Angela Atwater UNIV112-903 1. Although there are three distinct parts to the UNIV 112 course. I can honestly say that there were never any harsh or blunt stops when we were transitioning between the units. During the Experience/Culture/Text unit, unit 1, we were first assigned to write a multimodal piece on an experience that affected our personal lives in some way. During this process I was able to see how my personal experienced had directly affected me. I was not aware that the doubt that several people had pertaining my goals and aspirations, is what motivated me to work harder in college. Due to the fact that most writing assignments ask to leave first person opinions out of the papers. I found that it was extremely helpful to use the essay, “Why Women Aren’t Welcome on the Internet” by Amanda Hess, to help organize my thoughts and illustrate them in a way in which the audience would be able to easily decipher why the ideas that I selected were important to my writing. The second part of unit 1 included the group presentation, which I was not too thrilled about. I get extremely nervous at random moments when I am presenting and I am not really able to determine when this will happen. During the scheduled rehearsal times I was able to build my confidence and become slightly more comfortable with presenting. I also had to find a way to get to know my group members since there was a moment of confusion of what group I actually was supposed to present with. Because of this I had to manage my time correctly and find ways to contribute my ideas. The second and third units of this course were extremely heavy on research and being able to effectively manage my time. For Unit two, the annotated bibliographies allowed me to learn how to use a large database and pinpoint my searches in order to get the information that I needed for my papers. With the help of my writer’s reference, I was able to learn how to correctly cite and embed my sources, and overall write a decent research paper. 2. Of all of the above skills, which ones were new for you? What else surprised you about the course, and what about the course actually fulfilled your expectations? The skills that were new to me were learning how to properly cite in MLA and how to properly times manage myself. Although I knew of time management before this course, I was not always very good at it. There were times when I would only put half of the work into my homework and other assignments. However, this course showed me how important it is to stay on task because once you fall behind, its hard to catch back up. Also it was nice being able to work in large groups and be able to present each members research and talent in the group presentations. 3. I would tell them to always read the announcements and always be ready for class. It is important to do all of the homework, because it is very nice when you can contribute to all of the in class discussions. I would also tell them that when writing the annotated bibliographies to save their sources on the e-shelf and also save a link to the documents in a separate word page. During the end of my research paper I accidentally cleared my e-shelf and I was forced to go back and find all of my sources by hand. It was not too difficult of a task, but it was extremely tedious and took a lot of time that could have been used for other purposes. I won’t say that it is an easy course, because you do have to work hard for your grade. However, it is manageable and can prove to be quite interesting if you go to class everyday with a positive attitude. 4. I feel like the end of unit one and three are the most challenging sections for me since I am still somewhat uncomfortable when giving presentations. Although I have learned a lot of helpful skills that help me interact with the audience, and clearly deliver my message, I still sometimes worry that I will not have enough information prepared of do an adequate job at explaining all of the research that was recently done. As a way to try to calm my nerves, I have practiced presenting in front of my friends and some of my hall mates and taken their feedback. With all of these steps I feel that I have become slightly more prepared than I was when presenting at the beginning of they year. 5. In the future I am hoping to take away the amazing time management skills that I have developed with the assistance of UNIV112, and also the curiosity that developed when discussion controversial topics. In computer science, I hope that I am able to remember how to critically analyze sources and problems and come up with an argumentative stance as to why I feel depending on the topic. This will come in handy not only in this field, but in many other classes that I will take during my college career. I feel that I am able to work effectively with others on projects that cannot be done solely by one person, and I have learned when it is important to speak up and when I should let others lead in the discussion.