IKEA HISTORY AND BUSINESS STRATEGY Martina Rucco Pittaccio CS110 Professor Scaramastra Final project INDEX Introduction & History IKEA’s Layout Company Analysis - S.W.O.T Industry Analysis IKEA’S Competitors 1. 2. 3. USA CHINA FRANCE Environmental Awareness HISTORY OF IKEA 1943 IKEA was founded by Ingvar Kamprad 1951 The first catalog was published 1958 The first IKEA store opens in Sweden 2002/2006 IKEA increased 50% of sales 1963 IKEA arrived in Europe 1985 IKEA arrived in USA 1990 The first environment al policy 2007/2009 IKEA riched1000000 custumers 1997 IKEA website & Children’s IKEA 2010/2014 IKEA hired 20.000 people 1998 IKEA arrived in China 2001 IKEA rail INTRODUCTION AND CURIOSITIES Acronym- I (Ingvar)-Founder’s first name K (Kamprad)-Founder’s last name E (Elmtaryd)-Farm where he grew up A (Agunnaryd)-Home village Logo- Blue & Yellow; The colors of Swedish National Flag. COMPANY ANALYSIS- S.W.O.T. Strengths Weaknesses Strong brand recognition Recalls on IKEA products Various operations Established Vertical integration Product differentiation Dependency on Europe (Number of shops in Europe) S.W.O.T. Opportunities Threats 1. Online retail shopping 1. Competition 2. Expansion 3. Electrical market 4. Swedish food market 2. Increases in steel prices INDUSTRY ANALYSIS Balance sheet of 2013/4 – approximately increase of 13% Future trends: - Internet vs. Stores - TV monitor Global issues: - Furniture Stores take too much space - Products’ Names IKEA’S COMPETITORS o U.S. Competitor: Euromarket Design, Crate and Barrel o France Competitor: Conforama o China Competitor: Qingdao BOFA Furniture Company Limited IKEA IN UNITED STATES 1. 34 current IKEA locations 2. Adding additional 3 locations soon 3. Original IKEA in Philadelphia in 1985 4. On Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For IKEA SHOPS IN USA IKEA in China •4 stores Consumers •Price •Services •Materials Competitors •B&Q •HomeDepot •Illinois IKEA IN FRANCE I. IKEA: a fashion brand II. A unique experience III. Convenient services For more info click here Begin With IKEA Commercial ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS Charging for plastic bags IKEA Soft Toy Campaign IKEA and WWF LED Lighting Water-saving Taps Energy-saving appliances