Exam 2 Review


Supplemental Instruction

Iowa State University

Leader: Molly

Course: Biology 211

Instructor: Dr. Serb

Date: 10/7/14


An organism in the Phylum Cnideria has radial symmetry, which means: a.

You can only slice the organism into two equal halves b.

You cannot slice the organism into any equal parts at all c.

You can slice the organism any way around a central axis d.

This is not a type of symmetry


Which of these is not part of the clade Deuterostomia? a.

Star fish b.

Frogs c.

Sea squirts d.



Why is it necessary for parasitic organisms to decrease their reproductive rate? a.

The organism might not find the right final host in time. b.

The intermediate host might not pick up the egg. c.

The intermediate host might die with the parasite inside. d.

Parasites don’t decrease their reproductive rate, they increase it.


You come across an unknown organism and are very curious as to what it may be. You discover it has four legs, an external amniotic egg, and specialized skin without hair to reduce water-loss. Under what clade is the organism you just discovered? a.

Clade Mollusca b.

Clade Reptilia c.

Clade Mammalia d.

Clade Amphibia


What phylum contains the type of worm that has specialized segments? a.

Annelida b.

Nematoda c.

Rotifera d.



All animal groups are defined by a body plan. This body plan consists of four classifications. Which of the following is not one of the classifications? a.

Symmetry b.

Organization of tissues c.

Patterns of embryonic development d.

All the above are classifications e.

None of the above are classifications

Supplemental Instruction

1060 Hixson-Lied Student Success Center




Which of these are known for their protective covering made of collagen? a.

Spiders b.

Scorpions c.

Snails d.



This phylum is considered the most successful phylum, containing about 75% of all described living species. a.

Hexapoda b.

Arthropoda c.

Chelicerata d.



Which of the following characteristics are not found in Platyhelminthes? a) cephalization b) three germs layers c) bilateral symmetry c) gastrovascular cavity e) pseudocoelomate


Which of these are not considered a craniate? a.

Jellyfish b.

Lobe-finned fish c.

Spiders d.



Phylum ____________ are the first organisms to develop a gastrovascular cavity. a.

Amphibians b.

Porifera c.

Platyhelminthes d.







According to the diagram, which is the yolk sac? a.

A b.

B c.

C d.



Which of these does not belong to the clade gnathostome? a.

Ecdysozoans b.

Tetrapods c.

Humans d.

All the above


Does a parasite kill its host? a.

Yes b.

No c.

Depends d.



You find a new species of worm and want to classify it. Which of the following lines of evidence would allow you to classify the worm as a nematode and not an annelid? a.

It is triploblastic b.

It has a coelom c.

It undergoes protostome development d.

It has segmentations e.

It sheds its exoskeleton


A Monotreme is an organism that a.

Has a pouch b.

Lays eggs c.

Grows the embryo within the mother’s uterus


Which of these are known for being an intermediate host to parasitic organisms? a.

Phylum Platyhelminthes b.

Phylum Nematoda c.

Phylum Mollusca d.

None of the above


Phylum ________________ contains a gastrovascular cavity, which houses the only opening for the mouth and anus. a.

Cnideria b.

Athropoda c.

All of the above d.

None of the above


Which of the following traits occur on the phylogeny at the same time as bilateral symmetry?

I. cephalization

II. triploblastic

III. diploblastic

IV. gastrovascular cavity

V. coelomate

VI. complete digestive system a) III, IV b) II, IV, V c) II, V, VI d) I, III, IV e) I, II, V


Which phyla are known as the flat worms? a.

Annelida b.

Cephalopoda c.

Lophotrochozoa d.



Most organisms in the Kingdom Animalia have some form of a body cavity. A body cavity has many important functions. Which of the following is NOT a function of a body cavity? a.

It cushions organs and prevents injury. b.

It provides space for organs to grow and move independently from the outside of the body. c.

It increases the organism’s body size and therefore forces other organisms to stay farther away. d.

It acts like a skeleton in some soft-bodied animals.


The last common ancestor of all animals was probably a ______________. a.

Unicellular yeast b.

Flagellated protist c.

Multicellular algae d.

Multicelluar fungus


This class is known for their well-developed brain and sense organs and have organisms that are able to change color when adapting to their environment. a.

Cephalopoda b.

Gastropoda c.

Bivalvata d.

None of the above


Which phylum is not part of the clade Eumetazoa (organisms that contain tissues)? a.

Cnetophora b.

Lophophorata c.

Porifera d.



If an organism has a true coelom, what else can be assumed that it has? a.

Radial symmetry b.

Diploblastic c.

Complete digestive system d.

None of the above


Aves, or birds, are classified as Reptiles, but are highly modified for flight. These modifications may include all of the following except: a.

Modified scales b.

Honeycomb bone structure c.

Reduced organ system d.

Modified beak


Which phylum is not known for its distinctive larval stage or crown of ciliated tentacles for feeding (Lophotrochozoa)? a.

Platyhelminthes b.

Mollusca c.

Nematoda d.



A true coelom is defined as having mesoderm that lines both the ectoderm and the endoderm. Which of the following does not have a true coelom? a.

Phylum Nematoda b.

Phylum Mollusca c.

Phylum Arthropoda d.

None of the above have true coeloms


Which is not known as a vertebrate? a.

Hydrozoans b.

Insects c.

Crabs d.

All the above


The Clade Mammalia has one, specific, defining characteristic that makes them mammals. What is that characteristic? a.

Hair b.

Specialized teeth c.

Diaphragm d.

Mammary glands


Which of these can be known as “acoelomate”? a.

Phylum Platyhelminthes b.

Phylum Nematoda c.

Phylum Annelida d.

None of the above


In Protostomes, the _________ forms first. a.

Mouth b.

Foot c.





What is the correct sequence of events during early animal development?

1. gastrulation

2. blastula

3. fertilization

4. cleavage a) 4-3-2-1 b) 4-3-1-2 c) 3-2-4-1 d) 3-4-2-1 e) 3-4-1-2


This subphylum of Arthropoda contains organisms with four pairs of legs and no antenna. a.

Chelicerata b.

Myriapoda c.

Hexapoda d.



The central nervous system is lacking in animals that have: a.

A closed circulatory system b.

Radial symmetry c.

A complete gut d.

Bilateral symmetry


A gastrula can be defined as a.

The formation of the egg and the sperm b.

The hollow ball of cells c.

The product of gastrulation d.

All of the above


Which part of a squid evolved compared to the foot of a snail? a.

Pen b.

Beak c.

Tentacles d.

None of the above


Lophotrochozoan phyla have a lophophore, a specialized structure for _____. a.

reproduction b.

predator evasion c.

suspension feeding d.



What are the three different body regions of class Insecta? a.

Head, stomach, pelvis b.

Upper, middle, lower c.

Head, abdomen, legs d.

Head, thorax, abdomen


This type of body cavity is filled entirely with mesoderm. a.

Coelom b.

Pseudocoelom c.



Which is the final host? a) snail b) dog c) cat d) human e) B, C, and D are all final hosts


Which phylum contains parasitic worms? a.

Phylum Annelida b.

Phylum Platyhelminthes c.

Phylum Nematoda d.

All the above e.

B and C only


Which of these is not known for shedding its exoskeleton? a.

Phylum Nematoda b.

Phylum Arthropoda c.

Subphyla Hexapoda d.

All of the above can shed their outer skeleton


All organisms in the Kingdom Animalia ingest their food. This Phylum ingests its food by using choanocytes and amoebocytes. a.

Phylum Platyhelminthes b.

Phylum Lophophorata c.

Phylum Porifera d.

Phylum Myriapoda


Which of these are common characteristics of animals? a.

Multicellular b.

No cell walls c.

Obtain nutrients through ingestion d.

All of the above are characteristics of animals


What is not a characteristic that contributes to insects being successful pests? a.

Flight b.

Metamorphosis c.

Specialized mouth parts d.

All the above


The molluscan body plan is based on five major components: the foot, the visceral mass, the shell, and the _______. a.

Gill b.

Beak c.

Lungs d.



Which of the following is a characteristic found only in animals? a) Multicellular b) Cell walls of cellulose c) Absorptive nutrition d) Collagen proteins hold cells together e) Heterotrophic


Which is not a characteristic of tetrapods? a.

Limbs that can support weight b.

No gill slits c.

Bone of pelvic girdle are fused to backbone d.

All the above are characteristics of tetrapods


All the following are considered gnathostomes except: a.

Amphibia b.

Mammalia c.

Arthropoda d.



You and your colleague are out conducting field research in marine waters when your colleague comes across a rare form of sea anemone. When your colleague goes to document his findings, he can’t seem to remember which body form the sea anemone has. You should politely remind him is it ____________. a.

Radial b.

Polyp c.

Bilateral d.



Which of these is not a terrestrial adaptations? a.

Gas permeable skin b.

Amniotic egg c.

External fertilization d.

Scaly skin


Which of these is a characteristic of mammals? a.

Mammary glands which produce milk b.

Hair c.

Breathe using lungs d.

All of the above are characteristics of mammals


During embryonic development, protostomes and deuterostomes form from the

___________ of the blastula. a.

Head b.

Blastopore c.

Inside d.



Which of these is not a characteristic of Eutherians? a.

They have complete development within the uterus, joined to the mother by a complex placenta b.

They have mammary glands that produce milk c.

They have an amniotic egg d.

They use lungs to breathe e.

All of the above are characteristics of Eutherians f.

None of the above are characteristics of Eutherians


An organism in the Clade Ecdysozoa: a.

Produces milk b.

Sheds an exoskeleton c.

Has hair d.

Has four legs


Which is the final host? a) snail b) dog c) sheep d) B and C are both final hosts


Which of these does not belong to the clade Tetrapods? a.

Amniotes b.

Class Mammalia c.

Phylum Mollusca d.

Order Anura (frogs and toads)


Which of these does not belong to the phylum Chordata? a.

Gnathostomes b.

Amniotes c.

Tetrapods d.

Mammals e.

None of the above belong to phylum Chordata f.

All of the above belong to phylum Chordata


This type of body cavity has a middle layer, but it does not line the inner layer. Also known as “False Cavity.” a.

Coelom b.

Pseudocoelom c.



All of the following are triploblastic except: a.

Phylum Arthropoda b.

Phylum Cnideria c.

Phylum Chordata d.

Phylum Annelida e.

All of the above are triploblastic f.

None of the above are triploblastic


Which is not a characteristic of the phylum Chordata? a.

Notochord b.

Dorsal, hollow nerve cord c.

They are Deuterostomes d.

Bilateral symmetry e.

Pharyngeal slits/clefts f.

They lack tissues g.

A and B


Which is not a characteristic of the class Mammalia? a.

They are Gnathostomes b.

They are Craniates c.

They have pharyngeal slits d.

They have an amniotic egg e.

They have hair f.

None of the above are characteristic of the class Mammalia g.

All of the above are characteristic of the class Mammalia


You are trying to identify an organism. It is an animal, but it does not have nerve or muscle tissue. It is neither diploblastic nor triploblastic. It is probably a __. a) comb jelly b) sponge c) flatworm d) nematode e) jellyfish
