collections/ Information Base All Formats Subject Specialists General Organizational Chart University Librarian Acquisitions ------------------ Government Publications Bibliographer Interim Head Collection Development Division Social Sciences Bibliographer Humanities Bibliographer Science & Technology Bibliographer Subject Specialists Subject Specialists Asian Studies (SS) Bibliographer Subject Specialists Latin American Studies Bibliographer Rhonda Neugebauer Presenting Special Collections Bibliographer Disciplines = 75 African American Studies African Studies Agriculture Anthropology Art History Asian American Studies Asian Studies Asian Studies (in English) Biochemistry Biology Botany Business Chemical Engineering Chemistry Chicano Studies Classics Computer Science Creative Writing Rhonda Neugebauer Presenting Dance Earth Sciences Economics Education Electrical Engineering English Engineering (General) Entomology Environmental Engineering Environmental Sciences Environmental Toxicology Ethnic Studies Film Studies French General Works Genetics German Government Publications History Disciplines (continued) Humanities (General) Irish Literature Italian Juvenile Literature Latin American Latin American (Foreign Approval) Law Library Science Literature (General) Maps Mass Media Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Medicine Microbiology Middle Eastern Studies Music Native American Studies Neurology Rhonda Neugebauer Presenting Philosophy Physics Plant Pathology Political Science Psychology Reference (Rivera) Religious Studies Russian Science (General) Science (Reference) Science Fiction Sociology South East Asian Spanish Spanish (Foreign Approval) Special Collections Theater Social Sciences (General) Tools (Working) Women Studies Subject Specialists Assignments Subject Specialist Disciplines Bliss, Peter Business, Management, Economics Bloom, Vicki Art (Studio), Art History, Photography, Rivera Reference, General Works Bloomberg-Rissman, John American and British Literature, Australian and New Zealand Literature, Basic Writing, Comparative Literature, French Literature, History, Humanities (General), Irish Literature, Italian Literature, Native American Studies, Religious Studies Bronoel, Marie Botany and Plant Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Soil Sciences Chiu, Kuei Asian Studies, Asian Languages and Literature, Classics, Social Sciences (General), Statistics (Applied) Conway, Melissa Special Collections Douglas, Nancy Film Studies, Theater Furuta, Ken Political Science Rhonda Neugebauer Presenting Subject Specialist Disciplines Helms, Wendie Atlases and Maps, Earth Sciences and Geophysics, Geography Hutchinson, Heidi German, Slavic/Russian Languages and Literatures, Scandinavian Languages and Literatures Jackson, Ruth African Studies, African American Studies, Ethnic Studies (General), Library and Information Science and Bibliography, Middle Eastern Studies Knutson, Loes Women's Studies Lane, Diana Biomedical Sciences, Environmental Toxicology, Neurosciences Langston, Lizbeth Dance, Entomology Lee, Judy Asian-American Studies, Sociology Luchs, Patricia Curriculum Collection, Education Services, Juvenile Literature Mason, Julie Chemistry and Biochemistry Moores, Janet Linguistics, Literature (General), Philology Rhonda Neugebauer Presenting Subject Specialist Disciplines Nemeth, Marty Agriculture, Nematology, Plant Pathology Neugebauer, Rhonda Chicano/Latino Studies, Hispanic Studies, Iberian Studies, Latin American Studies, Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Literatures Potter, Michele Anthropology, Computer Science, Engineering Reasoner, Lynne Government Publications, Law and legal publications Renfrow, Debbie Education Rios, David Science Reference, Sciences (General) Shen, Ying Astronomy, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics Slusser, George Science Fiction St. John, Caitlin Music Yapa, Geetha Biology, Microbiology, Genetics Yonezawa, Michael Psychology Rhonda Neugebauer Presenting University Libraries Serving the Instructional and Research Needs of the University of California, Riverside Rhonda Neugebauer Presenting